From star abyss

Chapter 586 290 Determination


Leoz let go of Gio Skua in his hand, as if he had dropped a dead duck.

"Ahem, you're too aggressive—"

Just as Gio Skua raised his head, Leoz kicked him in the temple, instantly knocking him over and rolling him away. While the opponent was rolling, Leoz walked towards the opponent without saying a word, pointing his fingertips at him. Turn it quickly and control the power accurately.

"Sequence Three: Paradox."

Leoz dug his fingertips into time and said without emotion:

"Stillness and Movement."

The next moment, the space-time of the universe seemed to have pressed a pause button, and all microscopic particles stopped moving. However, for Leoz, the time he experienced was still advancing.

This is different from the cessation of time caused by the distortion of space and time by gravity. At this moment, Leoz is completely independent of the space-time universe and the laws of physics. His existence has a paradox in a narrow sense. He is both a stagnant individual and an existence in eternal motion.

For him, he only needs to stand in place and give a consciousness of moving forward - the next moment, countless stopped particles will be given the direction of 'movement' and 'forward', while violating the randomness of the chaotic system, These particles gain unprecedented acceleration—from zero to infinity.

There is no speed limit in the stagnant space-time. All speeds are super-light. All particles go straight forward, one particle collides with another, and kinetic energy continues to accumulate and accelerate. Although in this process, energy will continue to be lost, and eventually It can only be reduced to the level of the speed of light, but the advantage lies in its large quantity.

How many particles are there in every cubic meter of air?

When these particles are continuously accelerated, the generated electric current has penetrated the space, shooting out orange destruction rays in the air.

Leoz raised his hand calmly and then pressed it.

The moment the arcane energy was released, the sound of divine power resonance also sounded.

"Leoz, you are so merciless."

Gio Skua warned:

"Too powerful is not a good thing for you..."


A dazzling orange light completely annihilated Gio Skua. The remaining high-energy particle wind broke through the atmosphere, received the influence of gravity, and flew towards the nearest planet. To the fleet members in space, it looked like a series of beautiful streaks. Orange dust broke out from the Violet Star, bending a gorgeous arc in the starry sky, destroying and collapsing craters on the nearby satellite, dyeing it a disturbing orange color.

"Then what's going's completely beyond the Zeta stage (6) - no, even if it's the Kappa stage (10), the level of the Kappa stage is just like this, right?"

Fleet Commander Dallion took a deep breath and was shocked by this spectacle.

"What happened on this planet..."

"The magic brain detected that it was a storm of charged particles, and the communication was slightly disturbed - Your Excellency, Commander, we have good news and bad news -" the adjutant flicked the screen to report.

"Let me tell you the result directly. I'm most annoyed by this kind of 'Which one do you want to hear first?'" Dallion waved his hand, "Tell me what happened."

"The bad news is that the entire northern and western hemisphere land of Purple Star was directly wiped out in the initial vacuum destruction, and 36% of the descendants were forced to resurrect and return to the fleet. And due to the storm, there will be a long period of time Inside, I’m afraid we won’t be able to send people to land for inspection.”

The adjutant said:

"The good news is that due to the vacuum destruction and the newly charged ion storm, such a sharp negative pressure difference caused a powerful radiation storm on the Violet Star, and all the gathering places of civilization were wiped out by us. The city will be destroyed in the next three days. Swallowed by radioactive dust, even if there are survivors, they are expected to die within three weeks."

"When the time comes, due to the decline of civilization, [Music Society] Melody will also choose to leave civilization and lift its parasitic state."

"To put it simply: we can basically announce that Violet Star has been successfully liberated."

Upon hearing the news, the staff on the bridge cheered.

"Well done, boys."

Commander Darien smiled. He had accomplished something after being away from his home star for so long:

"Immediately report to His Excellency President Leoz. It is His Excellency the President's wise guidance that has allowed us to avoid many unnecessary killings."

The adjutant quickly answered the phone. The Presidential Palace did not answer the phone. It seemed to be quite busy.

But it doesn't matter. After all, the president has many things to do, so it's understandable.

Dallion stood up, opened the communication channel, and began to speak:

"Dear comrades, compatriots of White Candle Star, fearless advent warriors."

"I am honored to announce that in the Red Tong system, we have conquered the first planet: Purple Star. This planet is the first colonial planet of our White Candle Autonomous State, although there is still some time to develop it. There is a distance, but our feat of successfully repelling [society] is obvious to all, and the entire Xingyuan is proud of you."

Commander Dalien hammered his chest with one hand and shouted loudly:

"En Ols, Slava Milovan! (Glory to the White Candle!)"

"Okay! Long live White Candle Star!"

"Who captured a planet before the arrival of version 2.0? It was us! So long live the Blue Star!"

"Long live President Leos! Can the NPCs in other servers do this? I declare that Leos is our only designated big brother in the Hot Summer District!"


