From star abyss

Chapter 681 385 Face of the Void (4k)

Chapter 681 385. Face of the Void (4k)

The moon disappears.

Li Ozi stood up slowly, flipped his wrist, and gravity immediately dragged the surviving things in the embers over.

It is said that there is a joke among the Dragon Clan. The Dragon Clan breathes fire every day. How can they distinguish treasures during a war?

The answer is to burn it with fire. If the precious metal is burned, it can still be used, and the loss is not big. If it is not burned, it is definitely a good thing!

In the same way, if it can remain intact under the ultra-high temperature of 4.2 million degrees Celsius in the Shining Sword, it must be a good thing.

What fell into his palm was Gadeen's mask. It was completely green, with exquisite golden plant patterns outlined on it, and was worth a lot of money.

"Judging from the blacksmith's memory and Gaden's words, the knight of the High Table is not only powerful, but also has this unique mask."

You can't tell what it is from the material, and Li Ozi can only get information about the 'Void Creation' using [Eye of Reality].

This is not because the [Eye of Truth] pulls the hips. On the contrary, it can recognize that it is a creation of the void, which just shows that its effect is in place.

Void items basically cannot detect information.

Just like the spiritual maggots that Li Ozi once obtained, that thing itself grew by absorbing void energy in the lower star abyss. If it is artificially implanted into the star, it has to cooperate and symbiosis with the planet, and eventually cultivate into the needs of narrative civilization. The star god.

Li Ozi is not surprised that he is getting along with Void.

"The Kingdom's Parliament itself is established to cooperate with the void to maintain its rule. It is similar to a wavering comprador government, but because of the unique existence of the 'king', the legitimacy of its government itself is very high."

Dynasty governments in the world all face a problem of legitimacy, which is the so-called orthodoxy. The tyrant-type government is not in the right position, has low legitimacy, and cannot achieve the happiness of the people. However, the weird "Parliament of Nine Knights" like the Kingdom Council is neither A constitutional monarchy is not a democratic assembly. The nine knights are powerful hegemons.

To put it bluntly, the Kingdom Council is similar to the Warlords Alliance.

If it weren't for the unique existence of the 'King', who could resist the void and make the people completely feel at ease and obey, this kind of warlord-oligarchy political structure probably wouldn't have lasted for a few years elsewhere.

Li Ozi doesn't find it strange. There are millions of ideologies, tens of thousands of ideological trends, and countless political systems in the Star Abyss. Some civilizations seem to be superior, but if you look closely, they actually still retain tribal chiefs and slaves. system.

Do you think that aliens will give you the "torture of working eight hours a day" when they come in? In fact, there is a higher probability that you will be assigned to the Galaxy Eye. Those who are strong can be used as line fillers, and those who are weak can just be good. Go dig for meteorites.

History will prove countless times that only a civilization that relies on its own independence and self-reliance can find a way out.

"However, the situation of the Dragon Satellite is completely based on fighting the void and not being completely transformed into the inherent time domain by the void. According to the current situation, the void will engulf the Dragon Satellite sooner or later and turn it into the inherent time domain."

Li Ozi is not too optimistic about the situation.

Even though he is now the [Yuexian Bishop] and has entered the Yotta level (9), he is still not very optimistic about the prospects.

The reason is very simple. The Dragon Satellite is so big, with a population of less than 400 million. A group of Zeta-level (6) civilians with no way to go will probably not survive thirty minutes in the Galaxy Eye. At any rate, a serious Zeta-level climber A god can live for four hours!

As for the projection of the Lord of the Void here, as well as the invasion of the void day after day, the intensity of the battlefield here is probably not much weaker than that of the Galaxy Eye.

If Galaxy Eye is a high-tech electric meat grinder, then Dragon Satellite is at least a windmill flesh and blood mill.

"I can't end this war unless... I can unite with the so-called 'king'."

Just in time, he remembered Gadern saying that only by collecting the masks of the nine knights of the high table can he meet the 'king'.

Li Aozi pondered for a moment, then popped up the panel and began to review his situation. At the same time, he threw in all the experience he had saved for five years.


【Name】: Li Ozi

[Race]: Moon Fanatic (Appearance Change)

[Gender]: No gender (Moon Fanatic belongs to the lineage of the Star Abyss Gods and does not have gender representation)

【Age】: 33 years old

[Template]: War-mad NPC (damage output rate +300%, ignores class effects)

[Faction]: No camp

[Total level]: lv.240

——[Main Occupation]: [Dominator] Department——[Yuexian Bishop] lv.180 (MAX)

——[Sub-professional]: [Biochemist] lv.30; [Magician] lv.30

【Life Career】: Casting Master

[HP]: 550,000

[Energy value]: 620,000


Strength - 1092

Dexterity - 880


Charm - 798



[Racial talent·Magic fanaticism]

[Personal Talent Object Resonance]

[Professional talent·Teacher’s Army Soul]


