From star abyss

Chapter 274 131. Block the Sky Ring


Uhelai stumbled and slid down the hillside. He looked unhappy. The black knight's shield just hit his kidneys. Without armor protection, he was suddenly knocked out and suffered kidney bleeding.

Although... in fact, that bit of armor couldn't provide much protection, but how could he easily calm down after being so humiliated by the mortal Black Whale?

"Black Whale, just wait! I will kill you sooner or later..."

He held the crutch made from Zonia's spine, stood up shakily, and looked at the wind and snow in the sky, feeling a little dazed for a moment.

--be lost.

Uhle didn't want to admit it, but there was nothing he could do about it.

After losing track of the black whale, it would take him several hours to reposition himself, which gave the black whale enough time to escape.

Damn it, if you have the ability, keep fighting head-on!

That guy, after driving him away, turned around and ran away...for what reason?

Uhelai thought so and suddenly calmed down.

‘That guy is not a selfish person who lives in an ignoble way. He suddenly drove a motorcycle and broke into the outside world alone. Something important must have happened to someone else. ’

The Black Whale is very charitable and dares to stand up and block the cannonballs without hesitation in the face of Tianhuan's suppression. With his physique, Youhelai even suspects that he is about to enter the Gamma stage.

If that was the case, with a gamma-level body and the power of a secret society - Uhelai became wary for a moment.

He will lose.

You can't let that guy advance to the Gamma level, otherwise you will definitely lose to him.

Although Horst often told riddles, Uhle knew that he never lied.

He was almost killed even when he was dealing with Beta level Li Ozi... If the blood of ether hadn't calmed the situation, the drill might have torn his chest into pieces.

He was paralyzed by the frenzied fighting at the time, but looking back now, he only felt scared.

If there was no etheric blood... I would be easily killed by Li Ozi, right?

In the same way, Gretlwo Nightsong, who has a strong physique, will definitely be able to explode with terrifying power after he reaches the Gamma level and obtains the etheric blood of the hidden society.

‘We can’t wait any longer, we must act as soon as possible! ’

Think about it carefully, what else is important in the near future?

——Li Ozi made a big fuss at the Kowloon party.

When he thought of this, Uhelai's mind immediately opened up.

Yes...Li Ozi, Li Ozi, aren't everything that happened recently because of this guy?

Those Tianhuan people sent troops to eradicate Li Aozi.

When Gretwal was robbed from prison, Li Ozi was causing a scene at the venue.

No matter how you look at this, is it too obvious or too coincidental?

The Red Squad members would not rob the prison sooner or later, but as soon as Li Ozi started to cause trouble and kill people, they would rob the prison here. When Li Ozi ran to the outside world, Gretewal ran to the outside world...

"Lee Ozi, that guy must be familiar with Gretwal, at least through acquaintance and cooperation."

Uhelai sneered.

It's really ridiculous. Isn't such a clumsy game just a matter of attacking in the east and attacking in the west?

All the nuclear bombs and provocations are in vain. Li Ozi’s goal from the beginning to the end is the Black Whale.

"Don't even think about it, Li Ozi, you don't have a good brain, but you have quite a lot of ideas."

Youhelai's eyes were stern, he exposed his mouth full of shark teeth, and locked the direction of the movement of Tianhuan's troops.

"Wait, Li Ozi, you and Black Whale are both mine!"


The roar of the motorcycle disrupted Li Ozi's thoughts. He shook his head. Yawen's sudden confession did not affect his judgment. He did not agree or reject. He just said, "Really? I'm looking forward to what's next." Meet." With words like this, try to keep your distance.

There must be something wrong with Yawen, and her mental condition is very bad. It was just right to call her over so that we could have a face-to-face communication.

"Sorry, I met a madman on the road and kept you waiting."

The tall man, covered in pitch-black exoskeleton armor, slowly walked up to Li Ozi, took off his helmet, and revealed a mature and steady face:

"Gretwal Nightsong. This is the first time we meet, so please give me some advice."

"Thank you for coming, I'm Li Ozi."

Gretel stretched out his hand to shake Li Ozi's hand. There was no nonsense between the two of them. Li Ozi immediately explained the format to him:

"The situation is not optimistic. A whole regiment of Sky Ring warriors are marching towards us. We have observed a handful of 12 mobile armors, all mechanized troops, and air troops to cooperate."

