From star abyss

Chapter 787 002 All Mobilization

73 hours ago

"The current examination shows that there are no major problems. Naifeis's physical condition is normal, and he has even broken through the Eta (7th) level."

N4 touched his chin, looked at Nefes who had been trying to show that he was very cute, and said doubtfully:

"I can't say about the change in personality. It is true that hormones can change a person's personality and even their gender. However, the signals in the cerebral cortex show that she has not been stimulated by any pheromone and her physiological index is normal."

After sending Di Yalan away, Li Ozi took Nefes to his manor. N4 had already prepared a laboratory here. As soon as he arrived, he immediately started full-body testing.

However, the two people have different views on the test report.

"No, this is already very abnormal."

Li Aozi put down the test report sheet and said in a deep voice:

"'Gabros' is a war machine built by the company and ready for mass production. Compared with ordinary Zeta-class, the cost is higher, but the combat effectiveness is increased exponentially - the price is that the path of these Gabros is It was pulled up by force. It is impossible to break through to a higher level."

"Really?" N4 stepped forward, looked at Nefes, and said, "I can't see any traces of adjustment on her body. If you hadn't said anything, I would have thought she was a natural person."

"It seems like that's the effect of [Bloodline]."

Li Ozi thoughtfully said:

"The effect is the same as the previous one on the child. It is not just a direct replacement of the blood, but modification of the bloodline and genes... and it will also repair some problems."

"Speaking of physical issues, since this child is a weapon of war, how long is its service life?"

N4 pinched Nefes's shoulder, a little confused:

"I can't tell her age. Her body seems to have grown again."

"That's because I ascended again."

Nefes said coldly and compared two scissor hands:

"The service life of Gabros is generally 60 years, but in fact it was scrapped after 58 years."

"Then you have to be lucky that you have ascended again."

N4 said:

"Otherwise, you're already dead."

"Dead?" Li Ozi frowned: "What does that mean?"

"According to the data we collected before, the power of [Bloodline] only modifies blood and genes, or 'life' in the biological sense. However, since it is in the biological sense, there is no way to interfere with the most fundamental level.”

N4 knocked on the computer and explained:


Li Ozi suddenly realized:

"You mean, the entropy of life?"

"[Bloodline] can only transform life, but it cannot transform or prolong information entropy. This is easy to understand. Even Leoz can't grasp the power to control information, right?"

"It is true." Li Ozi pondered for a moment and said: "Leozi holds the number one [Chaos] in the sequence, but it is just pure destructive power and does not have the space to be carefully controlled."

"I think so. If Leos really had that kind of ability, I'm afraid there would be no need to usurp power."

N4 said calmly:

"After all, dominating, manipulating, mastering, interpreting, and deleting information is the true authority of the Creator."

“If you look at this world as a game, it’s easy to understand.”

"Then the creators are the first generation of main gods, the pioneers of various paths. They are the administrators of the game and the first batch of authorized users."

"Above the administrators are hackers, namely the three Destroyers. They entered our game server and implanted root files, allowing the original viral mod to gradually invade the main program, and finally The goal is to completely take down the server."

"The top existence is the Will of Star Abyss itself. They are lurking in the deepest network. They are the server owners and developers of the game server. But I think that Will of Star Abyss seems to have hired some different designers to assist it. Otherwise, If so, there is no way to explain the existence of Adventers and Sides - after all, everyone knows that the boss is always the one with the least creativity in a unit."

"Please don't say that." Nefes threatened coldly: "Boss Leoz has a one-year master's degree."

"That's very well said, Nephis, don't say it next time."

Li Ozi raised his hand and grabbed Naifei's head, throwing the crocodile girl off the testing table:

"So, in general, the upper limit of [bloodline] stops here?"

"I can't say. After all, I'm not an expert in arcana. Being able to analyze so much for you is already the limit of Layer Abyss."

N4 raised his hand as if asking for money:

"If you want to know more about the secrets of arcane energy and life, why don't you bring me a fragment of the Discrimination Eye."

"Then forget it, it's a bit dangerous."

Li Ozi shook his head.

It's not that he can't do it, but that until now, he has been guarding against N4.

This woman cannot be completely satisfied, otherwise she will immediately feel worthless and defect without hesitation.

"But I have to warn you."

N4 said:

"The potential of this arcane energy is indeed great, but if you plan to rely on this [bloodline] to fight against Lord Entropy..."

"I don't expect this. I just hope to use this arcane power to save as many people as possible from Lord Entropy."

"You have really changed a lot. Is it because you are going to be a father?"

"Rather than being a father, I want to be a founder of civilization."

Li Ozi said calmly:

"In the grand narrative, no one can stay out of it. Even I have to make the necessary sacrifices."

"Lee Oz."

N4 said:

"Your previous plan was great."

She nodded and said:

"I admire you for being able to take this step."

Before Li Ozi could say anything, N4 immediately changed the subject:

"But if you defeat Lord Entropy, how will you come back?"

"I've already thought about that ending."

"No longer returning to White Candle Star? In other words, no longer returning to Layer Abyss?"

"I have already made arrangements for this kind of thing."

