From scrap mecha to sci-fi heaven

Chapter 202: Losing by just one move

" this a loss?"

The first challenger pilot stood there with a dull expression.

Lin Yu even forgot to feel bad when he casually dismantled the Pioneer three-phase battery pack, which was the most expensive in his entire body and had been saved for a long time.

Naturally, he was not completely unprepared when he came to challenge Lin Yu.

You must know that according to the classification of the pilot social worker library, he is still ranked eleventh as a D-class pilot.

He had also seen the battle between Lin Yu and Zhong Changhe.

Killing instantly with one move, it looked powerful, but in reality there wasn't much that could be seen. It was more like a sudden attack that caught Zhong Changhe off guard.

It was not until this moment that he himself faced this blow that he deeply understood the despair Zhong Changhe faced at that time.

It's not that I was caught off guard, or that I didn't have time to hide.

But...the other party seems to have calculated everything, and the blow lands completely at a point that you cannot avoid.

How desperate this must be.

Really, only by standing in front of him in person, watching the halberd fall, and thinking about how to deal with it in your mind can you truly understand it deeply.

However, when he realized it, the only thing he could do was to let the cold feeling fill his heart like falling into an ice cave.

"The defeated contestants please move aside to make room for others, thank you."

Qiao Wa drove out in his F-class "Heavenly Soldier" and kindly helped the paralyzed mecha that had lost its energy to clear the way.

It was only then that the challenging pilot woke up from a dream.

Hearing the word 'defeat the pilot' from Qiao Wa's mouth, his face instantly turned red.

He has the vision of the metaverse open.

In other words, when it comes to challenging, the picture is essentially a name, it is impossible not to open it, and the more viewers there are, the better it will be.

But the result now is that he was also killed by one move.

The main reason is that I have spoken out loud on the Internet before in order to challenge myself.

How can you not be ashamed?

As soon as the shame emerged, the previous mental shock gradually faded away, and the clear consciousness completely returned to the mind.

"My pioneer triple phase!"

The feeling of physical pain instantly occupied my mind.

The Pioneer three-phase battery pack is one of the top battery technologies in the entire federation.

Energy and power are the two most basic and most expensive components of a mecha.

After all pilots are promoted, the normal process is to accumulate merits for a long time and equip them with a higher-level energy system. Only then can they obtain enough output power and endurance to support other high-level modifications.

This pioneer three-phase battery was the result of nearly a year's worth of saving and many life-and-death experiences.

But not everyone is like Lin Yu, who can complete the mission with almost no damage, even capture the enemy's entire machine, and receive full merit rewards time and time again.

Missions that allow pilots to fight are either on high-intensity battlefields or involve enemies who are also pilots or similar.

In many cases, it would be nice to complete a mission and come back without major repairs. In any case, armor replacement, energy supply, scar repair, and damaged parts replacement are indispensable.

In order to prevent accidents, a round of maintenance is often required in addition to necessary repairs.

In addition to ammunition supplies, a micro missile can easily cost hundreds of thousands.

Various logistics teams, maintenance technicians, etc., this is another expense.

Some companies that establish cooperative relationships with corporate groups or receive capital injections may even receive a share of the final proceeds.

Calculating it here and there, it’s already pretty good to make a few dozen or a few hundred dollars each time.

I remember when I first advanced, the machine body had not been modified and I didn't dare to take on D-level missions. I struggled to save my merits and buy the Pioneer Triphasic State.

During this period, the machine body alone was overhauled more than ten times.

I don’t know how many times I was on the verge of danger.

The cost is simply immeasurable.

This is the pioneer three-phase battery.

This is my youth!

This is my blood!

It was demolished just like that...

was demolished...

Too late to regret.

It's too late to regret.

"Hmph, you loser. You have no ability to take the lead. You've embarrassed us all."

The first challenger was stunned when Qiao Wa moved him aside, and the second challenger also rushed over.

When passing by the first challenger, probably dissatisfied that the first challenger was killed instantly again at the beginning, the second challenger snorted.

After all, they are all here for a challenge.

Even if they are not familiar with each other, in the eyes of those watching the fun, they are still in the same camp.

The first one to go up was instantly killed, and the others lost their dignity.


