From star abyss

Chapter 509 214. Twisted path

"How embarrassing, Governor Babluska!"

Balcomon opened his mage hand and crushed an asteroid casually. He lifted the staff with the other hand and pointed the sharp magic blade at the mechanical giant provocatively, smiling wildly:

"The majestic Governor of the Galaxy of Night Butterfly launched the deus ex machina, and he fought so fearfully - don't you feel embarrassed?"


Babluska snorted, but did not refute.

The body of the holy weapon is covered with scars, and the nanomachines are repairing at high speed while chanting scriptures. These all reveal the fact that Babluska was at an absolute disadvantage in the spell exchange just now.

And what about Balcomon? Balcomon's body was almost twisted with teeth and claws, and the light reflected on his body was twisted into a complex fluid. From the perspective of a mortal, just staring at it for a moment would cause him to fall into dizziness. If he were to approach directly, he would be distorted. Curse shreds.

Babluska glanced at the space around him - the light coming from the sun was also a little distorted.

Balcomon is a complete lunatic.

In terms of hard power, he is only slightly inferior.

However, the strong men of the Kapa level are cursed by the abyss. The more they use their power, the easier it is for their will to be distorted.

Balcomon didn't mind this. He had taboo spells and superimposed powers at his fingertips. He didn't care at all that he was affected by the curse. On the contrary, the more twisted he was, the more powerful his offensive became.

No wonder he is a genius praised by narrative civilization.

The Golden Dragon Monk on the front line is already very troublesome. If the Crystal Tower transfers this guy to the front line... the result will be unimaginable.

"You didn't come here just to fight with me, Minister Balcomon."

Babluska nodded and made a holy and sweet electronic synthesized sound like a choir singer:

"If this continues, you will be swallowed by the curse, and I will also be cursed by Jingyuan - this can't be called a victory."

The implication is: don't fight again, it will be difficult for both of us if we fight again.

"Victory—does it work?"

Balcomon uttered such a sentence very purely. He was carrying the staff like an ancient knight carrying a sword, and he was completely confused from the bottom of his heart:

"Knowing that the opponent is weaker than you and will not threaten you, yet you still attack boldly. Even if you win, it will be a weak victory."

"But knowing that the opponent is stronger than you and absolutely impossible to defeat, yet you go head-on. Even if you lose, you will be praised as a warrior."

"Governor Babluska, may I ask: Is victory useful?"

There seemed to be no logic in Balcomon's words. His thinking was distorted and chaotic, and the voices came from all directions: from the front, back, left, right, up and down:

"Victory is meaningless. Only the battle at this moment really exists."

If the magic aura all over his body had substance, it spurted out, forming strange and horrifying twisted tentacles.

Just listen to him raving like this:

"A soldier who comes back alive is a blasphemy against battle..."



Blasphemy! ! !

This sentence is filled with all kinds of countless emotions, changing freely, twisting and intertwining, whether happy or sad, angry and resentful, and the mixed emotions make the entire river system turbulent.

"Fuck you..."

Babluska quickly retreated, looking at the terrifying torrent of energy bursting out from Balcomon's body, and her heart sank:

"This madman has entered 'curse mode'!"

The Kappa Order is not a force that this level of the universe should bear. The more you climb on the path, the more you cannot break away from the intimacy and enthusiasm for Yuanyuan.

Every ascension to the gods is very clear...the divine power they pursue must come from the deeper star abyss.

To get promoted, you have to dive down. If you dive down, you will be loved and cared for by Xingyuan. After receiving the benefits of Xingyuan, you still want to come back up?

There is no such thing as a good thing.

For those who have escaped from the Star Abyss, the curse of the Star Abyss will remain intertwined with their bloodline and destiny throughout their lives, until they are completely annihilated.

The curse mode is to completely liberate oneself, no longer resist the power of the curse, and instead actively respond to the call of the star abyss.

——Return to the Star Abyss!

In a physical sense.

If he continues like this, he will drag everything around him into the abyss.

"Tsk, for the sake of a waning moon, this trip is really a loss-"

Babluska cursed secretly. At this moment, news came from his subordinates. He quickly browsed it and was overjoyed:

"Oh? Have you obtained the two fragments of the Discrimination Eye - "Lyle Swindler's Deception" and "Lyle Swindler's Whisper"?"

Although the most valuable "Lyle Swindler's Destiny Card" was not obtained, this was enough to recoup the original investment.

Not only that, his staff also brought him even more exciting news:

"It was observed that [Machine Society] Mashgar Gang has invaded the White Candle Star?! And established a parliament? It will come soon! Is there such a good thing?"

Babluska's eyes lit up, and the brilliance of divinity lit up in her electronic eyes.

The Mother of Darkness is above, it is the gods who are protecting the Night Butterfly people to win.

White Candle Star can be said to be the best source of troops for the Crystal Tower. Once [Machine World Society] is devoured, the frontal battlefield of the Night Butterfly Federation will be overwhelming!

"This is the general trend... the fate of the Night Butterfly Federation will be rewritten from this moment on!"


As long as you hold off this only Kappa level, you will win.

Babluska screamed and laughed heartily:

"Uwahahahahaha! Hahahaha!"

He shook his head violently, and a twisted and terrifying smile appeared on his mechanical face:

"Ba~er~ko~mon! Since you want to fight so much, then I will play with you!"

The poems chanted by the mechanical slaves were full of ambiguities, the prayer verses deflected bizarrely, and the light was instantly bent by the cursed breath, shrouding Babluska's majestic mechanical body in an orange-red vortex like a black hole.

Curse of the Abyss - Eccentric twists and turns

Balkomon popped out his tongue and rushed in with a torrent of magic that changed the era. Wherever he went, the planet was burned into crystallized glass by the magic radiation. Babluska suddenly opened his butterfly-like dark night wings, and the gushing torrent swept the meteorites and The solid water decomposes and peels off, filling the galaxy with beautiful blue arc light.

Intertwined, collided, torn apart!

In the battle of destruction and hatred, the real universe was distorted bit by bit. Wherever they went, even light and time were distorted, leaving only cruel and crazy laughter echoing in the star realm.

"This is the fate of the cursed."

Babluska's staff shook their heads and declined to comment.

As a weapon of decisive battle nature, the Kappa Order has an extremely important position, and its shots are strictly restricted. If you are not careful, you may be dragged into the abyss, or even be cursed by the star abyss forever.

There is no shortage of high-level strong men in narrative-level civilization, but there are not many strong men who can fight normally.

The higher the level, the stronger the curse caused by repeated ascents and descents, and they are only one step away from madness and destruction.

But even so...who can resist the temptation of reaching the gods on the road?

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