From Skaven to God-King of War

Chapter 335, Du Yuan's path deviates

Sitting in the center of the empty kingdom of God, feeling the power rising continuously.

If you don't become a true god, you will never know the power contained in this word.

The transformation has not been completely completed, but Du Yuan can vaguely determine one thing. When the power that is constantly fed back from the kingdom of God is absorbed by him, he will be able to easily tear the small world under him.

Although the method adopted may be a bit pleasing.

It is not so difficult to destroy a small world that is not strong enough. Break a corner of the crystal wall, tear open a weak space, and let part of this fragile egg officially contact the ever-surging sea of ​​chaos.

Then a disaster will come. The worlds of all sizes suspended in the sea of ​​chaos are really some extremely fragile and precious things. It is not surprising why some worlds that have awakened the will of the world, the first thing they do is to expel the overly powerful creatures in the world and the gods that are like flies circling around the world.

The power in Du Yuan's hands is far more powerful than that of the gods who have just come to the throne.

Du Yuan, who had just ascended the throne, had power comparable to that of a medium-level god, no, even more powerful.

This was not a normal situation.

Only those earth-shaking figures, those guys who were famous in history, could achieve this level.

His path deviated and became different from the normal belief in gods.

But it didn't seem strange, because the kingdom of a normal god would not be as empty and bad as Du Yuan's.

The difference came from the composition of power.

After sitting on the throne, Du Yuan suddenly realized that his power did not come entirely from faith.

Resentment, desire, curse, these things are not strange to Du Yuan. Since accepting the first blood sacrifice, these things have been entangled around Du Yuan.

Exist as a kind of pollution and impurity.

But now, these have also become part of Du Yuan's power.

There are evil gods who use these powers, and there are even many of them, but Du Yuan is different from them. Even if these evil gods are entangled with more resentment, one thing will not change.

They are using their authority and their priesthood to drive these powers, drive the resentment born from killing and conspiracy, drive the resentment left by countless dead creatures, and drive those messy desires.

Although they are evil and disordered gods, they also belong to the existence of faith in God, and their foundation is still the pious faith offered by countless mortals.

But things have a little problem with Du Yuan.

Du Yuan is not using his authority to control these messy things, but these things have become part of Du Yuan's source of power.

The resentment of all living beings, the curses that fell in the wailing, the mottled and messy desires, these impurities from countless mortals, can't wait to entangle Du Yuan, are conventionally considered pollution.

These things that Du Yuan is very familiar with have inexplicably become part of Du Yuan's power.

In other words, these powers contributed a great part to Du Yuan's increasing divine power.

Making Du Yuan more like an evil god, even more evil than those gods of faith who plunged into chaos and held evil power.

The resentment of all living beings, the hatred for him, the entangled mottled desires, as long as you call his name, whether you pray, curse, blaspheme, as long as you have a relationship with him, whether you love or hate him, everything will belong to Du Yuan.

It is difficult to say what caused Du Yuan's painting style to be distorted again.

Like a black hole that swallows everything.

Perhaps it is because of the long-term association with these mottled things, perhaps because from the moment he set foot on the path of God and descended into this world, he attracted endless hatred and curses, or because his faith was confused with the mottled desires at the beginning.

Du Yuan's whole body is indeed soaked with filthy scarlet.

It's not just the races that were destroyed by the ratmen, those creatures, those gods, they hate Du Yuan.

The ratmen are the same.

In this huge country, among the countless ratmen, there are also many who hate Du Yuan.

They hate that the great gods did not favor them, and that their piety was not responded to.

There are various other reasons.

Of course, Du Yuan has long been prepared, ready to welcome all of this.

Although the current situation is still a bit unexpected.

But how to say it.

In the scarlet sky, an indescribable scarlet god is nurtured.

Of course, it can't be done yet.

In the composition of Du Yuan's power, the power of faith still occupies the vast majority of the content.

Du Yuan is still a god of faith now.

But the differences have appeared. The paths he and the many gods of faith are obviously different, and differences have appeared.

During this period of time, Du Yuan has been thinking about whether such differences are a good thing or a bad thing for him.

