From scrap mecha to sci-fi heaven

Chapter 9 Wearing Armor and Holding a Spear

It is impossible to ride Dianwei.

After all, the manufacturing of Dawn alone has consumed all the financial resources at hand.

Not to mention manufacturing another mecha, he doesn't even have the funds to manufacture an ordinary transportation vehicle that can carry Dawn.

Besides, the escort troops are about to attack, and he doesn't have the time.

However, designing and thinking from the perspective of Lu Bu's personality did give him a lot of useful new ideas.

Sacrificing some lower limb performance and matching a mount is actually a good idea.

In order to maintain load-bearing and mobility, the lower limbs of the mecha often require more energy and power than the upper limbs, but therefore, considering energy, power, weight, body shape and other aspects, it is inevitable to sacrifice the performance of other parts.

However, even the worst mecha weighs several tons. Unless it is equipped with an anti-gravity system or a flight system, it is impossible for the mecha to use the lower limbs for actions other than mobility. Combat attacks and other aspects are mainly based on the upper limbs.

If an additional ‘mount’ is used, and the need for mobility is placed on an external vehicle, the performance of the lower limbs can be reduced, and the upper limbs can be optimized and strengthened, or some additional combat modules can be carried.

Of course, this is all later. The war is about to start, and he can’t make major changes to the Dawn at this time.

Although Rupert said that the escort troops will come tomorrow, just in case, in order to ensure that he can wait to board the mecha in time, Lin Yu did not leave the mecha workshop again.

Staying in the workshop, while debugging, gradually getting familiar with the feeling of driving, half a day plus a night passed quickly.

No words all night.

The next day, at five o'clock in the morning.

The special communicator seized from Rupert rang accurately at the hour and the hour.

"Take it, let them come here."

Lin Yu went out, went to the bathroom, kicked Rupert, who was curled up on the floor and sleeping, awake, and threw the communicator on him.


Rupert was still a little confused after waking up from a dream, but when Lin Yu pointed a gun at him, he woke up instantly, nodded repeatedly, and then connected the communication: "Come to Gray Rat Street, No. 274, the goods are here."

There was nothing unusual in his tone, and he looked very honest.

But... too fast.

Normally, there must be a communication process when the communication is connected, and at the very least, the other party should briefly introduce themselves or ask a question.

But Rupert obviously skipped this process and asked the other party to come over.

If the other party is vigilant enough, then this is a very obvious signal.

But Lin Yu ignored Rupert's cleverness.

It's enough to attract people.

The more vigilant, the more people come, the better.

With Dawn, if there is no accident, no matter how many regular troops come, the more convenient it is for him to wipe out the other party. On the contrary, it will be a headache if there are fewer people. He can't find them one by one, and it is even more impossible to wear a mecha all the time to guard against thieves for a thousand days.

And if there is an unexpected event that even Dawn cannot handle... then there is no need to think too much.

"Lin... Brother Lin, are you here?"

Bai Wei, who obviously did not sleep all night, probably heard the noise and walked out of the bedroom.


Lin Yu nodded slightly, and then glanced at the things in her hands.

Some things that looked like guns, with a compressed air pump structure, should be homemade simple pneumatic guns.

In addition, there are some bottles and jars, which Lin Yu can naturally distinguish with his eyes. They are probably "primitive" but very effective weapons such as thermite and incendiary bombs.

Then there is the most eye-catching one, a power mechanical arm armor that is obviously made of various waste parts and looks tattered.

"It seems that this girl is not completely naive..."

Seeing these equipment that is more perfect than his own in terms of pure weapons, Lin Yu couldn't help but want to twitch his face.

Other things are easy to say, but the power mechanical arm armor is not something that can be made in a day or two.

In particular, many of the parts looked familiar to him, and they were basically the unsuitable components that he had discarded when he made Dawn.

If he was still the original body and had any bad intentions, he might have really fallen into the hands of this seemingly innocent woman today.

"I... I don't know how to use it. How about you, Brother Lin?"

Seeing Lin Yu's eyes fall on the things in his hand, Bai Wei hesitated slightly, but still handed the simple mechanical arm armor and air pump gun to Lin Yu.

At this point, they were about to face the escort troops of the human traffickers, which was no different from dying together. It was meaningless to consider precautions. Now this situation was enough to make people clear.

Regardless of what he had done before, regardless of whether his previous remarks were true or false, at least now, he was indeed trying his best to make up for it at the cost of his life.

"No need, keep it for yourself, just take care of yourself, and find a place to hide first."

Lin Yu shook his head, turned around and went directly into the mecha workshop.

Powered mechanical arm armor is a branch of mechanical power armor research and development direction - a compromise between exoskeleton armor.

Mechanical power armor actually covers these, but usually refers to larger mechas with thick armor defense, powerful and huge mechanical arms, and even equipped with various weapon modules and functional modules.

As for exoskeleton armor, 'exoskeleton' has already vividly demonstrated its characteristics. It is more like a set of external skeletons, which are lightweight and wrap around the human body. They mainly play defense, support, life support, mobility, and slight enhancement. effects on human body functions.

Due to its small size, most of the space in the trunk and limbs needs to be kept hollow to accommodate the human body. Therefore, the energy that the exoskeleton armor can carry and the power it generates are very weak in comparison, and its uses and positioning are also completely different.

As for the powered mechanical arm armor, this is easier to understand.

Even exoskeleton armors require a wearing process after all, and are generally troublesome. Robotic arm armors are the result of further sacrificing functionality and performance to enhance convenience.

Just like gloves, they are ready to wear and use, and have the effect of enhancing arm strength, but all protective and life-support functions are sacrificed, and all the pressure carried during the period needs to be shared by the human body.

Although the human body is not as fragile as imagined, and many people may have received prosthetic modifications, there is a limit to using a human body to bear inhuman strength. If you don't pay attention, you will end up with broken muscles and fractures.

Lin Yu already had a complete mecha, so he naturally couldn't use the mechanical arm armor at this moment.


Entering the mecha workshop and waking up to dawn, amidst a burst of deflation, the cockpit located on the chest was revealed from bottom to top.

Anti-impact system, life support system, air circulation system, etc., these are the standard features of the mecha cockpit.

Because it is a small mecha, Daybreak's cockpit is more similar to an exoskeleton armor. The driver can only enter upright in a wrapped shape. There is not much room for movement inside, but the advantage is that it makes it easier for the driver to adapt to the control.

Ka~ ka ka ka~

Lying down in the cockpit, the sounds of various detailed machine movements were also heard one after another. The entire cabin was further tightened, and various myoelectric, torque and other sensors were attached to the body surface, tightly wrapped, allowing Lin Yu to completely integrate with the mecha. It's like wearing a heavy armor.

An eyepiece was lowered, wrapping the eye sockets, adjusting the viewing distance, and the scene in front of him turned into a multi-spectral lens view at dawn.

"Dawn Armor has been deployed."

"Interactive system testing is in progress..."

"The interactive system is operating normally..."

"All modules of the body are operating normally..."

Data flows in front of my eyes.

The steel giant, who was kneeling on one knee in the dark room, seemed to have returned to his soul at this moment, and a scarlet light suddenly lit up in his eyes.

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