From star abyss

Chapter 317 023. Discover talents


Time passed in silence, and Atquis felt a strange smell gradually creeping into the air. The blanket on the ground slowly rolled up. The originally warm and pleasant room gradually became dark and humid, with vortices and invisible vortices. Rising from the abyss, penetrating into the universe from bottom to top, eating away at everything bit by bit.

Atquis remained silent, but he clearly felt a buzzing sound coming from his ears.

He heard electromagnetic waves bombarding planetary atmospheres, high-energy rays erupting and destroying civilizations one by one, waves of entropy increasing continuously, the drumbeats of collisions playing, and the overture of meltdown and grinding giving new life.

He heard the howls and cries of wolves coming from the lower cantilever of the Little Leo constellation, beginning when the first ape picked up the stone, and then the universe resounded with a concerto of guns and magic.

He heard the end of the magnificent epic, the cold explosion, echoing above the ozone layer. The vacuum did not transmit sound, it only transmitted the embers of destruction.

When it all came to an end, Atkizi heard only distorted white noise.

Coming from the star abyss, there is an endless distorted whisper.

In a daze, he felt that his mental power was being bent by a star, and his whole person was captured by a powerful attraction. The terrifying shock resonated in every cell in his body, and the infection spread like a disease, instantly defeating his whole person.

Trembling, horror, trembling, hysteria.

At this moment, Balcomon suddenly spoke:

"Damn it, why are you so indifferent?"

His tone was full of confusion and helplessness, and the oppression and distortion in the air disappeared. Atkizi woke up instantly. The clothes on his back were wet with cold sweat, and the spells being inscribed were quickly evaporated.

"Minister Balcomon..."

"He is not a human being. Even Night Butterfly's synthetic robot will not be so cold and heartless."

Balcomon looked down at the document in his hand, which contained a discussion article of no more than 10,000 words.

It's ordinary, and it's terrible.

The most unpretentious writing style is used throughout the article, everything is kept simple, and every word is just right.

But the scary thing is that even the most exciting words in it will only feel hollow when read together.

Balcomon could not calm down for a long time. He looked at the nebula outside the window and said in a deep voice:

"Atkizi, do you know what the problem is?"

Atkizi replied:

"This cannot be written by a human being. There is no pyrotechnics or human touch in the text, but he is absolutely correct. Even a robot cannot be so correct."

"This is divinity." Balcomon said: "He possesses divinity. Divinity is higher than human nature and is separated from human nature. It is impossible for human beings to have such feelings and heights of structure - human beings will make mistakes, and Gods don’t do it, and the only reason why gods make mistakes is because of insufficient strength, not subjective mistakes.”

Atkizi said:

"Do you think this young man named Leos is the same as the Leos in the fairy tale..."

"There are too many people named Leos, even if they later become gods, there will be many." Balcomon shook his head: "What's more, even a three-year-old child knows that Leos and the sixth god he is loyal to [Dominator Will]——Mephidria is the one who died most completely."

"No matter what, we have to be careful, minister." Atkis reminded: "A young man with divinity, he is more worthy of attention than the descendants of gods - could it be that he is sent by the narrative level? spy?"

After all, there are not many civilizations in the universe that can stably acquire divinity, but in the Abyss, the narrative-level civilization just has such qualifications.

"...There are many narrative-level gods, but what's the point?"

Balcomon was speechless:

"It's true that the narrative level can support gods. Dragons can also be raised as mounts. Are you going to let dragons fall into the hands of the enemy at will?"

Atkizi shook his head: "Of course it won't happen. The entire civilization of our Crystal Tower only has one high-level dragon. There are quite a few low-priced dragon beasts - even then, we don't dare to let them out."

"As someone who handles branch transfers, you all know this truth, let alone those old foxes at the narrative level."

Balcomon shook his head and said:

"Who would send an obviously inhumane divine holder to lurk in an illegal civilization - isn't this the same as a firefly at night?"

"But it does not rule out that this kind of thinking is deliberately used to reduce the possibility of spies being suspected."

