From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1204: Deliberately misleading

Without Jian Yiling, she would have failed this operation, and everyone else would have failed, so no one would be able to threaten her status and authority.

Fei Qing thought of Bai Pingping.

After a moment of contemplation, Fei Qing wiped the tears off her face and washed her face.

Then Fei Qing sent a message to Bai Pingping and asked her to go shopping after get off work.

"Doctor Fei, I'm really not worth it for you." Bai Pingping fights for Fei Qing.

"I'm fine, it's true that I'm not as skilled as others. Dean Li just demoted me and didn't fire me. He has already treated me leniently." Fei Qing said frankly.

"You really have a good temper and a good attitude." Bai Pingping said, "If this is me, I shouldn't work."

Fei Qing smiled, "Thank you for caring about me so much and seeing the truth in adversity. Only at this time can I see clearly who is a good friend worthy of my heart in our hospital."

Bai Pingping was very happy after hearing this.

She is just an intern nurse, and she is naturally very happy to be a close friend with a doctor of Fei Qing's level.

From the moment she entered the hospital, she knew that a good relationship with Fei Qing was very beneficial to her future, so when someone had trouble with Fei Qing, she was the first to stand up for her and let her see how good she was to her. .

"Come with me to buy a bag, in a bad mood, buy a bag to comfort yourself."

Fei Qing took Bai Pingping into a luxury store, and chose a bag of about 100,000 yuan.

When paying the money, Fei Qing took the wallet from her bag, accidentally brought out a piece of paper, and fell to the ground.

Bai Pingping went to help Fei Qing pick it up, and suddenly saw her name when she got it in her hand.

Bai Pingping was taken aback, Fei Qing hurriedly snatched the paper from Bai Pingping's hand when she found it.

After paying the money and coming out of the shop, Bai Pingping asked Fei Qing about the matter on the paper.

Fei Qing hesitated to say something and stopped, "You still don't ask."

"Doctor Fei, didn't you say that I am your good friend? I see what the assessment rating is written on that piece of paper. What is it? Please tell me clearly, otherwise I won't sleep well tonight. ."

Fei Qing was very embarrassed. After struggling for a while, she said, "Okay, I'll make an exception to tell you, but you have to promise that I can't tell others that I've leaked it to you."

"Well, I don't promise you, don't worry, I won't tell others, just tell me."

"This is an assessment form for you interns. It is filled out by each of our director-level doctors. In addition to the opinions of the head nurse, the opinions of our doctors are also very important. I was the director of surgery before, so I have this form too. "

"Then how are my assessment results?" Bai Pingping asked quickly.

Of course, she hopes that she can become a full-time employee of Luohaisen Beijing Branch through internship.

"You... originally passed, but..."

Fei Qing's expression was tangled, and she didn't want to tell Bai Pingping.

"Just what?" Bai Pingping became more anxious, what was going on, she was eager to know the result.

"It's just that someone gave you a very bad evaluation, so you are now the worst in this batch of interns."

"Who? Who gave me a bad evaluation?" Bai Pingping was immediately filled with indignation.

"You still don't ask."

Seeing Fei Qing's reaction, Bai Pingping had an answer in her heart.

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