From star abyss

Chapter 119 118. Death fight in a cage (Part 1)

There are some good equipment on the Thriver and the Decayer, some of which are made of carbon fiber materials, which are very light and can be worn by Li Ozi.

[Item Name]: Strong Greaves

[Category]: Armor/Legs

[Quality]: [Flawless]

[Attribute]: Provides 20 points of all-purpose armor value (resistance to impact/piercing/energy attacks)

Block [Piercing] damage below 80 points.

[Light Armor Exclusive]: Movement smoothness, stealth, and fast movement will not be affected.


"Mingji Humanity has made breakthrough progress in biochemical materials, especially in polymer materials. It has greatly improved the original Kevlar material. The new material has ten times the kinetic energy absorption capacity of previous Kevlar. But this Doesn’t mean this armor can withstand hacking and cutting, and—speak up and put the hammer down!”

Material: Mingji special aramid, carbon fiber material.

Net weight: 475 grams

Protective area: knees, shins, outer thighs and facing parts.

Durability: normal

A piece of protective gear to protect you, nothing more.

[Equipment requirements]:



The other piece is an aramid fiber lining removed from the body of the Decayer. Since the opponent's body is severely deformed and does not conform to the human body, it cannot be said to be equipment at all, but it also adds a lot of armor value when hung on the body. .

This simple set of aramid material protection is worn on the upper body, and the armor value is directly increased to 90.

Counting his [Extraordinary Physique] and class special effects, he is now basically immune to ordinary pistol bullets.

Li Ozi didn't know what to say for a while.

Because his own life value is less than 100.

Fortunately, the harvest is still good.

"Including Mobi, I have already challenged four levels in a row. If I try it again, I will meet the conditions to be promoted to the next template."

Now his template is the [Elite Combat Type] NPC, and the next level is the [Advanced Senior Combat Type] NPC, which is the type of Nimotin.

The bonus is quite impressive, 15% damage rate, plus 10% damage limit. With this blessing, Li Ozi can suddenly become a version 1.0 BOSS level character.

After killing several more Mingji members on the way, Li Aozi and Du Zexin officially arrived at the door of the Esha treatment room. As Du Zexin hacked into the program to unlock it, this facility where countless so-called Esha infected people were imprisoned. The cell door slowly opened.

"Why...there's no one there?"

The empty treatment room was in a mess. Discarded clothes and tattered sundries could be seen everywhere on the ground. The refrigerator storing medicines was overturned. Li Ozi saw at a glance the dampening and cobalt-containing phenformin - these are the special effects for extraordinary people. It was a medicine specially provided by [Warrior], it was expensive, but it was thrown on the ground casually at this moment, no one cared about it.

"What's going on here?"

Du Zexin frowned. He released the drone and searched for living people around him. Li Aozi squatted down. Although his body was old, he still retained a lot of consciousness. He squinted his eyes and had three mutations of predator vision. Can detect subtle traces on the ground.

"There are many footprints and drag marks on the ground. Whether there is blood is another matter, but it is obvious that the infected people were forcibly transferred."

Judging from Li Ozi's words combined with the drone's observation, this view is basically confirmed.

"Do you remember how many people were infected with the evil spirit?" Du Zexin asked.

"I don't know - but looking at these wards and signs of life, I don't think there are less than 300 people." Li Aozi said: "Many of the people here are teenagers, their arcana development is very low, and their bodies are also suffering from evil spirits. The impact has caused deformities.”

The space on the second floor of the shelter is obviously much larger. The space of this Esha treatment room alone is 30 meters high and covers an area comparable to a small community. There are ample corridors and rooms to accommodate thousands of people. People are very relaxed.

"If that's the case, then it would be a big move to move so many people in one go."

Du Zexin was confused:

"But I looked at the terrain map. Behind the factory and the Esha treatment ward is the laboratory - there is no way the latter can accommodate 300 people?"

Li Aozi nodded.

Du Zexin is right, because obviously, the remaining space is not enough to accommodate more than 300 patients.

This brings up a question of obvious opinion: Where have all these people gone?


Just when the two of them were looking at each other with suspicion, the lights in the hall suddenly dimmed.

power cut.

Just like a pianist striking the keys, the rhythmic lights of various electrical appliances quickly short-circuited, and a burst of electric sparks exploded from Du Zexin's body, and he said in surprise:

“Ionizing radiation short-circuits communications systems—what’s going on?”

Li Ozi didn't take it seriously: "There is a nuclear reactor underground. Isn't it normal to have high-energy radiation?"

"Are you kidding? Only the large amount of electromagnetic pulses and high-energy rays generated during nuclear explosions can interfere with communications. Besides, my equipment was modulated by me myself..."

The implication is that the wireless communication that has been strengthened by a Beta level [Mechanic] will not be immediately scrapped even if it encounters strong electromagnetic pulse interference.

Du Zexin pressed the communication system, clicked his tongue, raised his rifle, and warned:

"You'd better be careful, Li Ozi, I feel something is wrong."


After a while, the emergency power supply came online, and the emergency lighting was ineffective in the dark and cold underground. Overexposure distorted the vision, making it easy to see all objects in black and white.

Du Zexin activated the night vision system, and AI automatically rendered and colored the picture. Without this worry, he continued to move forward steadily.

Not so for Li Ozi, his heart was beating fast.

He had already been close to death once, and saw Nomi's death again, plus Snow's buffs, which kept him mentally tense at all times. At the slightest sign of trouble, he would throw a flying knife.

Time passed by minute by second, and the darkness could not stop their progress. They quickly searched every ward in the Esha treatment room, but still found nothing.

Li Ozi picked up a drawing book from the ground. The ballpoint pen drawings looked extremely thin and messy, which reminded him of Snow.

"Snow, are you here?" Li Ozi asked softly.

Snow should have very strong psychic power. He could warn him before, persuade him to leave, and provide help. Now it stands to reason that he has been closer to Snow's position, and his senses should be clearer.

Although the [Dominator] system has no chance to communicate through spiritual abilities like the [Psychic Medium] and [Shaman] of the [Weird] system unless they awaken the soul-related arcana, Snow's spiritual power seems to be a bit too strong. Can make him aware of it.

Li Ozi even suspected that she might belong to the extremely rare "Void Orphan" type of genius.

The Dark Traces Chapter is coming to an end soon, and we will go to a very interesting place next.

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