From star abyss

Chapter 1064 279 Void Line: Leading to the Ending of [White Wolf] (4)

Chapter 1064 279. Void Line: Leading to the Ending of [White Wolf] (4)

The smoke and dust dissipated.

Looking at the people in front of him, Ru Xi Nian couldn't help but complain:

"A Luo Gen, what kind of battle is this? Why are there more enemies the more you fight?"

"Shut up."

A Luo Gen clenched his fists. His body, which had infinite physical strength, was sweating profusely. He looked up at the people standing on the ground in front of him, and couldn't help saying:

"... If I knew the reason, I would have dealt with this guy a long time ago - and then again, why didn't you do it?"

"Well said."

Ru Xi Nian took off his arm armor, revealing an arm full of broken lines:

"The spirit world cut off my connection with it - as a [weird] system , without the spirit world contract, I can't even do a basic attack. You don't expect me to rush up with a knife and fight with [Echo], right? Excuse me, I haven't even beaten you, a [Destruction] system, with a cheat. What else can I do except to cause trouble for you. "

A Luogen spat:

"Tsk! Trash. "

"Don't you see who I'm helping? I've fallen to this point. "

Ru Xi Nian spread his hands and said unhappily:

"Following you, this account is considered useless, and this cheat is not good. It can't even deal with an NPC--"

Before he finished speaking, he was suddenly interrupted.

"No, it's not A Luogen's problem, and it has nothing to do with the cheat."

Xu Kefu stood up, walked past Ru Xi Nian and A Luogen, and walked towards Li Aozi.

"Xu Kefu?"

"You said it's not the problem with the cheat, then there's something wrong with the NPC."

"Li Aoz? Maybe."

Xu Kefu looked at the headless Li Aoz and said casually:

"The main reason why you can't beat that guy is that you are a bunch of trash."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Your words are not very pleasant to hear, Xu Kefu, don't forget, you are just a cheater."

"Yes, I also cheat, but I am very strong."

Xu Kefu held the Raven Prince on his waist, without even looking at the two behind him:

"As for you, you are trash even if you use it."

Without waiting for the two to refute, Xu Kefu raised his hand and pointed at Li Aoz, and said in a deep voice:

"Li Aoz, I won't bully you. I am invincible to you when I use the cheat."

Li Aoz tilted his "head" slightly, touched his non-existent chin, and seemed to be thinking about Xu Kefu's words.

Seeing that the other party did not object, Xu Kefu continued:

"I will give you a chance to defeat me, and I will let all of you go, and I will not report this to Lai Anding."

"But, if you lose, I will kill you and completely erase your personality and historical records from the world. No one will know about you and no one will remember you."

"It's cruel, but compared to the ending of the traitors of the Zhenwu Party being arrested one by one by Lai Anding, it's still much better. If you don't want your people to end up like this, then use all your skills to defeat me--"


The Raven Prince unsheathed, Xu Kefu's eyes were like torches, his feet stepped on the ground, his sword pointed to the sky, and he shouted in a deep voice:

"Draw your sword, just you and me!"


The next moment, his body quickly rose to 18 meters high, with surging flames wrapped around his body, his skin cracked and shattered, his chest collapsed inward, and under the terrifying high temperature and high pressure, it formed a blazing and shining ring.

The electromagnetic field swayed like a wave, guiding the dark matter to flow and aggregate on the surface of the body, and under the burning of the core fire, it was forged into a dark knight armor.


A golden glow lit up in the window, like two lava balls, constantly radiating deadly high-energy rays. Xu Kefu raised his hand and grabbed it, and the dark magnetic fluid around him immediately solidified into a kite-shaped shield under the constraint of the magnetic field, and the Raven Prince was also extended to a length that matched his height.

[Trinity·Twilight Knight]

Without any extra lines, Xu Kefu shook his body and immediately descended in front of Li Aoz, with the blade in his hand wrapped in blazing flames, slashing down with a bang!

[White Knight] Yamer was about to make a move, but was stopped by the man who claimed to be the director, who shook his head slightly:

"This is not our mission."

Just as the fierce slash was about to come, Li Aoz on the ground suddenly raised his left hand and slapped the slashed blade horizontally.

——550,000 points of [Strength] increase brought by [Hunter King].

