From star abyss

Chapter 513 218. Never retreat


Li Ozi knelt on one knee. The skin on his body cracked, the muscles spasmed, and red and black lines spread on the blood vessels.

"If this continues, the genes will be overloaded..."

It's not a complete Zeta in the first place, but it uses the power of the Zeta to blast four consecutive arcane powers - it's no surprise that genes can't handle it.


Zhannia hurried over and raised her hand to help her, but her hand passed directly through Li Ozi's body.


Zhannia bit her lower lip, her eyes filled with hatred and self-blame:

"I... just give me some more materials to restore my original strength..."

"It's not your fault, Jania."

Li Ozi took several breaths, and his pupils expanded and disappeared several times. He had to shut down all the arcana in his body. He gritted his teeth and stood up with difficulty. He looked back at the flattened and crushed Coulomb Torque. .

"...Leoz, run!"

Jania pleaded again:

"Leed Videns escaped, and you are not an Omega-level strongman, you are not a god, you are not a resident of this planet - let's go, big deal, we can just take revenge later!"


Li Ozi said firmly:

"We must not leave. The only person who can solve this problem now is me."

If he leaves here, everything accumulated now will be in vain, and the players will be forced to return to the Blue Star.

Then, everything is in vain.

In addition to these, there are also the refugees who have been taken in by the village, and Nikita's family.

They have just started living, and we cannot let them continue to be homeless.

"I won't leave, and I shouldn't leave."

Li Aozi stood upright, and the muscles all over his body twitched violently. Every cell was going against his will. They were jumping for joy, they shuttled freely, splitting and converging without warning, making Li Aozi's internal ecology a mess. .

[Warning: The genetic load is about to be overloaded, it is recommended to stop using arcana...]

He really doesn't have the ability to completely kill the Zeta-level MPs.

Li Ozi crawled forward tremblingly and sent a mission to ask several players to come and catch him. After a while, several top soldiers in colonial uniform ran over and escorted him away.

After being ordered to blow up the hole, Li Ozi collapsed completely on the stretcher and was sent to a hidden place by the players.

When they arrived at the place, several players quickly took off their costumes and lay on the ground like molting lizards, screaming endlessly.

"Why don't you take a nap! There are too many people on the other side, we have to take a rest."

Long Dicheng sat on the ground, and the [Doctor] next to him quickly removed the fragments from his chest to prevent death from subsequent infection and wasting the chance of resurrection.

"Mowing grass can make you tired, so your quality is a bit poor. Now I can earn 150 coupons every day playing "Star Abyss", which is almost 5,000 coupons every month, which is what I earn every month in real life. The income level of 5,000 credit points is converted to at least 30,000 yuan. Although I am only 24 years old, I have already surpassed the level of most people in Yanxia (including you). This is the capital that "Star Abyss" has given me to be proud of. "Xi Ouxi is in good condition, "Learn from me, I can play five two-dimensional mobile game activities at the same time, rounding off, I have reached the peak of my life early."

"Are you kidding me? There is no plowed land? There are only exhausted cows!" The Warhammer man lay down on the spot, expressing that he could not understand the Gan Emperor. He looked around boredly and asked curiously:

"Speaking of cows - why hasn't Caramel Snail come yet? Isn't he the ultimate single pusher with Li Ozi's favorability score of 450? This time the main mission has reached the second round and I haven't seen him yet."

"They are on the way. Since they are not wearing colonial equipment, they will have to wait for at least another four hours."

"What kind of mission are you on? It's obvious that they called people over for this."

Players evacuated in batches, arranged temporary resurrection points, and began to tidy up. Soon someone noticed Li Ozi's condition.

"Damn it, my wife's head is gone again!"

"Don't worry, this is the characteristic of the second-level profession [Echoer] on the [Dominator] path. They have no head."

"Is it so cool? Then you won't have to worry about being shot in the head by a sniper?!"

"I have a bold idea..."

"Put away your thoughts! This is a healing game for all ages!"

Li Ozi was trembling all over, and the red and black lines on his skin spread wantonly. Others brought him water and food. Without saying a word, he summoned his head and wiped it all away. After violently drinking a bucket of beer, he put away his head and said sleepily:

"I need to rest, please be careful."

The players looked at each other, and Dragon City stepped forward and asked tentatively:

"How long will it take?"

"It will take at least three hours." Li Ozi glanced at the panel: "My arcana is too powerful, but my body can't keep up... The load of sequence arcana on genes, or in other words, as authority, on the soul The influence of existence is too strong. I’m afraid it won’t be eliminated until the Omega level.”

In the abyss stage, with four sequence arcana powers, 100 million points is indeed too much for players or NPCs.

Three hours……

"This shouldn't be a problem."

Dragon City asked a group of players who were setting up positions. He got a prop from the [Psychic Medium] of Azure Star, which allowed him to place many spiritual units around for reconnaissance.

[Machine Society] Once discovered, they can quickly move away.

"We can probably hold on for more than an hour, right?"

This answer is a bit too optimistic. In fact, without Li Ozi's help in attracting firepower, these Delta-level colonial troops would soon be killed by targeted snipers.

Of course Li Ozi also knew this. He glanced at the list of members participating in the mission and his heart sank.

Caramel Snail, Night Sword, Cumin Powder, Yu Tianxiao, and Gary Dun—these people have not arrived at Ostro Mountain yet.

Relying on 20 people to last for an hour or three hours is a bit too optimistic.

But Li Ozi really had no choice.

The current environment does not support him to sway people, and the big shots in White Candle Star have no idea about the invasion of the [Machine Society]. Even if he failed to hold on several times and released gravitational wave echoes - the news was still lost.

[If the Night Butterfly Federation is behind the waning moon, then there must be strong men of the Kappa level among the Night Butterfly guys. Only with this possibility will my echo be blocked. 】

In order to win the war, it is indeed rare to collude with [society], but as long as it is not discovered, it doesn't matter what you say.

"Next, it's up to you."

Li Ozi's voice was hoarse, and the equipment shut down instantly, allowing it to complete self-repair with the highest efficiency and return to normal as soon as possible.

At the moment when Li Aozi was down, a shocking crack suddenly opened in the sky.

"Look at the sky, what is that!?"

The gears rotate and interlock, and the ring gate, which is composed of a precise clockwork machine, slowly protrudes from the crack. Although the trend is extremely slow, it is estimated that it will not take too long for the distance to be fully reached.

The players looked up at the wonders in the sky with blank faces. Suddenly, a message popped up on their system interface:

[[Machine Society] Mash Gegang—is about to come to this planet. 】

[Special reminder: If the player character dies from being devoured by [Society], the current character will be cleared directly, and all professions, levels, skills and items acquired so far will be cleared. 】

["Humble carbon block, come to praise the soul of steel!" - Mashgar Gang. 】

[You listened to the whispers of Mash Gegang - perform a [World View] test. If the test result is idealism, 20% of the current maximum [Will] attribute will be permanently deducted. 】

["Your civilization treats you as labor force and livestock - join [society]! I will bring you true liberation! You will become noble social citizens, no longer need to struggle and work hard, no need to worry about your own achievements Occupied by others!\

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