From star abyss

Chapter 691 395 Arbitrary

Chapter 691 395. Be arbitrary

The previous fragments appeared in his mind:


"Then, Sir Leos, didn't you give this rebellion a slogan?"

"I'm not good with names."

"How could you not be good at--oh, you are the planner after all, so you still have to do it."

"...I know that the slogan of the Void and the Kingdom Council is 'Return to the Void', which probably means embracing the void. If that is the case, then our rebellion slogan is——"

"Destroy the illusion."


"Would Leos be bad at naming names?"

Gio Skua sneered:

"Mephidria has been sleeping for a long time, and all powers have been decentralized to the agents, from civil and military officials to hundreds of officials, but all sequence authorities, even the name of the planet Haines, including 'Pantheon' - these classic names, are Leoz obtained it himself."

From the moment they met, Gio Skua felt deeply suspicious of this familiar yet unfamiliar guy.

"Sir Leos just doesn't like to waste time, it doesn't mean he doesn't have literary talent."

Li Ozi has the aura of Leo Ozi, and the smell is very pure, but his personality and abilities are somewhat different.

Especially character.

As a cannon fodder god, Leoz has no remaining emotional function. But when they first met, Li Ozi used his authority to carefully carve a flower and presented it to the deceased.

This isn't like Leoz.

On the's a bit like a 'seed'.

"Is this guy a 'seed'? Or did he get something from the 'seed'?"

During this period of time, He deliberately pretended to be honest and innocent, just to confirm this.

"However, this guy should indeed have something to do with Leoz. Unfortunately, the last time I met Leoz, I was being corrupted by [society], and that guy Leoz was too cruel, and my consciousness was a little blurry... I remember I don’t know who befell Leos.”

It's not that he doubts his best friend - it's that when it comes to matters involving the Star Abyss, no matter how much Gio Skua values ​​friendship, he doesn't dare to neglect it.

The order given by Xingyuan was, 'If the seed is not in one's own hands, then destroy it. ’

And Ryan's calm attitude also made Gio Skua feel strange about Leoz's state.

Leanding repeatedly asked about "Liz" and "Leozi". Thinking about it now, maybe Le Anding also suspected that Leoz was 'Liz'.

It happened to be Liz, it happened that Liz committed suicide again, and Xingyuan's 'seed' disappeared.

How can there be so many coincidences?

At this point, even a fool can deduce the inextricable relationship between 'Liz' and 'Seed'.

Even Gio Skua could say with certainty: Leandian asked him to come here just to find Liz.

Unfortunately, he didn’t know what kind of person ‘Liz’ was either.

Since Jiao Ziniu was a social terror and rarely interacted with people in real life, Gio Skua could not get any useful information. If it were confirmed that Liz was Leos, Gio Skua would save a lot of effort.

But now, Gio Skua is sure.

Although there are still doubts in his heart, during this period of time, Li Ozi's vigorous and resolute actions, at the expense of a large number of civilians in pursuit of efficiency, have made Gio Skua confirm that this is Li Ozi himself.

"It seems I'm really worrying too much, Leos."

At the thought of this, Geoskua breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course, Leos was not the seed of Xingyuan, but he was worried that the 'seed' would see through his thoughts and deliberately disguised himself as Leos to deceive him.

After all, as soon as he arrived on this planet, he immediately met familiar old friends.


This fellow warrior who had once been loyal to Xingyuan was not in a hurry to clear [society], but was busy grabbing territory and integrating with the local void narrative.

Although Gio Skua does not understand the background of the plot in his previous life, no matter how the narrative goes, he is nominally a force of the Star Abyss.

Let me ask, who would not be suspicious of this?

The worst result is that the 'seed' has been contaminated and betrayed Xingyuan.

After all, this guy has a system that is 14 versions ahead of the players, and he has also conducted a timeline preview. I am afraid that he is already familiar with the genealogical entanglements between the gods of the Star Abyss. It is hard to say if he wants to pretend to be...

What Gio Skua really cares about is 'Liz' and the seeds.


"Have you noticed that Liz has something special?"

"This, for example - you have never been exposed to a piece of knowledge, but you can reach the level of proficiency immediately, you are very good at mobilizing troops, you are cold-blooded and ruthless in pursuing interests, you will even get yourself bruised and bruised for the sake of efficiency, or He said that you don’t need to write questions in the exam, and you can submit a perfect answer sheet..."

"Liz is definitely not a smart person. He is only good at learning through practice. He did not continue studying after finishing high school. I have never heard that he likes to play military strategy games. As for pursuing interests, he probably doesn't. Efficiency is even less important. By the way, Liz is always late for every training session, he is basically lazy and in the late stages, and as for the exams - he seems to have never taken any social exams."

