From scrap mecha to sci-fi heaven

Chapter 10 The enemy has arrived

It was early morning, less than six o'clock.

At this time when day and night were about to separate, the lonely moon was still hanging high, and the morning sun had not yet risen.

Even the most enduring night owls would have fallen into a deep sleep at this time.

The entire Black Snake Camp was dead silent.

I don't know if it was a psychological effect, Bai Wei only felt that the air was becoming more and more solemn and murderous, and the dead silence under the night sky became particularly terrifying.

"Lin... Brother Lin, are you... are you still there?"

She swallowed unconsciously, looked at the front door, and then looked back at the door that had been closed for who knows how long, as if it had been closed for years, and finally couldn't help but call out in a trembling voice.

"Tsk, idiot, this is the first time I've seen someone like you who was sold out and still helps others count money. Based on my understanding of that scum, he must have already run away. He just deliberately fooled you here to attract attention."

In the bathroom connected to the living room, the door was not closed. Rupert first glanced at the door of the mecha workshop. After a moment of silence, he sneered and changed the subject, saying in a deep voice:

"Let me go soon. This matter actually has nothing to do with you. The escort team is looking for Lin Yu. Nothing will happen if you and I leave now. I can also help you find out about your sister from above."


Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

Bai Wei glared over and was about to say something, but a burst of intensive shooting sounds that made her scalp numb suddenly swept across the night sky.

Faster than the shooting sound were steel needles as thin as cow hair, like a downpour, which directly turned the door of Lin Yu's residence into a sieve in the literal sense.

"Electromagnetic rifle!"

Rupert's pupils shrank as the gunshot sounded, and he shouted: "Cease fire! Stop fire! I'm inside! I'm still inside!"

Unfortunately, the shooting outside the door did not stop at all, and his shouts were drowned out by the gunshots.

The metal storm composed of cow hair steel needles swept through the entire living room from the door, tearing up the furniture and electrical appliances, and instantly crushing one of his arms when it swept through the toilet.

However, the broken arm was just the beginning.

This is the viciousness of electromagnetic guns. It purely uses electromagnetic tracks to accelerate, and does not need to consider gunpowder loading. Each bullet can be made into a steel needle as thin as hair.

In this way, it not only brings more ammunition, but also brings the most cruel pain.

One by one, the flexible cow hair needles shot into the human body, rotating, bending, and tangled into a ball, like a miniature meat grinder, crushing the whole piece of flesh and blood and sewing it together, like a thousand cuts, but even worse.


The scream of pain from falling into hell almost suppressed the roar of the gun.

I don't know whether it was lucky or unfortunate, except for the aftermath of the initial arm crushing, the subsequent sweeping never swept past where he was, but it also made the intense pain longer.

"Brother Lin! Brother Lin!"

The girl named Bai Wei was much luckier than Rupert.

She had heard Lin Yu's warning before, so she hid in the corner and successfully avoided the initial surprise attack. The occasional aftermath of the subsequent sweeping was blocked by a light blue light curtain that appeared on her body.

The light blue light curtain was like the surface of water in a rainstorm under the aftermath of the electromagnetic rifle and the stray bullets, with ripples rising and falling, as if it would break at any time, but it finally bought her enough reaction time to hide in a corner where the rain of bullets could not reach.

She anxiously called the direction of the door of the mecha workshop, both worried and helpless to seek support.

Unfortunately, there was still dead silence there, and no response came.

Even the door and the concrete wall had been shot into a sieve without knowing when.

The girl stopped shouting and bit her lower lip, her eyes gradually revealing the determination after despair.


After a few breaths, the rain stopped and the electromagnetic rifle shooting outside the door stopped abruptly.

A foot made of metal machinery kicked the door that had long been overwhelmed into powder and stepped into the living room.

On both sides, armed personnel wearing black tactical suits without logos and their faces were tightly wrapped with breathing masks entered one after another.


The girl, who had been preparing for a long time, suddenly threw out an iron can at this moment, and the iron can exploded when it landed, and the raging flames directly engulfed a group of people.

Then, there were more homemade weapons and air pump guns.

It must be said that the girl's preparations were still very effective.

The human body may not be fragile, but compared with the various instruments that it has painstakingly designed for self-destruction, its toughness is really not worth mentioning.

Flames, high temperatures, and bullets instantly devoured several armed men in black.

But... only a few.

Among the people who entered the room, the first person did not dodge or evade. The flames devoured him and then spit him out helplessly. His body was unharmed, and it even seemed as if he had been carefully maintained, only making his exposed skin with a bright silver luster shine even more.

Many of the others also showed their magical powers. Some rolled and dodged in advance, some directly resisted like the first person, and some raised their arms to block the key points. In short, they also dissipated the attack.

Even those who failed to react were wearing bulletproof protective gear. The only thing that could achieve killing results was the high temperature and a few bullets that slipped through the net. Killing a few people was already the limit.

And the reason why the girl was able to achieve such a result was probably mostly due to the fact that the other party had never thought that someone could move freely under the electromagnetic rifle.

Now that they had lost the advantage of surprise attack and had used up all the weapons and props prepared overnight, it would be impossible to achieve the same results again.

Looking at the black-clad armed forces pouring into the living room, and then passing by their figures, looking out through the broken door, seeing more troops that had surrounded the surrounding area.

"How could there be so many..."

Bai Wei could no longer suppress the despair in her eyes.

Of course she knew there might be many enemies.

But she really couldn't figure it out.

This was the Black Snake Camp after all.

Don't expect them to maintain law and order like in the city.

But at least they shouldn't let so many foreign armed personnel act in groups, right?

Aren't they worried that hostile forces were trying to seize power?

"Hyena Harold..."

Compared to Bai Wei's despair about the number of enemies, Rupert, who was still alive, placed his despair on the iron-faced man who was almost mechanized.

He recognized this man's identity.

This guy was not a normal cyber-transformed person at all, but a cyber-madman!

The whole body has been transformed into a prosthetic body, and even half of the brain has been replaced. In addition, he suffers from severe cyberpsychosis. It is said that the only two things left in his mind are the instructions implanted in the semi-mechanized brain to continue to strengthen the prosthetic body and the instinctive pleasure of killing the enemy.

This guy is almost a pure war machine. When fighting, he may not even distinguish between the enemy and himself, let alone expect the other party to rescue him.

The moment he saw the hyena Harold, he knew that he was really dead this time.

Even if he did not die in the aftermath of the battle or in the hands of Lin Yu and others, he would probably be killed by them afterwards.

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