The first challenger was not even in the mood to retort.

Just chuckled.

At this moment, the second challenger still doesn’t know what this means.

However, he soon understood.


A halberd!

Instant kill!

"My God King D-12 main motor!!!"

With one leg paralyzed, the second challenger was also moved aside by Jova like a statue.

Right next to the first challenger.


The first challenger, who could barely perform some operations with the help of backup energy, turned his head.

"I'm sorry, I just spoke too loudly..."

The second pilot, who had successfully empathized with the situation, could not wait to find a hole in the ground and crawl into it.

No, he probably wanted to find a space-time wormhole to crawl into, go back to the past, and beat himself up yesterday.

At least this way he won't be so embarrassed in public.

Even if you go back to a few minutes ago, it would be better if you don't mock that sentence.

At least the slap in the face wasn't that serious.

"Pfft hahahaha."

"I am dying of laughter."

"These two guys are so funny. They were so arrogant before, but they were killed in one move."

"No, no, no, in Zhong Changhe's words, I can survive one move, but you can only survive one move."

The performance of these two brothers in distress naturally made the onlookers in the metaverse laugh.

They couldn't make a loud noise.

But there was a way. After all, it was a virtual world, and there were still old-fashioned functions such as sending texts directly.

The text bubbles popped up above their heads, which was clearer and more heartbreaking than verbal teasing.

Fortunately, the brothers soon found a way to relieve embarrassment and vent shame.

The third challenger came.

" all lost?"

This time the challenger came late, but was obviously more cautious. Seeing the miserable appearance of the two, he was a little doubtful and stepped forward as if to inquire about information.

The first challenger nodded and sighed unwillingly: "I did lose. I was just one move short. I'm so angry."

"I also lost by only one move. It's so frustrating."

The second challenger also clapped his hands in frustration.

"Then what are you doing..."

The third challenger breathed a sigh of relief at first, but seeing the miserable state of the two machines, he became a little suspicious.

"Oh, this is just a bet. If you lose, you can remove a part."

The first challenger pretended to be relaxed, and the second challenger nodded.

"I see."

The third challenger also nodded after hearing this.

That's indeed the case.

Yesterday, someone squeezed on the Internet, saying that he was not idle. He was the first D-class pilot in Ceylon. How could he have time to deal with these jumping clowns.

Then someone made a ruthless statement and proposed a bet. If he lost, he would let the other party remove a part. Then these people followed suit.

Looking carefully, they really didn't seem to have any injuries on their bodies. The damaged parts were obviously completely disassembled by professionals.

So, he was a little relieved.

But I still felt a little daunted.

It seems that I must be alert.

I don't want to be dismantled like them.

"I am..."


At this moment, he felt that he understood everything.

No, it's not a feeling, but he really understood everything.

What the hell is losing only one move!

So the two useless dogs in front were killed in one move.

The so-called losing only one move turned out to be such a losing only one move.

"Hehe, just tell me if it's losing only one move."

Seeing that someone was as unlucky as himself and was "tricked" by himself, the first and second challengers felt refreshed instantly.

It was as if he and the monster were in the same camp.

I am proud of having tricked others.

There was also a sense of gloating and a unique sense of satisfaction that I was not the only one suffering.

"You... all lost?"

After waiting for a while, the fourth challenger finally arrived.

At this moment, the third challenger also understood immediately and reached a tacit understanding with the first and second.

Even if it is not for the pleasure of tricking others, it is always good to create some show effects.

This will not only increase popularity, but also ease the embarrassment, and bring the embarrassing situation of being defeated in one move into a joking atmosphere.

At worst, it is also good to drag one more person into the water.

Everyone is embarrassed. If they are all defeated in one move, it is not that we are weak, but that the enemy is really too strong.

Maybe I can still be strong after one move?

"Brother, you came at the right time, hurry up and avenge us. We have lost only one move, and we are almost angry to death."

"Then what about you..."

"Bet, the parts are disassembled."

A similar scene just now was staged again.

The fourth person stepped forward to challenge.

The first three looked at each other tacitly and smiled knowingly.

Indeed, they all lost only one move.

The damage to the body is indeed mainly the disassembled parts.