Bang! ! ! ! !

The attack without any fancy moves immediately deflected the blade to the side. The roar caused by the collision shook the whole world for a moment. Space and time were torn apart alive. The echoing force continued to be transmitted outward, and the huge sound of this battle would spread hundreds of light years above the abyss before it stopped.

Xu Kefu's first attack ended with a staggering retreat.

And this was just the beginning of the counterattack.

"I don't know where you come from, but there is no need to know."

The attributes superimposed by [Bishop of the Moon String] continued to fade, and Li Oz retracted his fist. The burst blood vessels on the back of his hand healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He stared ahead, his sight passed over the tall and mighty Dusk Knight, as if through the abyss of stars, directly to the deepest source abyss.

Under this echo that resounded throughout the universe of the abyss, everyone will hear their battle and conversation:

"I am Li Oz."

"Whether you are an Adventer, a citizen of [Society], a member of the Narrative, or an ordinary citizen of the Star Abyss, you do not need to answer my words."

"And listen attentively."

"From now on, we will fight all the way to the Yuanyuan and drag the ruler of the Corpse Scene, Lian Ding, from his throne. We will attack the void and order [Dusk Qing] to give up the plan to invade the Star Abyss."

"I don't have anything fancy to say. As a cannon fodder and a security guard with a technical secondary school degree, I will only give you some simple and honest advice:"

"We will fight [society], fight the descendants (cheating players) who do not abide by the principles and break the rules, fight the Lord of the Void who hurts the compatriots of Xingyuan, fight the warriors of the gods - I don't care who you are, who you are Anyone who dares to stop me will be killed!"

"Long live the people of Endless Star Abyss and Star Abyss, let the invaders of Earth and the masters of Yuanyuan witness our greatness!"

After saying that, all the values ​​​​on Li Ozi's body returned to normal, the strange and twisted attraction on his body instantly dissipated, and the natural world that was originally doting and flattering on him suddenly calmed down.

"Is this... your purpose?"

Xufu held up his sword and shield and said in a deep voice:

"You have such a high [Charisma] attribute just to use it for broadcasting?"

"Otherwise?" Li Ozi asked back: "Isn't the advantage of [Echoer] a loud voice?"

Xu Fu was silent for a moment. He pointed at himself and asked:

"Do you know who I am?"

"Don't care, don't care, don't know."

Li Ozi raised his hand, and the Purple Moon Anchor appeared in his heart.

"I am a licensed husband."

"It doesn't matter if you are Zhukov."

Li Ozi pinched the purple moon anchor point:

"You know why, [Pope] is the sun?"


[Organization·Purple Moon Anchor Point—Stop Activation]

[Your profession has been restored to: [Crown Pope]]

The flame-colored hair fluttered instantly, and the flames wrapped around the body, turning into a silk-like dress. The flame-haired girl trampled the ground with her bare feet and instantly jumped up, her golden eyes shining with fanatical brilliance:

"There can only be one sun in this sky!"

【Trinity·Sunset Priest】

Xufu took his time and raised the shield in his hand to block it in front of him.


The flame-haired girl landed her foot and immediately made a clear hole in the shield made of magnetic fluid. She took the opportunity to use her strength and jumped up again. Her body shape completely violated the laws of physics, bypassing the Dusk Knight's head and reaching directly. hindbrain.

She twisted her waist out of thin air, stretched out the five fingers of her right hand, tightened the muscles on her fingertips, and pushed down toward the back of Xu Husband's head in an instant!


Xu Fu suffered a severe blow to the back of his head and leaned forward, but he quickly reacted, holding the sharp blade under his arm, twisting his body, and suddenly slashed an arc towards the flame-haired girl in mid-air behind him. Shaped ring of flames.


The flame-haired girl bit her fingertips lightly, and blood overflowed. Her whole body was covered by the healing light, and she resisted the flames. Her long hair was swept by the sword wind, and her light body was torn and peeled off, even if her bones were broken. Broken by heavy pressure, but repaired in the blink of an eye.

The heart of redemption, coupled with the dual healing ability of [Sunset Priest], makes her vitality as endless as the water of the Styx.

"Thank you, dear mother Leandin."

