From star abyss

Chapter 121 120. Death fight in a cage (Part 2)

I study science and pay a loyal tribute to reason.

Huge biochemical skeleton takes shape.

I worship science and use my blood to shape the throne of authority.

The sea of ​​blood wraps around the body and builds muscles.

I am superstitious about science and open the door to destruction with arrogance.

The nerve synapses are electrified, and the cells in the body spread and proliferate wantonly, draining every inch of nutrients in the space.

The chitin exoskeleton absorbs ceramic and steel and covers it with heavy armor.

A dense and complex biochemical flora was formed in an instant, and the black hole-like eyeballs were as big as door panels and arranged horizontally.

The huge skeleton was instantly wrapped with muscles and composite armor, like a devil from the underworld, exuding a completely opposite sense of technology... full of primitive, wild, and rough biological texture.

"It's cute, right? The most perfect aircraft created by humans is not as flexible as a hummingbird. The most high-end technology only requires the most simple and primitive gestures to express it."

The professor's voice echoed in the hall, but her real body was nowhere to be seen. But at this moment, no electrical appliances could operate normally. There was only one possibility for her voice to be heard.

"Have you... merged yourself with this monster?"

Li Ozi's question received an immediate response:

"Correction: it's not a monster."

The professor said with a smile, her voice passed through the giant god-like body and quickly spread to the entire hall.

She only denied the second half of the sentence and responded to the first half.

"Professor Mingji, do you know what you did?"

Du Zexin said in a deep voice:

"You are developing biological and chemical weapons, which is a serious violation of international treaties. Do you want to drag your motherland into the passive abyss of international public opinion? You are committing a crime by spending taxpayers' money on trampling on humanitarianism and maiming children!"


She smiled:

"An international treaty is just a piece of paper. Compared with knowledge and progress, what use is law?"

The professor said in confusion:

"Human beings are unwilling to make progress, but at the same time they condemn those who progress too quickly, calling them 'monsters' and 'devils', and crucify them and burn them to death in flames."

"Obviously, the people who despise knowledge the most are humans, and the ones who rely on knowledge and technological progress are also humans."

"Law, emotion, morality, order, bottom line, ethics - these things have become the shackles of your evolution."

"But even so, I'm still kind."

"I have knowledge and power that are superior to mortals, but I still care about mankind and have not completely destroyed you - isn't this kind enough? I feel like a holy mother."

Du Zexin gave Li Ozi a look and secretly released a remaining batch of micro drones from his body - the previous pulse destroyed too many machines, and this was the only batch he had left.

‘Delay some time while I find her true form. ’

Li Aozi understood it, and then Du Zexin turned his head and shouted:

"You're such a stinker, what kind of international joke are you kidding!"

"There is no limit to progress. Do you control knowledge? It's better to become a slave to technology!"

"Chasing everything and losing your body and consciousness, are you worthy of having free will?"

"You're nothing more than a giant blob of protein- and amino-acid-driven single cells."

"What are human beings? Human beings are existences with higher pursuits than devouring and reproducing—art, philosophy, and ideological transformation."

"Only a weak person would regard the pursuit of strength and progress as their only priority, because his shallow and backward thinking cannot allow him to reach such heights!"

The red and black tide surged, and countless tentacles connected to the walls and space on all sides. The ferocious giant slowly raised its head, and a series of egg-like objects quickly surged from its body.

Immediately afterwards, Li Aozi's pupils shrank - these egg-shaped objects protruded outward, revealing the structure of the human face.

Looking around... dozens, hundreds - at least no less than a thousand human facial contours, densely packed, each one roaring and wailing silently at the top of his lungs.

"But so what?"

"Capitalists, warlords, bureaucrats, aristocrats, powerful families, academies - aren't they the ones who exploit humanity the most in the world? Can you still kill them all?"

"And these people are standing behind me. It is their nourishment that catalyzed my ascension. In order to hold eternal power, they let their genetic information be passed on endlessly. These strong men in human society, they In the end, he also embarked on what you call the 'weak' path."

The drone flew quickly, shuttled between the tentacles and the giant god's body, searching and scanning everywhere.

"Who do you think I am? I was raised by frost-plated people. I know better than you how degenerate and ruined your motherland is."

"I understand what you want to do, delay time, find the location of my body, and kill me in one fell swoop."

"It doesn't matter, the path of evolution is irreversible."

The professor said easily:

"Thanks to these ignorant capitalists and radical feminists, I have opened the door to the temple of the Creator."

Tentacles popped up in front of the fleshy giant and slowly pulled up two humanoid flesh cocoons. Inside were the bodies of the disappeared head nurse Nodley and assistant doctor Anna.

"Thank you for your dedication to science."

"Nodley, you are unable to improve your martial arts because of your kindness."

"Anna, your wisdom cannot be improved because of your excessive greed."

"But that's okay, honey."

The professor said fondly:

"Next, you will enter immortality."

The next moment, their bodies quickly shriveled up, and the tentacles held up the blood cocoons and quickly moved them into the body. The earth shook violently, the sea of ​​blood surged, and the deformed creations on the ground and in the air fell into madness. Their genes allow them to instinctively burst into panic movements in the face of natural disasters and earthquakes.


It’s not that the earth is shaking.

It's the heart. The deafening sound of the heart presses blood into every corner of the giant god's body. Eyes the size of door panels quickly light up with frightening light. The pupils of the insect-like compound eyes quickly focus. The body temperature rises rapidly, evaporating the food on the ground. The red and black evil spirit liquid forms a rich black vapor.

