From star abyss

Chapter 665 369 Memory

Chapter 665 369. Memory

For now, I think 'appearance', or 'charm', is absolutely dominant.

Gaslin, the android assigned to 'Charm', performed very well and was able to control authority easily. He did not look like a newcomer who had only been exposed to it for two hours.

In a sense, it can be tentatively proved that authority and 'charm' can be said to be complementary to each other. The stronger the charm, the authority will release more authority to the host, and the host will become more proficient in the use of authority and develop Use more power.

After Gaslin gained the power of [Gravity], he easily developed abilities related to 'time and space'. He could freeze time and space, distort time and space to achieve instantaneous movement, use gravity to deflect light to become invisible, and manipulate gravity to squeeze living people into Mud... If his charisma were a little higher, maybe he could stop the entire planet from spinning, right?

So far, everything has been carried out according to the established procedures. In the killing paddock, the weakest rabbits have begun to turn into lions, killing to their heart's content and providing comparative data. Although this is sad, their sacrifices are necessary, and It will also be remembered forever...if the void hadn't won by then.

There seems to be some noise outside the door. What happened?



The door slowly opened, and the blacksmith's fat body walked out of the elevator like a flood.

"Stop! Don't move! This is a forbidden area of ​​​​the research institute, and idle personnel are not allowed to enter!"

The security personnel of the institute immediately moved over, took up the Void Master's blunderbuss, pointed it at the visitor, and shouted loudly:

"Stop moving forward immediately, hold your head in your hands, and squat down on the spot!"

Click, click, click...

The blacksmith stopped, raised his small purple eyes, and timidly glanced at these armed bodyguards, but did not raise his weapon.

Because at this moment he was holding the box in one hand and the working hammer in the other.

On one side was the customer's things, and on the other was the guy eating. The blacksmith was afraid that the other person would confiscate the things in his hand, so he lowered his head and was too shy to say anything.

"I said, put your hands up!" A security guard shouted loudly, holding a pistol: "Are you deaf? Put your hands up!"

The blacksmith was startled by the roar, and he raised the things in his hands in grievance. The person next to him was almost overcome by the smell of sweat under his armpits as soon as he got closer. He suppressed his disgust at this ugly man, and the two security personnel Put on a gas mask and start searching for dangerous objects on his body.

Just as the blacksmith was obediently cooperating with the search, the corridor beside him suddenly became transparent, revealing the empty place below.

[Panorama Observation Mode - Started]

There was a sound on the radio, and a team of scientists hurried over slowly, stepping on the transparent floor and looking down carefully.

The blacksmith looked curiously: These scientists had the same goal, which was the little people fighting with each other in the open space.

Bang bang!

The angel holding fire and brimstone flew across the sky in an instant, slashing off the fleeing Aurora wings in front of him with one sword. After a few flips in the air, he fell to the ground. The tall young man fell to the ground, making a neighing sound like a horse without whimpering. After a few moments, a goat-headed demon slowly crawled out of the shadow under him, picked him up by the waist, and possessed him.

The scientists next to them started discussing:

"[Pegasus Wings] seems to be eliminated. It seems that the 'race' has no blessing on authority."

"It's not feasible to draw conclusions so early. The sisters just got 'Habits' and 'Hobbies'. In the final analysis, their authority [Dark Light] is too strong."

"This effect can only be achieved by two-in-one. [Dark Light] is powerful, but [Pegasus Wings] is not a vegetarian."

The leading scientist shook his head and watched the young man being burned into a pillar of salt bit by bit by the fire. He firmly picked up his pen and wrote on the notebook:

Posis, ‘race’, [Power of Pegasus]——has been eliminated

"By the way, who is this ugly guy?"

After a battle ended, the scientists noticed the tall and fat blacksmith beside them and couldn't help but ask doubtfully.

"Well, for some reason, this guy bypassed the disguise and sneaked in through the back door of the research institute..."

The security guard said a little embarrassed.

The blacksmith looked confused. He raised his head and carefully looked at the two twins who slowly climbed onto the platform. Their voices came from the radio:

"Oh, what a pity, they almost hit us."

"It's so boring. I really want to eat baked chicken with potatoes. A glass of lemonade would be great."

"Huh? Did you like to eat that kind of thing before?"

"I fell in love all of a sudden - by the way, sister, isn't it the same? You were not so arrogant before."

"Haha? What is this..."

Arrogance, chicken gratin and lemonade…

The blacksmith opened his mouth, and he felt a vague sense of familiarity.

The scientists looked at him and one of them said:

"Isn't there still 'memory', and there is no place for the gene with authority?"

"You fancy him—well, that's a good idea."

"After all, it's so strong and can recognize disguises. If you sneak in, it should be very durable."

The scientists quickly reached a consensus. Before the blacksmith could react, his hands and feet had been shackled.

"You shouldn't be here."

The security personnel who had drawn their guns not long ago now said pitifully:

"I wish you an early death and at least a peaceful farewell to this world..."

The blacksmith looked confused, and he was soon taken and escorted to an independent black room.

There is only one researcher here, and he has been waiting for a long time. Without further ado, he quickly started the complex instrument and took out a sponge-like soft substance from the container. He held the color-changing soft substance in one hand with a gloomy look on his face. came over:

"Open your mouth."

The blacksmith was confused, but out of shyness, he still opened his mouth.


The researcher was not polite and stuffed the soft substance that was constantly changing colors into his mouth. Through the hard plug, he pushed the thing into his throat.


Tears immediately filled the blacksmith's eyes. As soon as the soft substance entered his mouth, it immediately paralyzed him from the mouth to the cervical spine. The thing was like a living thing, constantly drilling into his nasal cavity and blocking his breathing. His expression changed. It immediately turned into a purple color, as ugly and terrifying as a hanged ghost.

But soon, this suffocation ended, and was replaced by a strong tingling and burning sensation, which pierced from his scalp to the soles of his feet. There was no place of comfort in his body. His body was shaking violently, foaming at the mouth, and he was constantly flashing in front of his eyes. Flashing through scenes of the environment.


The researcher raised the injection gun, gave him an injection, and then said calmly:

"'Leoz's Memory' has been integrated into the experimental subject."

"Next is the gene of authority..."

"What? Is the gene for [Ending Life] damaged?"

"That can't be wasted... I have to throw this guy in, let Gaslin kill it, and recover the memory."

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