From scrap mecha to sci-fi heaven

Chapter 220 Cooperation Agreement

"You guys take a rest first, I'll go to the Inspection Bureau to take a look..."

After driving all the way, the Nantianmen slowly landed at the base of the Tianting Mecha Group.

After sending everyone to rest, Lin Yu took Gu Lei's logistics car to the North City Branch of the Inspection Bureau.

After all, he had to confirm the situation of Zhong Qihang and his son before he could feel at ease.

In addition, he also had to find out whether the supercomputing center they controlled had been reported to the Inspection Bureau.

In addition, the highlight of this trip was not the skill upgrade, or even the C-class body.

What really mattered to him was the military business qualification.

With the military business qualification, he could get involved in the military manufacturing industry and produce and sell weapons and equipment, mecha warships by himself.

This is the most profitable industry.

It is also the industry that is easiest to build and accumulate armed forces.

Therefore, this can almost be said to be a stepping stone for a business group to become a real giant capital.

Capital giants are not necessarily military industrial groups.

But giant capitals must have their own military enterprises under their control.

C-class mecha, even if he failed to seize it this time, he could slowly find other C-class pilots in the future, and it wouldn’t take too long for him to be promoted to C-class.

But if he missed this opportunity to get military salary qualification, it would take a long time to get it again by himself.

Therefore, although Noel had agreed, it was not settled before he got it, and he must urge him.

"Mr. Lin, Mr. Gu..."

Following Gu Lei to the Inspection Bureau, he met some agents who participated in this operation one after another.

Different from the strangers before leaving.

At this moment, these people seemed to know him, and they would stop and say hello even if they were in a hurry. Their attitude was quite kind.

However, they also showed much more busyness than Lin Yu expected.

There was no atmosphere of relaxation or celebration after successfully closing the case, but they all seemed to be in a hurry.

"It seems that I really didn't ask Zhong Qihang about the whereabouts of the mechas..."

Lin Yu thought of the news he heard from the communication before.

But Noel's arrival interrupted his thoughts.

The latter, wearing a tight inspection uniform, stood in front of Lin Yu, without saying a word, and looked at Lin Yu up and down with a look of looking at a rare animal.

"I am good-looking?"

Lin Yu smiled.


Noel nodded.

"You are not the first to say so."

Lin Yu expressed confidence in his appearance.

After all, this is a face that can literally be used for human trafficking.


Although he did not mean this, even Noel had to admit that he could not refute it.

His eyes could not help but look at Lin Yu's appearance seriously because of this.

Needless to say, his face is handsome.

Looking at his body shape, long-term regular exercise and the transformation of the Tianbing Project, Lin Yu is now tall and straight, with healthy and perfect muscle lines all over his body. When he wears clothes, he is not particularly exaggerated or prominent, but he is upright and majestic.

With this appearance, if he was born in ancient times, he would be a handsome and brave nine-foot general.

No wonder his machine is called "Flying General".

She has heard reports on the battle outside the city.

The general led his soldiers and miraculously killed the invincible enemy and returned victoriously.

At this moment, he stood in front of her with a smile.

It was quite unreal and trance-like.

His results were indeed a miracle.

Relying on D-class armor, he was able to fight against C-class.

And with the help of another D-class and four E-class armors, he captured a C-class almost without any damage.

It's not even an ordinary C-class...

I suddenly remembered the comments on the Internet in recent days that were still arguing whether it could be comparable to C-class.

I felt a little funny for no reason.

It is much more difficult to capture a Viking battle axe than to defeat an ordinary C-class.

Even if there is a certain element of surprise, such strength and record can be said to be unprecedented.

"I said, if you keep reading, I'll charge you."

Lin Yu's helpless teasing voice brought Noel back to his thoughts.

Noel's face was not red, and he naturally retracted his gaze as if nothing had happened: "I'm waiting for you to explain your purpose."

"Okay, let's talk business."

Lin Yu shrugged: "You should also know that I have a little personal grudge with the Zhong family father and son, so I want to understand the situation and it would be best if we meet."

"No problem."

Noel nodded slightly.

The case of Zhong Qihang and his son involves a lot of people. Normally, it is impossible for outsiders to meet for confidentiality reasons.

