From star abyss

Chapter 1063 278 Void Line: Leading to the Ending of [White Wolf] (3)

Chapter 1063 278. Void Line: Leading to the Ending of [White Wolf] (3)

A butterfly swayed above the bonfire. It had three pairs of wings. When it danced gracefully, its scales shook off slightly, causing the flames to roll up, like a playful dancing girl swinging her skirt.

Xufu sat by the bonfire, quietly watching the flying demon butterflies and wiping his sword.

This weapon named 'Raven Prince' is not a drop from any BOSS, but a weapon distributed by KitKat Network Studio to outstanding players - the quality of the handed down work, the panel attributes of the artifact, there is nothing special about it. skills, but has a 'rigid metal' characteristic.

Basically, this weapon can be regarded as a strong interaction material, which is enough to withstand the power of the Adventer with fully activated plug-in performance.

Xu Fuxin said that it was no wonder that Laian Ding could work as a logistics officer. This was almost a wise use of money, and it was extremely cost-effective.

"Isn't this abyss a little too big? We've been running for seven hours. When will we get to the next teleportation point?"

Aluogen complained while raising the tonic and pouring it into his mouth.

"If you flatten a planet into a piece of land, you will feel boundless when walking on it, let alone an entire universe."

Next to the bonfire, Ru Xiannian was checking the game records and frowned:

"Have you experienced server lag recently?"

"You also feel a little stuck, right? After leaving the nearby main city, the delay is especially obvious." Aluogen nodded immediately.

"Fu Xu, what do you think?"

"It doesn't count."

Xufu said casually:

"KitKat Network has not fully grasped the situation here, so naturally it will not set up too many server nodes. It requires a large influx of players before it can establish a point-to-point link to the recruited bodies... This process will take a version. ”

"Version 9.0...then we will all have fully launched the void by then." Ru Xiannian clicked his tongue: "The official production capacity still doesn't seem to be good enough."

"I'm afraid it's earlier than that. The version of "Star Abyss" will always follow the player's progress. Just like when Li Ozi was still alive, the official update speed couldn't catch up with Li Ozi."

Arogen's speech evoked the same nostalgia as in the past:

"Oh, Li that [Lord] legendary NPC, right? As a native, he can actually force the masters of Yuanyuan to write plots at his pace. It's really amazing."

Arogen threw a bean into his mouth, chewed it and said:

"No, I'm afraid even players can't compare to Li Ozi's achievements. He is the number one [Dominator] in the true sense -"


The Raven Prince flashed a cold light and suppressed the half-sentence that Arogen had not yet finished in his throat. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he looked aside cautiously: he saw Xu Fu holding the blade of his sword, as if He looked at the two of them with a smile.

"Really? The number one [Master]? Why don't I think so?"

"Uh, is that the former number one person?" Aluogen grinned.

"After all, Li Ozi is also the most popular character in "Star Abyss", so it's normal for him to have a deeper impression." Ru Xian followed up: "Zhukov, you don't have to compete with a virtual person for your title, right?"

"Li Ozi, an NPC officially promoted by his popularity and good looks, how can he be compared to the number one player who is made of hard work and talent."

Xufu said slowly:

"The existence of Li Ozi is a stain on the [Dominator] system. I am the only one who truly loves the [Dominator] system. I study technology without sleep and food, and work hard to build my arcane system with my own hands. I abandon everything, regardless of Neither wealth nor women can interfere with my pure love for the [Domination] system.”

"Think about it with your heads. The popularity of the [Dominator] system should not have been so high at all. People like Li Ozi who have relied on the dividends of the times to reach the top will fall into the abyss when the wave recedes, and [Dominator] will fall into the abyss. 】 system will also expose the fact that its foundation is insufficient and it is difficult to cultivate in the early stage, so now, the [Dominator] system has suffered from the backlash of the initial popularity of traffic, and it has become depleted of talent. "

"The [Dominator] system has fallen from the altar, and the culprit is Li Ozi, and only I can lead the [Dominator] system to ZTE."

