From Skaven to God-King of War

Chapter 334, Pilgrims' Battle

Of course, the flag will not be idle forever. When the power is distributed and the situation stabilizes, the war will start again.

After all, if the war does not continue, how can the breeding rooms, planting rooms, various workshops, cities, and temples of gods be maintained?

There must be ratmen to take on these.


The holy war has entered a fierce preparation stage.

The lush forest, the once lush forest, has now completely changed its appearance. After the trees died in large numbers, even the originally clear stream has a bit of rotten smell.

The natives in the forest, those guys who still survived the ratmen's rounds of sweeps, also completely disappeared during this period.

Goblins, rabbit people, Gulfstream fishmen and the like, these guys with unimaginably tenacious vitality, their footprints completely disappeared in the forest.

Instead, there were traces of lizardmen and snakemen in the swamp. These losers, perhaps under the pressure of survival, gathered together again, and even attacked several small rat cities built on the edge of the forest several times.

But this time, the revived lizardmen and snakemen did not attract the siege of the rat army, but a large number of rat slave-hunting teams appeared on the outskirts of the swamp.

In the endless night, the agreement between these swamp races and the rat caravans gradually lost its effectiveness.

But even if they were active, they did not attract much attention.

They were just a group of losers.

Let alone such a small-scale attack, even if they restored their most prosperous power, they would not be a huge threat to the rats.

The greatest value may be reflected in serving as a sacrifice. As the first batch of heretics encountered by the rats, some sophisticated rat priests did not hesitate to give a generous price for some living lizardmen.

But that's it.

The rats no longer regarded these dead survivors defeated by themselves as opponents.

In the lush forest, large tracts of withered trees were felled, and countless ratmen gathered here.

Shouting slogans loudly.

Many fanatical guys had red eyes on the spot.

Ah, for the sake of God, what a glorious slogan.

Many confused ratmen were involved in this war. They simply could not resist such a glorious slogan. It was not surprising, because a large number of these guys were determined to abandon everything they had and embark on this pilgrimage regardless of everything.

Maybe the group of big claw priests themselves did not expect that the slogans shouted to earn more blood mushrooms would become a highly ingrained custom in such a short time, a fanatical pursuit with a little haziness and glory.

Countless ratmen set foot on this pilgrimage in various parts of the empire.

Well, maybe it is inseparable from this twisted country.

Born, grow up, be enslaved, be driven, grow up, get out of slavery, and then be confused.

The environment that has hardly changed corresponds to the growing number of rat freemen.

The term "room for advancement" is a very unfamiliar term to ordinary rats. The only difference between this deformed country and a pool of real stagnant water is the word "faith" that runs through it.

Freedom also brings confusion.

After all, rats are also a group of truly intelligent creatures.

Moreover, these rat freemen are most accustomed to being shouted, whipped, cursed, and driven during the long period from birth to freedom.

Until the sudden freedom.

In confusion, they began to shout the name of God and embarked on this pilgrimage.

Then they were drafted.

The war has not officially begun, but small-scale temptations and harassment have begun.

These poor guys were the first to be pushed onto the battlefield.

Neither the rat priests nor the temple guards regarded this group of guys with complex composition and mixed qualities as any trump cards, but used them as cannon fodder.

It's not surprising. If you shout a few words of the gods' names, you will really become the apostle of the gods, and you will be on equal footing with them.

On the contrary, most of these poor guys believe in those slogans.

After all, who are the ones shouting these slogans? The rat priests, these big men, the servants of the gods, the temple guards, the same big men, the guardians of the temple of the gods.

Just like that, they were pushed onto the battlefield.

So, neither the temple guards nor the rat priests deducted these poor pilgrims in terms of equipment.

Chain mail, metal spears, small round shields, short-handled hammers, short knives, leather armor, crossbows.

Whether it is the temple guards or the rat priests, neither side is poor, and there is no excessive deduction. After the towering towers with billowing black smoke were built one after another.

These simple weapons and equipment became something that could be obtained as much as you want.

The wealthy rat priests and temple guards had almost no restrictions on the items they distributed. Except for the full body armor, everything else was available for selection.

This was just the distribution of weapons. There was also enough food.

For these high-ranking figures, resources never seem to be scarce. Even blood mushrooms are placed there casually as a kind of motivation.

This is a holy war.

The pilgrims held their weapons and stepped onto the battlefield with a little trembling under the shouts of the rat priests or the gazes of the temple guards.

This is a holy war!

Not all rats have faced heresy, and not all rats are qualified to be firewood burning on the battlefield. What's more, the one standing in front of them at this time is not others, but the rats themselves who are no different from them.

Ratmen will not be afraid of ratmen.

What's more, this is a holy war!

Shouting the name of the great god loudly and offering merits for him, in confusion, they have already dedicated everything they have to the god. This abnormal country is really too depressing.

Wisdom does not bring all good things, it is also a curse, a curse. You lowly guys, how can you be qualified to think about the meaning of existence? Just entrust everything to God. You don't need to think so much, just shout his greatness, just shout his greatness.

When they thought that they could run in a holy war, many rat pilgrims trembled. There was no need for the rat priests to cast the inspiring magic, nor did they need to urge the fighting rats to lay down their spears in the back.

My eyes were red, I was extremely violent, shouting loudly, running wildly regardless of everything, so excited.

"For God! For the great God!"

They shouted fanatically, and then, they met a group of guys in the same state as them.

These rat pilgrims were the cannon fodder and the vanguard.

