From star abyss

Chapter 688 392 Preaching and Teaching

Chapter 688 392. Preaching and preaching

Haizhu Island Province.

It covers an area of ​​4.59 million square kilometers, has 201 affiliated islands, and has a permanent population of 1.43 million. The subtropical marine climate brings abundant precipitation and rich materials, and the intersection of cold and warm currents makes it have the best fishing grounds in the world.

In the Dragon Satellite that is gradually being eroded by the void, it is really rare to have such a large island that is almost isolated from the world. It is rich in materials, has an ocean to block the invasion of the void, has a pleasant climate, and is vast and sparsely populated. It can be called an excellent place to live in seclusion. land.

However, even among the many warlords and lords in the kingdom, no one dared to covet Haizhu Island.

Because this place belongs to the real ruler of the kingdom and is the jurisdiction of Melissa, the fourth knight of the High Table, the Sea Lady.

The light blue breeze came from the empty sea and blew between the luxurious jade carvings. A white crow rode the wind and landed in the delicate palm.

A soft voice sounded:

"Thank you for your hard work. Go back and tell 'White Crow' Evans that we are still safe here."

The speaker took the letter from White Crow's feet, then gently stroked the other person's feathers, lifted the other person up, put it into the air, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Melissa, I heard the crow of the white crow? Is it a message from Evans?"

A swaying man walked out of the bedroom, his body covered with all kinds of messy bags. If you look carefully, you can vaguely make out the luxurious armor with a faint silver light between the gaps in the bags.

"...The situation is a bit strange, 'Xing Shang', you'd better see for yourself."

‘Sea Lady’ Melissa slowly turned around, her head like a ray swung gently, her six small eyes emitted a bright yellow light, she handed the letter to ‘Hong Kong Merchant’ Mashanat, and said:

"In the past two months, the 'Garden' and the 'Dancing Girl' were successively defeated by unknown enemies during their missions to search for the traitor. Abandon the 'poet' Dr. Chen Wenjing who has been contained and controlled by the Fermi Institute, and the ones who died in the battle The 'Warrior' Wallit, the Knight of the High Table, there are only four left now."

‘Xingshang’ picked up the letter and sneered without reading it:

"Oh, if Chief Maggot hadn't betrayed could the Kingdom Council be reduced to such a state!"

After that, he lowered his head and started reading:

"'...Melissa, Mashanat, I know you two are together now. To make a long story short, Gadern and Christine both had problems. They were defeated almost on the same day and their masks were taken away. Let’s go. I’m not sure if it’s Zhizhi or the handwriting of the void.'”

"'However, there is one thing that is a bit strange: in the kingdom, unprecedented religious forces have appeared... I know you may sneer, thinking that religion was wiped out by us decades ago, even if The appearance of some superstitious and obscene priests is nothing more than kittens and puppies, and is not enough to shake the rule of the kingdom.'"

The more he read, the more solemn Mashanat's eyes became:

"'...The religious forces this time are very strange. They have an unprecedented organizational system, and their expansion speed is far faster than anything in the past, but there are no evil sacrifices. In just half a month, their number has expanded to There are hundreds of thousands, and the number of people who know them is tens of millions. They are extremely powerful. I am worried that their next step is likely to be an uprising...'"

The ‘Haenyeo’ folded her hands in front of her flat belly, sighed and said:

"Now, do you understand the seriousness of the situation?"

‘Hong Shang’ looked serious:

"'The main god that these people believe in is neither Void nor Zhixiang. He is an unheard-of guy...'"

“‘According to the informant’s information, his name is: [God of Destruction] Gio Skua’.”



The gongs and drums are beating together, making the sky loud and noisy.

"Come, come, take a look, take a look. Anyone who joins [Breaking God View] and believes in our Lord Gio Skua will get a gift!"

An old woman pushed a cart filled with food, rice, flour, oil, and eggs as she walked leisurely through the streets of the town. The shouts from the car stereo attracted the attention of many people.

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe it. Come and get a poster, sign your name, and you can also get two eggs."

This kind of bargain that was almost free of charge immediately attracted the attention of many people in the streets and alleys. The good old ladies came up, surrounded the woman pushing the cart, and asked:

"What kind of church is this? Does it need worship services? Does it have to hold regular meetings?"

The old woman waved her hand:

"No, no, as long as you sign your name, you can receive two eggs. Sister and brother, please have one."

"It's a lie!" a young passerby sneered: "How can such a good thing be possible? There are tens of thousands of people in this town, and you can't pay for your death by giving away eggs for free?"

