From star abyss

Chapter 316 022.


he murmured.

The universe didn't answer him.

Leos nodded.

So that’s it, He died.

Leos was not disappointed at all, he just commented indifferently.

"It's over, it's time for me to start."

Leoz opened his eyes. There was no sadness, no anger, not even a hint of disappointment. The emotions possessed by these mortal things meant nothing to him.

He didn't have those emotions, and he didn't need those emotions.

Leoz looked at the reflection in the glass - the brilliant blue of the starry sky in his eyes was gradually fading.

"……not enough."

Li Ozi is gradually waking up, and his will will gradually come to regain control of his body.

But this is too loose a statement.

They are one, so there is no need to talk about fighting for control.

Leoz just stood up. He didn't want to waste any time on this boring argument.

He stared at the ground from a high altitude, walked around for a while, and then deployed his plan.

"He is me, and I am him. There is no need to be taboo about memory - but Li Ozi is too emotional, and I can't trust him."

"The memory is too little, leaving behind personality, and there is no way to assist - then activate more instincts."

He opened his hand, and the authority of [Paradox] faintly emerged. As long as he wanted to, he could immediately transform it into a gene seed and implant it into his body.

He doesn't have much authority anymore, even Li Ozi has only collected two now.

Should I leave it to him?

Leoz thought for a while.

"None of the top three authorities in the sequence can be left behind, otherwise they will attract disobedient people. He cannot survive in the hands of disobedient people."

"I can't sense the Pantheon, but it's not destroyed. Get it."

"Retrieve memory - I have been in contact with Gaia's lackeys. Very good. The lackeys of the hidden society will surely be destroyed."

"The magic of Xingyuan is very strange. I need to study it and combine it with authority. Only in this way will the 'society' bow down to me."

Another point.

Leoz arranged many things, but there was one thing that he was never able to participate in.

"...The disobedient ones are still roaming and hunting me."

Those forces that once existed as trump cards must have their reasons for suddenly choosing to betray at the most important moment.

They are not surrendering to 'society'. As noble beings, they - they have their own dignity and disdain to go along with the society.

They simply hate themselves and are dissatisfied with the status given to them.

Leoz cannot interfere with them, but he does not hate the other party. Hatred is meaningless to himself and is a cheap and inefficient existence.

However, if it is Li Ozi, maybe he can restart this power and change their ideas.

He can influence the descendants and make them use themselves, and he can also make Gaia's councilors fall in love with him - Li Ozi has his own specialties, and he does not need to intervene.

"Deployment completed, returned to you."

Leos closed his eyes and lay down on the chair.

"To refine your soul, you must continue to awaken."


"Uh-huh, shit, how long have I been unconscious? Didn't I delay the exam?"

When Li Ozi opened his eyes, he was already on a warm and soft bed. He rubbed his head and slowly sat up. When his brain was completely awake and freed from pain, Li Ozi began Take stock of your surroundings.

"——Where am I?"

Li Ozi looked blankly at the place where he was. What was certain was that this was not his room, but a student dormitory somewhere.

dormitory? School?

Li Ozi faintly noticed something.

He stepped forward and opened the curtains. Outside the balcony, a piece of magic spirit shone brightly, converging into a gorgeous energy tide, rising and falling in the air, which was exceptionally beautiful and spectacular.

Li Ozi glanced at the layout of the campus and immediately recalled this place from his long gaming career.

Crystal Tower White Candle Interstellar University.

One of the top magic academies, as the Interstellar Academy, it brings together all the allies of the Crystal Tower, elite talents who have contacted civilizations and colonized planets.

Ranked third or fourth among the sixteen top magic universities.

"Am I super? Did I do so well in the test?"

He quickly checked his system log and then fell into a sluggish state:


[You passed the magic qualification exam]

[Score: 500 points (full score)]

[You have completed the achievement - "The Number One Scholar in the Magic Examination\

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