"Countermeasures of this level cannot be used even at several gamma levels." Gretwal also became solemn: "For a small country, this is a country-destroying force."

"Yes, so I'm looking for help everywhere." Li Aozi glanced at the storm in the distance: "The Sky Ring warriors use natural disasters as cover, and the reconnaissance drones cannot obtain detailed information. The only way to take the position here is to fight head-on. We must fight to stop them, otherwise we will all be swallowed up by natural disasters."

"What are you going to do?" Gretwal wanted to hear this young man's opinion.

Frankly speaking, according to what he saw along the way, the natural disasters stretching for thousands of kilometers could be said to have completely eliminated the possibility of any sneak attack. If they were not careful, the team going to ambush might be buried by the natural disasters.

Fighting guerrillas is even less reliable. There are no bunkers and terrain in the outside world. They rely on the transportation capabilities of bipedal general-purpose human vehicles. They can't run more than a few hundred meters before being bombarded to death by mobile armor.

In contrast, the most reliable thing is to rely on the relics of the old era here, in this half-submerged permanent building, to fight a war of positional attrition, stalling for time until all preparations for heaven are completed.

But Gretwal didn't think Li Ozi would think so simply.

After all, he is the one who saved himself, so he should have his own unique ideas.

"We will definitely have to fight a positional war." Li Ozi admitted: "There is no better time-delaying strategy than a positional war, but before that, we must organize several waves of blocking wars."

He called Mobi over, projected a tactical sandbox, and explained:

"The Tianhuan troops are advancing very quickly, and the sand dune terrain in the outside world basically has no possibility of hindering their progress. If you want to take action, you can only outflank them from this place."

He pointed to a building that looked like an abandoned factory.

"What is this?" Du Zexin wondered: "There is no information about this thing in the computer."

"Sunny Garden."

Li Ozi explained:

"It's underground is the headquarters of the Green Base. We can go back and forth by taking the 1012 track controlled by the Subway Brotherhood, which can also avoid natural disasters."

Gretwal's eyelids twitched:

"But in this way, it is equivalent to diverting trouble to the east, and the green al-Qaeda will hate you..."

"Of course, but I'm going to space soon, so they can hate me as much as they like. Hatred can't travel faster than the speed of light."

Li Ozi's speech left Gretwal speechless.

"This plan is indeed bold." Du Zexin's electronic synthesized voice was set incorrectly and was replaced by a cute female voice, but in his current state, he was too lazy to care about these things: "Attack from the underground of the green base, and then come back by railway—— But in this situation, where are you going to find the Metro Brotherhood’s armored train?”

"Why do I have to find the Metro Brotherhood?"

Instead, Li Ozi glanced at Du Zexin blankly. To be precise, he looked past Du Zexin's mechanical body and looked at the pickup trucks in Triangle Town that were shuttled back and forth in the distance.

“Who said you have to take the train if you want to take the railway track?”

After the plan was finalized, Li Aozi immediately began to recruit suicide squad members with him. Players signed up very enthusiastically. Some players with only level 5 or 6 also joined the team with firearms. After a while, Li Aozi had more men. 800 players, 190 pickup trucks and jeeps, each holding a self-made RPG from Triangle Town.

Players can only set the resurrection location to Triangle Town, but no one wants to miss the plot due to death. Everyone is not stupid. If they can stay with Li Ozi for a while, he can gain more experience in killing monsters.

Caramel Snail Pidianpidian found Li Ozi, and relying on her favorability to be higher than others, she quietly asked:

"Boss, do you have any powerful arcane powers that you can rent out?"

Li Ozi took a look and saw that Caramel Snail had already reached level 10 [Warrior]. As a newcomer, his level was quite good and he could almost catch up with professional brothers.

In order to show his goodwill, Caramel Snail gritted his teeth and took out a jewelry necklace he earned from his part-time job, and presented it pitifully.

"This is very expensive and valuable. I hope you like it."

The caramel snail's efforts to increase the sensitivity look a bit like a boiling sheep, but originally, Li Ozi planned to give him the arcana.

In the previous life, [Twilight Sword Master]’s caramel snail competed with Li Ozi five times. The further you go, the greater the advantage Li Ozi has. There is nothing you can do about it. [Twilight Sword Master] is not a path with great potential. .