"Look what you said, little brother, that's not the case." The old woman laughed and said: "We are justified by faith. My Lord Gio Skua is good at giving. This year is difficult for everyone. My Lord loves the world. Hereby, For that.”


Many uncles and aunties were immediately moved and signed their names on a form with the mentality of giving it a try. Those who were illiterate also asked someone to write it for them.

"It's really crazy..."

The young man passing by muttered. Seeing more and more people queuing up to receive gifts, he even began to question himself:

‘So many people have gone to get it, so there should be no problem, right? ’

With such a mood, people who were not too cold at first began to join the long queue.

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, everyone has a share. Auntie, you see your name has been signed. Why don't you fill in another questionnaire? I'll give you potatoes as well..."

"Hey, sister, you are so kind. You have even filled out the questionnaire. Why don't you just fill in this form again? We will give you an umbrella. If it rains, you will be protected."

"You are such a good person! Let me tell you, on Sunday morning, there was a stage under the big elm tree at the east end of the village. There were all handsome men and beauties singing, performing stage plays and so on. I gave You have bought two tickets, and you can bring the elderly, children, or loved ones along with you, just for fun..."

At first, you can get gifts just by signing your name, but later on, they will gradually induce you to join more activities, try to contact you as much as possible, and increase the cohesion of outsiders towards the sect.

not only that.

The [Breaking God View], which worships Gio Skua as its main god, does not just rely on charity and questionnaires to spread its teachings.


In a fast food restaurant on the same street, a cute and innocent-looking boy and girl pulled some confused young people, holding a booklet in one hand, and said excitedly:

"Hey friend, do you know about Poliu? I'm doing a mission here to recruit new people, and I just want to introduce our organization to you..."

"In this way, our organization has a clear promotion system. If I develop three targets, I can become a team leader. Then as a team leader, if I help my subordinates develop three more team leaders, I can be promoted. As a team leader, if the team leader develops three more team leaders, I can become a regional manager..."

"And let me tell you, Poliang's skills can be inherited. In other words, the connections and subordinates you have accumulated can be inherited by your children and relatives..."

"Hey, we are not a business, we are an NGO..."


On the junior high school campus next to the fast food restaurant, a touching parent-student meeting was being held.

"I remember that when I was very young, I was very naughty and brought chaos at home. I was playful, playing games, skipping classes, and falling in love. Until one day, when I came home, my mother told me sadly, 'My child, Your father was buried under the mine and will never come back.' Then I suddenly realized..."

On the podium, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes burst into tears and complained bitterly to the young and ignorant students:

"Students, think about your parents, how hard they work every day! Day and night, they get up early and work hard, just for you to become the pillars of the Kingdom Council. Parents' kindness, without asking for anything in return, is a thousand kindnesses. The kindness has been repaid, but the kindness of parents is not yet complete!"

From the speakers, a touching tear-jerking melody played melodiously, and many teachers and students burst into tears. Taking this opportunity, the middle-aged man quickly said:

"Students, think about it, how long has it been since you said to your father: Dad, you worked hard! How long has it been since you said to your mother: Mom, I love you!"

"Now, let us put away our naughty mood, hug your parents, and say: You have worked hard, I love you..."

"It is the fault of the father to be unfilial, and it is the laziness of the teacher to teach laxly. At this opportunity, we might as well strike while the iron is hot and have a long talk with our parents. In order to increase the relationship between parents and children, we have carefully prepared some teaching materials: "Why "Learn to be grateful - listen to what Gio Skua said", now please ask the head teachers of each class to help us distribute it to students and parents, and read it carefully..."

The books with the emblem of "Breaking the Illusion of God" were distributed page by page to the students and parents. Amidst the touching and affectionate music, they tearfully took these books full of appeals to discipline and gratitude, love and life. , positive and confident books, but did not notice at all that a large amount of doctrinal propaganda was added between the lines.


"It's really, really unimaginable..."

In the dark room, Gio Skua raised his head, feeling the power that was constantly gathering towards him from heaven and earth.

"Obviously there is no base or church developed at all, but people continue to send me faith."

Although for this body, the divine capacity is not large and cannot accommodate so many beliefs, and it cannot even control the beliefs to change according to its own will - but in such a short period of time, so many beliefs have been collected. The outrageous number, even Gio Skua can only describe it in one word:

It’s fucking incredible!

"How on earth was it done..."

He couldn't help but look at Li Ozi, who was sitting cross-legged and in a state of meditation.

"Sir Leos, what exactly did you do?"

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