From star abyss

Chapter 370 75. Velazi Security

Van Renkov's urban planning is simple and crude. The spacious roads and parking ports are only suitable for large military motor vehicles to come and go, but not suitable for the convenience of residents' lives.

Van Renkov never considers the convenience of the residents. They regard being a soldier as an honor, and dying on the battlefield as their lifelong destination. Money stained with blood is what they long for.

With gold in one hand and heads in the other, you are willing to spend money to get a good set of equipment and weapons. How practical.

But for a long time, Van Renkov's rulers did not realize that the most important supply logistics of a legion could not be left to outsiders.

Sorenv Nikita smoked a cigarette from the "United Group", sat at the table of the "United Group", and looked at the streamlined and powerful "United Group" on the other side of the road built by the "United Group" with a frown. "Subsidiary - Security employee of Verazzi.

He picked up the terminal and looked deeply at his daughter on the unlock screen.

"I'm sorry, Sora."

He deleted the screensaver and all information related to his family, and used the terminal to record the last message:

"The time has come, long live our great motherland, and Van Lenkov will never be reduced to a fragment in the grand narrative."

After speaking, he sent the message and deleted the record, making the whole process flawless.

Room 6409, the apartment where Verazzi's support staff rest and live, has been equipped with strict traps and alarm devices, so that no disturbance can be hidden from him.

Viral.Z Defense Co., Ltd. is known as the godson of the "United Group". Their main personnel come from the entourage of narrative-level planetary civilizations. The most elite troops are selected from the political figures and nobles of major civilizations. They are trained by the company to become the backbone of the Delta level. The commanders have all reached Zeta. It has a powerful combat force with rapid response, integrated investigation and attack, and hard-core landing. It has extremely tenacious fighting spirit.

At the same time, because they all come from elite noble families, they all have good family education and can operate various complex equipment. Everyone is a technical soldier. In addition, they are not directly affiliated with narrative-level civilization and are not bound by conventions. They will even carry star-destroying weapons on patrol.

The existence of Velazi is exactly the strategy of the "United Group" to lay out the star field. The company intends to further plant the seeds of chaos in the abyss to facilitate the continued expansion of the inherent time domain, invade the star abyss in a fragmented manner, and disperse and interfere with the energy of the other two narrative-level civilizations.

Everyone knows that the current chaos is caused by Verazzi, and that behind Verazzi is the "United Group", but is it useful?

The powerful Velazi Company, relying on its excellent self-produced equipment and the quality of its soldiers, quickly became the high-quality second party of the "United Group" in the Noft Nebula area. In addition to the geographical advantage of Valkyrie Fortress, almost all mercenaries Bingcheng State has been hit by this dimensionality reduction from narrative-level civilization.

——Oh, Valkyrie Fortress is also controlled by the "United Group".

"Damn it, company dogs. My home has been destroyed by you."

Nikita cursed and couldn't help but hold his head. As an unemployed veteran, he knew very well that once the mercenary city-state lost its job, it would have no life skills at all. Facing the advanced equipment and powerful Verazi, , completely incapable of competition.

What's more, Van Renkov's production capacity is very poor. Almost all their war materials are imported, leaving them with no ability to fight to the death.

But Nikita still didn't understand.

Why do vassal branches of narrative-level civilization compete with mercenary city-states like them for the market?

Not only Nikita, but the entire mercenary city-state did not understand.

This is why, thanks to his connections, he decided to stay in this apartment and observe Verazzi's activities up close.

Nikita put out the cigarette butt, and his four bright little eyes merged together and focused. At the docking port of Verazzi Company in the distance, two Zeta-level security guards grabbed a door frame with silver-white and blue spokes, and looked at it from the Open it, the light blue energy group fluctuates, forming a molecular reorganization transmitter. The beautiful light curtain is like a water curtain, rippling slightly, and a carbon-based human race in formal clothes slowly walks out of it.

Nikita quickly picked up the terminal at hand and began to match the other person's image: light green skin, black hair, a swordfish tattoo on the back of his hand, dragon scales on both sides of his cheeks and lava-like golden vertical pupils, showing his extraordinary dragon origin. bloodline.

These features are quite eye-catching, and the data was quickly matched.

However, the data finally obtained made Nikita almost gasp.

"Andrew Verazzi, my God...this is the prince of Verazzi."

Andrew looked young but very calm. As soon as he landed, he turned around and said hello to the security guard in charge of the portal, and then communicated with the branch manager who received him.

He recognized the person receiving him: "Ulitus, the manager in charge of the branch, che, this guy is the one who expanded the market aggressively and snatched up all our orders..."

Nikita took a strengthening pill to enhance her perception.

Thanks to being close enough, the alien's hearing was able to clearly perform the sound pickup function, filtering out the noise of the portal and the rise and fall of the aircraft. With the translation module turned on, he held his breath and quietly monitored the sound.

