From star abyss

Chapter 667 371 The True Soul

He raised his hand and recalled the system panel familiarly according to the way he remembered:


【Name】: Li Ozi

[Race]: Void Corruptor

[Gender]: None

【Age】: 33 years old

[Template]: War Madness

[Faction]: No camp

[Total Level]: (Void Lock)

——[Main Occupation]: Void System——[Void Infected] lv.180 (Locked)

——[Sub-career]:? ?

[HP]: 550,000

[Energy value]: 490,000


Strength - 1092

Dexterity - 880


Charm - (lost)



[Racial Talent·Void Path]: Your life and talent have been invaded by the void, and the great nihilistic narrative has become your new path.

Under the Void Path, you cannot upgrade your career through experience, but as your Void corruption becomes deeper and deeper, you will gradually become a true Void clan and improve your path realm.

[Void Talent·Flesh Incarnation]: Your current body is not a real body, but an incarnation projection generated for you by the void narrative. Projections do not gain new abilities, but you do inherit some of the characteristics of your original path.

Current flesh and blood characteristics: Echoing Concussion - The attack caused will have spread and concussion effects.

[Personal Talent Object Resonance] - You can concentrate more easily than ordinary people, and you can more easily detect the changing patterns of things.

Effect: Cancels the forward movement of all your spellcasting actions.

[Possessing skills]:

(has been locked)


Jottarian Stage (9)


In five years, everything has changed a lot.

"In the end, everything will come back to me."

Leos closed his eyes and clenched his fists.

In fact, he is not "Lee Ozzy" at all.

He was just a blacksmith, a blacksmith who got the nickname "Leoz".

The infection of the void stripped him to pieces, especially his soul and life, and none of these things returned.

As a blacksmith, he actually only has the name "Leoz".

The people at the institute input the memory to him for research purposes.

His rich player experience and battle memory allowed him to temporarily get rid of his identity as a shy and dull blacksmith and transform back into the experienced warrior.

After defeating these two girls, he gained Li Aozi's habits and hobbies. It was only at this moment that part of Li Aozi's personality gradually formed.

Including [dark light].

Unfortunately, the blacksmith does not have [Charm] and cannot truly activate this arcane power. To truly fight, he must rely on the power of the void.

However, the void is different from [society]. The path of the void is called the "Seventh Path". Although there is no opportunity to become a god, there are also void kings and void lords who are comparable to the gods for promotion.

"The young men with the Ellai Spirit Tribe and [Pegasus Power] have been cleared away...but I can't control them for the time being, so it's still acceptable."

For others, such as [Sword Master of Imprinted Soul], [Bloodline], [Crane Moon], etc., Li Ozi didn’t know where to look for them.

Anyway, looking at it now, there is no [charm] blessing. Except for [Bloodline], nothing else was of much help to him.

In contrast, the most important thing is to get Li Ozi's "soul" and "charm".

"Only by getting these back can we completely assemble 'Lee Aozi'..."

But, if you do that.

The blacksmith hesitated.

He was just an ugly, stupid blacksmith who got the name "Leoz".

Is he really... considered Li Ozi?

In other words, if Li Ozi comes back, what should he do as a "blacksmith"?

It is true that Li Ozi's life was magnificent, but was his peaceful life as a blacksmith insignificant?

——Then what does all this mean to him?

There was a void of purple in his eyes.

Two roads separated before the blacksmith:

In the end, keep going and combine to become the whole of Li Ozi.

Or should we stop here and use Li Aozi’s knowledge, experience and ability to live out the rest of his life?

As Li Ozi, he became famous all over the world and traveled across the stars, but he lost his self as a "blacksmith".

Or should he return to the stable life of a blacksmith, give up the legend of Li Ozi, and live a quiet but real life.

Leos, Leos...

The blacksmith held his forehead.

——Which one is the real "I"?

"Oh, you were able to kill those sisters."

A flirtatious voice sounded.

The blacksmith turned around and looked in the direction of the sound - the man had black hair like moye, gray eyes like zircons, and an appearance so handsome that even a stone would be moved by it.

He got closer step by step, and his appearance gradually overlapped with the "Lee Ozi" in the blacksmith's memory, but they were completely different.

Li Ozi does not have that frivolous and casual temperament.

"I didn't expect you to be as powerful as the Knight of the High Table."

Gaslin smiled slightly, then immediately changed his face:

"But in the face of my gravity, everything is in vain!"

He raised his left hand and lightly snapped his fingers.


The fluctuations of gravity quickly swept across space. The beauty that Gaslin inherited from "Lee Ozi" impressed the world, and he willingly allowed time and space to freeze.

The blacksmith's body was stiff and fixed, and he watched the beautiful young man in front of him with a golden halo in his eyes, walking forward leisurely as if strolling in a garden.

"I'm different from trash like you who rely on the void to become strong. This beauty is a product of the creation of the universe and a manifestation of the world's preference."

Gaslin put his hands in his pockets and approached the blacksmith with a smile:

"No matter how strong you are, the world will always be on my side!"

He said, raised his hand and pressed it down:

"4000 times gravity——"


Before he finished speaking, a side kick flew from the air and hit his head. Gaslin was immediately kicked out and rolled on the ground for several weeks. He raised his head in disbelief:

"Impossible, I clearly stopped time and space! How could you-"

Before he could finish speaking, he saw a bright figure suddenly rise up and fall in front of him, and his gray eyes immediately met a pair of scarlet eyes.


"Your ability seems to be ineffective against my bloodline and my soul, Gaslin."

Polena raised her hand and grabbed Gaslin's neck, her whole body filled with a primitive oppressive aura that made all living beings fearful.

She tilted her head slightly, and silver runes appeared in her eyes:

"Xiwen, Evely, Narta, Durin... everyone is dead, and it's all your fault, Gaslin."

"Uh-huh, this has nothing to do with me—"

"These eyes," Paulina said lightly, "These eyes allow me to see everything."

Gaslin's eyes narrowed:


"I have seen the truth of all this. I have seen through the essence behind your handsome appearance. There is only a poor, simple soul, and a baby-like life."

Paulina gently raised Gaslin's neck, strangled him, and said:

"Gaslin, as an android, you must be suffering..."

"Shut up! Paulina! Who do you think you are—"

"Yes, of course I am nothing. I have money, power and background. Of course I have never suffered the hardships you have endured. I am just the innocent and perfect young lady. But even like this, I still have some differences with you. The same bottom line principles as civilians!"

Polena took a breath and said calmly:

"And I only have one bottom line..."

Gaslin's neck was light and he fell to the ground.

"That is--"

He raised his head, and Paulina turned her back to him, like a dismissive winner, leaving behind a look of contemptuous kindness:

"Leave the baby alone."

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