Its figure suddenly trembled, as if its soul was suddenly injected into it.

The professor's voice suddenly became high-pitched and loud, mixed with the warrior's war cry and the businessman's calm murmur:

"Bio Vajra - Fusion!"

Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa!

The tentacles connected to the wall broke, and the exoskeleton's plate armor was pushed upward to dissipate heat. Bion King Kong opened his arms as huge as a bus, and the humanoid faces all over his body immediately showed distorted expressions.

Li Ozi's body twitched, and he clearly felt a strong resonance in the genes in his body.

Arcana... At this moment, hundreds of arcana are being released crazily!

[Anti-Gravity Field], [Electromagnetic Radiation], [Diseased Body], [Thermal Energy Transfer], [Violent Growth], [Fluid Control], [Mirror Refraction], [Super Speed], [Vigor and Pressure], [Pulsation of Music] ], [Extrasensory Nerve], [Phase Shift], [Soul Field], [Sulphide Smoke], [Death Saving Throw], [Life Drain], [Gargoyle Body], [Soul-Remembering Sword Master Shura], [ [King Kong Transformation], [Steel Body], [Petrified Skin], [High Energy Irradiation]——

"Gene, bow down to the body of the biochemical giant!"

Baio Vajra stood up, and the next moment, his whole body was bathed in the brilliant light of gold, like a glaring Vajra, majestic and sacred.

【Explosion of energy】

The sea of ​​Qi from [Warrior] merged into the body of Baio Vajra. After being amplified by the huge body, a blazing wave of energy burst out in an instant. Li Ozi and Du Zexin were suppressed by this unparalleled aura on the spot. Affected by the arcane energy, every movement becomes extremely difficult.

"It turns out that all those infected have turned into this thing!"

Pure coercion of courage, absolute class suppression.

——Gamma level.

The instinctive fear of the human body made Du Zexin even couldn't help but flinch and wanted to escape several times. The suppression of class was insurmountable.

‘Leave quickly! ’

A weak whisper echoed in Li Ozi's ears.

It was Snow—she used her remaining strength to warn him.

Du Zexin thought for a moment and struggled, gritted his teeth, overcame his physical fear, activated the anti-gravity system, and shouted to Li Ozi as he flew up:

"Self-destruction may not necessarily kill you. I'll hold it back while you detonate the underground nuclear reactor."

"No, you definitely can't kill it!"

Li Ozi gave himself another injection of hormones to tighten the muscles in his body:

"Its hierarchy is built up by the evil spirits infected in the body. There are no true gamma-level individuals on the Blue Star."

"you mean--"

"Tear it down!"

Li Ozi pulled out the long knife, and a gap appeared on his face:

"It's just a biological beast that relies on other people's arcane energy. Watch me chop it into pieces with my sword!"

"Professor, you are just a thorn in the side of Eshaji. You were fascinated by a mere phenomenon and became a slave of arcane energy."


"Shut up, mortal!"

Baio King Kong teleported in front of him. His body was tens of meters tall, and his punching speed exceeded several times the speed of sound. He punched the floor. At the same time, the armor on the back of his hand cracked, and countless tentacles popped out to bombard him. on the ground.

Boom boom boom——

[Iterative movement]

Li Ozi's body teleported in front of Baio King Kong. His facial muscles split and turned, covering his face with scarlet inner flaps. The red and black crystals skillfully covered the gaps. At the same time, red and black membranes appeared on his arms. The crystals are spiked, the blood vessels in the neck are injected with black liquid, and the bulges harden.

"Esha is just a slave to me, not worth mentioning, but you treat it like a treasure."

Li Ozi clasped his hands on his chest, stood with his feet apart, and said sarcastically:

"Watch out, this is the real genetic master!"

[Master form activation]


The red and black color in his eyes quickly spread to the entire face, and his pupils changed color continuously, finally becoming a golden aperture, and gravity formed an invisible barrier to protect him.

【Master·Gravity Field】

A crack opened in the palm of his left hand, and a pencil-thick red nerve tentacle popped out.

【Master·Vitality Siphon】

Li Ozi's pale skin suddenly lost its elasticity. The ribs on his chest broke through the skin and were covered with calcified armor. The calcium armor on his chest took on a prism-like texture and shone outward with a brilliance like daylight.

【Master·Daytime Prism】

The muscles all over the body proliferated rapidly, and the originally hidden superpower pods became as obvious as a mantis's sickle. The four pods sprayed hot smoke outwards, as eye-catching as the propellers of a rocket.

[Master·Proliferation and Strengthening]

His legs were covered with a layer of dense black molecular smoke, and the muscles in his legs became blurred, sometimes solidified, and sometimes nothingness.

[Master·Iterative Path]

The red and black crystal spikes on Li Ozi's body became flexible, and as he breathed, explosive energy gradually accumulated in them.

[Master·Explosive Spike]

The right hand holding the sword turned into sharp and cruel claws, the nails retracted inward, and the shape of the hand changed to adapt to the shape of the handle.


The red and black crystals wrap and extend along the blade of Su Zhan, forming a specialized slender crystal Odachi that is two meters long.

[Master·War Ghost Blade]

"Keep this pain in mind."

As Li Ozi spoke, his body teleported continuously, towering over the opponent's head, and swung his sharp blade towards the arrogant Baio King Kong, which was flashing with golden light!

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