From scrap mecha to sci-fi heaven

Chapter 203 Business Qualifications

"So, you have something to do with me?"

Lin Yu invited Noelle into the reception room and got straight to the point.

Miao Xiaomiao showed rare courtesy and brought two cups of black tea over and handed them to Lin Yu and Noelle respectively.

However, his eyes were always looking at Noelle.

Obviously serving tea and water is only secondary, and gathering information is the real thing.

"Where did this guy provoke such a beautiful woman?"

Looking at Noelle's shameful figure, Miao Xiaomiao became extremely vigilant.

"Okay, what are you mumbling about? Get out quickly."

Hearing this guy muttering, Lin Yu was so angry and funny that he drove her out with a smile and a curse.

"It seems that my unscrupulous visit has caused some misunderstandings."

With natural elegance in his heroic demeanor, Noelle picked up the black tea and took a sip.

"It doesn't matter, this guy's brain circuit is a bit weird to begin with."

Lin Yu smiled and said, "Let's get down to business."

"All right."

Noelle nodded, put down the tea cup, and asked, "Mr. Lin, it's probably not a coincidence that you showed up in time to intercept Zhong Changhe two days ago, right?"

"Indeed not."

Lin Yu had nothing to hide about this and nodded directly: "I learned about his robbery plan in advance, and the location happened to be near my station, so I have been paying attention."

"What's the purpose?"

Noelle asked.

"Agent Noelle is here to investigate the case today?"

Lin Yu raised his eyebrows slightly.

"it's not true."

Noelle shook his head, hesitated a little, and stopped talking.

"I am short of D-class mecha accessories, and I happen to know his whereabouts, so I plan to eliminate harm for the people and seize some loot along the way."

Seeing her like this, Lin Yu took a sip of black tea and calmly gave the answer to the question just now.

These words are like chopping up one of the former twin stars of Ceylon and chopping up melons and vegetables.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems impossible to refute.

Killing someone with one move is not just chopping melons and vegetables.

Of course, Noelle couldn't care less about complaining at the moment.

She just asked unexpectedly: "Is it that simple?"

"if not?"

Lin Yu spread his hands, shrugged slightly, and said, "Now, Miss Noelle, is it time for you to explain your purpose of coming?"

"In the past six months, there have been many major robberies in Ceylon, mecha-related accessories from multiple groups, a batch of standard mechas from Beihe Heavy Industry, and even retired armors waiting to be scrapped from many departments such as the Inspection Office..."

Noelle seemed to be talking about something unrelated again, but his eyes were still looking directly at Lin Yu.

Lin Yu did not interrupt her and allowed her to continue.

And she paused slightly, and after taking a look at Lin Yu's expression, she said:

"These cases may seem unrelated, but they all have one thing in common. Their pilots' strength far exceeds the aircraft's level, and they can even temporarily improve their combat level in a sudden burst."

"So when you arrested Zhong Changhe yesterday, you didn't just arrest a wanted criminal, but you followed this clue to find him?"

Lin Yu immediately understood the meaning of Noel's words.

It sounds a bit hard to pronounce.

But it’s actually quite understandable.

Noel arranged the arrest of Zhong Changhe last night not because of the crimes he had committed and the wanted order.

It was because he was investigating the robbery of a large number of machine bodies and mecha accessories, and he followed the clues to find Zhong Changhe.

The purpose should be to use Zhong Changhe as a breakthrough to continue investigating the entire case.


Noelle also simply admitted Lin Yu's guess.

"You just said that a large number of standard aircraft bodies and accessories were looted. Can I ask how many there are?"

Lin Yu picked up the tea cup, blowing the breeze from his mouth to disperse the white mist lingering on the cup, and took a sip.

"The specific number cannot be determined. According to incomplete statistics, there are at least twenty second-generation standard aircraft, thirty obsolete and scrapped aircraft, and several accessories. The average aircraft grade is around F level."

Noelle listed a number that was enough to shock many people.

There are fifty machines in total, and they are all standard machines. Thirty of them are even old machines that have been phased out by organizations like the Audit Bureau and are ready to be scrapped and destroyed. Simply based on the number, it does not sound too exaggerated.

But this is a mecha, a heavy combat vehicle. Its actual combat effectiveness and strategic value far exceed that of tanks and aircraft.

According to the organizational structure of the military department, ten standard mechas form a mecha company, three in a row, with an external command body.

The third company is another battalion.

Even if there are incomplete statistics, these mechas can almost form two mecha battalions!

