From star abyss

Chapter 587 291GAIA and EARTH (Gaia and Earth)

Chapter 587 291.GAIA and EARTH (Gaia and Earth)


Li Ozi's heart was beating wildly, although he already knew this fact and had basically guessed that he was inextricably connected with the other party.

However, when the other party actually confirmed his identity, he still felt a violent tremor.

"I am your reincarnation."

Li Ozi murmured:

"No matter how you think about it, in my previous life, no, my previous life, I was actually the god of Xingyuan, and such a famous agent of the gods."

"Not the past life." Leoz interrupted his fantasy coldly.

"……what does that mean?"

"I have never been reincarnated."

Leos said calmly:

"The state of Gio Skua made me conclude that I am different from them. I am not shielded, but further separated."

"Lee Oz, you are no one else, you are me, and I am also you. We only have one identity - [God of Reality] Leos."

"Our status has already been shielded and divided. You further blocked the process of our integration by taking Salgenia's 'truth medicine'."

"In other words," Li Ozi pondered for a moment and said, "We are all Li Ozi, and you and I represent two personalities?"


"Then I can say this: Some kind of force split 'Leozi' into two parts, and one part inherited your human part, which is me, 'Leozi.'"

Li Ozi looked at the opponent's back and said:

"And you are Leoz, who has inherited divinity and possesses the memory of a god."

"Only when we become one can we truly restore the complete body and divinity of Leoz in the past."


Leos cherishes words like gold:

"You are not strong enough. My consciousness cannot be integrated with yours. The power and memory in my hands will destroy the current existence."

"To what extent can we integrate?"

"At least... become a god."

"...The fastest you can do is reach level 180 and become a [Star Master]. No, judging from the current situation, you have to at least advance to Kappa level (10)."

Li Ozi calculated quickly:

"After the fusion, I can take over the power in your hands, right?"


Leoz said:

"The Star Abyss environment has restrictions on authority - if you want to completely inherit my godhood and authority, you can only do it at the Omega level."

"It seems that the rules outside the Yuanyuan are different from those inside the Yuanyuan."

Li Aozi nodded, this is another important information:

"Speaking of which, what arcane powers do you have in your hands?"

"There is only a three-digit sequence."

Leoz's tone had no ups and downs and was as calm as water.

However, the content sent a chill down Li Ozi's spine.

Based on the opponent's strength and status, Li Aozi tentatively guessed:



Cold sweat broke out on Li Ozi's forehead:

"Then, is the second one [emptiness]?"


He almost choked and his voice trembled:

"Chaos... Is [Chaos] here too?"


Leos didn't care at all about the shock of the content, but said coldly:

"After you take the truth medicine, your combat skills will be greatly improved, but it will slow down the speed of our personality fusion - this is also self-protection, understandable."

“You also know that your decision will have a negative impact on me——

Li Ozi said angrily:

"You have made such a mess of things like human relations and sophistication. I was so good at bringing caramel snails, but you came here to interfere and messed up the whole thing!"

"No problem." Leoz said, "I saved you at least 74 days."

"This is not a matter of time! This is cultivating emotions! Emotions! Do you understand? Why do you care so much about efficiency!?"

Li Ozi complained.

"Before me, countless spiritual warriors emerged from outside the abyss who were stronger and smarter than me. Each of their innate qualifications was better than mine. Each one of them was what you call a 'humanized' warrior."

Leos said calmly:

"I am the only one who has been promoted from cannon fodder to an official god, obtained the name of god, crowned as a god, and carried out the main purpose on my behalf."

"I was stupid, fragile, and inhumane, but I was the only one who survived."

"You have meaning, Li Ozi, you have humanity, and you will go further."

"I support you."

Li Ozi was speechless. He wanted to think silently, but Li Ozi broke his fantasy with one sentence:

"In 3 minutes, you will wake up in the White Candle Star itself."

Leozi opened his mouth, but due to lack of knowledge about Leozi, he really didn't know where to start.

If you want to talk about game experience, Leoz definitely doesn’t know it clearly.

Speaking of games——

He had an idea and blurted out:

"There are spirits in caramel snails too...what's going on?"

"Gio Skua, a capable general under the command of the Lord God of Destruction. He once supported our war against the Destroyer."

Leoz said:

"His situation is different from yours. The descendant has the power of stability in him - you don't. This is the biggest difference."

"Hmm...I know this, the "Leanding Medical Agreement"."

Li Ozi added:

"Any more?"

"There is another point. I think it is also the key reason why you are in the Star Abyss and Gio Skua can only log in as an Adventer."

Leoz said:

"Gio Skua was destroyed by Levitandar, one of the Destroyers [Jewel Dragon King]."

"Based on his situation, the descendants are probably the reincarnation of the gods outside the abyss - I think they have experienced the recycling of the star abyss."

"Recycle, reshape, regenerate - finally, with the blessing of Laian Ding, I was able to return to the battlefield and launch a blocking battle. This is in line with Xingyuan's consistent style."

[Are all players gods...]

Li Ozi narrowed his eyes.

If it's true what Leos said, this will actually bring him closer to the players.

But in this case, "Star Abyss" is no longer a game, and my own rebirth experience is very suspicious no matter how you look at it.

However, Li Ozi did not point out these.

He had a vague feeling that Leos didn't seem to know about his previous gaming experience.

To Leoz's senses, it seemed that He was directly reincarnated and came to the abyss.

Leoz didn't call him a 'player', but an 'adventur'.

It shows that he is not aware of the content of the game.

In this case, Li Ozi does not intend to tell everything.

[It’s better to keep some trump cards...]

However, just when he was suspicious, Leoz suddenly said something:

"Our situation is different from others. Although those descendants have received the blessing of Leanding, but judging from the state of Gio Skua, his spirit has not been separated, and only the divinity and the memory of being a god have been blocked. ..."

"Huh? Are you saying that Caramel Snail and the others can't merge personalities to gain power like me?"

"Their predecessors were recycled, so they probably don't have the power to pass on."

Li Ozi was surprised:

"But why is this happening?"

"Because I'm not dead."

Leoz said:

"I did not die under the claws of [Hidden Society] Gaia."


"At the last moment of its life, Gaia did not kill me. It seemed that it was because of the persuasion of my family that it had compassion. It instead used banishment and drove me into the star abyss - this should be why I was able to survive. Complete memory and consciousness."

Leoz said.

"Gaia, and family?"

Li Ozi noticed this blind spot and said curiously:

"From what you said, it seems that you know Gaia's origin very well. So, what is the origin of [Hidden Society]?"

He has already dealt with a lot of secrets and needs to know more information.

"Not much information."

Leoz said:

"There are three Speakers of Gaia, one of whom is the [Emperor]. I heard his conversation with Gaia and got the truth from it."

"I can confirm a little bit."

"The predecessor of the secret society comes from another universe. It is different from the projection of the six-layer structure of the Star Abyss. It is another universe that has not been touched by the Destroyer. The specific process is extremely complicated and there is no time to describe it."

"simply put."

Leoz said:

"They come from the earth."

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