From star abyss

Chapter 259 116. Escape from Qiong Anjing

Hojo Building, everything is safe and sound.

The Kowloon gathering was held as usual, and the members continued to work. Everyone here had an important task and national mission. From the first day they entered the company, they were instilled with the idea that ‘you are the future of the country! The light of the nation! Never fall down! ’ concept.

Even though there had just been gunfire outside, the staff of the Hojo Group remained calm. The executives sat together drinking Zhengxu imported coffee and talked about the prospects in Red Arrow’s technical terms. Some people were sitting in the floating car with Shuang Shuang. plated beauty.

Obviously we are all Tianhuan people, and everyone is equal before the law, but according to the company's words: Although everyone is born with human rights and equal, some people are more equal than them.

"I heard that the Red Arrow man caused a scene at the venue and attracted the attention of the military."

Someone saw black smoke swirling in the sky in the distance, and couldn't help but said worriedly:

"Is he really just a beta? I heard that two gammas died at his hands. We only have four gammas here, but they are still working. Is it better to take shelter?"

"I said Kato-san, your idea is not in line with the company's creed. Working overtime and working hard is the fighting spirit we Hojo people should have. Only those scum of society who have accomplished nothing will ask to get off work on time. Elites like us enjoy the environment. His Majesty the King’s welfare and favor will naturally bear more obligations, and besides..."

The boss was joking, but he didn't notice at all that his subordinate's face was getting paler as he looked out the window, and he said calmly:

"——We are in the Hojo Building, the safest place in the world."


The red Magnum laser shredded the dome defense system in an instant. The high-temperature shock wave directly caused the floor-to-ceiling glass, and then the pale large mobile armor directly smashed into the reinforced concrete wall. Du Zexin casually lifted the screen on the monitor. The Vulcan cannon scanned the sky for a few seconds and shouted coldly on the radio:

"Anyone who doesn't want to die, get off work!"

Although the Hojo Group has a very high proportion of extraordinary people, as for mobile armor... no one has the guts to confront mobile armor head-on.

Not to mention that the thing in front of him was at least twice as big as the ordinary mobile armor.

Du Zexin's threat was very effective. Most people fled in a hurry and clocked out. There were so many people that the clocking machine was full.

Li Ozi lowered his body to slide and hid at Du Zexin's feet. For the first time, he felt what it was like to feel the power of a fox pretending to be a tiger.

The security of the Hojo Group is naturally good, but when they saw such a large mecha, they dropped their weapons on the spot and raised their hands in surrender - the Hojo family paid such a salary, and they were not willing to fight against the mecha.

Along the way, Li Ozi picked up a lot of advanced weapons from the Hojo Group. He couldn't help but admire them. They hung them in the air with gravity and prepared to take them back and sell them to the players.

He feels that he is really dedicated and works hard in the pig raising business. The players have only been in the server for five days, and they are already armed with his benefits to become a street fighter. When these military weapons are obtained, what will happen to the players? We are afraid that we are not going to become dragons among adults.

It feels so good to have Du Zexin clear the way. Li Ozi has never used such an easy-to-use tool... er, he means a partner. There was no one blocking the road at all. They were going all the way. When they encountered an obstacle, Du Zexin crushed him with his foot and held Li Ozi in his hand. In addition, they were hung in mid-air by gravity, and the guns were floating all over the sky. Normal people would see it. At this scene where magic and science fiction intertwine, my brain has shut down, and I can't even think about resisting.

"This is the elevator."

Li Ozi poked the elevator button and discovered that he needed to swipe his ID card to use it. He looked at Du Zexin:

"Go on, Mobi, hack its system."

"It takes three minutes to hack. It's too troublesome. I can just use social engineering to crack it."

Du Zexin was not polite and directly raised the fist of the mecha. The thruster on his elbow exploded and he punched the elevator box.


The steel twisted and was crushed instantly. The mecha's two fingers moved apart, and sparks flew everywhere, immediately tearing the elevator apart.

Li Ozi asked Xiang Du Zexin: "Where did you learn social engineering?"

"Seven-day crash course at Gemini City Martial Arts Education Academy."

"Good school."

Li Ozi sighed and immediately jumped down from the elevator shaft.

After a long fall, gravity allowed him to land smoothly at the bottom. He stretched out his hand to open the steel door, raised his head, and saw a whale flying over his head, wandering in the blue mist.

