From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1054: After the vest was dropped, everyone's reaction (2)

After seeing the news, the rest of the Jian family felt mixed.

The children of other people's families are promising, and the family members are carnivals.

Jian Yiling is promising, and Jian's family is mixed, both happy and worried.

Mrs. Jian and Mrs. Jian are also loyal viewers of the granddaughter's live broadcast room.

In the past two days, Mr. Jian and Mrs. Jian also ran live broadcasts even when they were eating.

When watching the live broadcast, Mrs. Jian would say something from time to time:

"Oh, why does Xiaogua eat so little? How can you keep up with the nutrition like this?"

"Ah, why is Xiaogua working again on weekends? You should take a good rest on weekends. Only those who take a break are called weekends. How is work called a weekend?"

"Oh, my [August One Chinese Network] Xiaoguai is haggard."

Looking at the granddaughter on the screen, Mrs. Jian always felt that she ate less, slept less, and was tired.

After Jianyi Ling Xiangduoli Group’s vest was taken off, Mr. Jian was quite excited and said to the old lady: “Old lady, Xiaoguai is actually the head of the drug and cosmetic research and development of Xiangduoli Group. My little guy is great. The children at home can’t compare.”

"What's so happy about your dead old man? That research and development is very hard. Xiaoguai is already a doctor at Luohaisen Hospital and works part-time in another company. How busy is that? My family is not without money, no I need her to do a part-time job to make money. Next time I see her, I will tell her not to do it."

"You also make sense."

But pride must be proud.

Jian Yiling is the head of the drug and cosmetics research and development of the Xiangduoli Group. After the disclosure, Mr. Jian and Mrs. Jian successively answered dozens of calls.

They all asked them to help buy hair tonic.

Old man Jane does not lose hair, but many of his old buddies have this problem.

The hair lotion is often sold out of stock. The old guys can't buy it, so they want to ask the old man to help buy it.

For a while, the whole world knew that their granddaughter was very awkward, making the old man and the old lady cry for a while.


After Jian Yiling's identity was disclosed, the Sophia Group also gave their response.

[Returning Jun Mingzhu to tears, hating not to meet when she is not married. 】

This Sofia Group's official Weibo literature is pretty good, choosing to use ancient poems to implicitly imply that Jian Yiling returned their gifts.

Netizen analysis: Sophia is just saying that Jian Yiling returned the gift just because she still has a relationship with Shanduoli. It does not mean that she has no feelings for Sophia!

Not to be outdone, Xiang Duoli immediately sent another one: "The king is treated as a rock, his concubine is treated as a pampas grass, and the pampas are threaded like silk, and the rock is not transferred. 】

Netizen analysis: Shan Duoli has a clear attitude. They have a strong relationship with Jian Yiling and will not change easily, leaving Sophia to give up.

Good guy, the officials of these two high-end luxury brands have started.

The birthplace turned a job robbing battle into an eight o'clock dog blood romance drama.


The live broadcast continues.

The doorbell rang, and Jian Yiheng and Jian Yichen opened the door.

The two came to the house on time to have a meal.

Wen Zhe opened the door for them: "Hehe, brothers are here?"

"Yes, are you welcome?" Jian Yichen smiled "brilliantly" at Wen Zhe.

Smelly kid, dare to arrange a date for my sister and bastard, don't give me a chance, just spank you and blossom if you get the chance!

Wen Zhe smiled to cover up his guilty conscience for doing bad things: "Hey hey, of course welcome!"

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