From star abyss

Chapter 790 005 Poor Imitation

Chapter 790 005. Poor imitation

Baimei Military Government.

Nominally, the Baimei Army calls itself the ‘Frost-plated National Liberation Front’. They never say that they are the White Plum Army to the outside world, but call themselves the "White Frost Plate", and criticize David Lin for controlling the "Pseudo Federation", the "True Independent Country", and the "Northern Waste".

The essence of this regime is to overthrow the "Three Nos, Three Nos, and Three Antis" controlled by the dictator David Lin, who are unjust, unequal, unkind, motherless, kingless, familyless, free love, antisocial, antihuman and antinatural. The world hopes to usher in the era of the Second Republic and restore the past frost-plated colonial policy and female supremacy country.

However, in fact, the louder the slogan was, the more it was used to cover up the panic in Bai Meijun's heart.

Commander Evelyn Aidan, the ruler of the White Plum Army, was looking over the briefing presented with joy.

"Beihuan suffered a large-scale evil attack. 108 forward city barriers were destroyed, about 890,000 people died, and 10.02 million people were attacked by frost and snow."

"Gulant, the granary of Davilin, could no longer hold on. It was attacked by the Apostles of Esha, causing a loss of 5 million tons of grain! All farmland was destroyed, and 50,000 farmers and 120,000 workers were swallowed up by the heavy snow."

"The pseudo-federal troops are moving on a large scale with the goal of supporting the Sky Ring Republic. The capital is empty of power."

Evelin read the last article and could no longer contain her inner ecstasy. She immediately stood up and laughed wildly:

"Okay! The situation is great! Mothers and ancestors, have you seen it? My commander defeated David Lin! My commander defeated all the puppets of the pseudo-federal government!"

She raised her hands high and cheered:

"Baishang, you are invincible in the world!"

In her excitement, Evelin did not forget to summon her subordinates, including the Minister of Defense, the Commander of the Air Force, the Commander of the Mecha Force, and especially the right-hand man, General Bai Sijia.

General Bai Sijia is young, with gray hair and red eyes. He is very beautiful. His appearance is full of female gaze. He has wolf tail braids and black lips. He has a cold aura that would not allow boys to be born. He is wearing a white general's coat to set it off even more. She looked like an ice queen.

If anyone from the Frost-plated Federation was present, they would be eager to pounce on her and strangle her to death.

It was this woman who personally led the White Plum Army to massacre the civilians of the Frost-plated Federation during the hot war between the North and the South. She not only retained the four organs of the Law, but also whimsically created a 'Group of Resentful Women for Self-Strength' to preach to young female students. , allowing them to freely attack middle-aged and elderly men with any fame and assets on the Internet, falsely accusing each other of treason and hurting women's emotions.

Under pressure, these respectable men often step back and pay to settle the matter. But young people are always blindly righteous. They will pursue it to the end, smash the door, throw Molotov cocktails into the other person's house, and if they find out that the other person has children, they will immediately drag them out and parade them through the streets.

Then, Bai Sijia will take action himself and annex their assets. So much so that she became a powerful and powerful leader at a young age.

She was a staunch leader of the patricide movement and personally commended her. As early as 8 years old, she killed her younger brother who was a compatriot, which aroused praise from senior officials of the White Plum Army.

There are rumors that she is a descendant of Medway's cousin, and she is a frost-plated person with fair roots.

"Everyone, today the Puppet Federation is suffering from disasters. Natural and man-made disasters are coming one after another. It is obviously the deposed dictator David Lin of the North who has caused a lot of resentment among the people. Now the Puppet Federation is starving and dying everywhere. I invite you to come together to discuss the plan of the Northern Expedition and regain the country. Frost coats the nation and restores the glory of the Republic.”

Evelin’s words are bound to win:

"The Pseudo-Federation is vulnerable. They are in deep trouble, and they have to support Tianhuan to resist the emperor. They have no available troops. We only need the king's army to descend from the sky. The people cannot bear the rule of David Lin. They are bound to eat pots of wine and welcome them in the streets. Now everyone Let’s discuss where to start and go north to fight against the thieves.”

