From star abyss

Chapter 666 370 Breaking the Cage


The waves will rise again and again, and the tide of memory is like thousands of troops, trampling on thinking and reason over and over again. Personality is like a small boat, running tremblingly in the vast ocean of the brain, being hammered repeatedly, and being beaten. She was beaten in turn and ravaged many times.

When it finally broke through the waves and escaped from the sea, the original dilapidated sampan had been broken into pieces, and seawater penetrated into the side of the keel. It was not destroyed, but was reborn amidst the cascading waves.

Ding dong——

The door to the hunting ground at the bottom of the elevator slowly opened, and the blacksmith's fat figure walked out. He lowered his head, and his messy hair grew wildly like vines, covering his face, making it impossible to see his true expression and appearance.

"Oh oh oh~ Who is this again?"

On the high platform, the twin sisters were sitting side by side on the edge. They tilted their heads and looked at the approaching ugly monster strangely.

"He looks so ugly, and he doesn't look like a good person at first glance," said his sister Jesse.

"Then let's punish evil and promote good!"

Sister Lixi grinned, then jumped up and fell down quickly.


As if falling into water, Lissie instantly merged into the shadows, and the next moment, her figure emerged from the shadow of the blacksmith's feet.

"Hey, ugly uncle!"

The blacksmith turned his head slightly, and Lixi immediately kicked him, and the impact of shadow instantly fell on his door.

"I say hello to you on behalf of hell!"

She showed a cruel smile, and from the shadow behind her, the sheep-headed demon Gomorrah immediately pounced out.


The pitch-black shadow screen instantly exploded on the spot, like gunpowder smoke from an artillery bombardment, billowing continuously on the open ground and not dispersing for a long time.

"It seems to be nothing more than that."

Sister Jesse on the high platform yawned boredly:

"Aside from the [scourge] of the freckled girl, I am afraid that only Gaslin is our opponent."

If you think about it this way, it's really boring.

After killing Gaslin, find Paulina, take away the Elite Alejie from her hand, and the rest will just be happy.

They have angels of light who punish sinners, and shadow demons who possess others and seize their bodies. Even those void monsters are not enough to be afraid of.

"Lissy, come back as soon as you're done playing. We still have to deal with Gaslin."

She shouted into the dark curtain, but received no response.


Jesse frowned slightly, spread his hands, and sighed:

"Stop making trouble, my sister——"


The next moment, a petite figure bounced back quickly like a cannonball, hitting the wall on the side ferociously. The solid granite was instantly blasted to pieces. The petite figure collapsed on the ground like a rag doll, letting the strong wind and the remaining The shock wave rocked her back and forth, but she remained indifferent.


As soon as Jesse finished speaking, his pupils shrank and he looked at the petite figure: Lissie's head was like a tomato smashed on the ground, blood spurting out, hanging limply, and the shadow demon Gomorrah beside her He also became extremely weak. After trembling for a few times, he immediately collapsed and died.

"Lissy—how could that happen?"

Jesse clenched her fists, her eyes were shining with golden light, she opened her arms and shouted:

"Find him! Sodom!"


The blazing sulfur flames spread across the earth, and the angel holding the sharp blade instantly cut through the air and rushed into the shadow-filled area without hesitation.

With the help of shared vision, Jesse immediately saw the lonely figure standing in the center of the dust.

"That's you!"

Jesse gritted his teeth and immediately ordered Sodom to rush towards the opponent. The angel spread his wings and accelerated to the extreme. The sharp blade in his hand brought up the raging sea of ​​fire and slashed down instantly!

Before the sword blade arrived, the flame wave went ahead, and the majestic fire storm dispersed the dust, revealing the fat and burly figure.


The sharp blade fell like a bolt from the blue.

But at this moment, the blacksmith's figure suddenly moved.

Snap, snap——

His figure was trembling slightly, and the soles of his feet were stepping in strange and indistinguishable steps. Just when the angel slashed with his sword, he circled a surprising semi-circular arc on the spot and avoided it deftly!

Not only that, he relied on the inertia of his fat body. After taking half a step forward, he suddenly swung back, raised the hammer in his hand, spun around half a circle, and struck the angel on the back.


The angel staggered forward, and its bright wings immediately dimmed. Before it could stand firm on the ground, the blacksmith walked up to it step by step, with sonorous and powerful steps.


The blacksmith swung the hammer again in an unpretentious manner, and the angel's spine bent rapidly, as if he was being crushed by a whole mountain, and his head immediately rested on his toes.

The blacksmith walked forward unhurriedly, weighed the hammer in his hand for a moment, then swung it again and hit the angel on the head.


The angel's body flew backwards, and in mid-air, its gorgeous and sacred figure quickly dissipated, and the sharp blade full of fire and brimstone fell to the ground.


Jesse's heart twitched on the high platform. She covered her heart and looked forward in disbelief:

"Are you kidding me...How could the damage done to Sodom...spread to me?"

The blacksmith was like a stone thrown into water. Every time an attack landed, ripples appeared.

"There's something wrong with this guy's intensity..."

Jesse barely raised her body up. Her heart felt like she had been hit hard, and even her body's blood supply was blocked for a while. She tried her best to calm down and continue thinking:

"Sodom and Gomorrah, with our support, even the knights of the Kingdom Council will not be our opponents."