[Extraordinary Physique]——As a strong man of the Yota level, you have reached the limit of the abyssal creature. Your body is ordinary, and any damage caused by their weak attacks to you will only be 30% effective. (Including physical armor penetration, spell penetration, true damage)

When you attack and determine attributes of a target lower than your own level, it will be regarded as 900% actual effectiveness. (Yota stage)

[Sustainability·Hunting Love], [Sustainability·Arbitrary], [Sustainability·Pioneer];

(Promoted to the Yota level, non-sustainable expertise is integrated into the body and turned into instinct)

[Possessing skills]:

(After being promoted to the Yota level, all your past skills have been integrated, and some knowledge has been absorbed as permanent common sense. When encountering relevant extraordinary knowledge, the learning threshold is lowered by default.)

(As a [Bishop], you can only learn [Star Drop] of the general faction)

Current worldview: "Materialism"

"Star Drop Technique·Meteor Impact"

School: General School

Skill description:

Stand on the spot and charge for a long time, so that the next attack will be accompanied by a powerful shock wave. If it hits the target, a neutron blast will occur, causing radiation damage.

Attack range: close

"Star Drop Technique·Meteor Fragments":

Founder: [The Living God] Leoz

School: General School

Skill description:

Standing on the spot, after complex and tedious chanting, you summoned the power of the stars, generated meteorite fragments carrying high-energy radiation, released a powerful gravitational field from yourself, bombarded the opponent with these meteorite fragments at super high speed, or As a protective barrier, it causes high amounts of radiation and physical damage every second.

Attack range: 0~3 million kilometers (kinetic energy does not decay in the cosmic environment)

"Star Drop Technique: Shining Sword"

Founder: [The Living God] Leoz

School: General School

Stand in place, unable to move, raise your hands high, and activate the power of the stars, giving you a high-energy radiation blade to kill darkness. Depending on the output energy level, the attack distance is different. The longer the charging time, the longer the attack distance.

Attack range: unlimited (in the cosmic environment, the flight speed is the maximum speed of light. This skill cannot exceed the speed of light and cannot attack across dimensions)

[Possessing Arcana]: As [Moonstring Bishop], you can only use [Gravity] and [Weak Force];

Arcane Missile Pod: [Bloodline], [Dark Light], [Eye of Truth], [Bane], [Death Link] (cooling down, waiting for reloading time - 72 hours)

[Level]: Yota Level (9) - You have reached the limit of this star abyss and need to dive to release your potential.


Generally speaking, my strength is passable, barely invincible below Kappa level, but still a bit fragile.

After being promoted to [Moonstrike Bishop], I lost a lot of things. For example, [Astral Echoer]'s ability to teleport across galaxies was gone, and its ability to communicate over long distances could only be replaced by another one.

Even arcane energy is restricted in use and can only be launched as missiles. The number of times per day is limited. For example, the most durable [Bloodline] missile only has 7 rounds. [Disaster] and [Dark Light] only have a pitiful 4 rounds and 2 shots.

If I get [Crane Moon] back later, I guess it will only take about 3 shots.

But, it's all so worth it.

The power of the road gained in exchange is really powerful.

Different from other periods where it is hard to live in jail, [Yuexian Bishop] is one of the few [Dominator] professions in the entire "Star Abyss" that can reach T0 level!

The positioning of the [Dominator] system is very strange.

Although "Star Abyss" is not a traditional online game, there are allocations of tanks, combat, tanks, spells, and stabs. But most of the time, everyone still defaults to a similar division of labor and cooperation.

After all, some professions, such as the most famous squishy one: [Mechanic] three-turn - [Infrastructure Constructor] are fragile, with only one-third of Li Ozi's health, and he looks like a squishy mage.

But this thing's combat method is to open a mobile fortress - 47 million health, 3.29 million titanium ceramic armor value, and 201 spell shield. It has anti-aircraft firepower, combat satellites, an unmanned army, and an isolation firewall. The black hole engine can be started at any time to jump across galaxies. It only requires 15 fusion nuclear power plants. Changing the Annihilator posture can reset the gravity vortex cannon cooling of the 'Angel of Death' Time, as well as real damage, and then obtain the nanofactory self-repair and omnipotent blood-sucking. It can also extend the continuation time of the drone armor when overloaded. It will also connect to the network and improve the [Intelligence] attribute of the body. The main gun will be... ah!

Let me ask, how should we evaluate traditional online games?

Not to mention other things, [Biochemist] is the ultimate snake oil. The team is short of doctors and infected with the Dark Trace Virus. The team lacks output and is poisonous. The team is short of tanks, so it needs armor and a 125mm shoulder gun. You can even steal some arcane genes from the [Dominator] system next door and borrow them to play with arcana.

Even the positioning of the wet nurse is not formal - the subsequent paths of [Doctor] and [Priest], one can become a necromancer, and the other can become a blasphemous priest. Proper core output with big C bit.