Xufu's words gradually became extreme. The two people next to him looked at each other and had no choice but to say.

"Okay, even if you are right and Li Ozi is wrong, that's it."

"Although I don't know what you are fighting's just a path. It's normal to have different strong professions in different periods."

Xufu put away his sharp blade and shook his head:

"No, you don't understand. My love for the [Domination] system goes far beyond the game itself."

"Star Abyss" is not a simple game. Xufu has been informed of this since he went to the KitKat Network headquarters.

In fact, including the entire "From the Star Abyss" plan, he later learned about it through official personnel - from the mouths of the Redemption Gods who were the dependents of Leian.

What they also learned together was a shocking secret:

Although the players use conscripted bodies in the Star Abyss, as the Yuan Yuan God Clan, the godhead, skills and knowledge they wrested from the Star Abyss will be unreservedly retained in the Source as long as the recognition filter is removed. Received in the abyss.

It may sound a bit abstract, but it actually has the same core meaning.

To put it simply, if the player can become the main god of the Tao in Xingyuan, then in Yuanyuan, as long as he takes off the recognition filter, he can restore the status of the god.

Lai Anding intends to accumulate his own main gods for Yuanyuan in this way, so as to balance Xingyuan while retaining the power to fight against the [Secret Society].

Xu Kefu was able to know this secret, not by chance or luck.

The redeemed god who told him about this also told him his true identity:

"Lord Xu Ke, you are a fourth-generation god made from the remains of [God of Destruction] Dumfis. Like Cides, you are favored by the Will of the Source and have the qualifications to become the Lord God. Moreover, you are at the level of the Lord God of the Way."

"Due to the tragic death of Mephidrias, the position of the Lord God of the Way of the [Domination] system is completely vacant in the Star Abyss. So Cides was sent to the Star Abyss to try to take back the seat of the Lord God of the [Domination Will]. If Cides succeeds, then the Source Abyss will have two Lord Gods of the Way, which will especially make up for the defect of His Majesty Leanding who is not good at killing."

"Now that Cides is missing, the plan of the Seed of the Star Abyss will have to be implemented by you."

The two players who teamed up with him were not members of the same guild as him, but were hired by the official studio to help the game.

Nominally, they were assisting the official in collecting game data and testing feedback mechanisms. In fact, both of them were also fourth-generation divine warriors.

The people that Lai Anding planned, or His Majesty chose to distribute the plug-in, were mainly the four generations of divine warriors, and only a few were the three generations of divine warriors that He fully trusted.

The more he came into contact with Qiqiao Network, the more Xu Kefu admired Lai Anding's methods. As a mother goddess who was powerless and in charge of healing and reproduction, Lai Anding was able to use all the resources at hand to reasonably plan and allocate, and seek enough benefits for Yuanyuan.

As for the price... the price is the people of other Xingyuan, what does it have to do with their Yuanyuan gods?

Since ancient times, the Yuanyuan gods have been guarding the endless Xingyuan. They have contributed manpower, resources, and even allowed mortals to join the same ranks and ascend to gods.

The Yuanyuan gods have long died for Xingyuan for three generations of gods. What's wrong with those low-level and short-lived mortals suffering for thousands of years for the interests of their gods?

Xu Kefu is not unaware of what the Protoss' defeated soldiers did to the local civilization after they retreated to Xingyuan. The reason why the Qunyuan has become a PUBG battle is entirely because of the Protoss' defeated soldiers and the evil god traitors, the Protoss of Yuanyuan.

——Can it be the same?

We, the noble Protoss of Yuanyuan, could have stayed in Yuanyuan peacefully and done nothing, but in order to protect Xingyuan and mortals from being destroyed by the Destroyers and [Society], three generations have died, and even the main gods of the Dao are almost wiped out.

To put it bluntly, the Protoss who can still participate in the "From Xingyuan" plan are those who won the resurrection match.

