From star abyss

Chapter 514 218. Fantasy color

"Frontline Special Report: Trivera has experienced unprecedented terrorist attacks in the past thirty-nine hours. The cumulative number of victims includes 1.2 million people dead, 15.62 million injured, and the number of missing people is as high as 23 million..."

"The Ministry of Education is negotiating with the temporary municipal team, but it will take some time before order is truly achieved. For survivors, perhaps the greater threat does not come from terrorists and colonial soldiers, but other survivors... "

"Exciting! White Candle Star Education Minister Balkomon is fighting against hostile forces. According to insiders, the opponent is Governor Babluska of the Night Butterfly Federation. The unprecedented Kappa Stage battle is starting at our doorstep..."

"The new mayor Wald knelt down and cried: Please ask the Supreme Council to take action! Save us unarmed civilians. The war will take a long time, but people must live in the present..."

"More and more gangs are taking advantage of the situation to rob, and the situation in Trivira City has aroused the concern of the whole planet. Whether we can survive the current difficulties does not depend on how much high-level combat power we have, but on the people and execution departments who are actually doing the work... "


Luther turned off the information rune and sat in front of the flower bed downstairs of the rental house. He pinched the lingering magic smoke in one hand, confusion and numbness written all over his face.

What happened to all this?

He looked around.

The alarms sounded one after another, and the black body bags were piled up like kitchen waste bins during garbage classification. Mosquitoes and flies were flying freely, making people feel sincerely uneasy and bored.

The world has been turned upside down, and the shadow of destruction and death hangs over everyone.

Luther smoked numbly, not knowing what the future held.

The school was destroyed, the job was gone, and all the familiar friends and classmates were killed. Now I can only stay in this rental house, unable to even contact my family.

He thought of Lanju Village, and of Leo who had left the village with him and passed the exam to come to Trivira - his name should be Leoz now.

For a long time, he was jealous and hated Leoz, but after experiencing Trevira's attack and so many people died, Luther hoped that Leoz would survive.

There were so many people dead that even he, a materialist, began to hear hallucinations - there seemed to be ghosts crying in the air around him, and the biting cold wind was mixed with the howling of ghosts, which made him shiver.

How can I do?

Just when Luther was confused, a voice suddenly sounded in his heart:

[The humble carbon block comes to praise the soul of steel...]

The voice was low and magnetic, full of indescribable magical attraction. Luther was immediately addicted to it and listened quietly.


Faithful Village.

"Come here and help me, Dad!"

"You are so good at summoning people. Ouch, my old waist is about to be broken."

Nikita climbed up carrying the heavy supplies and handed them to his son-in-law Julian. He felt dizzy, and the air around him seemed to be filled with unpleasant poisonous gas. Fortunately, when he was young, his physique reached Zeta's level. At this level, even if they age, they can still be exempted from many diseases.

"Let me have a rest...hey...I'm getting old, I'm really getting old."

Nikita sat slumped on the roadside, sighed, looked at the biochemical pool not far away, and muttered:

"Leozi is such a troublesome guy. He suddenly mobilized the whole village to work without starting to finish. Old man, I almost couldn't make it through because of my old age. I don't know what kind of poor mountains and rivers this planet is, and the air They all feel a strange smell.”

"That's probably because you don't have magical blood in your body."

Son-in-law Julian put away the supplies and came over to comfort him:

"We all have a bit of spell caster blood, but you are a purebred Van Lenkov alien. It is normal for you not to adapt to the high-poly environment here."

"No, no, I don't feel like that."

Nikita took a sip of the drink he brought with him and looked at him doubtfully:

"When I was young, I served on a magic civilization planet, but I didn't have these problems at that time. And I always have this uncomfortable feeling that is indescribably familiar..."

"You are too sensitive." Julian looked around and said, "I think everyone is normal, nothing serious."

"Maybe." Nikita calmed down, took a breath, and said, "Julian, I always feel that something is not good. That kid Leoz may know something. Based on my feeling, he should be We are mobilizing supplies and preparing for a battle, and it is a fierce battle."


"You kid, why do you react like this?"

"This is normal." Julian shrugged: "We Van Renkov aliens have been fighting in the north and south for many years. Mr. Leos has taken a liking to us, and it is somewhat related to this. It's not like you don't know about it. "

"I mean, this is your reaction? Don't you think that Leoz concealed this matter so that you don't feel dissatisfied?" Nikita said dissatisfied: "Leozi must be hiding something from us."

"I don't think it's a bad thing."

Julian recalled the scene when Leoz took the initiative to conceal his identity for him at Verazzi Company. He shook his head and said:

"I believe Mr. Leoz. He may have his own reasons for this. As citizens who are dependent on others, we should do what is in line with our status, not cause trouble to others, and do our best. This is enough."

"Maybe Leos is fighting some enemies that he shouldn't mess with." Nikita thought uneasily: "I don't care, but you two are still young, and you have to live to have hope. You might as well find a chance. , take my daughter away and fly away——"

"Dad, where can we go now?"

Julian wiped the sweat from his forehead and said:

"Mr. Leoz saved us, saved the Van Renkov Autonomous State, saved our family, and so many refugees - I think people should be somewhat grateful. Mr. Leoz has done so much It’s time for us to repay him with something meaningful.”

"'s up to you."

Nikita could find no reason to refute.

In fact, their family can already live comfortably with the money donated by Leos every year. It does seem a bit arrogant to say these words now.

But for some reason, Nikita just felt something was wrong. He seemed to have felt that feeling in the air when he was young and experienced a certain civilization.

A rich smell, like the sparks and iron filings produced when mechanical gears rotate with friction.

When he was young, Nikita also traveled around as a Zeta, and even [social] citizens had the experience of fighting. But now, he is so old that he can't even carry heavy objects, and his physical and mental abilities have deteriorated drastically.

Strictly speaking, mechanisms like the Path do not treat every race equally, especially creatures like the Van Renkov Alien. They have to be constantly deformed throughout their lives, their telomeres are seriously damaged, and there is almost no immortality at all. .

Van Renkov's alien physique is limited to this. Even if he wanted to help Leoz, it would be of no use.

"Leoz, what did you get into here?"

I really can’t unpack the chapters I have on hand...

I just need to use this month’s leave request form, it will be worth 10,000 words tomorrow.

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