From star abyss

Chapter 791 006 Orbital Assault

Chapter 791 006. Orbital Assault

David Lin's approach has been implemented by others in the past.

That is the Federation of Amiryoko.

People in the old days gathered in the Amilioco alliance and lived in equality and prosperity. Since poverty and contradictions were eliminated, the army was only used to fight against natural disasters.

As an elite, Bai Sijia is naturally aware of that period of history.

The Armilioko Federation is a civilization that is in contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. They are so great that they hope to establish a country on this planet similar to the civilizations in the universe.

But that's impossible.

Yamiglioko blindly pursues technology, freedom and equality, but he has no idea that Lord Entropy has been ignited by them.

In this land where the old gods have not died, anyone who tries to transform society by relying on advanced technology and means will eventually cause disaster.

So Yamiglioko died.

‘With Amilioko in front of him, no matter how he unblocks the technology, David Lin will only create a poor imitation. ’

Lord Entropy will ruthlessly crush such challengers.

Time and time again, no matter how many times they come, fools who try to go against nature will be destroyed by Lord Entropy.

‘Davlin, oh, Devlin, you are really not a lucky man. ’

Bai Sijia turned around and left the conference room, the corners of her mouth raised unconsciously:

‘If you want to blame it, blame it. You were born on this planet and in this era. ’

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound outside the window. She didn't pay attention to it at first, but gradually, she heard the commotion of the crowd.

"What's the noise?"

She stopped, turned her head, and looked out the window curiously.

The red and black sky filled with evil spirits was being torn open with ferocious scars. The silver dragon transformed from thunder was roaming fiercely in the air, as if resisting something.

"The sky is——"

Before Bai Sijia could finish her words, a swift purple light suddenly fell on the ground, like a spear of light from the gods falling from the sky!

"...Tactics two, orbital bombing."

Standing on the deck of the battleship, Caramel Snail looked at the red-black planet below the orbit.

The White Candle Fleet, a total of 40 'Domination' class warships, all came out at this moment, and their super-powerful magic light spears accurately bombarded the core industrial area of ​​the White Frost Plating Control Area.

He was too familiar with this scene... This is what Li Ozi did to the natives when he was on the Purple Star.

But this time, it's different.

"Are you ready?"

Cumin powder walked up to him, looking a little resentful on his face.

Caramel Snail glanced at the other person, raised his hand and patted Azi gently on the shoulder:

"Sorry, I don't know how to comfort you... I can only say, try to enjoy the game."

"The so-called video game is to accomplish things in the virtual world that cannot be done in reality." Azi entangled his fingers in his hair: "I'm okay, I'm just annoyed by someone - isn't it just to win a championship, arrogantly , I really think I am superior to others.”

"Next time." Caramel Snail said, "I will also win the championship."

Azi turned his head, his eyes reflecting the firm gaze of the caramel snail.

The latter said nothing more. He held the gun and the handle of the knife with one hand and looked straight ahead.

The light spear struggled through the clouds of Esha, barely opening passages, and while the sunlight that had been blocked for too long fell on the earth, it also brought a signal for battle.

"Attention all descendants, the evil sky curtain has been forcibly blasted away, and you have 29 minutes to land."

The battleship began to broadcast:

"Even for the descendants, this is a war with no return. If you are swallowed by Lord Entropy, you will lose all your accumulation so far."

The caramel snail stretched out his hand towards the cumin powder, who shook his head, grabbed the weapon, and showed a 'don't underestimate me' expression on his face. Caramel Snail understood, raised his hand, and pulled off the skull mask.

"But I think you should have been ready a long time ago."

"After all, this is a great satellite war for all of you."

"Defend our home, defend the blue star, and defend the universe."

"You are not anyone's imitation, you are all living beings in this star abyss."

The deck slowly opened, revealing rows of landing cabins. The mechanical devices slowly moved them. Countless players who were armed to the teeth were impatient and gearing up.

"Obstruction clearance ahead, Advent troops - Orbital Assault!"

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

Countless landing modules were launched instantly, and the rockets pushed to correct their orbits, and were quickly captured by the gravity of the blue star.

The evil clouds immediately changed. Faced with the intrusion of countless gamma-level alien forces, Entropy Lord reacted instinctively. The clouds rolled and projected a large number of strange bird-like shapes, which rushed towards the landing module.


Just as the attack wave was about to arrive, a magic circle suddenly lit up.

Immediately afterwards, a silver-white figure burst out from it. Even if it was pulled by the gravity of low-Earth orbit, it still tore sharp turns in the air. Wherever the eye-catching red trajectory went, all the Esha birds were shattered into pieces. , were destroyed one after another.

"Nepheus Cleopatra, arriving on the battlefield."

Nefes reported calmly, and hit out a tearing oscillation wave. Just relying on the resonance of the infrasound wave, the massive amount of evil material was shattered one after another:

"On escort mission."

Before she finished speaking, an elderly woman's roar echoed in the universe:

"Attention all fleets, the Esha material is preparing for a counterattack and is preparing to concentrate its firepower to respond to the attack."

The headless [Echoer] Mr. Liu E stood on the flagship deck, muttering angrily:

"That's outrageous. I'm a scientist. Why should I come to the front line to command?"

"You didn't refuse either, Mr. Liu'e."

The old man Zhuo who was guarding her chuckled. As a Zeta level (6) [Lord of the Absolute Blade], he was sitting here to prevent the splashed evil substances from harming friendly forces.

"I was being polite!" Mr. Liu E muttered, "Who knew that kid Leos was not polite at all?"

"Besides, aren't you also looking forward to what that kid thinks?"

Zhuo turned the sharp blade and threw out a blade barrier to resist the evil spirits spraying towards him:

“Rebuild Life Commune and support your cause.”

"Humph." Liu E sneered: "I don't deny this..."

She raised her non-existent head and looked ahead at the landing module that was constantly falling into the atmosphere of the blue star. In her field of vision, she could clearly feel an aura similar to her own.

"After all, these hundreds of thousands or millions of [Masters] will not lie to others."

Liu E clenched her fists and couldn't contain her excitement and said:

"He really opened up this path."

"Really? [Lord] There are indeed few people on the road."

"It's not that there are few, it's that there is no unity. The curse of the sequence arcana makes it impossible to unite on the path of domination. Everyone longs to become a dominator, but only one person can be king and crowned."

She said to the person next to her:

"Lao Zhuo, it's really rare for so many people who have mastered the path to achieve godhood to work together instead of becoming degenerate thugs and terrorists. No, it's simply unheard of!"

"That boy Li Ozi is becoming the leader of the path of [dominance]."

Liu E sighed:

"Perhaps, in a few years, I will really be able to witness the birth of a true god."

This book is a poor imitation of The Super Mechanic

It's not exciting or attractive enough, the writing is not good, and the results are average.

But I am a fan and franchise owner of Super Mechanic after all.

Whether it's his love for the super mechanic or his support for Qi Peijia.

I think that 99% of the readers of Super Mechanic are not as good as me in this aspect.

Because there are only more than a hundred alliance leaders among the Super God Mechanics, and I am one of the one percent.

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