"You're right. I don't like the narrative level very much. Although they are overlords, they do things without principles and bottom lines. This possibility is not non-existent - but we can't let this young man go."

Balcomon picked up the document and threw it on the desk:

"First of all, keep this article confidential and conceal the issue of his divinity... This kid should not enter the temple. Since there is the possibility of narrative-level civilized spies, it is better to directly arrange the person in an interstellar-level academy. This way It also reduces our intelligence sensitivity."

"this is a good idea!"

Atkizi's eyes lit up:

"As for the Interstellar Academy, they are all students from some illegal civilizations and lower-level planetary civilizations that we have allied with. Although their political status is high, their sensitivity is much worse. There will be no secret magic workshops or important magic research. project."

Balcomon's method surprised Atkiz - he had thought that the man in front of him would want to choose to eliminate or expel Leos - after all, Balcomon had issues with narrative-level civilization and made extremely bad-tempered remarks. It has long been spread throughout civilization.

However, no.

Not only that, Balcomon also thought of a way to get the best of both worlds.

"We cannot waste such high-quality talents. As long as he receives education in our university and provides knowledge output, we will make money. It is just right to arrange it in the interstellar school. We can observe his movements without letting him Feeling ignored.”

Atkizi praised:

"This way we can save face, allow him to work for us, and we don't have to worry about him learning confidential information - it will be better for everyone if we all take a step back."

"Even if he is really a narrative-level undercover, it doesn't matter. The Interstellar School is originally a place to showcase our Crystal Tower civilization to the outside world."

When Balcomon said this, Atkizi was a little surprised.

Before, Balcomon exuded the aura of Jie Yuan, and he obviously felt the possibility of some relationship between 'Leoz' and the Narrative Level, but at this moment, he suddenly regained his composure and made such a rational judgment.

Balcomon glanced at Atkis: "Are you influenced by external opinions and knowing that I have conflicts with narrative-level civilization, and are you worried that you will hit a minefield?"

Before Atkizi could reply, Balcomon said:

"This is normal. After all, I came back from the Star Abyss. Even if we look at the entire Abyss... the number of people who have dived there will not exceed a few billion."

Atkizi was stunned: "Is there only so few?"

"I'm afraid the actual situation is even less. After enduring the curse, those who are still able to stand up and fight are probably not enough to collect a planet together. Most of them are still gathered in the hands of the three major narrative-level civilizations. At this point, they can What unites them is the pursuit of the path."

Balcomon explained:

"Existences above the Kappa level, if they want to break through the sublimation of the biological level, they must dive into the Star Abyss to liberate their shackles. To understand this, let's compare it. There are currently less than 10 billion existing Kappa in the Abyss. Jie, you will know what a mysterious place Xingyuan is."

"Because of this, this 'Leozi' has quite a lot of significance. He has divinity. Compared with other people, he can take fewer detours in the exploration of the road. Being able to witness how he grows, His resume is a valuable resource in itself.”

"Regarding Leoz's attitude, you should focus on cooperation. While examining his origin and growth trajectory, you should also pay attention to cultivating him - remember, only train, not nurture."

Atkizi understood:

"What do you mean, only provide education resources but not growth resources?"

"This is good for everyone. We don't have to worry about him betraying and leaving in the future, causing us to lose too much money. Leoz won't feel that we pay too much attention to him and require and supervise him too much, which will affect him. perceptions of us.”

In fact, there is one more thing that Balcomon did not say.

If Leoz knows his importance, it is not ruled out that he will raise the price, or turn around and join other civilizations, thereby threatening the Crystal Tower Civilization to give more resources.

As a bureaucrat and soldier of an interstellar civilization, Balkomon's vision is much broader, and he has seen a lot of blackmail and duplicity.

If Leos dared to play this trick with them, Balcomon wouldn't mind letting him experience the feeling of a gamma ray burst.

