From star abyss

Chapter 273 130. Extraordinary significance

Li Ozi ignored Nimotin's lost expression and hung up the phone directly, looking at the last person on the list.

"Well...if something happens, it won't be good."

Li Ozi hesitated for a moment, but decided to make the call.

"Beep...Beep...Hello, the user you dialed is not in the service area, please call again later."

Hang up, dial again, Li Ozi needs every ounce of strength now.


The ringtone has been ringing for a long time, and the interface of the call has not changed.

Just when Li Ozi was about to give up, the phone call suddenly came through.


"...Mr. Li Ozi?"

A calm young female voice answered him.

"Sorry to bother you by calling you suddenly."

Li Ozi didn't see the video being turned on. He didn't know whether it was because the other party was inconvenient to turn on the video, or the terminal's camera was damaged. He only heard the sound, which made him feel a little reluctant to let go, but he still said:

"Although it's a bit too abrupt to say this... But can you please come over and help me, Miss Arwen?"

Yawen was silent for a moment and suddenly said:

"...You mean, you need me very much now?"

"It can't be considered that."

As soon as Li Ozi finished speaking, he suddenly noticed something strange in her tone.

It's like there is a vague 'expectation'.

So he immediately changed his tune:

"I mean, if you think it's too much trouble or you can't do it, you can refuse."

"--What do you need me to do?"

Yawen's soft tone made Li Ozi a little uncomfortable - most of the women he had met so far were relatively independent, firm and strong.

Yawen is different, maybe because she can't see her appearance, which only adds a sense of mystery, maybe because she has encountered all kinds of setbacks recently, and her tone is weak and gentle.

Her voice was like heated marshmallow, and it immediately wrapped around Li Ozi's ears, making her feel warm and full of clinging dependence.

Li Ozi hadn't met someone who relied on him so much for a long time, and he felt a little embarrassed. He simply said:

"Yarwen, are you okay recently? If you encounter any difficulties, just tell me. I still have time."

"Nothing happened to me, I just..."

"Just what, Miss Arwen?"

"I just feel so happy when I hear that I feel needed by you and others, especially when you say that..."

Yawen's voice was a little erratic, as if she was walking in a windy place, and Li Ozi immediately thought of the outside world.

"Have you come to the outside world?"

"Don't worry about me, well, but if you are really worried about my safety, I will indeed be flattered..." Yawen seemed to move the terminal to her arms, put on her cloak, and whispered.

The soft voice was like whispering in the pillow's ear, and the woman's breathing was clearly audible, as if Yawen was putting her head on his shoulder at this moment, biting the root of his ear and talking.

"What you said makes it seem like I'm wrong to worry or not."

Li Ozi spread his hands:

"Seriously, you don't have to hide it, Yawen. If you hold the idea of ​​'I'm worried that I will be disliked after you get to know me better', then you will never be able to make friends."

"...Friend?" Yawen was slightly surprised: "Do you just regard me as a friend?"

"You can't say that, Yawen. You have a unique meaning to me. You are a unique existence on this planet."

Li Ozi said:

"You have a greater talent than others, and that means a lot to me."

"My existence is meaningful to others." Yawen murmured. "I mean a lot to you, Li Ozi... I mean a lot..."

There seemed to be some secret joy unique to little girls in her tone.

"Yarwen, don't belittle yourself so much."

Li Ozi no longer wants to ask Yawen for help. He is worried that the girl's mental health will have problems. If something goes wrong by then, he will not be able to think about it. Where can he find his [Object Resonance]?

"Thank you for telling me this. I'm really happy." Yawen said, "Am I also unique to you?"

"You are the most unique being on this planet."

Li Ozi confessed:

"It may take hundreds of thousands or even millions of years to find you. From a certain point of view, you are a treasure given by God, and this is the only one."

"...But, I think, I don't deserve this."

Yawen suddenly felt depressed again:

"Mr. Li Ozi, I, I am not as beautiful as you said. I am stupid and stupid because I can't do anything and I don't want to die like this. As a result, I have made mistakes in the past that can never be forgiven. I My existence is against morality. I am a monster. I don’t know what I should do now. The whole world is rejecting me and abandoning me...I, I am so scared."

There must be something wrong with her mentally.

Li Ozi found a place to sit down. In fact, it was not his turn to enlighten on this kind of matter.

But who would let Yawen go? Yawen’s mother is dead, her father is in prison, her brother is unemployed, and she is doing work that goes against her conscience. Under such great pressure, it is a good thing that people can maintain their schizophrenia. .


"The whole world hates me, I'm so scared, but I don't want to be hated by them, I don't want to be hated by anyone, but I know that I shouldn't be forgiven..."


