From star abyss

Chapter 788 003 Reconciliation before the war

【Corona Pope】

As a third-level profession of the [Dominator] system, it is far less powerful than the terrifying dominance of the [Yuexian Bishop] that defeated all second-level professions during the period. Despite its famous name, in terms of positioning, it is a pure mage.

All along, if you look at it from Sides' point of view, [Starfall Division] is not weak at all, and has a smooth growth curve.

At first glance, as an unpopular profession, relying on unpopular professions to make a difference, and how powerful the unpopular profession is in the future, it sounds like a machinist.

But in fact, [Pope] is responsible for the reason why [Starfall Master] has become solitary and unpopular.

In the [Pope] stage, the weak body, long singing time, and strict professional training have seriously affected the player's interest in playing.

[Mutant] has a variety of gameplay, [Echoer] has a very distinctive special attack against groups, and [Bishop] is a highly mobile spell assassin with range damage.

Only when it came to [Pope], the players were dumbfounded after playing all the way.

Because of this, this is a pure Xingyuan mage.

But then again, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

Even though there are all kinds of disadvantages to being promoted to [Pope], there is only one thing that Li Ozi cannot refuse.

——[Pope] is the only one among the third-level professions who can possess planet-level destructive power at non-Kappa level (10).

none of them.

To be precise, it can lift any non-star planet.

The [Pope] only has this, which the [Bishop] cannot catch up to.

With [Pope's] star-exploding ability at his side, Li Ozi has the absolute confidence to continue fighting.

After all, [Yuexian Bishop] is a profession that has its own ability to stack numerical values. In addition, as soon as the version is released, countless players will pour in, which will bring a lot of numerical increases to Li Ozi's path. The confrontation with Mr. Entropy is absolutely not a problem.

Theoretically, they have considered many worst-case scenarios, so since Li Ozi came to Star Abyss, he has been working on transferring elite players and even Blue Star immigrants to the White Candle Star under his control.

——No matter how much more humane he is than Oz, his character of making the best use of everything is impossible to change.

Needless to say, the benefits of this are that even if the Blue Star explodes, the players have already formed a large scale and community in the White Candle Star.

Compared with other player planets that have cultural and server restrictions, Li Ozi is all his own here, and the welfare benefits are pretty good. Other Azure Star players, as long as they are not stupid, will give priority to White Candle Star to continue their development.

It can be said that Li Ozi considered the worst case scenario (exploding the Blue Star again) from the beginning.

At this point in his plan, his results can only be distinguished from small wins, medium wins, big wins, and hemp wins.

To put it bluntly, how many of those connections in the past can help him now?

Just like the anchor who sells goods, he used to call you a delicate pig girl in order to please you. Now that your wallet is in a bad condition, he will scold you because you don't work hard. Why don't you reflect on your lack of money.

Regardless of whether it was Frost Plating or Red Arrow in the past, the other party was actually no longer able to provide Li Aozi with much help.

David Lin is an excellent politician and soldier, Emperor Rudolf is also very good at governing the country, and Gretel is his best teammate.

But it is a pity that these outstanding talents belong to various countries on the Blue Star, not him.

——Unless all four countries are wiped out.

As a one-year master's degree graduate, Li Aozi has improved his horizons a lot.

His idea is very simple. Put a little more pressure on the four countries, so that the four countries will collapse without attack and eventually become a mess.

In the end, he took action himself and led his heavenly soldiers down to kill Lord Entropy in one fell swoop. The people would definitely eat pots of slurry to welcome the king's master, and they would sincerely welcome him wherever he went.

In this way, he can maximize his interests and bring the people's hearts and planet of Blue Star completely under his control.

However, reality is never logical.

Even with the ability to foresee the unknown, it was beyond his expectation that Azure Star could be so violent.

Li Ozi also knew very well that Azure Star could not hold on much longer.

Although during the version update process, Li Ozi's trumpet, the invincible True General, cannot move yet, but he can use the recruited body to read the news and so on.

The result was that the body he recruited, Brother Isaac, had to take the 'Love Heart' officially distributed by Red Arrow every day. If he hadn't gone over to recruit him from time to time, he wouldn't even get out of bed and would completely turn into a mess. Dead fat house.

