From star abyss

Chapter 689 393 Humanist Nuclear Bomb

Chapter 689 393. Humanist Nuclear Bomb

Li Ozi was completely surprised by Gio Skua's surprise.

"Just normal activities."

Li Ozi said perfunctorily.

Although Li Zi's memory is false, Li Ozi has integrated various skills gained from Li Zi's career as an 'anchor', and even combined them with his own experience to further expand.

The whole plan is very simple: gather a large number of people, form a new force, and force the remaining 4 Knights of the High Table to cooperate with the Fermi Institute and fight against themselves.

This is not even a conspiracy, the other party will not only step in happily, but also speed up as much as possible.

[They come to the door one by one. It's easy to alert the snake without telling anyone. And with Jota's level (9), if he really wants to hide him, it won't last for hundreds of years, so it's really hard to find him. 】

This is no exaggeration. Many strong men of the Yota level have simple cross-latitude and space-time characteristics.

One of the most basic manifestations is that the appearance does not age.

The more advanced ones, either the body will not fester, there is no need to replenish energy, or the body will slowly regress in time after being injured...

The 'Garden' Gaden who was killed by Li Ozi was even directly immune to the stagnation of time and space - well, although this characteristic is not uncommon.

After all, for the universe, 'time' does not exist.

You may have heard that matter is made of fire, carbon or quarks, but have you heard of what time is made of?

There are no time and space elements or time elements in this world.

In order to avoid wasting decades on guerrilla warfare on Dragon Satellite and possibly even overturning the situation in the process, Li Ozi chose the simplest and most efficient method:

Be a villain.

Instead of looking for clues one by one to fight the BOSS, Li Ozi chose to let the opponent form a team to fight him and Gio Skua.

[The essence of the Kingdom Council is an alliance of warlords and oligarchs. Due to the emergence of the void, the entire Dragon Satellite is highly dependent on science students and technocrats to govern the country. As a result, they have not made any progress in social sciences and institutions, and the connection between urban and rural areas is extremely poor. 】

What the blacksmith left to Li Aozi was not only strength, but also a large amount of wealth accumulation, giving Li Aozi a large amount of start-up capital for planning.

The most important thing is that the memories of the blacksmith and Polina in Gufeng Village gave Li Ozi a deep understanding of the social situation of Longxingxing.

In the kingdom, although cars and planes are everywhere, most areas still adopt the backward sharecropping system, and some places even retain serfs.

In Paulina's memory, there were almost no public schools, and private schools were still relied on to train scientific and technological talents. The government had no concept of compulsory education, so that the illiteracy rate in the kingdom was higher than that in the outside world of Azure Star.

Illiteracy means ignorance, and ignorance means that they are more likely to fall into superstition and religious temptation.

Due to the invasion of the Void, the Kingdom Council eliminated religion very early. As a result, they did not develop scholasticism, had no seminary, and had no tradition of apologetics.

As a result, the kingdom did not even develop imperial examinations (college entrance examinations) and universities (higher education).

The backward humanities technology tree gave Li Aozi an opportunity to make a big impact.

[In this case, let them experience the attack of advanced systems from interstellar civilization! 】

Due to the agreement he made with Qi Xiang, Li Ozi cannot spread the Tao on this planet.

However, Zhixiang only prohibited the path, not the worship of gods.

As a result, Li Ozi began to create a native monotheistic faith.

The first step is to put Gio Skua on the altar.

In fact, neither Li Ozi nor Gio Skua had any experience in running a religious order.

However, this is not important.

Because the essence of faith is concept and order.

All orthodox beliefs need to be based on ‘claiming to lead people to do good (outlook on life)’, ‘claiming about blessings in the afterlife (values)’, and ‘claiming that the Lord God created the world (worldview)’.

As long as you follow these three steps, you can establish a religious cult even if you find a double cheeseburger!

The outlook on life is very simple. Gio Skua's character is silly and naive, highlighting a person who is sincere to others, helps each other, and has the courage to stand up.

The blessings in the afterlife are also very simple. Since the Dragon Satellite is home to nihilism, in order to combat it, Li Ozi introduced two major materials:


Gratitude for education.

[Anyone who believes in Gio Skua, as long as you follow his rules throughout your life, you must not steal, kill, usury, or hate the poor... you will be able to escape the suffering of the world after death, and you will be rich in the next life - uh , reincarnate into a happier family. On the contrary, if you commit greed, anger, ignorance, pride, and doubt, you will suffer in the void for the rest of your life and will never be able to escape. 】

[It is precisely because of Gio Skua that you can live calmly in the world, so you must

These two moves directly produced shocking results for Long Weixing, who has the most advanced driving school education per capita.

Dragon Satellite has never experienced such an advanced humanistic system. Its local culture has been ravaged by the void. With Li Aozi's theory of blessings in the afterlife, it was kicked out of the stage.

As for nihilism - also because there is no ready-made humanistic education system in Longweixing, and even a philosopher cannot be found. Nihilism just spreads in people's hearts and turns into a pessimistic consciousness, but there is no way to form a truly systematic system. , organized and hierarchical sects.