However, Lin Yu himself is an insider and a participant in this operation, so it is not a big problem to meet.

"It just so happens that I also want to talk to you about your reward."

Noel continued, and at the same time led Lin Yu to an office.

"Don't tell me you plan to regret it."

Lin Yu, who had already asked about this, used a joking tone and followed Noel into the office.

"Of course I won't regret it. In fact, your contribution to this case is even greater than that of a C-class pilot. Not only did you lead away all the pilot-level forces around Zhong Qihang, but you also killed a C-class pilot with your own hands."

Noel said seriously: "Originally, it might take some time to talk, but the achievements you have brought out have given me a perfect reason to convince you."

"What do you want to tell me?"

Lin Yu asked.

"You should also know that military industry business qualifications are sensitive. Although I can help you get them, I am afraid that many forces will target you because of this in the future."

Noel explained: "Those big forces may not care, but for small and medium-sized groups, the military industry qualifications in your hands are their stepping stones to go further. Whether it is business or other aspects, there will definitely be a lot of trouble."


Lin Yu raised his eyebrows.

He could naturally think of these.

However, people can't always stop eating because of choking.

"Normally, it is natural to accept the investment or acquisition of these people, or find a large venture capital institution to inject capital."

Noel said calmly: "Military industry qualifications themselves have enough value and scarcity. They will not be stingy with investment. Even if your company is an empty shell, it can quickly raise funds and go public."

"I don't plan to let anyone else participate."

Lin Yu shook his head directly.

What Noel said is obviously a very common and realistic business method.

It is difficult for a normal company to eat alone if it wants to grow big.

It is not only external pressure, but also due to the actual situation of funds, risks, relationships, development speed, etc., many entrepreneurs are eager to find someone to raise funds, even begging for help.

Most companies, groups, and capitals have complicated relationships, with various cross-holdings and even various concealment methods, and the relationship between them can never be clear.

But, it can only be said that he is not a businessman.

The starting point is different.

He does not just want to make money. If he really wants to make money, it is enough for him to set up a pharmaceutical company.

The purpose of military business qualifications is not to facilitate the manufacture of mechas and various weapons and equipment, and to facilitate the cultivation of its own forces.

This core of the core, let alone letting others intervene, he is unwilling to give up even 0.1%.

In fact, it is not just him, the military enterprises under the command of the giant capital must also be firmly in their own hands.

It’s just that they are groups or other forms of organizational collectives, so they can only belong to the group company, and cannot be completely private.

Lin Yu is still in the early stages of development, but has already obtained military business qualifications.

This means that he has every chance to build an absolutely private military-industrial enterprise.

But if he wants to eat alone, he must pay a price.

Many forces cannot obtain military-industrial enterprise qualifications by themselves, but they can get them from him.

Whether it is peaceful business negotiations and investment or secret military coercion, there are always people who want to try to get a piece of the pie.

This means a constant stream of troubles.

But as the saying goes, we can't stop eating because of choking.

It's nothing more than fighting against the enemy.

Anyway, those who can be attracted will not be real giants, and those who are really powerful will definitely get military qualifications by themselves.

Those who can come to trouble him are most likely those organizations that are neither up nor down, and think that their strength is equal to or even surpasses him, but they still cannot get military qualifications by their own strength.

He has considered this.

As long as he can upgrade his own level to C-level as soon as possible and enter the ranks of high-level pilots, it should be enough to keep out a large part of the troubles caused by insufficient strength.

If he can be promoted to B-level, these troubles will basically not exist.

After all, a B-class pilot can get a military qualification on his own.

At this point, those who still want to get a military qualification cannot achieve it, and those who can achieve it will not have to fight fiercely with him.

So, at most it will only be a trouble for a while. Once you get through it, the subsequent pressure will gradually disappear.

"Besides this, if you want to reduce some trouble, I actually have another proposal here."

As if he had known Lin Yu's considerations for a long time, Noel suddenly smiled and picked up a document from the table.

A cooperation agreement with the Inspection Bureau.

In short, it is to become a cooperative enterprise of the Inspection Bureau, nominally a weapons and equipment provider.

Of course, there is no real order.

It is a tiger skin.