But even among this group of professions, the positioning of the [Dominator] system is very explosive.

In the early stage, the players, under the guidance of Li Ozi, took the path of the Blood Demon Flow, and equipped with an [Eye of Truth], everyone thought that the [Mutant] was an information tank, specially designed to block the front row and resist beatings.

Then in the next version, players will be surprised to find out, how come [Echoer] is a mage?

He is also a brainless mage equipped with melee skills, an information bit used to steal and transmit intelligence, and a large-scale destruction capability.

For such a profession, for players with regular experience, it is really impossible to figure out its positioning.

You say [Echoer] should be used for output. The output requires echo splash, and there is a start-up time. A heavy-armed warrior like Nefes will directly attack you and smash it to pieces.

You say control, time deceleration and teleportation capabilities can only bully the heavy tanks of the [Redemption] system and the [Mechanic] of the human sea tactics. Against the master of the turret, he can't really defeat the bomb - what about the rocket launcher? Maybe it can defeat ballistic missiles? !

You said playing in the front row is a bit of a waste of mobility...

It can be said that [Echoer] is the most baffling stage for players, and even Li Ozi is not exempt from this.

At this stage, unless like Li Ozi, there are arcane powers such as [Bloodline] and [Waning Moon] to support the appearance, otherwise the whole process experience is really difficult to describe.

Of course, this profession is really fun to bully the fleet, and it is very suitable for dealing with large-scale human sea tactics.

But only after reaching [Bishop], the positioning of this profession suddenly became clear.

High dodge, high attack speed, high burst, long-term chant activation, and the ability to clear the field on a large scale.

——This is a magic assassin.

At this stage, [Bishop] no longer has [Dictator Form], and at first glance it seems much more fragile.

But in fact, as long as you spend a few months practicing this technique of time line jumping, you will immediately realize what is meant by "armor's uselessness".

This trick is so useful.

"Gravity distorts space and time, weak force positions bosons, and among the endless bifurcations of the timeline, choose the path that best suits you."

Time and space are not separated. It seems that you have traveled through the timeline, but in fact, from another perspective, it is just teleportation.

Although the process is more complicated and the gold content is much higher than the cheap instantaneous movement that usually breaks up into molecules and then reunites them, in the eyes of outsiders, there is no visual difference between the jumping timeline and the former.

But the level of the Yota Order is far from enough to completely control the timeline and possibilities.

Li Ozi knew very well that [Bishop Yuexian] could jump the timeline in name, but in fact he only modified his own path.

He couldn't change the fate of the entire world, let alone reverse time and space, but took a detour in the process of the macroscopic world.

The timeline keeps moving forward, never going back.

Time will not go back. Even if you jump in time, you are still extending your life.

Just like, in the main world, Li Aozi went to a technical secondary school, then even if Li Aozi went back to junior high school, was admitted to high school, and finally studied in a university for a bachelor's degree, a master's degree and a Ph.D., he became a generation of academics - the Li Aozi of the main world Now, I am still a technical secondary school security guard.

If there is no competition in the timeline, then he will just change the timeline and move forward. It is no different from writing a YY article.

As for the fate of academic leader Li Ozi, it's hard to say. Even if he dies, Li Ozi in the main world is still eating steamed buns and pickled mustard and working as a security guard.

As for the main world, once Li Aozi chooses to compete, he will face a problem: Compared with the entire main world, Li Aozi's interference is too little.

Like a ship lacking an anchor.

His amount of information is too small. Even if he becomes a scholar in another timeline and chooses to fall into competition with his own plane, he will not be able to interfere with the fate of others. At best, he will only improve his own knowledge and knowledge, and even his knowledge may not be certain. can be retained.

Therefore, for the Yota-level person, crossing timelines is not a profound trump card, it is just a means of dodge and displacement, used to avoid firepower and damage.

The real focus is not on this.

[Bishop] is not only a combat profession, it also has strong management and growth capabilities.

Exploiting lower-level planes and different-dimensional worlds downwards is a more advanced method than [Waning Moon].

The waning moon can only travel between the two-dimensional world and the two-dimensional plane, but what Li Ozi has opened up is a vivid and complete three-dimensional space.

Going to the second dimension to fight hydrogen paper people is not a hero.

But the resources in the three-dimensional world can be brought out!

This is where [Bishop] is truly powerful!

For Li Ozi, this is equivalent to eliminating the need to spend a lot of money to buy a copy, and just send it to the players to explore by themselves. The players also have to pay for tickets for him.

The existence of [Bishop] allows a weak civilization that is barren, lacks resources, and lacks geographical location to develop on its own secretly.

If we truly build cars behind closed doors, the cars we build may be better than those on the market.

At this point, Li Aozi can change his economic policy, reduce his reliance on colonial development externally, and turn to isolationism internally, relying on the huge extra-dimensional world to obtain resources, and then digest them through the internal market.

"This is the mission of enlightenment..."

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