The flame-haired girl showed a bright smile, broke through the strong wind in front of her, and punched Mr. Xu in the face.


The force of this blow was too great, and her body bounced up again, so she clasped her fists with both hands and smashed down at the same time, landing on the same position of the helmet again.


Xufu's mind dangled and he reached out to grab his face, but the flame-haired girl just pushed forward and allowed gravity to capture her, and she fell freely to the earth.


The flame-haired girl's body fell to pieces on the ground, but she just tilted her head, tapped her toes on the ground, and her body immediately stood up crookedly like a zombie.

Crack, click, click, click…

After a heart-wrenching sound, her body began to regenerate and reorganize its bones. When the flame-haired girl raised her head, Xu Husband's shadow had already engulfed her, and he was lifting his feet to trample her down.


The flame-haired girl cut off one of her hands without hesitation, threw it into the air, and let her huge foot fall down on her head.


Under Xu Fu's trampling, the girl's body was completely crushed and crushed, but the cut off palm was carried by the updraft caused by the trampling and flew upwards, flying all the way to Xu Fu's shoulder.

Xu Fu's gaze shifted slightly.

Then he met a pair of delicate and bright golden eyes.


The flame-haired girl smiled slightly and said:

"do you miss me?"

Xufu's pupils shrank suddenly and he moved his body as fast as possible, but it was too late. The flame-haired girl had already raised her kick and hit him in the chin like a battering ram.


The huge knight tilted his neck back and kept moving his feet. Xufu hurriedly stabilized his body and tried to regain his center of gravity, but suddenly his heart tightened.

"Not good, the throat is exposed——"


The flame-haired girl spread her slender legs, suddenly dropped down, clasped Xu Fu's neck tightly, made fists with both hands, and punched Xu Fu's throat repeatedly!

Boom, boom, clang, clang!

Punch after punch, non-stop like a violent storm, each punch landed precisely on the same location, constantly accumulating fatigue on the armor.

This was not a slash with a sword. The force of each punch could be transmitted to Xufu's body through the armor.

Snap, snap, snap, snap, snap!

Unreserved violence instillation, without any technical blessing, but extremely precise strikes.

It doesn't matter if the fist bleeds or is shattered, just let the bones continue to pound.

The body will continue to repair itself anyway.

Under the constant beatings, Xufu was finally unable to control his center of gravity and collapsed.

"Is this salvation? It turns out that this is the power of innate talent!"

The flame-haired girl laughed happily like a silver bell:

"Hip hahahaha!"

Why are you laughing?

"It turns out that the power of the gods is so much stronger than cannon fodder!"

The husband couldn't understand.

"No wonder, you Yuanyuan gods have never looked down on me. There is such a big difference in talent."

The style and fighting style of the flame-haired girl in front of her couldn't be called fighting at all.

"Bang bang bang! It feels so good! If your arm is broken, it can be repaired immediately. Don't be afraid when the blood dries up. It will be repaired by itself."

This is simply risking your life!

The flame-haired girl's laughter was so pure, like a child getting a toy for the first time.

But to Xu Fu, it sounded like a sign of madness!

She has gone crazy.

This kind of fighting style that doesn't care about one's own life is extremely skillful. It completely ignores the pain that one suffers in the battle, just to break through a piece of one's own armor, and the blood shed is enough to irrigate hundreds of acres of wasteland.

"Hey, little brother."

The flame-haired girl suddenly stopped attacking. She raised her hand to twist and play with her long colored hair, and said with a smile:

"This is the first time we meet. I have prepared a small amount of kindness. Please accept it."



The flame-haired girl instantly lay on the Twilight Knight's window, and her delicate and bright face suddenly appeared in front of Xu Fu's eyes. Before he could react to the opponent's actions, he saw the opponent opened his lips and said clearly word by word:

"Fierce Yang Tyrant King."

The next moment, the face of the bright and beautiful girl in front of him collapsed, and her petite body was pulled outwards and cracked, and then condensed in place.


Suddenly, the shining light stretched for thousands of kilometers. Xufu's body was grabbed by the flaming hands and pushed to the top of the cloud at a speed of 400,000 meters per second. Even though he was a dusk knight, he was facing the blazing star spirit. Under the pressure of his absolute size, even if the pure wind pressure pressed him, he could not move at all.