They are speaking the truth.

As expected, the fourth challenger also followed suit.

Whether it was to maintain face, to take advantage of the opportunity to make a show effect, or just to have fun.

In short, different reasons made them make the same choice.

Trick the next one!

Their behavior was indeed enough to make a show effect, at least it made the onlookers laugh so hard that they fell backwards.

Unfortunately, the others were not fools. Four of them came one after another, and they all got beaten, so no one came later.

"It seems that I used too much force. I should have let it go earlier."

Lin Yu, who had tasted the sweetness, felt a little regretful at this time.

It was a little less to dismantle only one part, but it was too much to resist someone taking the initiative to deliver it to the door.

Moreover, normal pilots would not challenge any cross-level pilots. Those who could challenge must be D-level pilots, or even the best among them.

In this way, the parts dismantled each time were also the best among the D-level.

A little bit adds up to a lot. If there are more than a dozen people, maybe he can put together another D-level armor.

I should have let them off a little earlier and given them some hope.

"Boss, you think too much. They are not fools. No matter how much you let them off, no one will come if they win a few games in a row."

Qiao Wa's "Heavenly Soldier" mecha was communicating with Lin Yu in real-time tactical communication. After hearing Lin Yu's muttering, he complained in silence.

Lin Yu naturally understood this principle.

Most people just have fun online, and there won't be many who dare to challenge offline.

If they see a few more losses, no one will come.

The grumble just now was purely greed.

Of course, he would definitely deny this.

"I feel sorry for you. My flying general has been modified to the limit anyway. If I had a few more accessories, I could have given your heavenly soldier a major upgrade."

Lin Yu's tone was full of regret, and he said: "Even if the comprehensive level of all the accessories cannot reach D level, replacing the energy and several core power centers is enough to surpass most E-level bodies."


Now, the greedy person instantly became Qiao Wa.

D-level mecha!

It turned out to be my D-level mecha!

I missed it because of these people's cowardice.

It's outrageous!

People are like this. It's easy to talk about things that are not related to you, but it's completely different when it comes to your interests.

In an instant, I felt as if I had missed several hundred million.

However, no one came.

After waiting for another hour, even many bystanders in the metaverse had dispersed, but still no one came to wait for the next challenger.

Qiao Wa couldn't help but feel discouraged.

However, Lin Yu, who successfully transferred his greed, was much calmer.

After waiting for a few more minutes.

Just when Lin Yu was about to call it a day, another pilot finally arrived at the gate of the Tianting Mecha Group's base.

But this new challenger was a little surprising.

"Noel! No. 2 in the pilot rankings, Noel! Only one place lower than Lin Yu!"

"Is she here to challenge too? This is bound to be a good show!"

"Really? Isn't she still lower than Lin Yu?"

"This is the second place. Can it be the same as the ones who are more than a dozen places ahead?"

"You are ignorant, this is Noel. I heard that she used the standard machine of the Inspection Bureau to cross the level and defeat the E-class pilot."

The arrival of a heroic girl wearing the blue and white uniform of the Inspection Bureau and with short beige hair finally cheered up the passers-by again.

"Are you here to challenge too?"

"We will lose one move..."

The four challengers in front were more excited than the passers-by.

Even Qiao Wa was very active in welcoming them.

"You...only lose one move?"

The heroic girl looked at the four people who had already come out of the cockpit of her own machine, and tilted her head in confusion and a little surprise.

"Well, of course, I lost just one move, I'm so angry."

The four of them felt uncomfortable with the girl's piercing eyes, but they still tried to be tough and persuaded:

"You are the one who was promoted to the second Ceylon D-class pilot yesterday, right? In fact, this guy's level is just so-so. We believe in you, and you will definitely beat this guy and get the first place this time."

"Sorry, I'm not here to challenge you."

Unfortunately, all they got was the girl's head shaking.

She had fought with Zhong Changhe yesterday, but Skynet was still under the control of hackers at that time, so the relevant images were not leaked.

I couldn't even beat Zhong Changhe, so how could I be the opponent of Lin Yu who killed Zhong Changhe with one blow.

With such a clear comparison of strength, she certainly couldn't come here to challenge him today.

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