From star abyss

Chapter 260 117. The Legend of the White Knight

【……yes. I haven't recalled this emotion for a long time. 】


Du Zexin's tone was a little excited:

"These things really exist, and they sound beautiful."

"It's not all beautiful - there are many strange races in the universe, most of them are willing to communicate, and some are particularly conservative. In fact, the strength of individuals does not mean much in the universe. Because there is a very evil monster in the universe , called 'society'."


Du Zexin asked curiously:

"What society? Patriarchal or feminist?"

[Since a long time ago, games have become a job of fighting and making money. I have forgotten that in the beginning, I was satisfied with playing games happily and enjoying the plot and background. 】

"Society is evil. They feed on civilization. They are an ethnic group, such as 'Long-tusked Society - Galil'. Long-tusk is its honorific name, society is its race, and Galil is its name. The existence of society , let the individual strong individuals who thought they were invincible in the world become ridiculous marginal people - except for narrative-level civilizations, individuals cannot fight against such disasters as society."

"It's strange that aloof individual strong people have no status in the universe. Then why do they still promote themselves?" Du Zexin didn't understand this: "If an individual is strong, then the universe should easily appear around one A group of people who serve individually, all of whom serve the strong wholeheartedly and are protected by the mighty power of these individuals..."

"The universe is too big. Except for the narrative level, no one can guarantee that their strength will last forever."

"Then why do they still want to become stronger? Just focus on narrative-level civilization."

Li Ozi explained:

"Fear of death, and fear of assimilation into society."


Li Ozi turned his head and looked ahead. The traffic in front suddenly became very congested.

"I don't know if it's an illusion, but society particularly likes two kinds of people. One type is particularly smart. The higher the intelligence, the easier it is for people to identify with the existence of society. They will feel that a 'living civilization' like society is the real civilization. path, so the higher the intelligence, the more likely people will be assimilated into society as citizens.”

"Mechanics, biochemists, magicians, architects, and some researchers who have studied too deeply, you have to understand one thing - intelligence is an ability attribute that appears because of education. Agreeing to education means that you have accepted it. In the transformation of civilization, the more intelligent a person is, the more his wisdom is ahead of the times and beyond, the more he will recognize the existence of society and become extremely radical."

Du Zexin slowed down slowly, avoided the cars on the highway, and stepped forward step by step.

"What about the other one?"

Du Zexin asked, but he looked at the surrounding vehicles strangely.

‘Why are the people in these cars lying down? Could it be that the level ahead has been suspended? ’

"The other type is the marginalized people I'm talking about. They are not very popular with mainstream society. Most of them are physically and mentally unhealthy, and their psychological defenses are weak and can be easily broken through. Those self-righteous individual strong people eventually become members of society. and the Speaker, who has lost his soul.”

Li Ozi also noticed something was wrong. He stood up and scanned the front with his [Eye of Truth].

In the gray and black world, he saw a completely different color.

A man stood in front of the checkpoint, and all the cars stopped in front of him. One after another, a serious rear-end accident occurred.

The man was wearing a cloak and his back was stooped, as if he had no spine.

He was standing here, with open wounds on his fingertips, dripping silver blood on the ground, as if he was waiting for them.

Li Ozi frowned.

[Eye of Truth] focused on this guy, and only one line of words appeared:

[Target is secret, cannot be seen]


Li Aozi was afraid. For some reason, the moment he heard this word, an unknown fire arose in his heart. He directly pulled out the weapon from his waist and struck a radiation slash at the opponent.

Without thinking, Du Zexin saw Li Ozi's attack and immediately raised the Magnum beam rifle, pointed it at the mysterious man on the ground, and pulled the trigger.

However, the next moment, Li Ozi heard an extremely uncomfortable sound. It was thrilling and terrifying, like the sound of countless knife tips colliding and metal tearing. He unconsciously thought of a creature-the great white shark.

"[Shark Hunting Submarine]."

The man's voice was heartbreaking.


The earth was suddenly split by the back of a blade. A shark diving underground instantly jumped out of the ground and easily blocked Li Ozi's radiation slash. The scales on its body that looked like overlapping blades glowed under the artificial sun. An icy glow.

The blade shark flicked its tail and immediately deflected the Magnum's beam, cutting off a hill in the distance on the spot.

After doing all this, the Blade Shark immediately surrounded the man. As he approached the checkpoint to leave the city, the strong wind from the outside world immediately swept over his cloak and rolled up his hood, revealing a childish and excessive face.

Golden hair, golden eyes, and cross-shaped slits in his pupils. Other than that, he looked like a normal boy.


Li Ozi's eyes moved downwards. In the man's left hand, he held a strange spinal crutch, which was covered with human skin and the girl's head.

But the appearance of that head was something that Li Ozi had seen before somewhere, and it looked particularly familiar.

"Who are you!"

Du Zexin whispered:

"Did you kill all the civilians in these cars? Who are you?"

The boy with cross eyes ignored him and looked at Li Ozi:

"Long time no see, do you still remember me?"

Li Ozi kept silent, his eyes were cold, his pupils were dilated, his face turned pale for an instant, and then returned to normal the next moment.