Xufu's body was constantly swaying under the strong wind. As the temperature at high altitude dropped, his body surface began to freeze. Under the internal heat and external cold, the armor continued to disintegrate and shatter. In his field of vision,

Suddenly, his body felt light, as if he had lost all gravity. But then, he realized that he was being abandoned high, and then his body fell rapidly downwards under the drag of gravity.


In the direction where he fell, the tyrant of the scorching sun opened his mouth wide, and the scalding heat wave scorched his body, which seemed to be telling Xu Fu's fate, that he would be devoured, melted, and digested.

Xu Fu struggled hard and tried to chant the Star Drop Technique, but the skill that could be completed in an instant in Li Ozi's hands required a long wait for energy accumulation at this moment.

Just as he was channeling the power of the stars, the mouth of the Tyrant of the Sun was approaching. The destructive high pressure and high temperature completely captured Xu Fu, and was firmly bound between the cage of electromagnetic force and gravity.


The big mouth was closed, and the blazing sun star spirit had no time to bite it and swallowed it whole.


After a long burp, the world became quiet again.

Aluogen and Ru on the ground stared blankly at the sky.

All these changes were too fast, and Li Ozi's actions and reactions were far beyond the player's understanding.

This is not at all the spirituality and activity that the BOSS or NPC in the game should have. No matter how you look at it, the tyrant who blocks out the sky and the sun is just a part of the natural world, a product of the creation of heaven and earth.

If you use the thinking of a player and try to fight against such an enemy by figuring out the routines, back-up strategy, cheating and skipping classes, then even Xufu will end up like this.

"……it's over."

The members of the Zhenwu Party breathed a sigh of relief. They were facing these cheating players. They were just giving away their lives. They couldn't do any damage or even cause any trouble.

If it weren't for Xu Futuo's refusal to use plug-ins, I don't know how long this battle would last.

"It's not the end."

Chargenia stared at the back of the tyrant standing on the horizon and whispered:

"His Majesty Leoz also knows that this is just the beginning."

"You..." Teng Shen, one of the Zhenwu Party members, looked at Chargenia, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Are you, Guinevere?"

"That's what the people on Earth call me. My Haines name is Chargenia. It's always been that way."

Chargenia looked at the other party and said in surprise:

"Evil God Chenshen? You actually atoned for your crimes?"

"No, [Goddess of Truth], I'm even more surprised that you didn't perish with Haines."

"What? Haynes is dead?"

Chargenia's beautiful eyes were filled with astonishment:

"It's impossible. I clearly severely injured Anpollo and forced him to shrink into the black coffin and seal himself. The [Scholars] hate Anpollo to the core, the [Collectors] are all crazy, and the Secret Council is on the verge of collapse. How could Haines perish--"

"Everyone, let's talk about the past later."

The curator coughed lightly and gestured:

"The stage now belongs to our Lord God."

"Li Aoz..."

Du Zexin looked up at the Fiery Sun Star Spirit in the sky, his eyes covered with red and black evil spirits.

"The battle has not stopped yet."

Ms. N4 held her chin and said what he was thinking in his heart:

"The evolution line is constantly fluctuating, and a powerful creature is being nurtured."


N4 raised her index finger and whispered:

"It's coming."


A crisp cracking sound broke the long-lasting peace.

A line cracked on the body of the Fiery Sun Tyrant.

Crack, crack, click--click, click, click, click!

Then, like a toppled domino, the cracks spread and stretched in an instant, spreading continuously until the entire body of the Sun Spirit was covered.

At the same time, between the dull burning sounds, subtle and strange sounds echoed.


[Third-party plug-in "King Slayer"-has been enabled. ]

Ding Ding Ding!

[Wish you a pleasant experience, respected whitelisted players]

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!

[All kinds of cheating parameters have reached the maximum]


The tyrant of the Sun was torn apart on the spot, and the flames in the sky turned into a torrential rain and fell on the earth. The sky and the earth echoed with indescribable horror. When the strong wind swept across the earth with the debris of the tyrant, even the sound of the wind seemed to carry a tone of fear.


Xu Kefu's figure fell on the ground, but he no longer appeared in any posture of the [Pope]. He knelt on one knee, as if he was under endless pressure.

