From star abyss

Chapter 508 213. Your machines are endless, and my players are immortal.


The ring seems to be rotating slowly, but in fact it is happening instantly. Any close-range defense ammunition that attempts to intercept it will only appear to shake for a while, as if it is not a material in this world at all, but a virtual shadow. .

The intelligent brain of the autonomous robot immediately connected to the network and began to calculate rapidly:

"No energy response is detected, but it has the characteristics of an attack indicator - command: spread outward."

The autonomous robots moved quickly and methodically, spreading out in time, and no citizen was touched by the ring.

The ring fluttered and fell toward the ground where the autonomous robots had vacated. The next moment, the space in the middle was eliminated out of thin air, and all the autonomous robots were squeezed and collided together in an instant.

[Built-in Arcana·Gravity: Wall of Gravity]

Longdicheng pressed down with both hands, and these self-disciplined robots that were forced to collide together because the space was erased were instantly crushed to the ground, burst into flames, and then were crushed into steel under the continuous pressure of gravity. On the land, the visual effect is two-dimensional.

[You have killed the 'Autonomous Robot' lv.85, a leapfrog kill - the special prop damage accounted for more than 99%, and part of the experience will be deducted...]

[You have killed ‘Machine World Engineer’ lv.89, a leapfrog kill - special prop damage accounted for more than 99%, part of the experience will be deducted...]

[You have killed the 'Herald Robot' lv.80, a leapfrog kill - the special prop damage accounted for more than 99%, and part of the experience will be deducted...]


The experience kept arriving, making Longdicheng salivate.

In fact, he didn't do anything. He just pointed the arcana's crosshair at the target like a fool, and then used his nerves to cast it.

What is brainless operation? The whole process was coordinated internally by the Zongzhuang. He only needed a little electrical signal from his instinctive reaction, and that was enough.

[Reward for cross-level kills: Your template has been promoted to - Advanced Adventer]

[Reward for cross-level kills: Your template has been promoted to - Elite Descendant]

[You have obtained the achievement: "Unparalleled Mowing"...]

A large amount of information came in one after another, and various rewards came in a steady stream, which made him unable to keep track of them and had to turn off the message prompts.

Looking at the burning remains of the mechs, Longdi City was extremely shocked for a moment.

Just a day ago, they were fighting to the death with the goblins for ecological niches, fighting bloody battles in the crypts.

As for this main mission, in just a few hours, they began to crush these monsters that were generally at the gamma level and even the delta level.

This kind of power... returning to the Blue Star is simply killing indiscriminately!

"Wow, President, this is too awesome! It's not so fierce to open a small account and abuse food, right?" Xiouxi in the meeting floated up by gravity, raised a cannon, and hit the top of the mountain in the distance. The plasma cannon emplacement was instantly crushed and destroyed.

"Yeah, it's really too powerful! I even feel that with just a few of us, returning to the Blue Star with colonial equipment, we can directly overthrow the four countries."

Long Dicheng raised his palm, looked at the red and black crystal on it, and shook it hard:

"This is...the confidence that Li Ozi gave me!"

Players stepped into the battlefield one after another, controlled the colonial troops, and fired at these monsters wantonly, eliminating the difficulties of opening up the wasteland before.

The citizens of the machine world are very strong, and the organized army will not output them all the time. Even if they are defeated several times, they will be trampled over coldly.

But the elite colonial soldiers given to them by Li Ozi are even stronger!

The average per capita has reached the peak of the Delta level. Even if the number of citizens of the machine world is tens of thousands times greater than theirs, and their firepower is endless, they can still guerrilla, annihilate, and advance all the way.

This feeling is simply wonderful.

These top soldiers in colonial equipment have the genetic sequence of Li Ozi, and arcane spellcasting is assisted with no forward movement at all. Even some players who have never been exposed to arcana can easily kill the mechas after putting on colonial equipment.

Some time ago, they had conquered the goblin crypt despite all the hard work and hardships, but now, Li Ozi only needed one word to send them such powerful colonial armored soldiers.

