From scrap mecha to sci-fi heaven

Chapter 204 Calculation Technology

Noel left.

He said he would think about it.

However, not refusing directly usually means a tilt of the scale.

Before the next day, Lin Yu received the news that the other party agreed.

"What are you going to do?"

After agreeing, Noel asked again.

Lin Yu's answer was also very simple: "Just wait for my news."

As for what to wait for.

Of course, it was to wait for the completion of the construction of his third-generation Skyhawk armor.

With the cooperation of the third-generation mecha Skyhawk to contain and cover, he would be 70% to 80% sure against the C-class pilot.

Of course, if it is a C-class equipped with a calculation chip, it may be much lower.

After all, whether it is Adam or Zhong Changhe, the close combat level after calling the calculation chip is not inferior to the Lu Bu personality before reconstruction.

This upper limit is likely to be improved.

In the final analysis, the calculation chip is essentially a program algorithm and AI technology. The more computing power that can be called, the stronger the effect will be. It is nothing more than the difference in the ratio of input and output.

Secondly, the delay of conventional communication technology is also one aspect. If there is a stronger communication technology, or if the supercomputing center is nearby, its efficiency can also be enhanced.

Another aspect is the user himself.

The calculation chip is not actually a purely automatic combat like hanging up.

There is actually a very serious flaw in simply using AI for automatic dodge and counterattack, or there is a problem that the current calculation chip technology has not been able to perfectly solve.

Too rigid.

The automatic combat of the calculation chip is essentially the same as Miao Xiaomao, which is purely based on reaction. First see, then think, and finally act.

Make decisions purely based on fast reaction and calculation speed.

But this must be a process. No matter how fast the supercomputing is, the detection and input devices of the mecha also need time, transmission needs time, and execution of calculations and return also need time.

In this way, relying solely on speed is actually limited.

Limited by the calculation speed, transmission speed, and body movement speed, this speed can exceed ordinary people, but it cannot achieve absolute crushing.

Relying solely on real-time calculations, at most standard and rigid battles can be completed.

See the enemy attack, calculate the dodge strategy, and dodge.

Seeing an attack opportunity, calculating the attack strategy, and attacking.

Relying on super computing power and speed, it can crush ordinary people in these two aspects, and even achieve perfection.

But that's all.

This is at most the pinnacle of skills.

It lacks the most critical point in high-level battles-game.

There are no various metaphysical martial arts moves in the real world.

The essence of fighting skills is nothing more than three points.

Hit the enemy, don't let the enemy hit, and maximize the use of strength.

When these three aspects of "skills" reach a certain level, the competition between the two sides is no longer a simple skill, but a psychological game.

Predict the enemy's actions.

Deliberately reveal flaws to lure the enemy in.

Use fierce fighting methods to make the enemy have psychological flaws such as fear and dread.

Rely on factors such as the surrounding environment and even the enemy's psychology.

At this level of battle, the essence is the same as the strategy and tactics in military warfare.

The right time, the right place, and the right people, there are simply too many decisions and games to be made.

Moreover, these are often not the results of purely rational thinking. In many cases, they are mixed with instinct, intuition, or even just thinking and trying.

These creative thinking, irrational and illogical thinking, if you want to truly be like humans, belong to the field of strong artificial intelligence.

Strong artificial intelligence, that is, intelligence that can truly think like humans, with self-cognition, rational thinking, and even emotional thinking and creativity, is equivalent to real intelligent life.

Weak artificial intelligence, on the other hand, is "like a human". It is essentially a program without thinking ability, but simply imitates and reproduces a certain behavior according to algorithms and training data.

Although the Blue Star Federation has entered the intelligent era, it is also based on weak artificial intelligence technology. At least from the known intelligence, there is no real strong intelligence.

Without strong intelligence, it is impossible to play a game like an intelligent life.

Even if it is achieved by using complex logical judgment and data training, it is essentially just a poor imitation. The rigidity and solidification in it are easy for real masters to detect and use.

Of course, it is not impossible to solve this problem. There are still many ways to achieve it, and many of them are very simple.

But it is only simple to say.

There are already countless principles and ideas, but it is difficult to realize them technically.

At least the calculation chip technology developed by the Zhong family father and son is definitely impossible.

If this point is not solved, relying solely on skills and reactions, this calculation chip can only bully ordinary people.

Facing a real master, it will be the same as Lin Yu facing the beast-shaped third-generation machine driven by Miao Xiaomao.

This is also one of the technical thresholds of high-level combat intelligence.

But the Zhong family father and son used a very tricky way to solve this problem.

Just like putting a pilot in the mecha, using the pilot's balance perception, spatial perception, and high wisdom to simply and efficiently solve many seemingly simple, but actually extremely complex and difficult technical problems.

It is difficult to do it with AI technology, so why not use the pilot's natural "strong intelligence".

So, the calculation chip is not purely automatic combat, but assisting the pilot in combat.

Assist, correct, and dynamically compensate according to the pilot's actions.

Or there are various trajectory calculations and prompts, forced corrections and automatic combat in extreme cases.

Lin Yu has not tried the specific implementation mode and does not know the details, but it is obvious that it is mixed with the combat style of the pilot.

Adam is violent and fierce, and there is a feeling of eagerness to suppress, vent, and show off.

Zhong Changhe is a little more special.

His combat style is also extremely fierce in normal state.

But Lin Yu disassembled his body afterwards, and found some structures related to biochemical technology in it.

When this guy burst out with all his strength, he did not simply activate the calculation chip, but also injected a large amount of mental drugs such as calming and even transformed himself.

This will make him fall into a state of high calmness and concentration, and combined with the calculation chip that is good at calculation, so as to achieve a highly compatible state, the two are more integrated, and the effect is better.

I think this is also the result of the research of the Zhong family father and son.

After all, it was their technology, so there must be many ways to apply it, and Adam, an outsider, naturally cannot compare.

But in addition, because it is to assist pilots in combat rather than completely automatic combat, this technology also brings obvious advantages and disadvantages.

The disadvantage is very simple, which actually deviates from the original intention of the development of such technology - fully automated combat.

The advantage is that different pilots have a great impact on the effect of the calculation chip.

In the hands of experts, the calculation chip will become stronger.

In Zhong Changhe's hands, with the addition of those drug injections, his strength is much stronger than Adam at the beginning.

If it is placed in the hands of other senior pilots with extremely rich combat experience, the effect will definitely be even stronger.

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