He didn't have time to appreciate this beautiful scenery. The underground area here was very wide. He had to explore quickly. He turned on the Pegasus wings and quickly passed through the abandoned fog. The creatures in the way were directly smashed by him, and a dolphin was torn apart by his wings. It broke into two halves, but just shook its body, and then came back together again. The scars of the cut fluctuated rapidly like a mosaic, and then slowly healed, and it was still swimming freely in the seabed of the Abandoned Mist Mimicry.

Bang bang bang bang!

Li Ozi's speed reached Mach 6, and he turned on the [Eye of Truth] to scan the entire scene. A large amount of information was quickly integrated and calculated by the omnipotent cells throughout the body, and the materials and information hidden everywhere were analyzed.

The Hojo family has hidden many things here, including some inscriptions and records from the old era, but Li Ozi already knew about them in his previous life.

For example, the 'Legal System' Beccaria is a super artificial intelligence created by humans in the old era. It can directly use the machine buried in the center of the earth to provide power support to the judges throughout the atmosphere, facilitating their trials and arrests. criminal.

People in the old days created four similar ‘systems’:

Legal System - Beccaria

Energy Systems - Fermi

Knowledge System - Pythagoras

Military System - Bonaparte

According to the standards of modern Azure Star people, these old-era systems can almost be said to be like gods. They are buried near the center of the earth, follow the procedures of the old era, remotely sense humans through radio waves, guide humans to inherit civilization, and correct errors in time. Allocate resources to avoid natural disasters and resist foreign enemies.

Alexia is the [Convict Judge] who signed a contract with Beccaria. She is probably the last Convict Judge and even the last system contractor.

Li Aozi knew that the other three systems had already been sacrificed in resisting Lord Entropy.

He recorded these stone tablets and documents in detail. The four countries basically preserved some of this content, but more information was actually controlled by the Cresta Organization, the predecessor of GTB.

GTB has inherited most of the knowledge and technology of alien civilizations, so it is qualified to mediate the disputes between the four countries that have lost the inheritance of the civilization of the old era. However, in order to maintain its status, GTB naturally cannot disclose the secrets of the old era. Otherwise, small countries around the world will Everyone is going crazy looking for the remains of Cresta, who cares about the amount of energy they allocate?

Yes, after understanding this step, most people can actually guess it.

"Garbage guy, it was founded by a descendant of a certain branch of the Cresta organization."

GTB has a monopoly on the knowledge transmitted by cosmic civilization, and what the garbage man desires is to preserve and collect this knowledge and the technology of the old era, and ultimately restore the technological glory of civilization.

The subway brotherhood organization relies on the activities of the developed subway system in the old era to come and go without a trace. They also have part of the knowledge inheritance of the old era civilization in their hands. They hope to restore the tolerant humanistic environment of the old era.

The greening base is a group of environmentalists formed by [biochemists] from the old era. They just want to restore the green grass and trees of the old era.

From this perspective, it is ironic that the collapse of Cresta gave birth to a greedy power structure like GTB, and also splintered crazy humanists like Garbage Man.

"But it seems that none of you are going the right way."

Li Ozi's figure quickly stopped. He slowly landed in front of a frozen warehouse and used gravity to tear open the door. A hydrogen bomb only the size of a small car was placed in front of him. Except for some Tianhuanyu weapons Mark, the paint on it clearly has a slogan written in Amiryoko:

‘Special engineering hydrogen bomb for reservoir development’

This is it, Hirosaki Arisa, with an explosion yield of 140 million tons. If it were detonated here, the surrounding 700 kilometers would become almost barren.

But just like the Yamiglioko label above, this most terrifying murder weapon in the world is not used to hurt people.

"Power is not a fault, the correct use of power is the only truth."

Li Ozi gently stroked the frozen hydrogen bomb shell:

"People in the old days used you to benefit mankind, and I did the same. You are lucky to have met me."

After saying that, he quickly grabbed the nuclear bomb and flew away from here quickly.

Rising to the ground, Li Ozi had just stepped on the tiles when a mortar shell hit him directly.


The huge mobile armor ran quickly, raised his hand to cover Li Ozi's head, and blocked the cannonball on the back of his hand. The monitor of the mobile armor slowly raised, and the sixteen green eyes lit up with a demonic and dangerous light.

"If you are not afraid of death, just come."