The palm of his left hand was placed on the ground, and the invisible force field rolled up the dirt and dust. Under the control of the powerful invisible force, it condensed and combined, turning into a little golden glow, like burning gold, flashing in the short summer night sky, but imprinted with the memory of the entire universe.

"I don't want to show my most satisfactory posture at this time."

Xu Kefu slowly raised his head, his eyes were like a rotating galaxy, deep and distant. When he spoke, every character he uttered was filled with the eternal mystery of the universe. Just trying to understand it would make his head swell and split.

"That's it."

Xu Kefu stood up, and four strange phantom colors appeared beside him.

The light golden circle kept rotating around his body, and the gravel and dirt danced in the air, with Xu Kefu as the center, bringing a circle of beautiful rings.


The purple rays kept jumping and refracting between his hands, and sometimes when they touched the stardust, they would transform it into iron filings, gold, glass or ice crystals.

[Weak force]

The flames and thunder kept dancing, and the iron filings and dust laid an infinite track around his body.

[Electromagnetic force]

The blazing sun was as kind as a father. It opened its arms and tried to embrace Xu Kefu, but before it touched him, it immediately collapsed inward, and finally shrank into a ghostly orange-yellow singularity, which continued to compress and became extremely heavy, and finally rolled up the world and time and space.

[Strong force]

At the same time, the clear and bright sky of Jingyuan suddenly dimmed, the stars were dim, and the sky and the earth lost their color, so Xu Kefu on the ground became the only radiance.

"In the name of the stars, guide the supreme power."

Xu Kefu gently waved away the stardust in front of him, took a deep breath, and his eyes were covered with a layer of silver light.

Then, he slowly uttered the ancient crazy muttering:

"Take me to the promotion."

The next moment, the energy of the four basic forces instantly merged into his body.

Gravity transformed his life essence, removed his flesh and blood, and made him obtain the structure of the cosmic body in an instant.

Weak force transmitted his thought signals, and poured the ancient sages' knowledge of exploring the stars into his mind.

Electromagnetic force reshaped his body, and something like jade filled his body. A flash of lightning suddenly fell and hit his body, activating his spirituality, and then his skin exuded misty starlight.

It was as if the stars in the sky fell down and turned into human form.

In the end, under the absolute domination of the strong force, all the scattered stardust and the call of the universe were gathered on this body.

The Son of the Stars slowly raised his hand, and the light condensed into a silver-white mask, which was buckled on his face, and then it was organically combined with the flesh and blood, and completely integrated.

There was no mouth or nose, and only two windows were left on the completely flat and smooth mask.

The next moment, the window suddenly lit up with brilliant light, and the entire realm was instantly seen clearly.

"Look, Li Aoz, this is the real end of the path of [Domination] that you cannot reach."

Xu Kefu raised his hand, and the mystical energy of the four basic forces was integrated in his body. At this moment, he had understood the essence of the universe.

"[Star Master]."

"Guide the power of the stars and transform the real world."

"The person chosen by the starlight is the brave man who saves the world!"

Xu Kefu suddenly clenched his fist, and then opened his palm:

"Universal School·Black Hole!"

The ancient and long ravings began to be chanted, and along with the chanting, the natural material world also began to dance crazily.


Millions of hectares of air disappeared in an instant, and the invisible and terrifying attraction pulled all the people, living things, and soil present towards Xu Fu. Even light could not escape this powerful force.

In the name of the stars, the real world is arbitrarily distorted according to subjective thinking.

Just like meteors falling and streaking across the night sky, mortals will have romantic and unrealistic thoughts and make wishes for the stars.

When this willpower turns into reality and really touches the stars, it is time to change the rules of reality.

This is called: Starfall.

With a plug-in that breaks through version restrictions, the licenser has opened all the modifier projects that can be opened.

Only in this way can he activate the skill of [Star Master], one of the ultimate professions in the [Dominator] series.

Star Drop Technique·General School·Black Hole

The purest, simplest, most violent ability.

As long as you chant for long enough, the gravity and interaction force will continue to strengthen, and eventually a real black hole will be created directly on this land!

"No one can match it, no one can rival it, no one can peep into the secrets! I, recognized by the stars, am the master of this world!"