"That ugly guy was able to destroy us easily without even using the power of the void, which means that his physical strength far exceeds that of ordinary knights..."

"That is to say..."

Her pupils shrank.

The strongest person in Dragon Satellite is none other than the ‘King’. The 'King' dominates everything. Even the giant beast in the void will be decapitated by him, extract the skeleton, and turn it into the foundation of the city.

——And under the 'King', there are nine knights who dominate the high table of the parliament and assist the 'King' in ruling the world.

The blacksmith walked forward calmly and calmly step by step.

——The knights on the high table are often different in stature from ordinary people. They are too tall and strong, and some are not even human-shaped.

The blacksmith's fat body is like a hill. When he moves forward, the muscles and fat all over his body tremble back and forth, like a torrent, which is spectacular.

——The knights on the high table have a strong sense of oppression. When ordinary people see them, it is like looking directly at the sun, making them dizzy or even falling to the ground.

The blacksmith was holding a hammer, and a fiery aura naturally emitted from his body. The earth was evenly destroyed under his feet, and the soil turned into lava. His body temperature was getting higher and higher, the air was distorted, and discrete steam was rising. He didn't need to do anything. As long as the strength of the body is no longer restrained, the body shape will be shrouded in the white mist steam, lingering, becoming more mysterious and invisible.

"...Don't be ridiculous, this is such a remote place."

Jesse straightened up, his teeth chattering unconsciously:

"How can there be a knight on the high table in a place like this?"

She clenched her fists, her nails dug into her palms, and blood overflowed between her fingers.

"High table..."

She murmured, fear filling her heart. The more she continued to question and deny, the closer reality was to her suspicion.

"There are only nine people in total!"

She screamed, and the blood boiled like a flame, surrounding itself and forming a summoning formation. The figure of the Angel of Sodom struggled to crawl out of the blood formation again.

Its figure had not yet been repaired, and the skeleton's face was forcibly covered with a layer of scarlet armor. It raised its head, picked up the sharp blade of brimstone from the ground, opened its wings towards the blacksmith, and pounced instantly.

The blacksmith moved on.

"Angels, redeem this man from original sin."

Jesse murmured, and the blood on his palms flowed out faster.

The angel's sharp blade instantly extended several hundred meters, spinning around in his hand. The sky was filled with bright flames, which was extremely dazzling. Then, with a ferocious aura, it fell down in an instant!

The blacksmith raised the hammer and pushed it outward.


The hundreds of meters long flaming giant blade was gently pushed away by the small hammer, just like an adult casually knocking a child to the ground.

The blade is deflected. The angel of Sodom in the distance was instantly pushed out by the remaining force. His body rolled uncontrollably in the air for several weeks before falling to the ground. Half of his body below the waist was submerged in the ground.

It still wanted to continue struggling and pull itself out of the soil, but just as it regained its wings, there was an echo in the distant air.

The angel raised his head and saw an iron hammer dragging dozens of Mach rings and slamming them down towards it.


The violent impact spread outwards and radiated, and a huge concentrated energy burst out, setting off a dark mushroom cloud on the ground.

The reverberating power struck again, and Jesse could no longer bear the damage. Her heart burst and her arteries bleed profusely. Her body swayed slightly and she immediately fell from the high platform.


Her body was smashed into a puddle of flesh on the ground. The blacksmith passed by like a passer-by and came to the center of the mushroom cloud explosion. He touched it and dug out a piece of sand that had turned into glass. It was completely melted into iron juice. hammer.


The blacksmith regretfully parted his fingers and let the red-hot iron juice slip from between his fingers. The impact of the storm echoed on the ground for a long time. The strong wind lifted the messy hair on his forehead, revealing his rough and ugly face.

He is ugly, stupid, does not understand the ways of the world, does not communicate with others, cannot make progress, and does not understand entertainment.

The bodies of the twin sisters fester, rot, lignify, degrade, shatter, and are annihilated in dust at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After their bodies disintegrated, two different luminous substances slowly rose up, like slimy crawling monsters, approaching the blacksmith little by little.

He didn't resist, but spread his hands to welcome them towards him.

The sticky luminous substance climbed up his body along his fingertips, and gradually penetrated into his body from the pores of his skin,

The purple pupils continued to expand and contract, becoming lighter and lighter.

But after five years of being infected by the void, such a body embarked on an unimagined path.

The blacksmith slowly stood upright. His body was no longer stooped, but gradually became taller and taller in the strong wind. His originally shy temperament gradually became noble and mysterious.

"...Five years."

He raised his head, and his deep voice was no longer as mocking as gongs and drums:

"The Star Abyss and the Road have left me, but I have not become weaker - the corruption of the void has tempered the physical body, and the life at the bottom has made my mind stronger."

He opened his hands, the majestic and blazing angels bowed to him, and the dark and sinister demons bowed to him.

"Even though things are no longer what they used to be...I'm never lost."

The blacksmith's eyes gradually turned blue:

"I am Leoz from the Azure Star. I am the reincarnation of [the Living God] Leoz. I am Leoz Dominet, the Lord of the White Candle Star."

"I am an exile, I am the president, I am the hunter of [society], I am the unknown blacksmith——"

The purple void in his eyes was completely shattered, and the blacksmith's eyes were completely swallowed up by the clear blue of the starry sky:

"I am - the master!"

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