Any eavesdropping device would run the risk of being detected, but no one would suspect that an old, poor, and destitute Van Renkov alien would risk beheading to listen in on their conversation.

The branch manager who was usually domineering in Van Lenkov was now full of flattery, and his words were full of skin-numbing compliments:

"Master Andrew! Your arrival has really made the local area shine. It's just a pity that the facilities here are not complete, but don't worry, I have built a hotel specifically for you to stay -"

"Forget the polite words, I'm not here to enjoy the holiday trip." Andrew was not in a good mood, with an attitude of asking for justice: "Manager Ulitus, my father is already tired of dealing with the pressure from the board of directors, Xu Group Also urging. (Dragon Language) [Pressure Spiritual Light]."

When Manager Yulitus heard this, coupled with the influence of dragon spells, his legs trembled and he stammered:

"Well, please don't worry - Van Lenkov's market is a brand new blue ocean. This is the first time for us and our company to intervene. Er, the marketing department also believes that it is necessary to empower the equipment side and individual soldiers, and repeat the screening. Below, we have made optimizations for unqualified project leaders——"

"It's enough to fool outsiders and interns with this kind of official talk. I want you to speak human language."

Andrew said dissatisfied.

"Well, Master Andrew... we haven't found the blood of Narcissus yet."

——The blood of Narcissus?

Nikita heard this term for the first time, and then heard Uritus say almost as if he was begging for mercy:

"Master! You also know that this thing is not a simple mineral or a person. Even if we use narrative-level methods, we cannot directly search for such a conceptual existence... Please give it a few more days."

"Hey." Andrew sighed: "If you had said it at the beginning, wouldn't it be over? You are lying to the superiors and the inferiors, and you are full of bureaucracy and red tape. It is so inefficient. You are so timid, which shows your distrust of the company and the grassroots employees. We are irresponsible."

Seeing that Andrew was not angry, Uritus breathed a sigh of relief and quickly apologized:

"Master, it's my fault. I will send people to intensify the search. Please give me another chance."

"Don't worry, I won't make a stupid move like replacing people when we come to the formation. They are all your people here. You are also the most familiar with the environment of the Van Lenkov Autonomous State. How could I replace you?"

Andrew patted the other person's shoulder and looked comforting and encouraging.

"Thank you, Master——"

Before Iulitus finished speaking, Andrew's eyes flashed with inspiration, and he suddenly grabbed hard. He immediately lifted his feet off the ground and let out a scream. His whole soul was pulled out and condensed into a ball of flame.

Andrew handed the spirit body of Uritus to his assistant. The assistant took it respectfully and sent the soul into the magic lantern he carried with him. After burning it for a moment, he extracted the essence of the memory in it and then skillfully sent it into the magic lantern. Boot the computer and upload it to the local network.

In less than 3 seconds, every Verazzi employee received the experience and memory of Van Renkov, the former manager of Ulitus.

As the eldest son of the company, Andrew never forgot to give this advice:

"Remember to transform this guy's skin, implant an artificial soul, and continue to work for the company."

"As you command, Master Andrew."

"I'm going to the office. The other two Narrative Levels have noticed Verazzi's abnormal encroachment. Now the group is pressing hard. Within two natural months, some results must be produced, otherwise the Interstellar Alliance will intervene in the investigation. We never get another chance to get the Blood of Nargis."

Faced with all this, Ulitus's subordinates seemed to have seen it all and had no reaction. Instead, they respected and admired the young master's methods even more.

Nikita even heard someone whisper:

‘As expected of a person from the headquarters, a veteran like Ulitus will be killed as soon as he is told. It’s just a pity that he rarely embezzles public funds. ’

'It is said that Andrew has reached the Zeta stage at the age of 120. Among the 409 children of the chairman, he is not only the most favored one, but also the only one whose Green Swamp Dragon blood concentration reaches 17%. He can be said to be a genius among geniuses. ...'

‘Then we have to be more careful. This place is now under Andrew’s direct jurisdiction, and we can’t continue to be lazy and scratch the surface. ’

‘Hey, no one expected that he would directly kill Yulitus. The original cannibalization strategy would definitely not be able to continue. ’

'Originally, we were just looking for the blood of Narcissus in the name of entering the market. We cannot let other narrative levels know about this kind of thing...'

These words revealed a wealth of information. Just as Nikita was eavesdropping attentively, a voice sounded in his heart:

"That's it. They are here for the blood of Narcissus."

Nikita nodded.

Suddenly, he immediately turned his head, and his hands immediately transformed into giant scorpion-like pincers, swinging towards the back.


Ripples opened in the space, and a headless humanoid creature nimbly avoided his attack, folded its arms, and leaned against the bed board nearby.

Although there was no facial expression on the other person's face, Nikita clearly felt that this strange man seemed to be looking at him playfully.

"Who are you?"

"You can call me Leoz. Mr. Nikita."

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