Xu Fu held the slowly forming black hole and looked at the people struggling under the gravitational vortex, and he couldn't help but feel some pity:

"No need to resist, I will give you a happy one. As a [Star Master], I am already invincible. In this case, it is natural to show kindness to the weak——"

"If this is your trump card, then your life is really bleak."

The sudden insult interrupted Mr. Xu's speech.

He turned to look at the source of the sound. Even as the black hole gradually pulled and distorted everything, the man's voice was still extremely clear.

Under the gaze of Mr. Xu, Li Ozi quickly regenerated from the debris on the ground and returned to his original posture. He thrust the sword blade into the ground with one hand and used it as a crutch to stabilize his body. , The blue eyes looked at Xu Fu coldly.

"You're not dead yet?"

Xufu was slightly surprised:

"But it's fast. Even if your recovery and healing abilities are good, in a black hole, even time does not exist, and so-called regeneration is meaningless."

However, Li Ozi was not frightened by his words.

The latter just raised his left hand and raised a straight middle finger:

"Fuck you, you loser. You're a piece of shit with the Star Drop Technique. You still have the nerve to pretend to be cool with me."

"Li Ozi, you have a tough mouth, but your life may not be tough."

Xufu said leisurely:

"The skill I performed is the Star Drop Technique with the most destructive power and the largest attack range in Xingyuan. It is far beyond your understanding and understanding. It is impossible for you to understand this art."

"No, it's not because I don't know how to cast stars."

Li Ozi shook his head and said:

"But he will."

"He?" Xufu asked subconsciously, "What him?"

"What, don't you recognize it?"

Li Ozi raised the corners of his mouth. Under the strong suction of the black hole, his voice was still clearly transmitted to a distant place:

"Comrade Liz, a senior player of "Star Abyss" and a master of [Xingjiang Division]."

Before Xufu could react, a purple figure suddenly appeared in front of him.


The purple divine warrior wearing a white mask made a voice very similar to Li Ozi's:

"do you miss me?"

The next moment, messages popped up in front of Xu Fu.

[You have been locked by the grand narrative - invaded by nihilism! 】

[The passive skill "Children of the Stars" has been blocked (3592 days remaining)]

[The passive skill "Star Traveler" has been blocked (19 hours remaining)]

[The passive skill "Galaxy Neuron" has been blocked (4 minutes and 25 seconds remaining)]

[You have been eroded by nihilistic thoughts - the current skill is sealed (29 seconds remaining)]


The black hole in his hand collapsed instantly. The purple divine warrior grabbed Xu Fu and threw it towards a nearby mountain like a baseball.

Xu Fu's figure continued to bring out a series of sonic boom clouds, but before he could hit the mountain, the purple divine warrior lightly kicked the space in front of him and jumped to the landing point in the next moment.

He raised his foot, like a strong athlete shooting, and hit the center of Xu Fu's chest diaphragm.


Xu Fu's figure was immediately stopped. He reacted extremely quickly and quickly turned on the immunity control of the plug-in. He made a bow and landed smoothly. He turned around, drew his sword, and chopped off the strange warrior's head!

The purple divine warrior shook his head slightly, not avoiding it at all, as if he was about to catch the sword with his shoulder armor.

【Escape into the void】

Just at the moment when the sword blade was about to fall, the opponent suddenly disappeared completely. Xu Fu slashed into the air, and before he could react, a big hand like a dragon's claw fell on his head.


"Hey, young man, are you playing [Starfall Master]?"

The purple divine warrior picked up Xufu like a little chicken. Even if the other party's parameters were full, the values ​​were meaningless in front of the [Void] path.

The Void Path either weakens abilities or bans talents, specifically targeting these flashy spellcasters.

Xu Kefu raised his head with difficulty, looking at the purple divine warrior in front of him, his pupils shrank, and he asked in disbelief:

"This posture...Are you Sidse? Why are you standing on the side of the traitor! Have you betrayed Xingyuan as well?"

"You don't need to care about what I do."

Sidseed of Xingyuan, who had already turned into the incarnation of Li Aoz, poked his temple and sneered:

"But you are too bad at the Star Drop Technique."

"I have to take care of this."

"Because I am the real number one Star Drop Master!"

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