"Isn't it Him? But if it's not Him, how can we explain this situation..."


Looking back now, what Leanding was describing should be Leoz's character.

The ‘Liz’ that Jiao Ziniu described was a lazy, world-weary young man who liked practice and hated the scripted and exam-oriented system.

Maybe Leanding was guessing from the beginning that Leos was in contact with the 'seed'?

Maybe even swapping identities.

But don't worry now.

"Leoz is still the same Leotz. Now it seems that he really just happened to appear on this planet by chance."

"As for 'Liz', the seed, he must be somewhere on this planet, maybe over there in the void, maybe in the Kingdom Council, or even between the high-top tables..."

The scope is not difficult to guess at all.

With the seed's talent and entering the Star Abyss early, his strength will not be low.

But the Dragon satellite is isolated from the universe, and there is no possibility for the seeds to dive into the star abyss.

Therefore, the strength of the seed can only be between Jotta (9) and Kappa (10).

Gio Skua was very relaxed.

Leoz is Leoz, and it has nothing to do with the 'seed'. Maybe even before He revealed the information, Leoz really didn't know anything about the 'seed'.

What he fears most is that the 'seed' will be taken away by Leoz and taken as his own. There was nothing he could do in this situation.

In this way, at least the final possible confrontation of swords was avoided.

As for mortals?

Gio Skua didn't care.

It doesn't matter how many mortals die, Xingyuan has no shortage of this kind of thing. It would be better to say that if these mortals are less, they will not feed [society] fat and strong.

Leoz proved his innocence, more than anything else.

"It's just that I'm still a bit confused..."

He groped his chin, looked at the black and green flags around him, and pondered:

"This time he didn't blow up the planet - was he too inefficient?"

"Thinking about it this way, it seems that the suspicion cannot be ruled out."

"Let me see how you behave next, Sir Leos."


Li Ozi stepped out of the timeline and came to a pool of water. He stepped on the water and walked calmly.

A few hours ago, he launched the arcane missile of [Bane] here, cursing this land.

Unlike in the past, which required direct control of arcana, arcana missiles required more emphasis on destructive effects, which directly caused a serious flood disaster.

Millions were displaced and tens of thousands died.

The girl holding the doll tightly has a pale body and swollen skin, floating along the current.

A woman held her swaddling clothes above her head, half leaning on the driftwood, and floating on the water. Even though her body was soaked and smelly, she did not let go.

Her baby swayed in the wind on its strong arms, still crying loudly on the water.

Xingfu Travel's self-driving car struggled hard for a few times, but was submerged by floods and sand. The air was consumed little by little, and he drowned in the car.

Looking at the bodies floating on the water and being eaten by fish, Li Ozi just raised his hand.

[Choose arcane missile type——[Eye of Truth]]

Li Ozi raised his hand, and the Moonlight believers behind him all raised their hands.

[True Vision Missile—Launch]

Five streams of silver light rushed into the water, revealing the information, location and physiological conditions of each corpse.

Their souls are still wandering in this world.

Li Ozi remained silent, his hands slowly dancing in the air, like a doctor performing precise operations on the operating table.

[Professional talent·Teacher's Army Soul]: Effect C. "Civilization Mission"

Li Ozi quietly opened up dimensional rift channels one after another, used gravity to pull the corpses and souls, weakly positioned the bosons, and safely sent those who died because of him into the world of another dimension.

A wandering soul noticed Li Ozi and immediately rushed up to question and hold him accountable.

He was very emotional. Having seen through Li Ozi's atrocities, he could not understand such an extreme approach.

In response, Li Ozi just nodded.

"This is for the sake of efficiency. No need to forgive me for being arbitrary - feel free to hate me."

Li Ozi showed no guilt or remorse, which aroused the anger of the souls.

‘What do you think we are? ! ’

‘We are not tools! We are people with dignity! ’

'careerist! monster! tyrant! Damn it! You are ten thousand times more evil than void! ’

Li Ozi didn't care, but continued:

"These passages will lead to some peaceful and peaceful different-dimensional worlds without void intrusion and kingdom tyranny. They are all carefully screened by me. You may become weaker there, but you will be safe there."

"By the way. When you get there, even though you will be reincarnated, you will still be able to retain the memories, talents, and skills of this life. Most of them are universal. With a little effort, you should be able to get rich."

"From now on, as time travellers, you will hate me for the rest of your life and live your life in hatred."

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