From star abyss

Chapter 369 74. [Danger-seeking Saint] Verlia

If Li Ozi were present, he would be surprised to recognize her origin.

The main NPC of White Candle Star and the protagonist of the [Hero of Falicia] mission is Verlia, known as the [Saint of Adventure].

"I -" Just as Yawen started to speak, Verlia took the lead and interrupted her:

"I know you, Arwen Huskiesian. I've been watching you for some time."

Yawen didn't shake hands.

She stared at him coldly and said nothing.

"It's really interesting that a member of the [Hidden Society] actually appeared on this planet."

Verlia was not angry, and put her outstretched hand on her shoulder. A mini spider slowly crawled over the snowy shoulder. She raised her hand and gently guided it to Verlia with the back of her hand. Ya did not look at Yawen, but said to the spider:

"Don't worry, I am not a citizen of the [Hidden Society]. My two mothers are the [Adventurer] and the [Saint] who serve as juries in the Secret Council, but - I am a real native of the Star Abyss."

She said with a smile, her tone was too frivolous to be that of a woman, but her charm and beauty far surpassed that of Yawen. In her knowledge, Verlia's beauty was only inferior to that of Li Ozi.

"What do you want to express?" Yawen didn't know the purpose of the other party's visit: "You said that you have been spying on me for a long time, and you also said that you have a direct blood relationship with the citizens of the [Hidden Society] - with all due respect, please speak in human terms. "

"A wise man does not fall in love, and a fool will fall in love."

Verlia picked up the spider on the back of her hand and said:

"Miss Yawen, if you touch the memory crystal from [Echoer], you will be destroyed by the space-time energy inside - this is Xingyuan's counter-mechanism against social citizens."


Yawen shook her head, her hands on her hips, her eyes becoming extremely impatient.

"I won't touch it, you can leave." Yawen said, "Please don't disturb my work life."

"I've hinted at you many times, Yawen. You really are a person without artistic talent. You are still a [tailor], don't you know nothing about romance?"

Verlia regretfully held the spider, raised her eyes to glance at Arwen, and said frivolously:

"I advise you not to be addicted to men. You have mistaken your dependence for love. If you continue like this, you will fall into the abyss sooner or later and your bones will be gone—"

Yawen interrupted coldly:

"It has nothing to do with you as an outsider who I have feelings for. If you continue, I will ask you to leave."

"Don't worry." Verlia smiled faintly: "Miss Yawen, I'm not targeting you, I'm targeting your lover - um, or should I say, unrequited love partner?"

Yawen raised her hand and grabbed it in the air, and the ruins hall was instantly covered with a network of pale spider silk. Each spider silk, as tough and slender as nanowires, emitted spiritual brilliance, making Verlia's skin whiter than snow, and soft and charming. Pleasant.

"You can go."

Yawen said coldly.

"My love is very humble, but even so, it is very satisfying for a sinful person like me."

The spider on the back of her hand was scared away, and Verlia turned her head regretfully and looked at Arwen.

"With your upbringing, you should have been able to become a princess and a queen."

Verlia waved her hand gently: "However, following Mr. Li Ozi, I'm afraid you can only become an unknown microphone."

"I never thought of doing that. My father dedicated everything to his motherland. He would not choose a stupid and weak girl like me as the presidential successor."

Yawen raised her hand and pressed it on her chest, her eyes complex:

"I ate my own sister. I committed an unforgivable crime. With my sins, I don't deserve to live in the world. It was Li Ozi who needed me, so I continued to live."

Verlia glanced at her sympathetically:

"Poor kid, that was just acting."

"That's not true, Li Ozi needs me——"

"Look what you said, don't capitalists also need workers very much? Do you want to teach workers to love capitalists?"

Yawen was startled and said:

"That was not what I meant……"

"I think you have to understand one thing, dear fool." Verlia walked slowly and said: "You are now a citizen of [society]. You are not yourself at all. You can only go to [society] Only in this way can we find the meaning of life.”

"...What about Li Ozi?"

"Fool, citizens of [society] have no independent will. You and the Xingyuan aborigines who think you are your little boyfriend are not the same species at all."

Verlia looked at her pitifully:

"In the past, my two mothers were deceived and even fought over a man, betraying the secret society, but were ultimately betrayed by the man they believed in - but it is ridiculous to say that it was [society] that took action, and Mother Gaia saved Got them."


Arwen murmured.

"Yes, Gaia, if there was no [Secret Society], maybe there would be no me in this world."

Verlia walked around Yawen again and again, carefully admiring Kiawen from head to toe:

"You are pretty and very capable, but you don't live for men, you live for yourself. Yawen, I hope you can realize that [society] and Xingyuan are not good things. They are not good things. The fighting between them has caused countless families to lose their lives.”

"The [Secret Society] will use its members to realize the arrival of the deity and devour civilization, but Xingyuan wants to use your life to fill the never-ending front."

“Don’t love them, don’t love the grand narrative, love yourself.”

Yawen sighed and asked, "What exactly do you want to say?"

"I'm here to invite you."

"Invite me?" Yawen was confused. "I-I'm just a tailor."

"Yes. You are invited, Arwen Huskiesian."

Verlia said:

"This planet has already been infiltrated by [society] citizens. Narrative-level civilization is also constantly paying attention to the situation here. Sooner or later, you will be discovered."

"When discovered by the people of Gaia, they will merge your will into the ether. In that environment, you will be unable to resist at all and will immediately succumb to [society]."

"If discovered by a narrative-level civilization, they will not hesitate to dismantle you, eliminate you, and make you into weapons and equipment."

"Even your unrequited love interest, Li Ozi, will not hesitate to draw a sword once he finds out that you are a secret citizen."

Verlia looked at her seriously.

"I'm here to protect you, to protect people like you who are unwilling to succumb to secrecy and are rejected by the civilization on the side of the star abyss."

"……I do not believe."

Yawen shook her head:

"Li Ozi, he will not take action against me. I believe this very much."

"Hmm, they say falling in love shrinks the brain. I don't expect to persuade you to come back in just one or two words."

Verlia stopped beside Yawen. She looked at the two memory crystals and said nostalgically:

"Lee Ozi...Leozi. It's really a popular and mainstream name, just like him. That man is a person who fits the narrative civilization and the abyss very well. He is loved by this world - you have nothing to do, just follow Isn’t it true that such a superior and talented person is looking for trouble when he falls in love?”

"Stop saying anything."

Yawen said weakly:

"He needs me, or at least wants to need me."

"Your 'inferiority complex' is really bad." Verlia slapped her forehead and said helplessly: "In this case, I feel it is necessary for me to tell you everything I have learned recently."

"What does that have to do with me-"

"Of course it has something to do with you."

Verlia slowly sat next to the shrine and looked up at Yawen:

"You don't know yet, Leos... the pronunciation is really weird, I'd better call him Leos. You don't know what the name Leos means in these just two weeks. You are too close to him , will only be burned to ashes and fall from the sky just like Icarus when it touches the sun."

"What is Icarus?" Yawen was puzzled and continued to ask the question she was concerned about: "Li Ozi...what happened?"

"Leoz, I have never been from the same world as you."

Verlia paused, organized her words, and said:

"In short, he is God."

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