From Skaven to God-King of War

Chapter 336, War Priest

Of course, there are also all kinds of deformed ratmen.

Charge! Charge!

Push forward, shouting, one by one was pushed forward.

Fighting each other in the chaos, all kinds of things collided randomly on this battlefield.

The loss was rising rapidly.

The ordinary ratman priests were entering the battlefield.

It was time for these guys to stabilize the morale.

One after another, the dark blue lightning spread wantonly on the battlefield. The terrifying firepower suppression made the joint army of the temple guards unable to raise their heads. Large groups of various ratmen died quickly.

The collapse of morale and the lack of ordinary ratman priests to stabilize morale.

The battlefield was rapidly unbalanced.

Strictly speaking, the appearance of ordinary ratman priests seemed to violate the unspoken rules of this war. After all, the temple guards did not really set foot on the battlefield.

But how can I put it? The rat priests also have their own ecology. Those guys who have just taken office and awakened, those apprentice rat priests and ordinary rat priests who have just completed their accumulation, these guys are not much better than some big claw priests who control a large number of industries.

They can neither represent those rat lords, senior rat priests, nor even represent themselves.

It is almost impossible to use them to criticize those cunning and greedy old guys.

But how can I put it? The temple guards are not unprepared for such a situation.

A slightly smaller skeleton bell was pushed onto the battlefield.

Pushed onto the battlefield by the rat priests.

Representing the temple guards.

Those lightning cannons that kept falling continued to disintegrate above the skeleton bell.

Compared with the soul lightning cannon that barely counted as a technological product by using antimatter to ignite torches, the temple guards also have their own trump cards.

They monopolized the mountain formed by the arms of the bear orc god, and in the process of casting the skeleton bell, they mastered some methods to obtain feedback from the cold soul bell.

Although the skeleton bells cast later were not as powerful as the first bell cast with the bones of countless grassland races.

But it was obviously not a big problem to resist the lightning cannons flying across the battlefield.

These skeleton bells were not the most eye-catching. What attracted the most attention and anger to the rat priests were the colleagues standing on the opposite side.

This holy war was supported by almost all the high-level rat priests.

In order to snatch back the right to interpret the faith of the great god, these guys who were always obsessed with fighting with their colleagues rarely united together. The remaining radicals turned into the surrender faction of the rat lords, and there were also those loyalists who never stood with most rat priests.

The union of these guys can almost represent all the rat priests.

But look at what they see now. A group of rat priests still resolutely appeared in the camp of the temple guards in the alliance of the three parties.

What is heresy? This is heresy.

What is a traitor? This is a traitor.

Those old guys who watched this war were about to burst out with fire in their eyes.

Betraying in such an occasion is indeed a very unacceptable act.

It makes people wonder how much capital the temple guards have invested.

But in fact, it is surprising.

The temple guards did not invest much chips, but naturally gained the loyalty of a group of rat priests.

These guys don’t care about being labeled as traitors by the three factions of rat priests who can almost represent all rat priests.

Because these guys are a group of poor people who have been unloved by their parents since they were born.

They are rat war priests.

A group of freaks hated by both rat war and senior rat priests.

As real rat priests, they mostly do marginal work in every city, such as expelling defective rats and clearing rat ghouls.

Of course, in the past, such days were not necessarily unacceptable to them.

After all, no matter what, they are also rat priests, and they are more respectable than ordinary big claw priests and ordinary rats who occupy the vast majority of this country.

As long as there are guys who are more miserable than themselves, their unhappiness does not seem to be so unacceptable. Most of these guys had such thoughts before.

Until the development of the vast grassland, the emergence of rat free people, and the promotion of the rat kingdom, various industries have become more and more important.

Many big claw priests who have breeding rooms, workshops and planting rooms, and those big claw priests who preside over rat caravans, their status is already one level higher than these guys who are hated by both sides.

This has made them almost crazy with jealousy, not to mention that with the support of the temple guards and the rat lords, the status of the rat farmers and mercenary leaders has begun to surpass them.

Naturally, when the temple guards extended an olive branch to this group of war priests, these guys decisively defected

The former glory of the rat priests is worthless to them, and becoming a traitor is not much of a deterrent to them.

They need resources, blood mushrooms, and a promotion of status, and they don’t want to be ignored like this.

Without hesitation, they pointed their weapons at their colleagues.

With the addition of war priests and skeleton bells, the mixed forces of the temple guards gradually stabilized.

War priests have an advantage over ordinary rat priests. These war priests who come from the rat army and the Rat War are undoubtedly better at war.

Preparing the army, shaping the formation, and the most direct close combat.

Most of the war priests wear armor and carry weapons.

Although for quite a long time, they can only chase and find those groups of defective rats and rat ghouls in various rat cities, how much combat power they have left is an unknown.

But in general, in close combat, they are undoubtedly much more capable than ordinary rat priests.

Counterattack! Counterattack!

Of course, everything has a price to pay. If they choose to betray and join the temple guards, then these war priests will have no way out.

Unwilling to sink into the corner and be stepped on the head by the guy they once looked down on, they made such a choice in the unparalleled hatred.

The price to pay is also very simple.

Going onto the battlefield always means the approach of a word.


Especially when these guys are the particularly disgusting betrayers.

Extremely attracting hatred.

It seems to have returned to the past, when they were under the command of Rat War, and they were also running on the battlefield in such a mess.

War priests are constantly dying.

Without the help of the temple guards, this war will not easily expand.

And as betrayers, these war priests must show their value.

Otherwise, they are not even qualified to betray.

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