Many Protoss did not even have the opportunity to play in the resurrection match. They were swallowed by the Dragon King on the battlefield outside the abyss, crushed by the Titans, dismembered by the Demon Eye, and eroded and destroyed by the poisonous blood of the earthlings.

You mortals not only do not understand the pain of the Protoss of Yuanyuan and do not care about our suffering, but you have made up some kind of "narrative" and want to break away from the control of Yuanyuan.


Why do you still want to betray us when three generations of our God Clan have died and we were even brought back to fight in the upper Xingyuan?

Why don’t you allow us to enjoy the peace and comfort?

Just because we are God Clan, we are immortal and we live as long as the sky, so we have to fight for Xingyuan until the last God Warrior?

Xu Kefu put away his sword and returned to silence again, but his mind has become active.

In any case, Xingyuan is now in this state.

The disappearance of Siddes is actually no different from failure. He did not fulfill the mission of the leader's "seed", so His Majesty Leanding can only let himself start the follow-up plan.

Yes, once the game has a plug-in, then this game will definitely lose players, but compared to getting the vacant [Dominant Will] position of Mephidria - this loss is nothing at all.

Xu Kefu knew that this might be his only chance to be remembered by the history of Xingyuan.

He wanted to defeat Li Oz, and in every sense, to ruin his reputation. If there was a chance, it would be best to defeat him personally and disintegrate his myth and power.

Only in this way could he have the opportunity to become the main god of the [Starfall Master] path - to become the new Mephidria!

When he thought of this, Xu Kefu couldn't help but feel his heartbeat speed up and his breathing became rapid.

Everyone knew how well Mephidria had governed Haines. They also knew that before Li Oz launched the usurpation of power, this main god had gathered almost 70% of the resources of the Source Abyss, which gave Li Oz the capital to fight to the end.

If he could become the next Mephidria, even the powerful earthlings would have to be polite to Him.

'It would be great if I could defeat Li Oz... He'd better be alive. '

He believed that he had already surpassed Li Oz. Even if that guy had faded out of the version when he first went down to the Abyss, he might still be alive.

Even without plug-ins, with his skills and account as a top player, it would not be difficult to defeat an eliminated NPC.

Alogen and Ruxi Nian could not understand Xu Kefu's thoughts. Although they had removed the filter of recognition, they still treated "Xingyuan" with the mentality of a player.

There is no problem with this. Ryan gave them the right to play war and killing as a game. Why not enjoy it?

"Let's take a rest and then continue on our way. If the time drags on for too long, Laian Ding will think that we are delaying too much." Ru said in the past year.

Arogen curled his lips and said, "Just delay it for a little longer. It's an exploration mission without rewards. What's the matter? A free prostitute can still expect to work hard and yell at you."

"There are already plug-ins, do you still care about those three melons and two dates?"

"Do I care about the reward? What I want is the attitude."

"unclear meaning……"

He shook his head as before.

"When the server was first launched, I didn't care about rewards when playing games. It was just fun when I played. Why now playing games is just like going to work. I have to figure out the leadership's intentions and understand the company's difficulties. If he doesn't give out benefits, I will make a fuss. Two times, I was told that I only like to play but not play, which is really funny.”

Aluogen muttered:

"Do you think those planners and designers play games? If they play games, don't they know how bad the environment is now? But if they know, why do they sit back and watch all this happen?"

“I don’t know, but I think some designers and practitioners must have entered this industry with passion and ideals, hoping to make the greatest works, bring joy to everyone, and profit from it themselves. It’s just that as time passes, the original enthusiasm has long been worn away by interests and repeated labor.”

Just like the old days when I was cooking wine and said lazily:

"Reality is like this, cold and cruel. No one can stay enthusiastic and young forever in reality. No matter it is a game or anything else. Those who want to escape reality through games do not realize that the game itself It is also a product of reality. What happens in reality will definitely happen in the game.”

The wine was already warm, so he took out a bottle and handed it to Aluogen:

"Drink, to this damned reality."

"If possible, I would also like to go back to the very beginning and play games without any worries."