If he wanted to make a turn, now was the best time. The differences in the road had not yet reached such a serious level. If he continued along this road and continued to accept those messy things, what kind of result his road would lead to was still unknown.

For a moment, Du Yuan did not come to a conclusion.

Perhaps he has to accept the increasingly long time span after becoming a god.

Du Yuan sat on the throne.

At least now, he still needs to think.


In the chaotic tide.

Unconsciously, the mottled colorful threads have taken deep root in this small world.

The mottled colorful lines climbed, connected, and entangled on the crystal wall of the small world.

During this period of time, the colorful threads became more active, and the roots entangled in the small world also danced wantonly with this joy.

It was a very strange scene.

Such joy naturally had a reason.

Not only because it was getting closer and closer to the place of birth, but also because the adult who awakened it, the one who made it feel kind and wanted to get close to it, finally appeared in front of him.

And became more powerful.

Became more similar to it.

Well, I don’t know how to describe it, but it made it very happy.

Want to touch it.

Many colorful lines have already left the small world they were clinging to and are heading towards Du Yuan's kingdom of God.

But they didn't succeed. Compared to the rigid crystal wall of this small world, Du Yuan's newly born kingdom of God is much more dangerous.

The attempt to touch retreated unconsciously in the mottled flames that suddenly rose.

But the colorful thread ball is never tired of it, constantly extending its mottled tentacles, constantly trying to touch Du Yuan's kingdom of God, and then constantly being burned by the mottled fire of desire, over and over again.

Of course, it has no malice, it's just a naughty child who wants to see Du Yuan.

The destination is coming.

Through the extremely bright appearance of the Chaos Sea, what appears in front of us is a world that is huge and incomparable.

A deep starry sky?

Countless suns, stars, moons, comets, together form a boundless and unimaginable world.

But when he really arrives at the station, Du Yuan should not be unfamiliar with such a scene.

That is a piece of galaxy, that is a vast universe.


The holy war has really begun.

The regular army began to step onto the battlefield.

However, although they are called regular troops, they are mostly some rat mercenaries and privately trained guards.

The rat priests and temple guards are restraining themselves.

Obviously, it is not time to completely tear each other apart yet. Both sides understand this and restrain each other.

But this does not mean that this war is not tragic.

In fact, although there are no truly complete rat armies pushed onto the battlefield, everything else is not lacking at all.

After all, this is the center of the rat kingdom, and the temple guards and rat priests are fighting for the control of the entire rat empire.

Countless slave rats, rat mercenaries attracted by blood mushrooms, a large number of war equipment, and those distorted creations.

In this war, there was no organized rat army deployed on the battlefield, but there were organized rat trolls, giant rats beyond imagination, and skinned giant rats.

The legacy of the long claws was almost all inherited by the temple guards, because the temple guards were the ones who ruled the underground rat city at that time.

But the rat priests were not bad either, with war equipment, a lot of war equipment, and those lightning cannons.

Before leaving the underground rat city, those former loyal rat priests set a big fire in the industrial zone of the Desolate Mountains.

Of course, rebuilding the industrial zone is not a difficult task.

To be precise, this fire may not even be set by those loyal rat priests who left.

In such chaos, these big claw priests almost completed the evacuation intact, and began to evade being involved in this war on the grounds of rebuilding the industrial zone.

The temple guards did not force these big claw priests.

They were just a group of cowardly fence-sitters who were unwilling to side with the temple guards who controlled the Desolate Mountains, nor did they want to offend the rat priests who were closely related to them and were faintly superior to them.

However, fence-sitters also have their own advantages. These guys will turn to the winner without hesitation, without any hesitation or hesitation.

More blood mushrooms were thrown into the battlefield.

The cowardly slave rats and fanatical pilgrims were the vanguards, rushing to the battlefield in large numbers, and the messy rat mercenaries were the second group of guys pushed onto the battlefield.

The hideous war machines were pushed onto the battlefield, and in the chaos, all kinds of things were thrown out.

The swollen rats with shrill screams crossed the sky.

The piercing bells have never been absent from the rat war since the first time they entered the battlefield, and behind them are the rat priests who are fanatically shaking the bells.

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