From star abyss

Chapter 690 394 Alas, Xingyuan

Chapter 690 394. Alas, Xingyuan

In early March, the beginning of spring, it is a season of full of vitality and all things competing.

However, what unfolded before the self-determination agency under the Kingdom Parliament was an extremely difficult situation.

On the southern coast of the kingdom, Nusfar Province.

Buzz buzz...

A majestic wave of locusts swept across the earth, turning the sky yellow. Wherever it went, even domestic animals and humans were torn to pieces and then devoured by the locust swarms.

Millions of people died of hunger, the fire illuminated the earth, and people ate each other.

The gangs rioted, the army was raised, and the soldiers were recruited, and countless people were injured.


‘White Crow’ Evans landed on the plain, looked at the locust plague that covered the sky, and casually reached in to grab one.


He took out his palm and killed a locust with it. The disgusting juice stained the luxurious armor and exuded an unpleasant stench.

But that's not important.

As a Yota level (9), there were slight scratches on the back of his hands.

"...This is no ordinary disaster."

Evans tilted his head, and the scratches on the back of his hands were gradually repaired by void energy. He clenched his fists and looked at the terrifying wave that stretched for tens of thousands of kilometers with a solemn gaze:

"Without the breath of void, who caused the natural disaster?"

He didn't care about the life and death of the local people or the population. He was just worried whether such a disaster was accidental or man-made.

If it is man-made... then the person behind it definitely has the power to subvert the situation.

He had doubts, but he couldn't see in the plain below him a group of men and horses in black and green clothes, running around in the fields, setting up porridge stalls and distributing grain and grass.

Compared to the soldiers sent by the kingdom to suppress them, these priests in black and green clothes and wearing the four-horned bull head emblem appeared so kind. More importantly, they brought very rich food.

"Don't worry, don't worry, everyone has a share!"

These black and green sect members move in an orderly manner and are never alone to avoid being robbed by rioters. Through data screening, the materials in their hands are accurately distributed to everyone.

Gradually, a rumor spread among the refugees: Those families who had previously filled out the form and signed their names would be given priority in the distribution of supplies. As long as they joined the church of [Breaking God View], they would have priority in receiving food.

Although the church has repeatedly refuted the rumor and proved it to be false, it has not stopped the spread of such claims.

For a time, the residents of the kingdom who were originally uninterested or scornful of religion, driven by the dual oppression of hunger and locust plagues, broke through the door of the clergy, accepted baptism, examination, and finally converted...

Similar incidents are still happening.

In the south, in the Garswell Province, heavy rains continued, and towns and farmland were flooded.

——[Peilian Shenguan] provided tens of thousands of ships for refugees to live and migrate. One of the huge ships, the White Candle Star, exceeded one million tons and could accommodate 200,000 people working and living on it.

In the north, Flowen Province suffered a once-in-a-millennium cold wave. Livestock froze to death, and the temperature in extreme areas reached as low as minus 260 degrees, completely reducing it to a life-limiting zone.

——The ‘God of Destruction’ Gio Skua brought down a miracle, destroying icebergs, blasting open the earth’s crust with one punch, drawing out magma and volcanic ash, forming a fertile and warm gathering place.

To the east, in Wan Ning Province, the radiated seawater discharged poured back into the living pipes, killing and injuring all living people in the city.

——It was still the personnel of Shenguan who took action, bringing pure water, organizing convoys, and taking living people out of the polluted wasteland.


"Everything went according to plan and went very smoothly. The people in the Kingdom Council must have realized the problem."

In the magnificent church, Leo Ozi and Gio Skua sat face to face, discussing the situation in front of them.

"The mobility of the Destroying God Concept is really... quite unique to you, Mr. Leosz."

Gio Skua looked at the report presented below and felt deeply in his heart.

A scene of tragedy, a step of redemption.

Whenever a disaster occurs, people with divine vision can always take action immediately.

The resident identity, family member information, and address work they collected played a huge role at this moment, and they can track and locate everyone in real time. Because of this, they are extremely efficient.

This is also the work of Li Ozi.

"There is Internet in the sky of Dragon Satellite, but it is only used for communication and cannot realize the interconnection of all things - it doesn't matter, I just know it."

Li Ozi achieved big data screening and positioning without wasting much effort. Codes can be generated casually using the magical intelligence of White Candle Star.

As the president of a country, Li Ozi can freely mobilize some large transport cargo ships that have long been eliminated by White Candle Star. In the face of extreme floods, this large ship is enough to become an ark of hope.

Continuously performing miracles, constantly creating redemptions, and standing up at the most critical moments - this is the key to winning people's hearts.

Of course, only Gio Skua on the side knew what the truth of all this was.

"...Sir Leos." Gio Skua couldn't help but say.

"What's the matter?" Li Ozi looked indifferently.

Gio Skua looked at the other party and said:

"Don't you think too many people have been sacrificed by doing this?"

"In order to create an image and quickly expand the power of the church, you caused disasters everywhere. Many mortals with only Zeta (6) starved to death in the fields, were drowned in wind and snow and froze to death. Countless wives were separated and families were destroyed."

"And all this..."

"This is the most efficient way."

Li Ozi said calmly:

"You should understand me, Gio Skua."

Gio Skua nodded. If he had a human face, his brows would be furrowed and his eyes would be dissatisfied and sullen:

"No matter what, the cost of this is too heavy. Even for a mortal, it is still life!"

"We are gods, Gio Skua, don't forget your roots."

After Li Ozi said that, he stood up, turned around and left:

"It's time for the next disaster. I'll go and harm other provinces."

"If you disregard human life like this, you will be punished by God."

Gio Skua scolded.

"We are the gods. Mortals have no right to condemn us."

Li Aozi said these words, crossed the timeline and disappeared without looking back.


It wasn't until a few minutes after Li Ozi left that Gio Skua leisurely raised his hand:

"It's really watertight. The special emphasis is on 'we'. Are you aware of it? No, I feel that He really feels that way."

Gio Skua touched his chin:

"It's unmistakable. Such a natural performance, straightforward dialogue without any nonsense, and actions that are done at all costs to achieve the goal - this guy is Leoz himself, it's true."

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