"When you go back, you will complain about how you can't beat anyone. The rewards for this mission are so poor. You will kill all the stupid NPCs when I come over."

"Whatever, remembering the beauty of the past and forgetting the trauma of the past is the privilege of the winner."

After saying this, the two looked at each other, smiled, and raised their glasses together.



At the moment when the wine glasses collided, a violent explosion exploded from above the head, bringing brilliant illumination to the dark earth. The roaring sound seemed to shatter the dimension. Time and space were distorted by the powerful energy, and time was suddenly slowed down. Millions of times, even the swift mosquitoes and flies seemed to be condensed into amber at this moment, gradually entering eternity.

[Forbidden Curse·Amber Divine Realm]

On the hillside in the distance, Elavent put down his staff, and a slight crack appeared on his porcelain skin face.

As the [Grand Mage] of the third level of skill, he could not guarantee that this forbidden spell would be effective, so he particularly consumed the divinity of his body.

Even so, Elavent didn't know how effective this time-stop field, which could last for 150 seconds, could be with the blessing of divinity.

"Maybe it can work, but the other party has a cheat, so..."

He didn't explain much, and the Zhenwu Party members on the side unlocked the stealth techniques one after another.

"Just fight."

Atreya Night Breeze took the lead, with both swords drawn out, his strength rising, and he rushed into the enemy's formation instantly. As he ran and moved, his posture had transformed into the body of the Destruction Gods. His dark armor blended into the night, and his braids fluttered in the wind. His eyes were filled with divine flames.

From the beginning, it’s all about giving it your all.

His speed is very fast. Whether as a warrior of the gods or as a professional player, he can superimpose body dominance, damage reduction, damage increase, and acceleration in an instant. Under the protection of the body with Gangqi, he has really done enough. Be prepared.

Atreya Night Breeze's goal is clear. He is controlled by the Amber God Realm. The weakest person present is the same as before - as the only one of the [Strange] system among the enemy trio. He is in the back row and has a fragile body. As long as he is not given a chance to enter the spirit world, his output will definitely be enough to kill him!


Atreya arrived in an instant, raised his two swords, and instantly turned into thousands of swords. The blades were swung in an interlocking manner, cutting, cutting, splitting, hacking, wiping, stabbing, stabbing, poking, picking, and beheading. The frame rate was almost stuck. , a thousand hits in a flash.

[Wolf sect's secret skill·Group dance and killing chaos]

"The unique skill is a damage of 3% of the local's maximum health for each hit. Each attack will switch between real, magic, and physical damage. My attack speed limit is lifted, and I can hit up to 2207 knives, regardless of whether it is mixed. Injury or basic value, both are enough!"

He didn't have the slightest intention of underestimating the enemy. He turned on the weapon on the spot just to replace one of the enemies within the limited control time that Elavent had bought for them.

The members of the Zhenwu Party in the rear have also followed up, using flash or teleport to rush into the battlefield. As long as they take one, the remaining two will be easy to deal with.

Just like in the past, the health value plummeted rapidly, the bones and flesh were cut and torn, and the flesh and blood disintegrated.

——It’s done!

However, just when Atreya was wielding his swords with great force, almost chopping Rusyan into pieces, a strange sound suddenly popped out from the sound of the swords chopping and smashing.


The sound effect is very abrupt, just like the trigger sound that comes with the outdated old-generation home game consoles.

But for some reason, when Atreia heard this voice, she subconsciously raised her head.

——The person who had just been chopped into mincemeat by Him returned to his original state without any warning. He slashed at the opponent's back with a knife, and the feeling of cutting the flesh was so obvious.

As before, he just shrugged, turned his head, and glanced at Atreya Night Breeze inadvertently.

"Hey, Ye Zhan Sword."

As he laughed in the past, he directly saw through the posture of the divine warrior, and said leisurely while shouldering Atreya's attack as if nothing had happened:

"Why doesn't your IP address exist? Shouldn't it be Mr. Jiang Zhanguo from Room 202, Happy Home Community, No. 102, Songjiang City, Yanxia Country? Why is it outside the service area now?"

