From star abyss

Chapter 729 434 Ruling

[Feat: Acting decisively]

Siders raised his hand with difficulty, knelt on the ground, and stretched it toward his head little by little.

The origin rolled up his consciousness and body, just like it condensed civilization and territory. For the entire civilization, this was a blessing, but for the individual, it was like crushing the soul and distributing it evenly. to every cell in the body.

Sides' soul was pulled away, and Leoz immediately launched an invasion, mobilizing his powerful charm and giving orders to Sides.


[Your real-time [Charm] is: 19987]


Two divine blades popped out from his palms, and under the gaze of Siddes' pupils, they moved closer to his eye sockets.

[Charisma test passed]


The sharp blade penetrated Siddes's eyes, and then violently stirred.

The next moment, Siddes's spirit briefly struggled to wake up, and he roared towards the sky, his eyes and mouth bursting with light into the sky.


Leoz raised his hand, ignited the Chaos Fire, disrupted the light beam rising into the sky, and punched him in the face. The latter immediately fell to the ground, and his body quickly decayed.

"The golden cicada escapes from its shell, abandons the car to protect the handsome man - just being clever."

Leoz knew exactly what that meant.

The strength of Siddes's soul is still too high, or in other words, the protection of the Star Abyss on him is too strong, which seems to be a blessing from death.

If it were an ordinary god, Origin Earth would be enough to crush his soul together with his body, erasing his self-consciousness and sealing it in the particles of Origin Earth, leaving not even a trace of existence behind.

Leos didn't know whether it was because there was too little Origin Earth, or because the Blessing of the Star Abyss was too strong, or both.

Fortunately, he had already anticipated this situation and was ready when he ordered Sides to commit suicide.

[Sequence 1·Chaos]

With the support of the powerful [Charm], he has laid down numerous seas of chaotic fire. Under the disturbance of the dark flames, Sides' soul cannot find the right direction to escape, and can only keep spinning and hitting the wall in the wave of chaos. , being roasted bit by bit by the fire.

Leos waited quietly.

The fires of Chaos have been ignited, and the end will soon come to Siddes.

Several years ago, Siddes escaped from his own hands and saved his life.

This time, the abyssal protection on Siddes could no longer save him.

In the black flames, not a single cry came from Sides. It may be that Chaos distorted the rules of sound resonance. Leoz just watched his soul struggle, escape, spin in circles, and then was bit by bit entangled by the black flames. It's like being strangled by a python, unable to disobey.

In the end, Sides didn't even leave a last word or a look. His soul fluttered into the sky like a kite with its string broken. At the last moment of his life, he seemed to feel the call of the star abyss.

That was his hometown, the place where he was born.

Leoz stared indifferently at Sid's soul, who stretched out his hand toward the dark blue starry sky, as if he wanted to try his best to touch the trajectory of home.

But in the end, the dark flames swallowed up Siddes silently, dissipating in the air together with the chaotic fire.

As the chaotic flames ended, Leoz lowered his head, and the moonlight armor all over his body was shattered into pieces, turning into six-winged butterflies, floating in the air.

[DLC content has ended, time until next play: 30 calendar days]

"it's over……"

Li Ozi raised his head and looked in all directions with his blue eyes.

With the destruction of the Lord of the Void and more civilized species successfully resisting the invasion, the inherent time domain of the void also began to shrink. Although in a short period of time, the Dragon Satellite lost 70% of its territory, Li Ozi liberated " Social Institutions" released a large number of powerful civilizations that were not infected by the Star Abyss Path, which greatly supplemented the land, technology, humanities and racial diversity of Dragon Satellite.

In the future, Dragon Satellite should find a path that truly suits itself among the collisions of various civilizations.

But that’s all for another day.

The authority of Chaos disappeared with Leoz, and the black flames passed by. The void corals and crystallized earth had changed their appearance at this moment. They transformed from void species that eroded civilization into fertile black soil and open-pit mine deposits. The air is no longer a monotonous and suffocating atmosphere. Various types of bacteria, gases, sulfur... everything seems to have returned to the original atmosphere.

When the heaven and earth first opened, everything was in chaos.

Li Ozi raised his hand, clenched his fist, and joked:

"This kind of ability is almost the same as that of the Creator. If I were you, I would set up another branch and work alone."

Leos could no longer answer him. It would be better to say that they had reached a new state of integration.

Li Ozi had no unnecessary emotion and immediately took the opportunity to inventory what he had left for himself after defeating Siddes.

The first is experience. He jumped over the level and killed Siddes. Although he received a 70% penalty for "using DLC ​​content", the remaining experience was enough for Li Ozi to persist until the players arrived.

Then there are some miscellaneous materials: [God's Armor Polluted by the Void], [Fallen Godhead (Void Attribute)], [Void Tentacles] - these are all valuable things.

Some of the materials had their properties changed because they were burned by Leoz with the Fire of Chaos. Li Oz fired a [Eye of Truth] arcane missile and read them all in one go.

Then he became depressed - the materials and props that had been burned by Chaos had turned into very low-level primitive existences. The originally rare [Void Tendon] was burned by Chaos and turned directly into [Biological Tendon] , not worth much at all, the kind that is looked down upon even among scraps.