Players know better that these elite soldiers are actually just temporary work.

If Li Ozi is in a better mood, he will prepare some carefully crafted colonial clothes for them...

The players are all excited.

Even though I know that this thing may be a plot prop, the feeling of cutting grass is really irresistible.

"My loyal wife Li Ozi! You will always be the God in my heart!"

"Fuck you, he's my wife!"

"Stop arguing, Li Aozi is everyone's common property! This is simply the exclusive benefit of the Yanxia District server!"

"Speaking of this, do you still remember the post that criticized Li Ozi some time ago?"

"The one called "Fraudster Li Ozi! The darkest day in the history of gaming!"? Oh, I remember - the poster actually said that Li Ozi 'used his appearance to defraud and induce players to spend money'."

"It makes me laugh so hard. Look at this bio-plasma cannon, my friend, with its power and level - do other servers have this kind of treatment?"

The players chatted and laughed while driving colonial equipment, controlling arcane energy, and wandering on the battlefield. Their bodies were extremely strong, like ferocious leopards, freely shuttled through the torrent, rolling around, killing enemies with ease. .

This feeling is unprecedented!

From the perspective of players, "Star Abyss" is a game that focuses on real-life performance and a sense of immersion. This kind of plot is like a team of protagonists in a movie, using equipment to crush, and the screen is filled with shocking visual effects - completely different from the previous impression. different!

Gravity oppresses the machine, the waning moon changes and plays with the barrage, and the bloodline strikes violently.

The joy of freeing up the mind and firing at will makes these players who stay up late playing games and work overtime smile healthily.

Before, all the dissatisfaction, frustration during the game, and embarrassment in building the station.

At this moment, everything is wiped out!

Thanks to the cumin powder that summoned a group of professional players, the elite colonial soldiers unleashed real destructive power in the hands of these professionals with quick reactions, keen awareness, and excellent cooperation.

Not only does it free Li Ozi from having to do micro-manage, the players' subjective initiative and combat effectiveness are really strong.

Machines are naturally not afraid of death, but they do not feel excited or happy in killing and destroying.

Players will.

Not only will they smile while killing, but they will also compete to see who can kill more.

This move of the colonial armored soldier is based on the example of the waning moon. At this point, it can be said to be an unexpected surprise. The effect is remarkable. In just a short time, the players have pushed down two factories.


Li Aozi looked at the boundless steel land covered with mountains and ridges. The stretching factories were still pumping out new cannon fodder all the time.

This number is really exaggerated. The accumulated damage can kill Delta-level equipment. If the players were not resurrected, this battle would be completely unwinnable.

It will take at least 72 hours for them to completely annihilate the Machine Realm Council and prevent the [Machine Realm Society] Mashgar Gang from coming in person.

Players, there are still too few.

"Keep destroying it, pigs and descendants, and you will definitely attract the attention of Coulomb Torque."

Li Aozi made up his mind, deployed his tactics, and waited for the fish to take the bait.

He is not afraid that Coulomb Torque will not come out. If he doesn't come out, he will either wait for Li Ozi to level the mountain with his own hands, or wait for the players to destroy it like crazy and push it all the way to the door of the Machine Council.

As long as he comes out, Li Ozi has already killed two members of Congress. As long as Coulomb Torque is defeated by him again, the parliament will be destroyed.

This is conspiracy.

As for Coulomb Torque, if he wants to chase down the player, Li Ozi will intercept it.

If it wants to deal with Li Ozi, the player will continue to push.

No matter what it does, Coulomb Torque will have to fight against Li Ozi, and as long as it cannot kill itself immediately, the outcome is self-evident.

Li Ozi can't defeat him, at least he can't eliminate Senator Coulomb Torque, but as long as the goal is achieved, these can be ignored.

It would be nice if there was another Zeta stage...

"Senior Zangetsu, although you are so frustrated, your experience is really useful!"

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