From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1053: After the vest was dropped, everyone's reaction (1)

When Cai Qinyue saw the news, her eyes were red with anger.

The big guy guessed and guessed for a long time, who would have thought that Jian Yiling was an important member of the Xiangduoli Group and the head of research and development in the cosmeceutical department.

"This little hooves is really cruel enough. If Ruo entered the Xiangduoli Group, she didn't even put a fart! Also the person in charge of the cosmeceutical department! The hiding is really tight!"

Cai Qinyue cursed Jian Yiling two words to herself.

Then she received a call from her natal brother.

As soon as she spoke, her brother scolded her: "Look at you, divorced Wen Cheng, now it's all right, don't you have anything? Look at her daughter, now this identity, this popularity!"

Cai Qinyue became angry when she heard this: "If it weren't for me, she would be famous sooner or later."

"I am now advising you to go back and have a good relationship with the Wen family, so that Jian Yiling can call you aunt in the future, and you can live a little better in the future."

Cai Qinyue roared: "Every day I know that I want to go back to the Wen's house. If you can be a little bit capable, I won't be able to live this life after leaving the Wen's house."

After the roar, Cai Qinyue directly cut off the phone.

Then sat on the bed alone, sulking.

Cai Qinyue couldn't help but think of her daughter who was about to face jail.

But her abilities are really limited, it is impossible for her to retaliate against Jian Yiling.

Not to mention doing something to hurt Jian Yiling, that is, buying a black Jian Yiling manuscript on the Internet, and she may be madly retaliated because of being discovered by the Zhai family.

Fortunately, she now has the help of the Goodman family.

Miss Lucy is the only thing to get revenge on Jian Yiling.

Cai Qinyue was afraid that Lucy would not know, so she forwarded the news to Lucy.

Lucy had actually seen the news a long time ago.

She did not expect that Jian Yiling would still have such a heavy identity.

She admitted that she had really underestimated her before.

But so what, knowing that she is excellent, can she persuade herself to give up on him?

Can she choose to bless them?

She can't do it.

On the computer screen in front of me was Jian Yiling's live broadcast room. In the live broadcast room, Zhai Yunsheng and Jian Yiling were in the study room today.

The two sat facing each other, busy with each other's work.

It's quiet, there is no interaction, but there is an indescribable harmony.

Lucy lowered her head and looked at a notebook beside her. On it were every problem she and Zhai Yunsheng had solved together. She printed out all the problem solving process and their chat history. Binding into a book.

She remembered all the things she experienced with him.

However, it was only her memories.


Warmly watching the news, I suddenly thought of Mr. Kevin's promotion of his jewelry design on the fashion show.

At that time, she wondered whether it was because of Xiao Ling, and now the answer is almost certain, it is because of Xiao Ling.

Thinking of her daughter silently paving the way for herself, her warm heart feels sore for some reason.

That wayward and stubborn little girl with a straightforward wife will never come back after all.

Jian Shuyi comforted and said warm words, "It's okay to be okay, it's always a good thing, we should be happy for Xiaoling."

There was comfort and warmth on his mouth, but in my heart I thought of that delicate little girl no longer intimacy with herself, Jian Shuhua's mood as a father is no better than warmth.

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