Atreya Night Breeze had no time to respond. He just stepped up his strength and continued to chop quickly with his sword.

"The great Ye Zhanjian, the No. 001 player in the "Star Abyss" professional league, has high hopes for every competition. He is the Galaxy team every year, and every year is the most promising year to win the championship."

As he smiled in the past, as a back-line professional, he was facing the blade of destruction, letting the blade cut into the flesh step by step, passing through the texture, and heading towards Atreya Night Breeze.

[Wolf Faction· Lightning Thunder Knife]

Atreya's sword was wrapped with thunder and lightning, and he slashed Rushang's face head-on.


The long knife penetrated into the bones, sparks flew out, and the smile remained unchanged as before. He held down his head and hit Atreia on the head with a headbutt.


The body-protecting aura instantly shattered, and Atreya's head seemed to be struck by a meteor. The porcelain skin cracked and shattered, and golden divine blood escaped outwards.

Overlord body penetration!

Slow down and immune to penetration!

Damage reduction protection penetrates!

Armor equipment was removed on the spot!

He staggered back, and when Atreya stabilized his figure, he suddenly realized that he had become a blank slate, all the beneficial effects on his body had disappeared, and even his only equipment had been forcibly removed.


A ghost dagger suddenly ejected and pierced into Atreya's left shoulder. It was obviously just a normal attack, but like a city defense cannon, it knocked Atreya to the ground on the spot, and his shoulder was nailed like a pile by the dagger. into the ground.

"——Cheating, are you proud?"

Atreya asked as he held the knife in his right hand.


As before, his attention was attracted by His words and he shook his head.

In this brief moment, the firepower of countless Zhenwu Party members has poured down!

[Qilin’s Secret Skill——Zanjuan Yunxiao]

[Order·Soul Disintegration]

【Genome Degeneration Ray】

The intensive firepower blocked his vision, and his figure was blocked as before. He opened his arms and allowed the magic aura and firepower to impact his body.

He raised his hand slightly and snapped his fingers.


Dozens of mages and mechanics from the Zhenwu Party were instantly kicked off the line, and the intensity of their firepower dropped sharply.

"Cheating is not fun and it's not something to be proud of."

Just like in the past, he turned to look at the hundreds of warriors showing their divine postures who were rushing toward him. He didn't even look at Atreya who fell to the ground and said casually:

"But if we cheat, we are indeed invincible."

Atreya still wanted to struggle, but in an instant, huge information pop-ups filled his entire field of vision.

[Your friend ‘Loquat Cream’ has been offline. 】

[Your friend "Crossong" was banned for 30 days due to suspected violations. 】

[Your friend ‘Cheese Double Fortress’ has been detected as cheating and has been permanently banned]

A Luo Gen didn't know when he had stood in front of Ru Xi Nian.

He just raised his hand to call out names, and the warriors who charged towards them disappeared one by one.

"——The horse's hanging dog!"

Atreya Night Breeze gritted his teeth, but was unable to get rid of the shackles on his left shoulder, so he had no choice but to throw the blade in his hand at Aroghen.


Arogen flicked his fingers and knocked the long knife away. Then he glanced at Atreya Night Breeze and said:

"Hey, isn't this the Night Sword Fighter? An old loser who has not won a championship for ten years in the industry. He has the best civil war results every year and stops before the finals."

"It's not your turn to teach me a lesson with a weak-willed dog with a lightweight account."

Atreya sat on the ground, spread his legs, and spat:

"For cheating so blatantly, the system will not punish you players who cheat and destroy the balance. It seems that KitKat Network is about to end."

"Don't be ridiculous. Do you think competitive games and sports are noble things? The gambling crimes that occur around competitive sports every year are more profitable than the professional games themselves."

Arogen looked at Atreia with pity:

"Fair play and sportsmanship is a joke."

"You guys cheating and destroying the balance of the game, how dare you say that?"

