From star abyss

Chapter 680 384 Shining Sword

Chapter 680 384. Shining Sword

"Hahaha, crispy glass, nothing more than that!"

Gaden smiled wildly, and suddenly realized something was wrong, and he slowly turned his head.

——The tall giant god like a priest was standing calmly in mid-air behind him, his left hand slowly raised.

Sharp gravels of different sizes surrounded Li Ozi's body. The stardust revolved crazily with the gravity generated around him, escaping high-energy radiation that could kill all mortal things.

["Object Resonance" is activated! 】

[The singing intro of "Meteor Fragments" has been cancelled]

With him as the center, set off a storm of stars!

The sharp radiation fragments are instantly accelerated to thousands of kilometers per second! Driven by gravity, they surrounded Li Ozi and formed a series of radiation saw blades. As Li Ozi moved slowly, Gaden's body was instantly chopped, cut, carbonized, and torn into pieces by the nuclear saw blades!


Gadeen's body collapsed one after another, but as one of the high-legged tables, his fighting will was far beyond that of ordinary opponents. He gritted his teeth and forcibly ejected his body from the bud, drawing a wolf in the air. The arc is far away from Li Ozi.

"You monster - you can actually come back from the dead?! This power is simply more terrifying than the void!"

He quickly took out the mask from his arms. The terror of being dominated by Li Ozi made him desperate and raised his hand to put the mask on his face.

"Return to Taixu!"


Li Ozi's body slowly floated down and settled on the ground. He raised his head and saw Gadeen's body in the distance spasming and twitching, and then he collapsed on the spot.

He didn't hesitate and walked forward slowly.

The next moment, Gaderen's eyes, which had been limp and motionless, burst out with intense purple light. The aura of the Void Road instantly covered the earth, and hundreds of kilometers of mountains were swallowed up by the void energy.

The purple smoke was overwhelming, obscuring everything in front of Li Ozi's eyes. But he didn't care and continued to walk forward slowly.

call out!

Under the shroud of nothingness, a long whip turned from a human spine popped out instantly, splitting the purple smoke of the void. Gadeen smiled ferociously, and the armor all over his body was stained with the purple of the void. He opened his mouth wide, full of sharp teeth. The collision spewed out concentrated acid.

"Chief... Sir... look at it, this is the power you have lost!"

He swung the long whip hard, and the ground that the whip swept over cracked inch by inch, and the space was torn open, as if the distance was reduced by tens of seconds, and it hit Li Ozi directly.


The bishop's laurel crown was torn and smashed, and Li Ozi was shot to death on the spot.


Blood splattered, and Li Ozi walked out calmly.

Snap, snap, snap.

He immediately stepped into the fork of time, not paying attention to anything that happened, and walked forward casually. A suitable timeline was instantly stepped into by him - this timeline quickly fell to the main world, completing the competition.

The moment the blood from his predecessor stained Li Ozi's robe, it immediately merged with the timeline and disappeared.

"--What the hell is this?!"

Even though there were countless madmen in the void, Gadeen still fell into madness. He swung his long whip and hit Li Ozi again and again, cutting him into pieces again and again!

However, the result is always the same.

Every time Li Ozi dies in one timeline, Li Ozi in the next timeline will step out instantly, leading the Moonlight believers behind him, approaching him step by step.

[Pod status: full]

[Choose arcane missile type——[Bloodline]]

Li Ozi raised his hand, and the Moonlight believers behind him all raised their hands.

[Bloodline Missile—Launch]


The scarlet radiance burst out instantly, with a heavy impact, and hit Gaden instantly. The latter tilted his head, as if he had been hit by a cruiser, raised his hand to block the remaining five missiles, and staggered a few steps.

"What is this...I feel like I'm being attacked by a natural enemy."

Scarlet blood spread on his body, making him feel sick and frightened. He immediately picked up the whip and struck it at Li Ozi.

[Choose arcane missile type——[Dark Light]]

Li Ozi casually waved his hand at his feet.

[Dark light missile - launch]


The angel and the devil came out at the same time. The devil pushed his shoulder and lifted Li Ozi into the air. He avoided the sweep of the whip. Li Ozi rose into the air. The angel immediately caught him and took him to fly quickly towards Gadeen!

"How dare you fly in front of the Knight of the High Table?!"

Gaden almost laughed. He raised his hands, and countless plants immediately spread out on the ground. They spit out new buds and projected dense and rapid firepower towards Li Ozi in the air.


Angel grabbed Li Ozi and kept dodging in the air, but in the end he was defeated by the intensive firepower and was hit on the wing. He let go of Li Ozi and let him fall downwards.

[Choose arcane missile type——[Death Link]]

Facing countless incoming cannon fire, Li Aozi pointed his palm at himself.

[Death Link Missile—Launch]

His body was unscathed by the bombardment of void plants, but the plants on the ground spontaneously combusted, torn apart, penetrated and smashed, and lost their vitality.


[Whether it takes experience and proficiency to learn——]

[You have learned "Star Drop Technique·General School·Sparkling Sword\

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