Atkizi's answer also satisfied Balcomon. The subsequent reports and opinions were also in place, and the level was definitely above the standard. Balcomon nodded frequently. After the discussion ended, he admired the young subordinate in front of him very much:

"Your awareness is good, but you still lack experience. It just so happens that I have a task to be handed over to my subordinates. It's better to choose the day than to hit it. I might as well let you take charge of it. What do you think?"

Atkizi's eyes lit up, this is the rhythm that leaders need to cultivate themselves.

But even though he wanted to agree, the words had to be spoken on the spot.

"Hey, you think too highly of me, Mr. Minister. I am not very talented and knowledgeable. I am afraid that I cannot handle the important task you have entrusted to me by myself."

The implication is that he actually hopes that Balcomon will send someone to accompany him, so that he can continuously convey his performance to the minister.

As a technocrat, Atkizi is still very confident in handling problems, but even if he has achieved political achievements, no one will care.

What's more, a teaching planet can have any dangerous missions. This is obviously Minister Balcomon's intention to cultivate himself well, whether as the second-in-command or as a future candidate - with the minister's character, it is estimated that similar talents have already been There are several.

To stand out, Atquez knew he still had to perform more.

Balcomon saw Atkis's thoughts and simply waved his hand:

"I will give you two assistants. This task is not difficult, but it requires your long-term attention."

"Please tell me, I will do my best to do it well." Atkizi affirmed.

"That's right. This thing is a bit long, so I have to make it short."

Balcomon pondered for a moment, released a shielding magic on the spot, and then said with confidence:

"Do you know that golden dragon monk, Archer Duken Monser?"

"I know a little bit about it. It is said that through chance, he obtained the bloodline of a high-level dragon clan, and thus embarked on a special path. His mind became noble and pure, so he voluntarily joined us and assisted us in the battle."

Atkizi thought for a moment and then said:

"Archie Duken seems to be fighting very well on the front line. People around me have read about the Battle of the Galaxy Eye, where he fought against three Kappa-level warriors without falling behind. It can be said that with him here, The Battle for the Galaxy Eye will not be lost. It is a blessing to have such allies.”

"What's the problem? Isn't he going to fight for us?"

"No, that's not the case."

Balcomon turned around and said with a mixture of laughter and tears:

"You also know that high-level dragon descendants are not often found. The people above are considering how to keep him here with us. If not, it is best to keep his blood descendants."

"It seems like there's no problem, right?" Atquis hesitated for a moment, not realizing what the problem was.

Balcomon said with a somewhat joyful tone:

"This guy is of the blood of the Golden Dragon. He is a born artist and has very high aesthetic standards. Secondly, he is also a warrior monk who scorns worldly desires."

"——Only a female with extremely high artistic talent, elegance, and beauty can attract his attention."

Atkizi suddenly understood something:

"Uh, Minister, you mean...could it be that we have already found such a person?"

"Let's just say yes."

"Great!" Atkizi said happily: "So where is she now? Do you need me to do anything?"

"Buried underground."

Balcomon said:

"She is the descendant of a special person. What you need to do is dig her out, resurrect her, then re-cultivate her and train her - the war will last for at least sixty years. This period of time is enough for her to become a Agents loyal to the Crystal Civilization."

"Is she someone who fell asleep in the ancient times? In that case, she must be an individual with divine blood or a super life race. Our technology...should not be able to resurrect her at that level, right?"

"That's not the case. According to my rough understanding, she was a person from decades ago and disappeared unexpectedly. Next, it's your job."

"Don't worry, my job is first to find talents, and secondly to teach and educate people."

But this time, it really became a matter of 'discovering' talents.

Fortunately, magicians are very skilled at digging graves. There are few magicians who have never dug graves... He was talking about exploring archaeological remains.

When Atkizi heard that it was a task within his major, he immediately felt relaxed:

"What is this girl's name? I think I need to collect information on her and see if I can find any relevant records."

It stands to reason that if a woman with beautiful appearance, excellent temperament and good artistic talent has been sleeping for too many years, it should not be difficult to find her in the history books.


Balcomon said:

"The full name is: Vivi Ellia San Valentino."

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