From star abyss

Chapter 507 212. The best soldiers descend from the sky

[Waning Moon] The arcane energy is activated instantly, and Turing System is immediately reduced to a two-dimensional space.

As a high-risk sequence arcana, the most dangerous thing about [Crane Moon] is its absolute crushing of the weak. It is impossible for opponents of the same level to compete with [Crane Moon]. Facing the waning moon, any resistance from low-level people will be weak, and they will only end up being captured and sealed in the second dimension.

The problem with the waning moon is also obvious.

At a low level of development, [Crane Moon] lacks direct lethality. To deal with powerful players of the same level, it can only be like Waning Moon, which is more flexible than aggressive.

"In this way, both councilors are killed first, which will have an impact on the arrival of the main body of [Machine World Society]..."

Even if he strikes first, Li Ozi's situation is not easy.

At the moment when Li Ozi's attack was completed, Coulomb Torque, the Zeta-level quantum machine councilor, suddenly activated.

Its body instantly quantized and jumped into the surrounding space. Here, the laws of space and time have been rewritten. Its body has the properties of particles and waves at the same time. It jumps and collides freely, and then explodes and bounces away, leaving a series of oscillating trajectories. In such a field, space and time are just a kind of discreteness. , a non-physical entity with energy, Li Ozi's freezing has no effect here.

Li Ozi immediately activated the [Eye of Truth] - however, this action resulted in 'observation', which changed the space and time where Coulomb Torque was located.

When he saw the Coulomb Torque information panel, the information had been destroyed and new data had been regenerated.

In the end, there was only a bunch of meaningless information left on the panel that Li Ozi observed.

[Tsk—I haven’t learned “Quantum Space-Time” yet, and gravity and the waning moon haven’t been developed yet…]

With this thought in his mind, Li Ozi was unambiguous in his hand, and the gravity swept across him instantly, trying to capture the opponent's figure.

Unlike the state of the waning moon, which directly spans dimensions, gravity can span time and space, which is what Li Ozi has learned from his basic education.

There is definitely gravity in the quantum realm, but knowledge about quantum gravity and quantum space-time is considered advanced professional knowledge in "Star Abyss". Li Ozi has not been exposed to it and has no ability to learn it.

Therefore, Li Ozi decided to rely on his rich gaming experience to solve the problem.

Gravitational waves sweep across all dimensions of space and time, sending ripples outward.

"——Hmph, actually using gravity to carry out a supersaturation strike? It's really ridiculous. What effect can be achieved with this kind of brute force that has no accuracy at all?"

Coulomb Torque immediately noticed Li Ozi's attack, but the unprecise gravitational pressure caused no pain or itching to it, and it only made time and space more chaotic.

Li Ozi entered the battle state. When the [Eye of Truth] could not track the opponent, he decisively adopted a new tactic:

Waning Moon·Dimensional Barrier!

He stretched his hands outwards and tore apart, laying an insurmountable invisible wall toward the ground. For a moment, all the firepower was isolated by the barrier.

"You can run away." Li Ozi said calmly: "Let me see how long you can run away."

‘What does this guy want to do? ’

Coulomb Torque felt something vaguely. The output of the emotion module showed that he was restless, and the data network quickly started analyzing.

‘No—Parliament! ’

Li Ozi raised his finger.

Time resumes its flow.

The dimensional barrier tilted and fell, and countless mechanical troops were instantly squashed in the two-dimensional space. Without the firepower network, the rapidly falling celestial body above their heads fell towards the ground even more unscrupulously!

'no! ’

Coulomb Torque quickly jumped out of the quantum realm, spread out rapidly, and sprayed out vortexes from behind, exploding at terrifying speeds to intercept the falling meteorites above his head.

However, even if its response is extremely fast, it cannot be faster than the force of gravity.

Li Ozi tore apart the ripples of time and space, and his body instantly moved in front of Coulomb Torque. When the opponent faced the difficulty and stretched out his palm towards the hot and violent meteorite, Li Ozi suddenly stepped out of the torn gap, He raised his foot without any hesitation and kicked the opponent in the face!


Coulomb Torque's body was immediately kicked out. At the critical moment, it raised its arms in time and opened its wrists to reveal the launch track. The next moment, it immediately ejected two dazzling rockets, which penetrated deeply into the side of the meteorite. The top drill rotates, and the propeller sprays out fire, deflecting the meteorite's trajectory.

This is the limit of what it can achieve in the time and space controlled by Li Ozi, relying on the attributes of the Zeta level.

But before Coulomb Torque could breathe a sigh of relief, Li Ozi's voice suddenly sounded in the earphones:

"Where are you looking!"


Watt's electronic pupils condensed instantly, and the mechanical parts of his body were rapidly compressed, falling into the quantum realm in an instant.


The fierce sword blade struck the empty space, and Li Ozi secretly clicked his tongue.