Regarding the fact that he was gradually losing the upper hand, Caramel Snail was very emotional at the time:

‘If I could do it all over again, I would definitely follow the path of [Wuhanwu]. That’s what’s best for me… Unfortunately, I missed the opportunity. ’

There are too many paths in the destruction system, giving people ample opportunities to choose, but once they embark on the path, there is no room for regret. Caramel Snail has said more than once that the skills and potential of [Wuwangzhizhi] are better than [Twilight Sword] Saint] is more powerful, but the large account has been mastered. I don’t know how long it will take to accumulate it before switching to the small account, and I still have to survive the curse of the star abyss. It is very difficult for the caramel snail with personal power.

Now... From the beginning, Li Ozi planned to cultivate caramel snails according to the path of "Wuwangzhi".

Not only to realize the potential of the snail, but more importantly, if the caramel snail takes the [Wuwangzhi], then from [Warrior] onwards, the materials required for each job change and the path of [Star Master] can be produced The data are overlapping.

In other words, he will basically buy everything from Li Ozi in the future.

Once he gets used to buying materials from Li Aozi, no matter what he does, when he mentions NPC again, his first reaction will be 'I want to talk to Li Aozi to catch up on old times' - this is path dependence.

So, Li Ozi opened the transaction page, and a window immediately popped up in front of Caramel Snail:

[Inscribed Soul Sword Master]: When using sword weapons to kill enemies, you will gain power and technical blessings. The more enemies you kill, the weapon will gradually awaken its self-awareness.

Lease amount: 5,000 experience/month (weapons that awaken consciousness will stop communicating with you once the arcane lease period ends)

"Hey, how did you know that I bought a good katana these days?"

Caramel Snail scratched his head. This arcana was quite suitable for a [Warrior] like him, so he paid for the experience without hesitation. A ball of blood sarcoma immediately popped out of Li Ozi's palm and slapped directly on Caramel Snail's hand.

After the slight soreness, Caramel Snail's arms appeared with faint purple-black markings. He ran back to the car, pulled out his weapon, and immediately felt something different.

He swung several times without aiming deliberately, but the tendon of the sword was naturally straight. No matter how he struck, the blade always felt light and effortless.

He calmed down and could even faintly hear the faint and confused consciousness coming from the weapon.

Killing...drinking blood...

"What a great arcane power. I feel like with this thing, I can even compete with Alpha level players."

The caramel snail sat on the pickup truck happily holding the weapon, waiting for Li Ozi's order, and 800 players would immediately rush forward like mad dogs, tearing the enemy into pieces...or being torn into pieces.

"Do you need me to take action?"

Du Zexin controlled the robot to find Li Ozi and asked with concern:

"Maybe I can hack into their computer terminal..."

Li Ozi rejected Du Zexin's request to fight: "Don't think about anything. Just stay here and defend yourself. If we can go to space earlier, fewer people will die."

"...I understand." Du Zexin was a rational person and immediately went back to repair the equipment.

Seeing that Du Ze was back on track, Li Ozi turned around and opened the biochemical cabin. Liquid nitrogen spurted out instantly. He stretched out his hand and touched the pioneer's skin that was gradually heating up. The cells on his fingertips split rapidly and turned into wisps of tentacles. , blend into it.

His cells and the body of the pioneer gradually merged, and information was continuously transmitted alternately.

[Cell invasion completed]


[This breeding equipment has been contaminated by your genes. Now, you can replace your consciousness in it, or equip the entire breeding equipment. 】

His body trembled slightly, and Li Ozi felt that his soul was being pulled out of his body. His mind rose to a high place, and he looked down at his two colonial clothing bodies from a third-person perspective.

【Colonial Costume Body-I——‘Lee Aozi’】

[Colonial Costume Body-II——‘Pioneer’]

Li Ozi conveniently changed the name of the No. 2 colonial body to the ID he used when playing games - Zhen.

There were no other bells and whistles, just a single word 'true'. This was his ID from his previous life. He was lucky that such a short ID had not yet been registered.

Precisely because of the word "true" and the name is quite easy to remember, Li Ozi has a lot of virality as an anchor.

As for why it needs to be modified... For me, driving colonial equipment is the same situation as players controlling game characters.

[The name of the colonial outfit has been modified]

[It is detected that the breeding activity has been activated. Do you want to connect to the breeding? 】

"Next, it's time to bring some condolences to the people of Tianhuan."

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