"No, in my humble opinion, it is too early for Your Excellency, the Commander-in-Chief, to say that Shuang Ping is in danger."

Defense Minister Justin Klass pointed out the problem seriously:

"The Pseudo-Federation has a standing army of six million, a capital garrison of one million, and a mecha unit of up to 20,000. Even if 900,000 troops are allocated to support Tianhuan, there will still be five million members scattered in the mother country. If we attack rashly , will inevitably trigger a strong counterattack.”

"Minister Klass is totally wrong."

General Bai Sijia laughed and said:

"The Pseudo-Federation adopts a dual-track system of national militia and professional army. The number of registered permanent militia accounts for three-quarters of the standing army. In fact, the most capable Capital Guard has only a 200,000-strong 'Mobile Gendarmerie Brigade', which can be considered an elite force."

"Oh? It seems that there were previous international rumors that the pseudo-federal government devoted all its energy to improving the living conditions of its citizens and trying its best to downplay the non-existent structural imbalance of the family. I am also wondering from which plane did David Lin get so much money? It seems , we started with the dismantling of the army."

Commander Evelin touched her chin and smiled contemptuously:

"David Lin, a president with a military background, actually deleted his own interest groups. This is a clear stab in the back. If such a foolish king is not responsible for his own supporters, how can he still be responsible for all the people? Such and such How can a mediocre person be worthy of being the master of the country?"

"Commander, our troops are ready." Bai Sijia said sternly: "With your order, millions of lionesses immediately crossed the Krat Gorge, rushed into the Gulant Plain, and attacked the twin stars of the capital."

"We must fight quickly. The central power of the puppet federation is strong. Once the central government is not broken, it can call on the puppet citizens to resist at any time."

Minister Justin mentioned:

"The Puppet Federation's army is very powerful. I suggest using airborne tactics."


Air Force Commander Adler Ji immediately denied this statement:

"The evil sky has dropped below 8,000 meters. We are in the trench and we can't feel the threat yet. However, once the fighter jet takes off, in the air below 8,000 meters, it will be no less than crawling on its belly against the ground. It will definitely Eviscerated, liver and intestines smeared on the ground."

"Commander Ji, what do you think we should do?"

Commander Ji held the lady's cigarette and thought softly, then brought up the virtual sandbox and started drawing on it:

"Great Commander, the Puppet Federation's troops are constantly mobilizing at the moment. It is the time when vigilance and mobilization are at their strongest. We should stick to the north and send troops to attack Tianhuan. In this way, we will form two flanks with the Red Arrow Empire, and Tianhuan will be overwhelmed. , David Lin does not dare to give up Tianhuan, and will definitely increase his troops. We can take advantage of this opportunity to launch a surprise attack on the puppet federal capital!"

"That's a good idea." The Minister of Defense nodded.

"Just follow this." Evelin finalized the note: "I will send Foreign Minister Du Weilan to contact the Red Arrow Empire and besiege Tianhuan together - General Bai Sijia, I appoint you as the chief of the Northern Expedition Military Committee. Feel free to use your methods to Destroy all those despicable men and biological women who are willing to go into the mines with men!"

Bai Sijia was overjoyed and immediately raised her chest and saluted the other party:

"You will definitely live up to your destiny."

Bai Sijia was in a good mood. Although Commander Ji and Minister Justin were the makers of the plan, as an honorary woman, he would not be rewarded.

But if someone makes meritorious deeds, they must be rewarded so that the Commander-in-Chief can make money and consolidate the national treasury.

So this award fell on his head. Although he was not promoted explicitly, the tasks of new appointments and establishment of organizations were handed down, which was a lot of money.

When the time comes, I will raise a small sum and then transfer some gifts to the commander-in-chief. This is the way to be polite and polite.

‘People like David Lin just don’t understand that human beings are human beings, and hoping to use technological means to change this society where human feelings are the underlying logic is the real rebellion against Tiangang. ’

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