Li Ozi smiled slightly:

"The descendants will arrive in twenty hours. We have to prepare. This time, we must go all out and show the courage to go out for all-out war - Nefes, is it okay to lead the troops to attack?"

Naifei's eyes widened and he winked fiercely:

"Keep it on me, boss."

"The storage of top colonial equipment is sufficient. 3 million units of colonial equipment are enough for the descendants to consume." N4 said: "But in fact, there is not much time left for you. According to my observation, your action time is only 20 hours.”

"Not that rich."

Li Ozi said seriously:

"Once I land on the surface of the blue star, Mr. Entropy will be immediately angry. We only have 9 hours left. Check it again now and use all means. The longer we prepare, the greater the success rate."

"What if it fails?"

"There is no such possibility." Li Ozi said coldly: "Either win or die. Our goal in taking this action is to defeat Lord Entropy from the front. There is only one outcome for failure: Lord Entropy will continue to spread to the entire Fairy Super Galaxy. It even spreads to the Milky Way Eye."

"Narrative civilization will not allow such a result." N4 said.

"Yes, but it is easier to deal with us than to deal with Lord Entropy." Li Aozi took a deep breath, "We are a weak country. No matter how good the literal data is, it cannot compare to the existence of hegemonic empires. I I will use my diplomatic skills and personal connections to try my best to gain opportunities for us and create an environment to fight against Mr. Entropy."

"Is there no foreign aid?"

"No one can bear the responsibility for the defeat." Li Aozi shook his head and said bitterly: "I dare not tell anyone about this matter. I have not informed any of the three major narratives. I'm sorry, this is my personal decision. , Azure Star must be preserved.”

"...At this point, I can't say anything."

N4 put his hands on his hips and looked at Li Ozi:

"On the Azure Star, people call you a legend, a hero, a madman, and even 'Lee Ozzy of Miracles.' But I never thought you were a miracle worker."

"Behind every seemingly gamble is actually your careful planning and ambition."

"You can see far away, almost like you have precognitive powers."

“So, there’s not much I can say – may you succeed.”

N4 said:

"See you in Jingyuan."


N4's worries are not worth mentioning to Li Aozi. He has considered these issues very early.

Saying goodbye to N4, Nefes followed him on a secret flight all the way to the Bousterli Center.

In order to prepare for the decisive battle, Li Ozi must use all his strength.

The center of Bosterly is a large planetary elemental fortress. It was built and controlled by the legendary [Architect] 'Frost World' Pei Yin Bosterly. It is completely composed of frost elements. It is exquisite and gorgeous, but it is not impressive. It feels cold or damp, but the climate is extremely pleasant.

However, Bousterli is already old and has suffered a lot of setbacks. Currently, the eldest son, Pei Xiuqin Bosterley, serves as the head of the family. He is a cute boy who looks like a porcelain doll, with blue eyes, purple hair, and white socks.

With the bonuses of [Charming Star] and [Our Lady of Salvation], Pei Xiuqin received Li Aozi warmly. With little effort, Li Aozi won the trust of the other party. After a few words of negotiation, Pei Xiuqin's family saw that Li Aozi's eyes were full of love, and he kept avoiding Li Aozi's sight, as if every word he said was full of fatal temptation.

Thanks to the favor of the other party, when he left the Bosterly family's mansion, Li Ozi already had a tome made of frost in his hand.

""World Architecture: A General Theory of the Operation of Underlying Logic"."

Li Ozi flipped through it casually. With his current [intelligence], learning would still take some time, so he simply spent experience learning.

[You have come into contact with a secret book of the Tao, and the power of craftsmanship contained in it will make you feel more intimate and benefit a lot]

[You have obtained a sub-profession——[Architect]]

[Activate professional talents:——[Objective editor]]

[Objective Editor] - [Architect] is an expert who is proficient in understanding the world, starting from the underlying logic, thinking, intervening, and editing the operation of the world. You can see the original logic of how things operate and constantly analyze the structure of various things.

This will give you the ability to:

① The language of imaginary numbers - the mage uses magic power, the mechanic controls magnetism, the biochemist controls cell energy, and the [Architect] uses the power called 'imaginary number'. You can use this infinite power to a certain extent to modify the objective physical world. The imaginary value depends on your [Intelligence].

②Computer Specialization - You can immediately get started with computer equipment produced by various civilizations, and generate various phenomena by inputting specified programs and consuming the power of imaginary numbers.

③ Imaginary number nerve - [Architect]'s exclusive built-in organ, distributed in the prefrontal lobe of your brain, can be triggered through the visual nerve. Imaginary nerves allow you to perform limited editing of the terrain within sight, allowing you to generate and transform different terrains based on different elements.

④ Ultra-limited blasting - [Architect] can invade the real world through imaginary nerves, consume the power of imaginary numbers, and cause pure blasting effects of non-physical nature. The damage is based on your [intelligence].

⑤Elemental architecture - You can organize and structure the existing elements, and generate magical creations or exquisite natural wonders according to the preloaded blueprints. Destruction and destruction are up to you.


[Congratulations on unlocking all [Jingyi] path professions. 】

[You have obtained the achievement: "Only Wisdom is Immortal" - the reward title "Familiar of Fine Arts\

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