"I have seen some terrible things, but no matter how terrible those things are, they are not as terrible as the mistakes I have made. If others are hell, then I am at least a big devil. I should die, but I dare not Death...I'm afraid of death."

"Yarwen, you bastard, can you shut up and listen to me!"

Li Ozi couldn't bear it anymore. Yawen's speech became more and more dangerous, and anything could happen next. He scolded her directly:

"You said that you are hated by the whole world - am I, Li Ozi, not a part of this world? Am I some irrelevant dust?"

"That's not what I meant. Mr. Li Ozi, I meant that I -"

"I don't hate you, Arwen."

Li Ozi said:

"You are kind and thoughtful. Although sometimes you are too naive, more often than not you know that you have done the wrong thing and stop the loss in time."

"But I, what I did before -"

"Does anyone hate you because of your past mistakes?"

"She, Sijia, Jiajia...she was killed by me and turned into a ghost..."

"Does she hate you?"

"...I, she has always been around me."

"I don't care about that, Yawen, I mean, that 'Sijia' who was killed by you, did she hate you?"

"...she said she loved me."

Yawen said painfully:

"She exchanged her life for mine over the years. She didn't hurt me or hate me, but she loved me and protected me... I was so scared, I was in so much pain, I shouldn't have enjoyed it I felt heavy guilt for these things, but she forgave me... love, but love. Why didn't she hate me? Such pure love made me even more tortured."

"Yarwen, life for life is the simplest emotion in the world."

Li Ozi said:

"But the person who sacrificed did not choose to sacrifice just to make you live in guilt."

"But she shouldn't have been sacrificed—"

"You have no right to decide the will of the victim, that is the choice of others. You have the illusion of living, and others also have the courage to choose to die."

Li Ozi said:

"Miss Yawen, I don't know what happened between you. But I know one thing. Since you feel self-blame and guilt for past mistakes, it means that you are still a human being, which is a good thing."

"I am human?"

"I'm not talking about race, I'm talking about you still having a conscience as a human being, and that's enough."

Li Ozi said:

"I have seen evil humans betraying their fellow humans in exchange for their own interests. I have also seen noble cosmic beings sacrificing their lives to protect a planet - believe me, some things are not absolute."

"In the past, people liked to use various labels and hats to distinguish people, but in front of the cosmic year, you are all dust."

"I don't know what mistake you made, but as long as you didn't bring pain or harm to others, and you got to where you are today thanks to her sacrifice, then I feel that your life no longer belongs to you alone. "

Li Ozi raised his hand and lit a flame on his fingertips, reflecting the figures of the two girls.

"So Li Ozi, what should I do?"

Yawen asked confusedly:

"I know it makes me look pitiful to say this, but I really don't know. Everything I do now is so strange, and I am no longer me. I don't know what will happen to my life. Everything is getting worse. It’s getting worse. The world hates me... I think the only person I can trust is you. You’re the only one who doesn’t hate me.”


Li Ozi said.


Arwen chewed the word.

"Yawen, Nomi died in the laboratory of Mingji Humanity, with no bones left; Qiu Ran died on the train home, and the ashes flew into the snow. I took away their arcana, if I die , there will be no trace of them in this world.”

Li Ozi said:

"If you are burdenless and relaxed, no one will care about you even if you die. You will die selfishly and freely. But when you are burdened with other people's lives, your life is no longer yours. It’s my own.”

"If you have a particularly good friend, he will feel sad and sad when he finds out you are dead."

"If you have people who love you, and you die, their sky falls."

"If you have people who you believe support you, your passing will be extremely painful for them and they will be missed forever."

"Yarwen, what I say may make you feel outrageous, but in fact, humans are not beasts. Beasts live to survive and reproduce. Man is a social animal. When some people die, the whole world celebrates, and some people When he dies, the whole country grieves with him. Human beings live for themselves, but humans, humans live for others.”

"Ozzy...I...if I die, what will you-"

"I said it, Yawen." Li Ozi said: "You mean a lot to me. You have a family, and there are people who sacrifice their lives to let you live... From that moment on, you are no longer It’s just Yawen, but it’s Yawen that we like, are willing to get along with, and are willing to pay the price for you.”

"Because of this, you cannot die. You have to continue to live with everyone's expectations. This is the 'redemption' for the mistakes you made in the past."


Yawen's voice rose and she asked eagerly:

"Mr. Li Ozi, would you like me like that?"

"Didn't I say I don't hate you?" Li Ozi smiled: "I don't hate you, but whether you like you or not depends on you."

"Thank you." Yawen said, "Because of this, you are also one of the meanings of my existence."

"I have great admiration for you, Mr. Li Ozi."

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