Even the more motivated Isaac couldn't withstand the chemical bliss, and Li Ozi couldn't imagine what the results would be like for ordinary Red Arrows under these potions - most of them might have drowned in a false carnival. Bar.

From the side, this also reflects Hong Jian’s attitude towards Mr. Entropy:


Lord Entropy's awakening speed of power was several times faster than he expected. In other words, the self-rescue policies of David Lin and other heads of state greatly stimulated Lord Entropy.

However, because of this, Li Ozi appreciates talents like David Lin even more.

In the face of the doomsday, he was helpless and completely ruined. Li Aozi never looked at such a capitulationist, even if he was the speaker of the [Secret Society], Li Aozi would not look at him.

Only those who resist desperately and fight tenaciously have the value of united front.

"God will help those who save themselves. Those who surrender when faced with problems have no right to live."

Li Ozi clenched his fists and took a deep breath:

"There are not many things that can be done next. Let's do our best and let fate dictate."

The worst-case scenario has been prepared. Next, go all out and concentrate all resources to improve yourself.

He cut his wrist open, took a hundred milliliters of blood, packed it, and handed it to Nefes:

"Go to the corner of Narwin Alley, find a girl named Kellner, and tell her: Lulisha Ludonczyk, do you plan to die as a human or live as a monster."

"Okay, boss." Nefes nodded and turned to leave.

"Wait a minute! I'm not done yet."

Li Ozi stopped Naifei:

"If she answers: die as a human, give her this blood, let her drink it, and then kill her. If she lives as a monster, then kill her directly."

"Yes, boss."

Nefes nodded and stayed where he was, not moving for a long time.


"Boss," Nefes said, "What if that girl wants to live as a human being?"

"She won't survive."

Li Ozi said calmly:

"Her father is the silver-level hunter Diswill Ludenczyk. As a child of a hunter, Lulisa has been polluted by [society] for too long, and has killed countless mortals along with it, whether it is Neither law, nor dogma, nor morality can allow her to live."

"...Is this so?"

Nefes looked at the blood in his hand, raised his head and asked:

"Boss, if I become a citizen of [society] one day, what will you do?"

"Same." Li Ozi said: "If you kill too many people as a citizen, I will turn you back into a human and then kill you."

"I have killed many people before." Naifei paused: "Boss, why didn't you kill me?"

"Because you are still of some use, you regard yourself as repaying a debt, so I will conduct various human experiments on you without mercy, and you will slowly atone for your sins with fighting and this body."

Li Ozi spoke very objectively and satisfactorily, which is in line with his usual realistic style.

"If it is Mired who becomes a citizen, what about Dialam?"

"Mired can't change. She's not a living thing. Just like Dialan, everyone around me, no matter how close they are, will be treated in the same way after they become [society]."

Li Ozi said:

"But I can't because I'm afraid of death. As long as I can live, it doesn't matter who I sacrifice. I will not die for others."

[Lie check in progress...]

[Verification success]

[The target believes your words. 】

"Then, why do you still have to fight against Lord Entropy?" Nefes was puzzled: "It shouldn't matter to you the person who sacrificed a planet. In that case, why do you still have to face Lord Entropy like this? This is more important than ever before. An opponent whose enemies are all powerful, even at the expense of part of his own future.”

"You heard my chat with N4."

Li Ozi was not surprised:

"Because I can."

"I have my own moral principles and perseverance. Whatever I can do that others cannot, I will do it."

"Secular morality cannot restrain a godly person like me. I already feel that my life span will become extremely long in the future. If I don't find some principles to abide by, I feel that my mind will be slowly worn away."

“So, don’t ask if you should do it, ask if I can do it – and that’ll do it.”

Nefes fell silent. Li Ozi didn't know what she was thinking, but at least it could be seen from her clear eyes that she must have made a decision.

She held the bottle filled with blood and nodded to Li Ozi:

"I will continue to serve you and complete my salvation."

Nefes turned and left, his pace much firmer.

Li Ozi also closed his eyes and lost his mind.

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