"All human beings are born unequal. It is already a kind of kindness for the strong to allow the weak to serve them instead of bullying. Geniuses like you who are naturally good at fighting and quick to react are inherently unequal. Let's start What’s wrong with cheats? There are so many poor and weak people in the world, and so many people with disabilities, why don’t you allow them to use technology to make a difference?”

Aluogen sneered:

"You are awesome, you are arrogant, you can reach the top of the professional arena in one month and beat all the invincible players in the world. I have studied and practiced hard for ten years, and I am still fighting with amateurs who have real money."

"I want to ask you: What kind of fucking balance is this? It's an injustice caused by God when it pinches people. We just want to get it back. Are you, the minority with vested interests, too impatient?"

"If cheating is destroying the environment, then it only means that the distribution of resources in this bullshit environment is highly uneven. Why can you, a minority of talented people, be superior to people with no talent? I am cheating just to beat you hard. The faces of these talented people!”

Atreia looked at the other party calmly and said:

"Do you hate talented people who are proud of their talents, or do you hate yourself without talent?"

"...What kind of bird are you talking about?"

"Furthermore, do you hate this unbalanced environment, do you want to rely on the power of plug-ins to punish bad players who fry fish and abuse vegetables, and stand up for all living beings, or do you want to be superior to all living beings?"


Arogen clenched his fists and suddenly smiled:

"Ye Zhanjian, you have a sharp mouth, but don't you know that when you kneel down, your knees are not sharp?"

Having said that, without waiting for Atreya's reaction, his figure flashed as before, and Elevente and a dozen other Zhenwu Party members were instantly detained on the ground.

"You won't know if you don't see it, but you will be shocked when you see it."

As you said in the past:

"You Yuanyuan traitors are developing very fast offline, and you have attracted players who are still in the city... This is Mr. Zhou Zhichuan from No. 201, Rongshu Street, and this is Ms. Chen Zixi from Longxiang Apartment 611. This is Bit—oh, it’s actually Lin Jiarong, a student from the Department of Mechanical Power of Yanxia University.”

Arogen knelt down, looked at Atreya, and smiled enthusiastically:

"Tell me, what will happen if we tell Leanding the true information about these people?"

Atreya opened his eyes, gritted his teeth and roared:

"You beasts—"

"We are beasts, so who gave birth to you? Don't forget that without His Majesty Ryan, you wouldn't even have a chance to live."

Aluogen raised his hand innocently:

"If you want revolution, you must be prepared to be beheaded, but I think most of you are young people. It's really pathetic. If you are fooled by a few words, you will start to think about things that are not practical. Something practical.”

"...Really, do you think this is a lie?"

"Is not it?"

For example, in the past, he kicked Elevente who was tied up and said casually:

"The Zhenwu Party - you people are all too naive in the end, so you have a wrong understanding of the real world. Your Majesty Ryan Ding knows much more than you, and everything he does is for Yuanyuan's benefit. Yes, you people are trying to take away His Majesty’s power, you are so full.”

"Don't even think about it. Without Leanding, how will you be resurrected? Who will fight against those people on earth? You don't really think that Gaia can fight with the passion of you few warriors, right?"

Arogen pointed to the horizon in the distance:

"Look at the Oshuria Empire in the north - even if the players are allowed to fight, it will still require six million talents who have reached the upper limit of the version level. If they fight hard and annihilate it, they may not be able to win it in ten years. But the people on earth What? It took only a few MPs and a group of Tatars and Slavic barbarians to destroy the entire empire, even in just one month!"

"His Majesty Ryan has to fight against such a terrifying enemy. He already has a lot of things to think about. As a player, you just need to follow the deployment and execute it."

"Do you think you can fight against the Earthlings, the Secret Councilors, and the [Secret Society] Gaia? Well, then you go and try it. See if you face Gaia, you can still maintain the same attitude as you face our compatriots. Arrogant?"

Atreya tilted his head and opened his mouth. There were many things in his heart that he didn't want to say out loud.

But in the end, He just said coldly:

"You are a fourth-generation god, right?"