These guys did not perform particularly well. Compared with those professional rat armies, although the momentum was enough, this war was particularly chaotic.

Sure enough, long-range weapons are not suitable for these guys. A large number of crossbows thrown out almost all fell on their teammates.

One by one, the rat pilgrims fell down under the blows of friendly forces.

What was going on at this time was probing and harassment.

The scale was not large.

The fight was very chaotic. Only when they were really facing death could they tell whether these guys who shouted fanatically were pious.

Running away, retreating, and shouting loudly in fear.

Of course, this cannot fully explain whether they were pious or not. It may just be that faith did not completely overwhelm fear.

War is not something that all rats can face calmly, especially many of these pilgrims were just a group of slave rats who took care of breeding rooms, planting rooms, or were busy in mines before they were freed. However, this does not include the industrial zone. The environment in the industrial zone is too harsh. Even if the slave rats can escape from that hot area, they often cannot live for long.

For these guys, cowardice is certain. After all, the guys who dared to resist had already died under the whipping of the big claw priests.

Having the courage to embark on the pilgrimage may be all they have.

Asking them to be brave is a difficult thing in itself.

Of course, there are cowardly guys, and of course there are guys who are not afraid at all.

Raising their weapons high, they charge forward enthusiastically, attacking every figure that appears in front of them. The same group presents two completely different states, which also creates this chaotic situation.

On the battlefield, it is dim, and the land is not flat. Although the withered trees around the place where the rat army is stationed have been cut down on a large scale.

It’s just that the felling is not thorough, and sections of bare tree stumps are left on the surface. The land is not flat, with some ups and downs.

A small river with a faint smell of rot exists not far from the battlefield.

Fanatic guys are running wildly on this chaotic battlefield.

There are rats dying constantly, and rats fleeing in panic. An extremely fanatical guy faces a guy with the same red eyes.

Roaring excitedly.

"Heretics! Heretics who disrespect the gods!

I will kill you! I will kill you!"

Such words made his opponent furious.

Beside him, a young ratman could no longer bear the threat of death and tried to retreat in fear, but was pierced through the body by a spear.

The chain mail on his body could not save him. This thing was indeed more effective in resisting slashing.

The ratman pilgrims were of different ages, some were old and some were young.

This fanatical guy was obviously not young. The hair around his mouth had grown a long section, and the texture was also extremely dry and curly. He was not young.

Maybe he was a guy who escaped from the battlefield.

The spear in his hand was wielded more methodically than the other guys on the battlefield, and there was a slight unnaturalness on his left leg.

It looked like a guy who escaped from the battlefield.

To escape from the battlefield, you don't necessarily need to get past those cruel executioners. Sometimes it's easy if you're willing to pay a price. The Eastern Expeditionary Army of the Rat War will abandon those guys who have become disabled in the war.

It's not entirely true to say that they abandoned them. To be precise, the Rat Supervision Team of the Eastern Expeditionary Army will not stop those disabled rats from leaving on their own.

This gave birth to a mature escape strategy. You only need to leave yourself some injuries that you can never recover from when the battle is about to win, and then you can leave smoothly.

Of course, such a departure is not without price. It is not very easy to accept to become a defective guy, even if the injuries on your body are left by yourself, they are not too serious.

But defective products are defective products.

This fanatical guy has the most obvious characteristics of those escaping ratmen.

But after all, he escaped from the real rat army. On this basis, the heretic in front of him was easily killed by him.

He waved the spear in his hand high.

The expression on his face was so ferocious in the fanaticism.

This old guy kept shouting loudly.

Shouting for the great god.

It is strange that if he was a guy who was willing to become a defective to escape the battlefield, why is he so fanatical and desperate now?

One after another, ratmen who obviously had not participated in the war fell under his attack.

Such performance is too eye-catching.

Soon after, several ratmen who surrounded him killed him in a fight.

Of course, the guys who killed the old ratman also shouted the greatness of the gods.

Ratman pilgrims kept falling down in this bare and uneven forest.

Soon, this test ended, and both sides retreated in a big way.

Of course, the next test will start soon. Whether it is the temple guards or the ratman priests, they have learned their lessons and no longer provide these ratman pilgrims with crossbows.

In the conflicts again and again.

A large number of corpses were thrown in this area, leaving the land that was gradually stained with a hint of blood red.

Of course, their role is not limited to this.

In the repeated tests and harassment, both sides gradually completed their preparations.

Compared with this group of ratman pilgrims of mixed quality, whether it is the temple guards or the ratman priests, the regular army they gathered is obviously more than one step ahead.

The scene is no longer such a small fight.

A grand war is about to start.

Of course, although this group of pilgrims is not so useful, they will still have a place in this war.

For example, they are pushed to the front of the army, used as vanguards, and used as consumables.

Even this sacred pilgrimage road, sometimes, it is better not to set foot in this overly tense period.

The great god of the rats, Du Yuan himself, has no prejudice against each of his believers, although it is not easy to meet him, and it may even be said that it is almost impossible for ordinary believers to do it.

But Du Yuan has no prejudice against every rat who believes in him.

It’s just that those of the same race who believe in the same god as them, those big figures, are not so kind.

In this war, the temple guards and rat priests are not very particular.

Du Yuan’s believers are killing Du Yuan’s believers.

But from another perspective, to some extent, the temple guards and rat priests are also Du Yuan's believers, and they are also Du Yuan's most devout believers.

Well, this may be the reason why Du Yuan sat back and watched such an awkward scene happen.

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