From star abyss

Chapter 524 228.FATE/Awakening Sword (Part 2)

"——Zhannia?" Li Ozi was surprised: "Hey, are you okay?"

"That scarlet impact... is too strong. The strength of the sword cannot keep up with yours."

Zhannia’s words were somewhat regretful:

"Lee Ozi, you are growing too fast. If this continues, who can keep up with you?"

"Don't worry, I won't give up on anyone."

Li Aozi nodded and immediately rejoined the battle, and the elemental structure generated a brand new terrain.

"Ambera's resurrection time is only 4 hours at most. I must clear the area as soon as possible to weaken [Machine Society] Mashgargan's induction of the White Candle Star."

Li Ozi stretched out his hand and called in a low voice:

"World, stand up and fight for me!"

Rock giants rise from the mountain peaks, running and roaring, ice and frost are scattered in all directions, blowing frost and snow freezing in all directions, atmospheric elements bring thunder and hurricanes, light blue acid-etched raindrops are constantly thrown, raining endless punishment on the machinery, the burning giant The spirit is born from the barrel and the primer of the propellant. Once it arrives, it kills everyone in the middle of the mechanical army.

And in the corners of the shadows, dark elements come quietly, silently cursing every mech hiding behind the bunker, dragging them into the endless darkness...

Li Ozi is not a real [architect], but with his many years of experience and Bai Zhuxing's trust in him, at this moment he has achieved true dominance over the natural ecological architecture system.

He points out at the fingertips that the humidity and oxygen content change immediately. Wherever his eyes reach, there is either a fire or an earthquake. On a plateau 8 kilometers above sea level, he can cause floods at will, causing floods that have already begun. The snowfield, rendered scarlet, lay at his feet.

Swords, guns, swords and halberds collided with each other. Caramel Snail cut open the monitor of a high-level robot with a knife, crushed it with his feet, and broke into a factory with his companions.

Looking at the facility that continuously produced citizens of the machine world, the players looked at each other and made the same decision in unison.

[Self-destruct program has been set, distance from dimensional explosion, remaining: 59, 58...]

Several people jumped away from the top soldiers in colonial uniforms and returned to normal human body shape. It was easier for them to run away and escape from the factory. Cumin Fen waved his hand behind him and shouted loudly:

"Bye bye!"

[...3, 2, 1! ]


The entire factory was folded and compressed in an instant, and spread out peacefully on the ground.

[Task completed]

"Is it over..." Caramel Snail gasped and looked ahead blankly.

The last factory was shut down, and it was only a matter of time before the Heroic Soul Corps and Li Ozi's elemental djinn liquidated and annihilated the machine world society.

It stands to reason that the MPs were defeated and civilization should be saved.

However, that doesn't seem to be the case right now.


Li Aozi squeezed it with his hand, and the heavy pressure of gravity fell. The blood-red battlefield was instantly flattened into a smooth mirror surface, and the solid rock formation was shrunk by his power by more than ten meters.

The shady fence of magnetic fluid was immediately shattered, space and communication were restored, and Li Ozi quickly received gravitational wave signals from various places, and the sound he sent out also successfully spread outwards at this moment.

The Heroic Soul Legion stood in formation on the side, and the Lake Fairy Sofia Marin slowly approached.

At this point, the last citizens of the machine world have been eliminated.

"……it's not finished yet."

Sofia Marin pointed to the top of her head.

Li Aozi raised his head and looked at the 20-kilometer-diameter circular door in the sky that blocked out the sun. The gears were intertwined, precisely arranged and combined, and the shafts operated. The rhythm was so wonderful that it was completely worthy of the phrase "mechanical". The title of the crystallization of industry.

The Gate to the Machine Realm still exists.

"What's going on..." Li Ozi frowned in confusion: "The citizens of the machine world have been eliminated. It stands to reason that social rituals should disappear completely."


Sophia Marin says:

"They used "social institutions" to infect and corrode the entire planet, just like... a viral plague, forcibly corrupting all people with idealistic tendencies on the planet. "

"Are you so shameless?" Li Ozi clicked his tongue.

He glanced at the time: there were only 19 minutes left before Amberla was resurrected.

This is not easy to deal with. If it continues like this, the member of the machine world will be resurrected and become stronger. If it is strengthened a few times, no one on this planet will be able to stop it.

"How can we eliminate the entire planet's corrupted quasi-machine citizens in this little time?"

Li Ozi murmured, thinking quickly in his mind.

"Drive away Mashqegang."

Sofia Marin looked at Li Ozi and said:

"You...if you want to drive away Mashgar Gang, you must confront it yourself."

"Duel in person?" Li Ozi was confused and looked at the other party, only to find that the other party's eyes were not looking at him.

He turned his head and followed his gaze, finally landing on the wolf-helmeted knight standing alone.

——[Heroic Soul Warlord] Lee Devedens.

"Your duty, your destiny...this is something only you can do. You have always adhered to this and never gave up. Even if the body decays, the soul withers, and the consciousness fades, you still adhere to this creed: in the end time, launch a counterattack.”

Sofia Marin said to Li Ozi:

"Give him the sword."

She didn't need to say anything, the task panel had already popped up in front of Li Ozi:

[You triggered the event - "Witness: Awakening of Destiny\

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