Although it is not as big as those real giant capitals, it is an official agency after all. The Inspection Bureau still has some deterrent power, at least enough to keep most ordinary troubles out.

"What are the conditions?"

Lin Yu was very satisfied with this solution.

It does not require people to intervene, and it can block a large part of the trouble.

Although it was just an ordinary trouble, as the saying goes, it is easy to mess with the devil, but it is difficult to deal with the little devils. Those small forces are the most numerous and the most disgusting.

If these people can be kept out, then the pressure can be eliminated to a large extent.

But he also knows that there is no free lunch in this world.

Since Noel took the initiative to propose it, he must have conditions.

"The supercomputing center and computing chip AI in Zhong Qihang's hands."

As expected, Noel quickly quoted the price.


Hearing this completely unequal request, Lin Yu naturally refused directly.

"Don't worry, I don't mean to ask for too much."

Noel shook his head and said, "I don't want these things themselves, I just want to check the information on the supercomputing center to confirm the whereabouts of the hijacked bodies."

"You didn't interrogate Zhong Qihang?"

Lin Yu's brows relaxed a little.

"At present, it is impossible to lock the location of the supercomputing center through technical means, and it is not necessarily in Ceylon, the polar regions, the wasteland, any deep underground, or even on a satellite. There are too many possibilities."

Noel said helplessly:

"Moreover, whether it is the supercomputing center or AI, they are legal hardware and programs. Unless we can completely convict Zhong Qihang, these are legal assets, and our Inspection Bureau cannot obtain them privately."

The weakness of many official agencies of the Federation is not only reflected in the power holders and financial technology.

The restrictions on various powers are also one aspect.

After all, as an official agency, if it acts recklessly, it will inevitably be a mess, and the upper-level capital will not want these agencies to really get out of control.

In the intelligent era, artificial intelligence controls authority, various supervisions and certifications, if they are managed seriously, they are extremely strict.

The Inspection Bureau can't always find hackers to break into the system of their own agency first.

Even if they really find one, the system of the Inspection Bureau is still connected to the federal intelligent brain.

So, now that they can't convict Zhong Qihang, they really have no way to deal with Zhong Qihang.

She also wanted to let Lin Yu try through the electronic warfare bodies under Lin Yu's command that invaded the Viking Battle Axe, as well as some information revealed by Zhong Qihang and Gu Lei.

Lin Yu is not from the Inspection Bureau, and he may have a way to invade Zhong Qihang's supercomputing center.

At that time, even if he is asked to provide evidence as a enthusiastic citizen, it will not be considered a violation.

"That's no problem."

Lin Yu hesitated for a moment and nodded in agreement.

Even this hesitation was just a little pretense because he didn't want to agree too quickly.

After all, it was just to provide the criminal evidence stored in the supercomputing center.

In this regard, he and the Inspection Bureau are actually in the same interest.

He couldn't feel at ease if he didn't send Zhong Qihang and his son to the peace platform.

Although they haven't met, from all kinds of experiences, we can know that this is not an ordinary hero.

He founded Turing Interactive Entertainment and created computing chip technology.

Even Turing Group was almost calculated to death by him with Adam as a small chess piece.

In order to catch him today, he even came up with an exaggerated lineup of two C-level pilots and five D-level pilots.

It can be said that he is both ruthless and decisive, and he doesn't give him any chance.

If this kind of person is not completely killed, then he will be unable to sleep or eat.

"Then it's settled."

Noel got a satisfactory reply, and naturally smiled and stretched out his hand: "Happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation."

Lin Yu also smiled and shook hands.

"How sure are you?"

After shaking hands, Noel asked.

"Ninety percent."

Lin Yu said a modest number.

Supercomputing centers, especially these remote supercomputing centers, usually do not need to be maintained and few people are there.

After all, many of them are located in remote places such as mountains, wastelands, polar regions, and space.

So, even if maintenance is needed, it is usually equipped with intelligent and remote-controlled robots, combined with remote software maintenance.

Now that Zhong Qihang has been arrested, the supercomputing center has lost the controller with the highest authority.

Since Xue Siqiao left a backdoor, he has unlimited time to attack the security system, and it is only a matter of time before it is broken.

If it doesn't work, he can always break it after he upgrades his network attack and defense skills.

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