God knows how many things the Audit Office doesn't know about or discover.

"Then you're looking for me?"

Lin Yu continued to ask, with no emotion on his face.

But his heart was obviously not as calm as his expression.

What Noel said about the robbers' explosive improvement in combat level.

He used his toes to figure out why.

It's just that... if Noelle's words are true, then the impact caused by this calculation chip is not as wide as usual.

The Zhongs and his son had long ago used computing chips to instigate certain pilots to rob mechas and accessories.

Doesn't this mean that the power they have in their hands is far beyond expectations?

Even the scrapped and retired standard machines and various standard low-end machines.

With sufficient numbers and computing chip technology, this is also an unimaginable force.

Of course, this power is definitely not something that can be easily manipulated.

After all, the source of the machine is robbery, and I am afraid that it will offend a lot of groups and even federal officials.

Even disregarding these considerations, holding such a large number of unregistered mechas is an extremely sensitive matter.

Mechas are heavy combat vehicles, and their status is even greater than that of early tanks. What do you want to do if you privately hold such a large number of unregistered mechas?

Therefore, under normal circumstances, even if the Zhong family and his son had this power, they would definitely not act rashly.

But that doesn't mean you can't move.

If you're not careful, if you can't completely pin these two people to death, and they force them to kill each other, it will really break the sky.


If you know this news alone, this is indeed bad news.

But what he heard from Noel was that this was good news for him.

Don't forget that the girl in front of you is an agent of the Inspection Bureau.

Regardless of his own identity, he also has a father who is the director of the Inspection Bureau, and may have a military background.

Now that she has her sights on Zhong Qihang and his son, these influences are not something he has to worry about.

as expected.

Noelle spoke immediately and said: "We have initially determined that the mastermind behind all this may be related to Zhong Qihang, the vice chairman of Turing Interactive Entertainment, but the whereabouts of those mechas are unknown. We cannot alert the snake, but can only arrest them secretly. "

"So, you are going to let me help you?"

Having said that, how could Lin Yu not understand what Noelle meant.

She planned to use him to assist in the capture.

I don't know whether he took a fancy to his strength or knew about the grievances between him and the Zhong family and his son from some channels.


Noelle nodded.

The Audit Bureau is a public security department and has no shortage of conventional force, but for high-cost super-standard force such as mechas, it has always relied on the Pilots Association.

However, there is definitely a risk of leakage if this kind of thing is released publicly through the Pilots Association. Even if the risk is low, the Audit Office will not bet on such a major matter.

In this case, we can only contact the pilot privately, control the scope of insiders as much as possible, and arrest them secretly.

Under normal circumstances, Zhong Qihang would definitely not use those hijacked mechas indiscriminately. After all, that would undoubtedly lead to self-destruction.

Therefore, you only need to control it before it reacts to mobilize this power, and everything will be happy.

"What's in it for me?"

Lin Yu thought a lot and decided to test it out.

If the Inspection Office knew about the grievances between him and the Zhong family, it would definitely not provide much benefit, or even none at all.

But if you don't know clearly, hiring pilots privately to participate in such a high-risk mission will cost you a lot.

"Just follow the D-level team mission. Afterwards, our Audit Office will apply to Qianqiong for a full replacement of your merit reward. How about that?"

Noelle was obviously prepared.

It can be said that it is most appropriate for a pilot to accept a mission, complete the mission, and go directly to the mission system of the Pilot Association.

"not enough."

Lin Yu shook his head directly.

The full D-level reward is only 3,000 merit points.

Although three thousand points is actually a lot, even he currently only has ten thousand points.

But this also depends on the situation.

It is very difficult for an ordinary pilot to get the full reward for his level at once, but it is not particularly difficult for him.

Normally, he would be satisfied with a reward of three thousand points.

But since he has the opportunity to obtain other things, he must still try his best to fight for it.

Merits can be obtained at any time, but many things cannot be obtained by merit alone.

The Pilot Association is not omnipotent, and there are also restrictions on authority. Even if he has merit, he currently only has D-level authority and cannot exchange it for a higher level.

But from Noel and the Audit Office, this is a negotiable condition.

"What do you want, Mr. Lin?"

Noelle was slightly startled, paused for a moment, and then spoke.

Taking into account the tasks of the Pilot Association directly, with full rewards, this is definitely a proposal that most pilots would happily accept.

Giving a full amount of merit is already a preferential treatment. If it were replaced by other conditions, it might not be more cost-effective than going to the sky to redeem it with a full amount of merit.

So she didn't actually make any additional reward plans.