[Without the accumulation of the Epsilon Dragon Rank, my attributes are still far behind those of the Zeta Rank. 】

This is a complete attribute gap. He obviously has the means of confrontation, but the Zeta-level machine council member can escape.

As a result, his direct airborne raid to destroy the Machine Council in one fell swoop was declared a failure.

"Leoz...that guy is a congressman, and you are not your opponent."

Jania said uneasily:

"The social atmosphere here is too strong, and the essence is almost overflowing. In such an environment, the opponent has an advantage. We cannot fight against an entire legion."


Li Ozi pierced the ground with his long sword and stood on the top of the mountains. Behind him, meteorites fell from the sky. With a scorching and dazzling light, they crashed straight into the factory facilities of the Machine Council.


The ground shook violently, and the powerful shock wave set off a terrifying eardrum-shattering sound effect in a short moment. It was like the glow of hundreds of atomic bomb explosions shining in the dark night sky, and the ocean in the distance roared, even if it was millions of kilometers away. The reverberation of the explosion also echoed in the universe.

"It is our powerful army that fights against the cancer cells in the machine world!"

The meteorite fragments burst out and splashed everywhere with blazing flames. The brutal force of the natural disaster caused unprecedented catastrophe to the citizens who were working and preparing on the ground. Factories were overwhelmed and destroyed. The reverberating power mixed in the shock wave spread repeatedly. For For such a large building complex, it is undoubtedly an extremely fatal method.

The citizens of the machine world climbed up from the ruins. As machines, they had no fear at all. Their consciousness was stored in the machine world parliament. Under absolute orders, they quickly regained their strength and formed dense formations on a large scale. Formation, orderly repair factory sequences, mobilize troops, and save each other.

However, this unreasonable disaster is just the debut ceremony.

When the meteorite exploded completely, it set off a sour smell of sulfur on the earth, and the hot radiation spread out, burning and twisting the steel earth.

Ding dong~ding dong~

[Mash Gegang needs me, I contribute results to the machine world, it doesn’t matter if I don’t get paid, labor is a good life, buzz buzz...]

A machine-world miner banged his hammer hard, a synthesized ditty written and directed by a logic program constantly playing in his mind.

As an ordinary citizen, when faced with a disaster, it is natural for him to do so. It is working hard to salvage valuable production materials from under the rubble and continue to prepare for the safety of the parliament and the arrival of Mashgargon proper.

However, while this citizen of the machine world was busy working, its visual sensors captured something different from alloys and polymer materials - flesh and blood.

Tick ​​tock tick…

Thick, moist, scarlet liquid slowly flowed and spread from the feet.


The miners in the machine world raised their heads and traced the source of the spread of the blood sea. The monitor probe slowly turned and passed over the remaining raging fires on the ground. Ignoring the aircraft that were busy transporting supplies, they moved towards the place where the meteorite fell——


A powerful armored arm pressed its monitoring probe, and the blood pressure pump immediately exerted force, crushing the miner's machine to pieces in an instant.


There was a dull breathing sound, and the tall and terrifying body was released from invisibility, and it appeared majestically, covered in flames.


The two-meter-and-a-half-meter-tall colonial soldier's shoulder blades were exposed, and then he sprayed out fire extinguishing agent, slowly extinguishing the flames on his body, revealing a biomass carapace and a red-black crystal inlay. Its operator tilted his head, and his visor Opening it, revealed the surprised face of the [Board Game Club] Guild President——Longdicheng:

"Oh--this thing is going to kill these Beta-level robots."

As he spoke, he controlled the armor to discharge scarlet blood-like coolant. The built-in [Bloodline] arcana provided a full 300 points of [Strength] attributes, and the output of the motor even surpassed that of an aircraft carrier.

Not only that.

Soon, a large number of combat machines noticed the killings happening here. They responded very quickly and sent a large number of autonomous robots in one second. This kind of wolf-dog-like killing machine has an outrageous range and automatic control. With its enemy-locking ability, Longdi City only slightly showed its head before it was bombarded by lasers and wandering explosives.

The bombings fell on Longdi City in turn, but only humble and pitiful numbers popped up on his information panel: -1, -4, -19 (critical hit)...

"Ah, the firepower is so fierce..."

Although the actual damage was not even scratched, it was completely polished, but the sight obstruction and kinetic energy caused by the bombing could not be eliminated. The toughness of the colonial equipment was not very high, and it was quickly suppressed by artillery fire and unable to move forward.

"Let me see, uh, there are so many skills, bioplasma cannon, chemical flamethrower, hormonal communication, armor-breaking's so complicated! Try this!"

Longdicheng raised his hand.

[Built-in Arcana·Crane Moon: Dimensional Bombing]

The center of his palm opened like a flower blooming, revealing the clear blue glow within.

The power of the waning moon eliminated the distortion of space in front of the palm, and then spit out a dazzling ring.

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