Among the cheering players, there was a figure who looked extremely lonely. He sat quietly on the stairs in a daze. Compared with the surrounding warriors celebrating their victory over the astrological sphere, he looked quite out of place.

[Social corruption level: 0.03%]

[Li Ozi's favorability: -30 (current favorability: cold)]

"...Am I wrong?"

Caramel Snail raised his hand, and at some point a lavender musical note scar was left on his palm.

What just happened... I can't remember clearly, maybe it was because I knew the filter.

But one thing is for sure.

This mark was obviously a trace left by [Music Society] when it controlled him.

"I fought against Li Ozi...and lost."

The caramel snail clenched his fists with mixed emotions.

"We keep saying that [society] is our enemy... but for those mortals, are [society] and civilization really that important?"

He remembered some memories, especially about the experience of the first generation Xia Beiluo, and along the way, he had seen too many mortals living at the bottom, struggling and trying hard to live.

The players and soldiers on the ship were drinking and chatting happily. The usual prohibition on alcohol was temporarily relaxed at this moment. People were talking and laughing, talking about family and life, without feeling any guilt or guilt for destroying the planet's civilization.

"They don't feel guilty at all...could it be that once they are connected to [society], people no longer see them as the same kind of people?"

Caramel Snails questioned this phenomenon:

"No matter how I look at it, I feel that...[society] is a way of salvation for those struggling people at the bottom."

"Although there are monsters like the [Machine World Society], there are also harmless existences like the [Rhythm Society]."

"Why do we have to fight to the death... Civilization and [society] can't coexist?"

He covered his forehead. He, who never liked to think, fell into deep introspection at this moment:

"If space colonization is not carried out, the Purple Star will not be destroyed. If a harmless [society] like [the Rhythm Society] can be demonstrated, the relationship between civilization and [society] can definitely be changed."

Zi Luoxing's experience brought him a period of heavy torture. Before this, he had never cared about the lives of the people at the bottom, and he had never regarded the natives of "Star Abyss" as living people.

They entertained me warmly, but what did I respond to them with?

Artillery blasts, orbital bombings, and urban street fighting completely destroyed their civilization.

[Society] did not destroy the planet, it was civilization that killed them.

Are our actions really righteous?

Caramel Snail was silent for a long time.

"In any case, invasion and colonization are absolutely wrong... Without these, as long as there is good communication, civilization and [society] may be transformed."

He clenched his fists and his eyes became firm:

"Even if it's a game, I don't want to commit this kind of crime again... I can no longer treat these natives of "Star Abyss" as data streams. I want to do something... change something."

"What Li Ozi did was too extreme. [Society] is also a hope. I have to tell him this. I need to make Li Ozi understand this kind of thing."

"But looking at me now, compared to Li Ozi, I am still too weak. And our relationship has broken down..."


Caramel Snail clenched his fists, and his nails pierced his palms, drawing blood.

"I need to get stronger, not rely on anyone, get stronger."

"Only when I am stronger than Li Ozi can I have a dialogue with him again and understand each other's perspectives. With his strength and status, only in this way can he understand me."

"Or, beat him until he understands me."

Caramel Snail is not someone who just shouts slogans and does nothing.

He is a stubborn person. Even if his perceptual understanding does not allow him to continue the colonial enterprise, it does not mean that he will give up his approach.

"Now Li Ozi is at Zeta level (6), while I am only at Gamma level (3), and he is upgrading very quickly. There is only one way to catch up with Li Ozi."

Caramel Snail had a clear idea and immediately found his goal:

"I want to dive into the star abyss."


The blue in his eyes faded.

Li Ozi's fingertips trembled. When he came to his senses, he noticed that he was no longer on the Purple Star.

The world around him was pitch black, except for the pale beneath his feet, which was like a trickling stream, causing ripples every time he took a step forward.

Click, click, click...

For some reason, Li Aozi felt a sudden impulse in his heart.

He instinctively moved his feet and walked forward step by step. After a while, he saw a lonely tall figure from behind.

The opponent's body was about three meters tall, and his whole body was shrouded in shadow. Only his skin with a porcelain texture could be faintly seen. He... He just sat down with his legs crossed, his back to Li Ozi.

When he got close to the opponent about five meters away, no matter how he advanced, he could not get closer to the opponent visually.


"You can only go so far, no more."

Before Li Ozi could speak, a voice that was so cold and cold immediately resonated in his heart that it made him shudder.

"Time is limited, and the shielding force is approaching. Pay attention to efficiency."

Instinctively, his body felt like he wanted to surrender and kneel down, but even so, he still resisted the suffocating pressure on the opponent, raised his head, and asked calmly:

"——Are you, Leos?"


Leoz is no nonsense.

"It's that [Dominator's Will], the representative of the main god of Mephidria, the god of reality, the master of the pantheon, and the last savior hero——"


Leoz replied.

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