However, considering Lin Yu's demonstrated strength, even if the performance of the limited machine cannot reach C level, it is far better than that of a D level pilot. It is not unacceptable to put forward higher conditions.

"I want you to help me get the military business qualifications."

Lin Yu didn't waste any time and directly put forward a condition that could be said to be a big deal for a lion.

Military business qualification!

This naturally refers to the production and operation license for mechas and various weapons.

The management of weapons and equipment has been a sensitive and strictly regulated issue wherever it has been since ancient times.

Especially in a society with extremely advanced technology, if all companies could produce and sell weapons and equipment at will, the whole world would be in chaos.

Military business qualifications are not only regulated by the federation itself, but also protected by capital groups that are vested beneficiaries.

This is a lucrative business that will never be short of business.

It is also the best channel for capital construction and control of large-scale force.

It can be said that this is the ticket to be promoted to a real capital giant.

On the contrary, it is also a door that is strictly blocked.

Pilots have many permissions, and can even carry mechas and a large number of heavy weapons, obtain and hold various prohibited circulation items from the Pilot Association, flying vehicles do not need to follow fixed routes, and have various privileges and secrecy, large and small. There are countless privileges.

But this definitely does not include the sale and mass production of military weapons.

It’s okay to modify or produce small-scale products for your own use, but you can’t sell them.

The reason why Lin Yu had been in the city for so long and didn't even sell mechas or anything like that with tens of thousands of dollars left in his pocket was because of this, in addition to objective factors such as a lack of materials and channels of fame.

Producing and selling weapons privately is a felony.

He didn't want to become a wanted criminal within a few months of obtaining his identity, hiding like a gutter rat.

"Mr. Lin, I recognize your strength, but don't you think you are a bit too open-minded?"

Noelle looked serious at this time.

Lin Yu said that Po Tian was a D-level pilot.

The value of participating in this matter cannot be compared to that of a C-level person.

He actually asked for military industry management qualifications, which was more than a big ask.

Even in the Pilot Association, this is not something that can be obtained with just 3,000 merit points, and it is not something that D-level pilots have the authority to obtain.

Even for things like this that may have far-reaching impacts, the Pilots Association often has higher restrictions. If you want the Pilots Association to mobilize resources and contacts to obtain such qualifications, you need at least B-level authority.

"I have a way to lure away most of the pilot-level forces around Zhong Qihang and his son. At that time, you will only need to make a normal raid to arrest them."

Lin Yu revealed his bargaining chip.

In any case, there may be two entire battalions behind Zhong Qihang, equipped with calculation chips, and there is a high probability that they will become an organized mecha battalion.

Whether this matter is big or small, considering the worst aspect, it will have a fatal impact on the entire Ceylon.

At least it is very critical for the Audit Office, which is responsible for maintaining public security.

But he can lure away the pilots around Zhong Qihang.

Excluding those plundered aircraft that were difficult to mobilize normally, the pilot power that Zhong Yunfan and Zhong Qihang could mobilize would not be much different from what he had expected in the past.

At most, it's just one C-level machine plus a batch of other low-level machines.

He has continuously demonstrated combat prowess that far exceeds that of a calculation chip.

Zhong Qihang and Zhong Yunfan, father and son, absolutely want to catch him and are going crazy.

He was sure that as soon as he left the city, these two people would definitely send out the vast majority of their forces to ensure nothing went wrong.

This is a risk.

But in turn, it can also become a bargaining chip for him to influence the entire situation.

It is also his only chance to obtain military industry business qualifications in a short period of time.

"Mr. Lin, do you know what you are talking about? Let's not talk about how you lured him away. Even if you successfully lured away the pilot beside Zhong Qihang, how did you survive?"

Noelle was indeed shocked for a moment when he heard Lin Yu's words, but his expression soon darkened.

"This is my business. In short, I am confident that all you need to do is to arrest or not to arrest depending on the situation. There will be no risk."

Lin Yu said.

He's obviously a very good persuader.

The words hit the key points.

Whether Lin Yu can be lured away, it doesn't matter if they try. As long as the news is not leaked, if they don't succeed, they will give up the arrest and continue to pursue it slowly.

There is no cost to try.

Noelle was obviously moved.

But in the end, she shook her head.

"Sorry, I can't risk your life."

She shook her head: "And you also overestimate us. We can't help you get the military industry business qualification. The Audit Office is not the industrial and commercial department."

"The Audit Office can't get it, but I believe you can get it, Miss Noelle."

Lin Yu just smiled.

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