From star abyss

Chapter 525 229.FATE/Awakening Sword (Later)

You pulled out the sharp blade, straightened the blade, and handed it to the fairy.

"Leedwedens, your fate rests on this sword."

The fairy turned her head and pushed the weapon in front of Lee Devedens:

"This weapon contains the will and personality of one of the secret council members, the Blacksmith, and it also contains the key material of [Society], 'Essence', Lee Devedens. When necessary, you can activate the source in it. to release the secret power and drive out the [society] that once again invades the civilization of the latecomers.”

As for why it was Li Devidens, the fairy didn't say, but you can probably guess a little bit.

For so many years, Zhannia has been hidden in the cave at the foot of the fairy's garden. No matter how many tomb robbers have visited, she is still placed there. It must be the fairy's intention.

However, Zhannia never knew this, and the fairy must have helped hide it.

What did you think of and blurted out:

"The price for activating the hidden the life of the sword holder?"

"It's all he has."

The fairy added:

"Secret is the most powerful [society]. Its power is too terrifying, beyond your imagination. Even if it is released for a short time, it will cause serious damage to the non-citizens of Xingyuan."

"From life to soul, from existence to history, his body will be completely submerged by the hidden power and become nothingness, a nothingness that does not even exist. History will not have his name, and people will not have his memory. The world no longer contains a particle of him.”

"He will always be secreted, always hidden, and eventually forgotten by the entire star abyss."

The sword trembled, but the fairy held it very steadily.

It's Jania.

At this moment, Zhannia finally knew the truth.

She has been waiting for her old comrades and sword wielders to lead her into battle to kill the enemy.

This wait is twelve hundred years.

When she's stolen by the Reavers, she'll expect Lee Devedens to come and get her back.

When she was rusting in the animal skin wrap, she missed the comfort that Lee Devedens once gave her.

When she went mad in the darkness, she cursed the cowardice of hating Lee Devedens.

She had waited twelve hundred years for Lee Devedens.

However, for Lee Devedens, it was the final moment when he held it again.

"The fate of Lee Devedens is coming."

[Settlement conditions]:

"Witness it all."


Lee Devedens' body seemed to come to life all of a sudden. Although it was still in tatters, it no longer smelled of corrosion and maggots.

He raised his hand, his withered fingertips gently brushed the cracks on the Sword of Awakening of Destiny, and Lee Devedens' ulcerated lips moved, uttering a peaceful voice:

"...(Falician) Jania, I kept you waiting."

"I will never forgive you, Lee Devedens, you have been hiding it from me and never wanted to communicate with me! I hate you! I hate you! I - I don't want to lose you."

Jania has mixed emotions:

"Does it have to be you? Lee Devedens?"

"(Falician) When I came to the door of Sharptooth Peak, fate gave me two paths: either to remain mediocre until it rots and stinks, or to bloom vigorously and turn my life into a firework. , shining wildly in the night sky.”

Lidwidens narrated like a poem, he calmly held the hilt of the sword:

"(Falician) Jania, as agreed, I'm here to take you into battle to kill the enemy."

As he spoke, he turned his head, looked at Li Aozi, took off the scarlet cursed sword from his waist, and handed it to Li Aozi:

"(Tanath language)...Thank you, you are a true brave. Zhannia needs to be taken away for a while until the hidden power is completely released. Please tell me your name."

"Lee Oz." He replied, "You can also call me Leos."

"You deserve this name."

Lee Devedens took a deep look at him and said sincerely:

"I have never seen Leoz, but if he was reincarnated, I think he should look like you."

It was rare for Li Devedens to be so sober. Li Ozi had a thought in his mind and asked quickly:

"Actually, I'm curious... As outsiders who were once under the rule of Leoz, what do you think of Leoz?"

"Leozi...Compared to the previous sharp tooth peak, she has experienced the era of Leoz. She gave this evaluation of Leoz."

Lee Devedens said:

"Leozi is colder than steel, more efficient than machinery, and more cruel than fire, but He is the only one who is doing the right thing."

"So, Leos is actually a tyrant?" Li Ozi was surprised: "This is very different from the legend in Yunnei."

"I'm not good at evaluating a legendary figure. If it's a spiritual warrior like Gio Jaeger, I can still understand their thoughts. In my time, except for the Murphydria universe, other main god universes, and even the Star Abyss Most gods... are very human compared to Leos. If I had to say how to evaluate Leos, I think it should be..."

Lee Devedens considered the words and said:


"A pure god is just like those created cannon fodder gods. He has no selfish desires, no enjoyment, no self, no emotions, no love, no empathy for anything, and no preference for anything."

"Leoz is just a god. It's like he is something that came out of the cannon fodder god."

Li Ozi fell silent, his eyes thoughtful.


"Lee Ozi." Zhannia said coldly: "I'm going out for a while, you have to protect yourself. If you die casually, I will kill you!"

"Okay, okay, I won't die." Li Ozi shrugged and looked at Li Devedens: "...I don't know what to say, Li Devedens, please take care of yourself."

“In Falicia we say goodbye, not take care.”

Lee Devedens seemed to chuckle, grabbed the sword, and covered his body with dazzling silver-red magic armor. The top of his helmet raised a gorgeous ram horn, and his whole body was fierce and red.

"We say: Salut."

Lee Devedens grasped the sword tightly, and his figure instantly turned into a striking red thunder, rushing towards the ring in the sky. The bright demonic iron king behind him - Karachia, followed immediately, fully activated, and rushed towards Terrifying and suffocating magic energy is projected between heaven and earth.


A few light-years away from the White Candle Star, two Kappa-level warriors who were fighting stopped in unison.

"...Omega level?" Babluska was surprised.

"No, this breath is the social councilor who has been reforged nine times." Balcomon pondered for a moment: "It is only a short moment, and it is just the breath. There are other [social] breaths on the White Candle Star... two [society] 】——Ooh! So that’s it, I probably understand.”

"What do you understand?" Babluska sneered: "Your planet is about to be swallowed up by Mashgargun, and you are still chasing after me. Is it useful?"

"Hey, I haven't said which [society] it is, but you actually named it."

Balkomon grinned:

"It seems that you have colluded with [society] for a long time!"

"——What do you want to do? Balcomon!"

"Nothing, just fulfilling the obligations of the people of Xingyuan."

Balkomon swung his staff, and the magic blade at the top instantly sprayed to the edge of the river system. He grinned ferociously and slashed down at Babluska:

"Sink into the abyss and annihilate society!"

"This is what it means for us to climb the path and ascend to godhood!"

"You fat pig, let me, the Minister of Education, re-educate you on what morality and the rule of law are!"

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