From star abyss

Chapter 284 141. Above the ground

"It only takes half an hour for the Tianhuan people to catch up." Li Ozi calculated the distance and said in a serious tone: "Time is limited, Ozawa, don't worry about such details. The descendants are not afraid of death, and their treatment is almost the same."

"Then no matter what, it will still take an hour." Du Zexin made some calculations and explained: "You come back quickly, the environment here is too bad, the body cannot be refrigerated for too long, you must quickly change the consciousness from the reproductive suit back to the body. Otherwise it will be too late.”

"I'll be there soon."

Li Ozi's wings exploded, his speed increased to the limit, tearing open a dreamy rainbow in the evil red and black sky.

Rushing forward at ten times the speed of sound, in order to save time, Li Ozi hit the ground when the distance was almost close, exploding into a violent cloud. Zhongzhuang was on the verge of death and rolled several times on the spot. Li Ozi activated [Eternal Blood], got up, took three steps, one step at a time, turned over and jumped into the gathering place.

"Holy shit!" Du Zexin was controlling the robot to operate the welding gun. He was startled by the sudden appearance of Li Ozi: "How did you get back?"

"Sit on the missile."

Li Ozi didn't have time to talk nonsense or explain, and immediately found the refrigerator, took out the sealed body inside, and placed it on the ground. He raised his hand, and a tentacle split open in the palm of his hand and pierced into the neck of the body.

【Transferring information...】

"Um...well, that's disgusting..."

Li Ozi's consciousness gradually shifted, and the pioneer's body instantly fell to his knees. His six compound eyes were dimmed one after another, and the skin all over his body also lost its luster and elasticity.

It takes a long time to transfer knowledge. This is because of the [Flesh and Blood Affinity] specialty. Li Ozi reduced the upload time by 30%, but even so, the whole process was still very long. He felt his dominance consciousness coming from the colonization bit by bit. Pretend to detach from the body, and then copy and link it to the main body, feeling the gradual combination, integration and stability of flesh and blood and consciousness.

During this long process, Li Aozi could only see the dense and dense information of the system:

[The adaptability of arcane energy is low, and your No. 2 breeding equipment 'really' produces genetic abnormalities]

[The ‘real’ chromosome of your No. 2 breeding equipment is fragmented and its lifespan is reduced by 20 years]

[The ‘real’ telomeres of your No. 2 reproductive equipment are damaged, and the service life is reduced by 35 years]

[Warning: Your No. 2 breeding equipment ‘True’ has symptoms of genetic overload, and arcane use is prohibited]

[The ‘real’ immune system of your No. 2 reproductive equipment has collapsed and the organs are melting...]

[Your No. 2 colonial equipment ‘really’ has been destroyed]

——Poor No. 2 Colonial Equipment ‘Zhen’, he withstood the Heavenly Fantasy Army and the White Knight, but he couldn’t withstand Li Ozi’s genetic overload.

This colonial equipment was directly scrapped, and its genes were broken into pieces like instant noodles that had been run over by a car. Even if you wanted to repair it, it would be useless. It's better to just change it.

Li Ozi didn't have the slightest concern about the damage to the colonial uniform. It was better if it was broken now than if it was broken later during the battle. At least for now, there would be no life threat.

Li Ozi opened his eyes and immediately pulled out the nerve tentacles on his neck. His first reaction was to say to Du Zexin:

"Are the Tianhuan people here?"

Before Du Zexin could speak, the sound of missiles was heard in the sky.


The missile fell into the position built by the players and immediately blew up a dozen players to the point of death. Fortunately, there were 3,000 players gathered here and there were enough manpower, so the wild team was able to rescue them easily.

"I see."

Du Zexin said nothing, turned his head and continued to work hard.

Li Ozi glanced at the time and saw that 27 minutes had passed. The Tianhuan people were moving faster than he thought.


Alexia happened to retreat from the front line, her face covered with smoke and blood. When she saw Li Ozi stand up, she immediately ran to him and gave him a solid bear hug.

"That's great. There's nothing wrong with you. You seem to be more handsome than before."

She gestured, her dark golden eyes flashed, and she smiled happily:

"I was shocked when you suddenly said you wanted to go to space, but since you're fine, that's better than anything else."

"Everything is fine with me, Eric." Li Ozi patted Alexia on the shoulder: "You have worked hard in the battle, go and rest and get treatment."

"If you want to go to space, you need more rest than me, right?" As Alexia was speaking, a cannonball fell into the crowd, knocking the players to the ground. She straightened her face and rushed forward immediately.

"Hey, why did I get bombed twice in a row..."

Caramel Snail was about to cry, so he took on a small task of transporting artillery shells. He was still pushing a cart alone, but he was bombed twice in a row by Tianhuan people.

When I go to space later, I shouldn't waste my time. I only have one life left today. Now I'm fine and I can rest again.

"Hey, Sani Tower, Swordsman, Medico, Doctor - help me!"

He waved around desperately, and his near-death state was decreasing by the second. However, the doctor players around him were too busy. The bombing just now affected many bosses and leaders of his own union. Who could care? He is a lone wolf player.

Just when the caramel snail was about to despair, a figure suddenly rushed out of the smoke screen. A beautiful lady with dark golden eyes came to him immediately. Seeing that his condition was extremely poor, she took out a cardiac tonic and gave him a shot without hesitation.

This shot of cardiotonic immediately brought the caramel snail back to life. He looked at the other person with great emotion: "Thank you, you are truly an angel."

"Angel?" Alexia smiled, shook her head and said, "If there really are angels, you can take a look for me after you go to heaven."

Caramel Snail was extremely moved. After playing for so many days, it was the first time she saw such a gentle and kind female character. She quickly begged:

"Please tell me your name. I will post you on the forum to let everyone know that you actually have such an angelic role. You are a hundred times, a thousand times better than that bad man Li Ozi who only PUAs us." Twice it!"

"Eh?" Alexia looked confused.

Caramel Snail wanted to say something else, but then, Li Ozi kicked him:

"Get up, Niuniu."

"Ah, Li Ozi. You are finally back."

Caramel Snail did not hesitate and immediately rebelled and took out a necklace:

"I spent a lot of effort to buy (grab) a necklace for you. Li Aozi, I hope you like it (get more discounts)."

"That's it." Li Ozi flipped up his hair and chuckled: "I remember, didn't you want to go to space with me? Why don't you just go and stay in the biochemical pool? Isn't my biochemical pool better than Going to a battlefield full of gunpowder smoke?"

"No, no." Caramel Snail quickly denied: "I'll crawl back right now, I'm the best at crawling."

He ran a few steps, then suddenly came back, holding up a bullet necklace:

"I assembled this myself. Although it is not precious, I think it looks pretty. I give it to you. (Can the rental fee of Aoneng be cheaper?)"

Poor Niu Niu was manipulated by Li Ozi as he continued PUA.

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