Du Zexin pushed the joystick, and the mobile armor's broadcast sounded in various frequency bands of the Tianhuan people:

"(He has a nuclear bomb in his hand) Let me see who of you dares to touch him!"

Li Ozi rolled his eyes at Du Zexin: "Be normal, this is too easy to be ambiguous."

However, the Tianhuan people obviously know more about hydrogen bombs.

"This little firepower can't detonate a hydrogen bomb, blow it up!"

Du Zexin's face darkened. As a frost-plated man, he really didn't know much about the craziness of the Tianhuan people. Facing the dozens of missiles flying towards him, he pushed the joystick fiercely, and the monitor of the mobile armor quickly locked onto all incoming missiles. warhead, he immediately raised his hands, and the 80mm 'Hellfire' cannon on the back of his hand immediately popped out.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

Every cannon bullet was not wasted, and the missiles were detonated accurately. He crossed his hands like a conductor, playing an overture of fireworks and metal debris in the air.

This scene almost made the commander of Tianhuan on the opposite front line angry:

"Cannon point missile - damn, this is no longer an ordinary mobile armor, let our bombers get on it!"

"But Commander, that is the building of the Hojo Group..."

"Uh-hey, where are the people from the mobile armored force? Hurry up and get on the plane! Go and defend our entrepreneurial property!"

The troops on the ground were still arguing, but Li Aozi and Du Zexin had already gone around from the back door. He jumped onto the palm of the mobile armor, and was held by Du Zexin in his hand. He drove onto the highway and walked quickly against the flow of traffic.

"Mibi, those guys have turned on the barrier too much. If we fly out, we will be roasted directly."

"Be confident, Li Ozi, we will turn into toner."

Du Zexin had no choice but to take the land route. His machine was sent by the Frost Plating Military and Law Three through the Subway Brotherhood. It was easy to get in, but there was no way out except to break through the card.

Li Ozi sat in the palm of the mecha, and the cool wind blew in his face, making him feel relaxed and happy.

"Mobby, you are like a man today."

"Then wasn't I before?"

"It used to be a man."

"Incomprehensible joke."

Li Ozi laughed loudly, letting tanks and mobile armor chase him behind him, but in front of this large machine body, it was no big deal. Du Zexin released a few drones and blew them up easily. Lose.

"Cool, so cool! This Gundam is so fun to drive!" Li Aozi wiped away the bad luck before, proudly, with one hand on his hip, surrounded by nuclear bombs and civilian traffic, and Tianhuan did not dare to bomb directly.

"This is mobile armor." Du Zexin corrected rigidly: "Do you want to experience it?"

"Thank you, but I didn't go to college and can't drive."

"I graduated by correspondence."

"I haven't even taken a correspondence course."

Li Ozi stood up, standing in the palm of the mecha and holding the little finger of the mecha with one hand. The strong wind blew his hair, and he patted his shoulder.

Speaking of college, he remembered two people.

"Although I haven't attended one, in the future world, everyone can go to university for further study."

As Li Ozi said, he raised his eyes and glanced at the position of the cockpit:

"Du Zexin, do you want to go to space?"

"Space." Du Zexin said confusedly: "I don't know, I have never thought about this problem."

"For me, it's like my hometown. I have no reason not to go."

Li Ozi lifted his messy hair from his forehead, and the false sunshine shone on his face. To Du Zexin, the beauty seemed even more unreal, as if it would slip away from his hands if he was not careful. goldfish.

"But you should also go and take a look." Li Ozi said, "There is nothing wrong with going to space to take a look."

Du Zexin looked strange: "...Go to your house?"

"Well, you can think so." Li Ozi glanced at the cockpit. He couldn't see Du Zexin's face, but he roughly knew what the other person's expression was.

"Everyone wants to go to space." He raised his hand and touched the sky: "You have to go there, you have to go. The mother planet is beautiful, but the future is even better. What belongs to you belongs to the whole world. Cosmic people belong to the future of every civilization."

"What is the universe like?" Du Zexin was a little moved by what he said. He remembered those words that only appeared in textbooks:

"Blue sky, white clouds, ocean, spring, green trees, autumn leaves, stars, moon, sun..."

"Galaxy, galaxy, nebula, star cluster, supernova, black hole..."

Li Ozi continued to talk, and he was in a good mood. Du Zexin's appearance and his simple emotions made him instantly regain the excitement he had when he stepped into "Star Abyss" and boarded the universe.

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