Li Ozi has discovered one thing: Although it is sad to be infected with nihilism, its weakness is also obvious, that is, once defeated, it will be difficult to come back.

To fight against nothingness, either rely on ideals or faith.

Fortunately, Dragon Moon has long been free of religion.

As for the creation myth - Li Ozi directly copied his own [Holy Monument Religion].

No, it cannot be said to be copied.

He seriously replaced the word 'Leozi' with 'Gio Skua'.

The whole process takes less than three seconds.

Not only that, in the process of building the church, Li Aozi introduced various concepts such as star-level civilized political groups, fan circles, forum group chats, and company culture.

[Breaking God View] has its own badge symbols, a self-justifying system, and with the help of musicians and writers hired by Li Ozi, it has its own cultural products.

The believers have a unified name, a uniformly approved hymn to sing, and a uniform uniform. When they meet, they will raise their left palms to each other - a unified movement.

At this point, the religious order was established, and [Breaking God View] had a solid foundation that far exceeded the local level.

The second step is to become bigger and stronger.

As an interstellar citizen, Li Ozi has an academic degree as high as a one-year master's degree. Based on his career as a broadcaster, he does not understand the details of the operation of the sect, but he does understand how to become popular.

Popularity needs to be promoted through platforms in the early stage, so Li Aozi specially created a platform:

He spends money to various merchants and cooperates with them to carry out joint activities, such as selling apples. As long as the customer buys 3 pounds of apples, he will get a cute doll with the logo of "Breaking the God of God", and there is also a church on it. contact information, address and slogans.

Not only that, in order to speed up efficiency, Li Ozi did not hesitate to activate a notorious mode:


First, he will let the original believers, through development personnel, ask the developed personnel to develop more other personnel to join.

In this way, remuneration is calculated and paid to the development personnel based on the number of personnel developed on a rolling basis.

Then, when the number of people reaches a certain level, he will ask the pigs that will be developed later to pay a fee.

By now, Li Ozi had recovered the money he had spent on charity, printing scriptures, and making peripherals.

What if the developing believers don't have the money to maintain dues?

It doesn't matter, he will ask believers to pay fees in disguise by subscribing for goods.

The products here are naturally produced by the manufacturers we have cooperated with before, and contain Gio Skua promotional quotes and religious elements.

Under the influence of overwhelming religious information, even if you don't believe it, you will gradually become accustomed to it, and you will even be surprised by things that do not have these religious characteristics.

Not only that, Li Aozi's system requires the formation of an upline and downline relationship between believers and developers, and uses the sales performance of the downline as a basis to calculate and pay upline rewards.

At this point, the entire system has been patched.

In this way, it is equivalent to no matter how many believers you develop, you will always continue to work and continue to preach for Gio Skua.

The characteristic of this system is its stickiness. As long as it becomes contaminated, and with Li Ozi appearing in person from time to time and capturing the church's top leaders with his personal charm, everyone will non-stop continue to develop believers outwards in order to maintain their 'level' within the church. .

At the same time, in order to meet the church's own expenses and control personnel activities, Li Ozi's system allows the church to run completely on its own, and everyone will find work by themselves.

And because among developers, the upper and lower lines can be poached by competitors at any time, the competition within the church is extremely stressful and involution is common.

The right time, the right location, the right people, and the dimensionality reduction impact of humanities and technology.

And the result is this.

In just two months, Gio Skua has gained 20 million substantial followers.

They did not rely on path identification as a cohesion, but relied on funds, connections and culture to unite.

But this is only the second step.

In Xingyuan, there has always been a saying about establishing a sect: the prophet takes three steps.

The first step is to recruit people.

The second step is to make money.

The third step is to arm yourself.

"We have enough numbers now. There are more than 800,000 core members, 20 million believers, and nearly 100 million people affected. For the Kingdom Council, this is manpower that they cannot organize anyway. Once we launch , they will completely lose control of the local grassroots."

Li Ozi stood up slowly.

"Yeah, that's right."

Gio Skua said:

"It's time to start an armed rebellion - then, Sir Leos, didn't you give this rebellion a slogan?"

"I'm not good with names."

"Oh?" Gio Skua exclaimed, "How could you not be good at--oh, you are the planner after all, so you still have to do it."

"...I know that the slogan of the Void and the Kingdom Council is 'Return to the Void', which probably means embracing the void. If that is the case, then our rebellion slogan is——"

Li Ozi said calmly:

"Destroy the illusion."

"Let us shatter these nihilistic anxious illusions once and for all."

"It's time to drive the beasts of the void back to the abyss."

At this moment, Li Ozi already knew deeply that he had dropped a religious bomb on Dragon Satellite. The cultural invasion from Xingyuan might severely damage the local cultural development of Dragon Satellite.

But that's not important.

If the local culture of Dragon Satellite is really strong enough, then they will only draw nutrients from these religions and be tolerant and helpful.

To say the least, even if their culture is destroyed... who cares?

This is one after all, because of the void invasion, it only took 80 years to enter the primitive civilization of industrial technological civilization.

As long as the foreign enemies are driven out, they will slowly adjust and return to normal social conditions.

The so-called civilization is the shining crystallization of humanities and science and technology.

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