"so what?"


Atreya Night Breeze shook his head, smiled, and said:

"What makes you think that we haven't fought against Gaia?"

"Does it count to kill a few [society]? Can it solve the problem of the expansion of the earth's people? Can it solve the hidden danger of the division of the various layers of the star abyss? So you reckless warriors are really boring. You can't understand anything except fighting. . Fortunately, the combat skills you are proud of are worthless in front of our plug-ins.”

"We fought on the battlefield outside the abyss, fighting against the Destroyer in the universe of the six major gods. Under the call of the six major gods, we fought one after another until we died of exhaustion. Even after death, we did not find peace, but were Salvage it from the Styx River and continue to fight for the Yuan Yuan."

Atreya said calmly:

"It is true that with the help of plug-ins, you can dominate us and continue to dominate all living beings. But if one day, the divine people in the Yuan Yuan are tired of your control, they would rather choose to welcome the people of the earth to enter the customs. I will not obey your rule."

"We Zhenwu Party members have never betrayed Xingyuan. On the contrary, our family and country are not at peace, our mountains and rivers are not unified, and we have trouble sleeping and eating."

"I'm not looking down on you cheaters. What I mean is: you are trash to begin with, and you are also trash if you open up. The regime of trash will never last long. Those who are truly recognized by people are willing to fight and die for Yuanyuan's future. , we are the warriors of the gods, we are the tens of thousands of slave workers and cannon fodder gods, and we are all the living beings that you oppress.”

"what do you want to say in the end?"

Xufu, who had never made any move or made any remarks, suddenly asked:

"If you want to delay time, then this is meaningless. There are cheats. The human wave tactic is purely to brush our KDA. If you want to prevent the information of these prisoners from being handed over to KitKat Network, you should kneel down, apologize and surrender. "

Xu Fu stood up, and A Luo Gen and Ru Xi Nian made way for him.

"Ye Zhan Jian, you are just making meaningless remarks here. It has no meaning except wasting your breath - but you never speak when you are fighting, and every action has a strong purpose."

Atreya raised his eyes and looked at Xu Fu, who was walking in front of him. He knew the situation of the boy in front of him. He was not only the strongest among the three, but also one of the top masters in the current version of "Star Abyss".

Not to mention cheating, even if there is no cheating, the opponent's set of graduation equipment may not be able to be hacked for an entire afternoon.

"I don't understand, what are you waiting for?"

Xufu stared into Atreya's eyes:

"Could it be that you still think you still have hope of making a comeback?"

As soon as he said this, the two people next to him laughed directly.

"Pfft! Hahahahaha - so funny."

"The three major illusions in life: she likes me, I can fight back, and there is still a chance."

Xufu ignored the two of them. He picked up the other person's neck, like holding a weak chicken, and looked at Atreya. The other person's eyes were unwavering.

"What on earth are you waiting for?"

The husband couldn't understand.

In any case, he could not imagine that this group of rebel warriors could not even fight against the weakest ones like before, so what qualifications did they have to fight against him.

"Just look at it: standing in front of you is [Lord], a third-level professional [Pope], the second person in the history of the PVP arena in "Star Abyss", and the 'Heavenly Star Lord' who single-handedly killed the evil god Levisi. Xufu is still an official whitelist and tester of KitKat Network. The system has also been equipped with more than 100 features such as self-aim, perspective, blood lock, self-adjusting damage multiplier, control-free, no physical consumption, no reduction of items, no cooldown of skills, etc. The plug-ins of Xiang Content - both the underworld and the normal road are all on my side. I don't understand, what else can you do to fight with me? "

Atreya Night Breeze lowered his eyelids, the wound on his shoulder continued to bleed, and his vital signs became weaker and weaker.

When Xu Fu asked him that he couldn't understand, Atreya didn't have the strength to raise his head and look at him.

He just looked down at the system panel on his retina and watched as a pop-up window suddenly lit up.

['Leoz' invites you to join the private server - "Yuanyuan United Front\

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