Just as he took a breath, the system informed him that he had inhaled the 'blood of ether', and his blood volume instantly returned to zero.

If it weren't for Nomi's [Eternal Blood], he would have died on the spot just because of that 'etheric blood'.

"Du Zexin, there's something wrong with this guy."

"Look what you said," the young man chuckled, staring at Li Ozi with cross-eyed eyes, and an ambiguous smile appeared on his cute and handsome face: "You are my great benefactor - Mr. Li Ozi."


"Look at this, are you still impressed?"

The young man raised his cane.

The next moment, a shadow rushed out and pushed Li Ozi to the ground. The ferocious shadow roared angrily at Li Ozi, and the roar was mixed with unspeakable sadness.

"Shadow Raid!" Li Ozi struggled to break away and cut Shadow to the ground with a sword, and his pupils immediately shrank.

He thought of something and looked at the other party:

"Hey, are you-"

"In the past, I was called Zhu Baiya, an outsider gang leader who served the baby-eaters."

The young man put his crutch on the ground and smiled:

"Before I died, I heard you say: It's better to gather more people next time. There are too few people, not enough for me to advance."

"You killed me, but I'm afraid you don't know the effect of the Esha weapon sent by the Baby Eater that night - the third generation Esha weapon can directly allow the user to replace the body! Didn't you expect that? No. Have you seen it before? Unfortunately, it can only be used once, so I used its ability to replace the dead body with this perfect qualified one."

The wind blew away the hair on the head on crutches, revealing the face of a happy-looking girl.


Li Ozi recalled the name of the scarred Esha armed girl and said in a deep voice.

"It's amazing that you saved everyone, Li Ozi - but why didn't you save her?"

The young man reached out and pinched Zonia's face. The girl who had been turned into a weapon seemed to be still conscious, grinning happily, as if she was intoxicated in a dream.

"Zonia, my good sister." The young man murmured and giggled: "You know how touching and cute it was when I put on the body of your brother Youhelai and sacrificed to save me. Well?"

"You beast." Du Zexin said with disgust, "You didn't let a child go and used her love for her make her a tool."

"What's going on?" The boy shrugged.

"Are you still a fucking human being if you do something like this?"

Du Zexin shouted angrily:

"I'm going to kill you! You beast—"

"Who told you that I am a human being?"

The young man said, and the next moment, he stretched out his hand and slowly grabbed his spine:

"You should consider yourself lucky because it was a jury that eliminated you."

His golden cross pupils instantly turned scarlet, and he slowly pulled out a bloody sword blade from the spine behind his back.

"Great Mother Gaia, she gave me a new name."

He raised his sword with one hand and drew a circle above his head. The blood vessels could barely restrain the etheric blood rushing in his body.

"Now, I am Euchele Knight - [White Knight] Euchele!"

Uhelai's teeth were as sharp as sharks, and he let out a loud roar, roaring like hell:

"Lower the armor!"

The next moment, the huge white shark turned its head and fell towards his body. The countless dense scale blades on its body converged into pale armor, which was clearly draped over his short boy's body.

"I kill you--"

The shark's fins turned into blades, and the slender tail fin separated from it and turned into two sharp-edged skirts, swaying in the wind, shining with a cold light that stung the eyes.

The shark opened its mouth and roared, merging with Uhelai's head and turning into a silver knight's helmet. The dorsal fin formed a long tassel with superimposed blades. It was thrown behind its head, and the two cross-shaped windows glowed with dangerous red light.


The next moment, the young man opened his arms, and the visor of his helmet split from top to bottom, revealing the sharp shark teeth, and let out a heart-rending roar:

‘Howling ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! ! ! ’

Facing this wild roar, Li Ozi's expression changed drastically, and his body instantly collapsed to the ground, unable to move.

[What is this...why is this happening? I can't move, I can't move at all! 】

Li Ozi's eyes quickly shifted, and the blood all over his body seemed to be squeezed by mercury, making him unable to raise his head at all.

[System...let me see what's going on? ! 】

Li Ozi spent a lot of effort to open the system, but only saw a cold prompt:

[During the ether erosion, your colonization equipment has been made secret, and the physiological functions of the colonization equipment are suspended. Countdown: 4:59]


What the hell is this secret again?

For five full minutes, if this wasn't Zongzhu's body, I might have died.

Ether, occult, white knight.

What is all this about?

In the previous game, there was no such thing!

[White Knight] raised the carapace on the back of his hand. There was an obvious whetstone structure there. He picked up the sword and wiped it neatly on the whetstone.

【Grinding teeth】

Sparks flew everywhere, and the originally plain sword blade immediately burst out with a fiery brilliance. The air would be cut instantly as long as it came into contact with the blade, thus causing constant friction and heating of the air around the blade.

[Blast Magnum Charge (explosion magnum charge)]

Before Du Zexin could pull the trigger, the sword had already arrived.


Du Zexin's pupils dilated, and there was bleeding under his eyes.

The huge white machine slowly split into two and fell to the ground.

A belated Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas.

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