From Sidekick to Bigshot

Chapter 1205: Compete for the number of places to accompany the sister group establishment (1)

"It's Jian Yiling, right?" Bai Pingping thinks about it, the more he thinks it is possible. "The only doctor who has a bad impression of me is her! Yes, it must be her!"

Bai Pingping was very angry.

Why does Jian Yiling give her a bad evaluation?

Has she ever worked with her?

Has she ever tested her work ability?

She is clearly avenging her private revenge!

"Well, don't be angry, you should not know about this." Fei Qing did not deny Bai Pingping's conjecture.

So she guessed right? Is it really Jian Yiling?

Bai Pingping was not angry.

"Jian Yiling is too much!"

This is no longer angry, Bai Pingping feels that she is about to collapse.

Jian Yiling is ruining her life and her future!

"If you want to start, don't be angry. Being angry will not help you. She belongs to the General Hospital."

Be more open?

How could Bai Pingping think about it!

She feels that the sky is falling down!

"I didn't make a mistake, why did she fail the assessment? She was too much! I worked so hard to become Luo Haisen's intern, she said, my hard work was wasted, how can I not be angry! "

"But you, like me, it's useless to be angry. Unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Nothing, I just thought about it." Fei Qing changed her words, "How could Jian Yiling disappear from this world."

Jian Yiling disappeared from this world...

Bai Pingping was taken aback for a moment.

A seed of sin was buried in her heart.


On the weekend, the employees of the Beijing Branch of the Haisen Branch will go to the Xishan Lake Group Construction Camp for a trip.

It is allowed to bring family members in company team building.

Everyone who has an object brings an object, but there is no object, and there are also brothers and sisters.

After Jian Yunmo posted news about the weekend team building of the branch in his circle of friends, everyone in the Jian family signed up and expressed that they wanted to accompany Jian Yiling.

In the WeChat group named [Kill Wolf Association], everyone became active:

Jian Yunnao took the lead in sending a message: [Second brother, give me this opportunity, you said last time, I want to reconcile with my sister and behave well. I don’t want to miss such a good opportunity for camping. 】

But Jian Yuncheng refuted Jian Yunnao with a very good reason: [You have too little social experience to help, and you may need a younger sister to take care of you. 】

Jian Yumin rushed to speak: [I am going, I have experience camping with my sister! 】

Jian Yumin received a lot of objections as soon as the news was sent.

Jian Yuncheng: [Has half a catty with Xiao Nao]

Jian Shuhuan: 【Never mind Yu Min, the last time he participated in the show with Xiao Ling, his performance was very poor, and Xiao Ling took care of him. 】

Jian Yunnao: [Besides, Brother Yumin still has children, so it is more suitable for him to bring children at home. 】

Jian Yujie: [Brother, take good care of Sister-in-law and Shan, Xiaoling will leave it to us. 】

Jian Yiheng: [Camping barbecue, did Xiaoling cook it? 】

Warm speech: [Xiao Mo, Mom has nothing to ask of you. For this event, you let Mom go, and Mom will take care of Xiao Ling. 】

Warm speech, most people dare not refute.

Jian Yunmo: [Mom, team building is an activity for young people, usually with the target and siblings of the same age. Few people will bring their parents. 】

Warm and a little discouraged: [That's it... Then let me give you the opportunity. 】

Warmth doesn't want others to look at her daughter with strange eyes.

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