However, Li Ozi is now worth a little bit, and he is considered a good young man with nearly 100 million yuan. He doesn't care about these scraps of metal, just pack them up and throw them into the dimensional space.

Anyway, players will hold it up as a treasure.

Unfortunately, as the king of the void path, Siddes did not bring any equipment at all, and Li Ozi did not get any useful props. As for a Void King, his body is the most valuable.

Then he was burned clean by Leoz.

All Leods left him was a worthless particle of Origin Earth.

Li Ozi hesitated for a long time, but even the [Eye of Truth] couldn't tell the truth about this thing.

In the end, he still couldn't find the way to use Origin Earth, so he could only turn back and let Leoz operate it by himself.

The above is all the gains from this battle.

If you only look at the value, I'm afraid it won't exceed 100 million ammonium gold. If you sell it to players, you might be able to gain a wave of experience. There is nothing else to gain.

Of course, it can't be said that this time, he completely cleared up the mess left by Leoz, and also learned the purpose and operation of Xingyuan. This information is priceless.

"I can only say that it's not a loss. It's worth coming. At least it's not in vain."

Li Ozi comforted himself and put back the soil. Suddenly, he noticed the eyes behind him and turned around immediately.


Zhixiang walked slowly across the sea. It kept the appearance of Milady Fanny, with purple hair and purple eyes, and was dressed in the costume of a knight of the kingdom.

But this time, the fake smile on its face was gone, replaced by a solemn expression.

"Hey." Li Ozi said hello and put one hand on his waist: "Why are you keeping a straight face? Just smile."

Zhixiang walked up to him, raised his head, looked deeply at Li Aozi, and said nothing.


Li Ozi and Zhi Xiang looked at each other. He couldn't read anything in each other's eyes, just like he couldn't know why Zhi Xiang wanted to leave him alone in the mountains and forests.

But one thing is for sure, he can feel that Qixiang's attitude at this moment is much more serious than ever before.

A few minutes passed in silence.


Finally, Zhixiang lowered his head, sighed, and said helplessly:

“I thought about a lot of different openings, but in the end I couldn’t come up with anything.”

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if we have awkward conversations. I'm quite boring to begin with."

Li Ozi shrugged and didn't care.

"What should I say..."

Zhixiang raised his arm, put his fingertips on his chin, pondered for a moment, and said:

"As an original species, my life is too long. In many cases, our original species, which does not even have the concept of 'death', cannot resonate with you like you."

She raised her hand and held a bouquet of delicate flowers in her palm.

"For example, when short-lived species see flowers withering, they will feel that time is fleeting, youth is gone forever, and the past time cannot be retrieved. For primitive species, it is difficult to understand that it is just a normal life cycle. Why does it arouse so many associations, and you even create cultural products for it?"

Her eyelashes trembled slightly, and the flowers in her palms quickly withered and decayed. After losing the support of weak force, they soon turned into debris and passed away in the wind.

Zhixiang looked at the fragments of petals carried away by the wind. For a moment, Li Aozi noticed that she stretched out her hand to gently hold back the disappearance of the petals.

"But now, I probably understand this feeling. Just because life is short, you will be like meteors streaking across the night sky, illuminating the prosperity of the moment in the darkness, and try your best to leave your own traces on the world."

Zhixiang murmured and sighed:

"From paramecium to the overlord of civilization - in the past, it relied on gene replication, then family inheritance, then national culture, then the consciousness level - finally, it converged in the grand narrative, endless and endless."

"Short, blazing, and then continue to pass on and burn." Li Ozi said: "I thought you understood it a long time ago."

"Understanding doesn't mean you can empathize."

Zhixiang said calmly:

"Of course you know how difficult it is for those coal miners to survive, but when you see them in groups, shouting with accents from all over the world, making junk short videos, behaving vulgarly, and fighting over a few meals - you will Do you sympathize with them?"

"Well - even civilized people may not be able to do it themselves." Li Ozi waved his hand: "Anyway, I understand you. It's not your fault. Human beings themselves can't understand each other. It's really too much to ask you to understand this. A bit of moral kidnapping.”

"I have stayed in Dragon Satellite for a long time and have been working hard to maintain this pure land that is not polluted by roads. One day in the future, this place may become a new cradle for civilization to get rid of the interference of the star abyss and develop independently. I imitated the short-lived species, Soaking my own efforts in this land, I believe in them and love them..."

Zhixiang looked across the coast. The civilization released by Li Aozi was continuing to clean up the void:

"But I haven't done anything well. I am immortal and ever-changing, but I don't have the ability to fight head-on. I can only rely on spreading quality rain and raising some children to delay the invasion of the void."

"Isn't it pretty good? As an original species, no one asks you to do this. It's completely out of ideals and requires no reward. It's pretty good."

Li Ozi comforted him.

"Yes." Zhixiang said calmly: "What I haven't been able to do for so long, a decent-looking kid can do it in five years."

"There's no need to belittle yourself—let's just think you're complimenting me." Li Ozi joked: "Thank you for the compliment, and I need to thank you for your help, Qixiang."

"No, it's me who should thank you."

Zhixiang turned his head and said to Li Aozi:

"Leo Oz, no, or should I call you Li Oz?"

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