From star abyss

Chapter 792 007 Holy War

Chapter 792 007. Holy War

The Frost-plated Federation pilot counted the bullet holes in the fallen Red Arrow aircraft with satisfaction. The bullet holes were made by his mecha with the SS-101 electric machine gun a few minutes ago.

This Mosbik has a civil aviation code, but it is actually driven by the most advanced dual nuclear furnace engines. It relies on heated air to provide reverse thrust to fly. It is known as the 'footless bird' that never lands.

Nuclear-powered reconnaissance aircraft flying at high altitudes are generally difficult to be caught by ground forces. However, due to the lowering of the evil sky, the reconnaissance aircraft was forced to fly at an altitude of 3 kilometers, and this footless bird was supported by the sky ring. The frost-plated mecha air defense team was defeated.

The Mosbik, disguised as a civil aviation company, was in a very embarrassed state at the moment. It made an emergency landing in the white sand, and military patterns could still be touched on the pilot's seat.

The smell of burnt synthetic material hung around the plane, as if a piece of stinky chicken fat had been thrown on an abandoned hood, and the stench of hydrogen sulfide continued to fly in the air.

The Red Arrows burned the camera.

"Kneel down, you two war criminals and beasts."

The captain of the infantry squad shouted, pointing his rifle at the two Red Arrow pilots. The latter's eyes were cold. Although he put his hands on his head and knelt down as required, there was no sign of surrender on his skeleton-like face, and he let the mecha pilot. The staff was very dissatisfied.

"You crossed Tianhuan's national boundaries and actively invaded the territory of other countries. You also took photos of confidential information. What awaits you is the crime of espionage. You will be cast aside and judged by thousands of people."

"so what?"

The main pilot of the Red Arrow asked calmly:

"Who will spurn the sins that the Tianhuan people caused to us in the past? They killed our people and used nuclear weapons against us. We have endured it for more than 400 years, and the hatred in our hearts is burning all the time."

"Listen," the frost-coated captain said, "Sky Ring has also invaded our country, and we have fought against each other - but is this the time to talk about the hatred between the country and the family?"

"Why not?" the pilot of the Red Arrow sarcastically said: "You have also witnessed the numerous crimes committed by the enemy in your own territory, starving to death everywhere, bleeding and floating in the oars, but now you are shouting to forgive and even protect Tianhuan-could it be that Tianhuan Is it your father?"

The frost-coated soldiers were not angered by him. They looked at each other and laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" The pilot of the Red Arrow was puzzled: "The end is coming soon. If you don't take this opportunity to take revenge, are you still human?"

“Only a remnant of the old republic could lose its priorities.”

A frost-plated soldier carrying a machine gun replied:

"Of course we remember our hatred. The Tianhuan devils once burned, killed and looted our land - but we don't want to give up the entire planet to Lord Entropy."


The Red Arrow soldier shook his head:

"Lord Entropy is a god, an emperor, a Caesar, and the real master of this planet. Before we arrived, Lord Entropy existed here, and we cannot fight against it."

"Only the weak will wield a knife against the weak, and the strong will always challenge the stronger."

The captain said coldly:

"The Frostplated people have witnessed the same crisis of national annihilation and genocide as the Red Arrows. There have been injustices and anti-human behaviors like yours on this land, but we have never given up on seeking a better world."

The Red Arrow soldiers still wanted to refute, but flashes of light exploded in the air. It was the glow of the Red Arrow fighter planes and the Tianhuan Air Force fighting, and the staggered explosions of missiles and drones.

"We must live, we must work hard to develop, and let our descendants witness a bright future for us."

After the captain finished speaking, he looked up and saw the search personnel emerging from the remains of the machine. He was a law three agent with a blue hat badge on his head, and he was still an elite.

As he walked over, he counted the evidence collected in his hands:

"Shuang Plating's advance city map, the route of the mobile fortress, and the deployment locations of Tianhuan refugee camps, hospitals, and schools - you actually want to attack ordinary people! You deserve to die."

Agent No. 3 laughed angrily. Then, he pulled out another photo from his notebook, turned it over, and showed it to the crew members: Above was a red arrow woman with blond hair and blue eyes. She was holding a newborn child in her arms, with eyes in her eyes. Full of endless pampering.

"You are also a husband and you are also a father. Why would you do such a thing to ordinary people?"

The photo of his wife and children pierced the Red Arrow pilot's weakness. He lowered his head, not daring to face the cold scolding of the third agent of Law:

"Waging war to invade other people's countries and slaughter other people's husbands, fathers and sons. How can you have the shame to do this? Are you worthy of your own wife, mother and children? If they know that the people they love are in other people's territory If you kill other people's loved ones, what will they think of you?"

"——Then what else can we do?!"

The pilot of the Red Arrow said quietly:

"This world is over, those children are doomed, and our feud is not over yet - tell me, tell the Red Arrow people who have lived in humiliation and threats for centuries, tell us - we are still What can be done?”


The cannonball landed on a sand dune not far away, bursting into a gorgeous firework. The white sand was burned into glass at a temperature of 3,000 degrees, and an incredible cyan flash shone in the air.

How beautiful it would be if gunpowder was not a weapon used to kill people, but a work of art used to decorate the festive atmosphere.

"We are not politicians, and it is not our turn to answer these questions."

The agents of Law Three gathered their men and put the Red Arrow pilots on the plane. They would escort them to Krachikov, the headquarters of Law Three, for interrogation.

"But no matter what, the fate of mankind should not be to destroy each other."

The third agent of Law 3 said coldly, slowly lowering the iron window:

"The hatreds of the past and the shadows of the past are nothing compared to the survival of human civilization and the true grand narrative."

"The grand narrative... then prove it to us."

The pilot of the Red Arrow sneered and sat slumped in the prison inside the plane:

"Challenging the gods regardless of life or death will inevitably lead to the gods' revenge. The terrible consequences may be more terrible than destruction."

Rule 3 ignored him. The agent quickly processed the information evidence in his hand, labeled them one by one, and sent them to Krachikov.

After careful discussion and data analysis, Krachikov received an important piece of information: the Red Arrow Empire would storm Xiayi and launch a full-scale war.

When Davidlin received the news, he called the Palace of Fantasy without any hesitation.

He has no doubts about the intelligence of his men, and Rule Three never disappoints.

David Lin lit a cigarette and glanced across the desktop unconsciously. Next to the office computer, there were photos of his family of six.

In the photo, he is high-spirited, young and handsome, wearing the uniform of a second lieutenant of the Old Republic.

His two sons were holding their favorite toys, one on the left and the other on the right, guarding him. His dear wife had a shy and red cheek unique to country women, as cute as an apple.

The eldest daughter Yawen is holding her infant sister Dai Sijia. Her cyan hair is inherited from her mother's, and her golden eyes are shining like stars.

——If he had had the choice, would he still be where he is today?

Devlin's heart was as hard and cold as steel.

——If history could be gentle to him, he would have spent his later years with his family by his side.

However, history has never been if.

The call was connected.

"I am Gretlver Nightsong, the People's Prime Minister of the Skyring Republic."

Gretel put on the dark armor, raised his shield for the first time in a long time, and said in a deep voice:

"...For the future of mankind, Tianhuan will never surrender."

"I have promulgated resolution 8-10, Your Excellency President David Lin. From now on, the Tianhuan Red Army and the people will never surrender to the Red Arrow Empire. We will fight against all invading enemies, whether they are the apostles of Lord Entropy, Still a lackey of the empire, we will fight to the death."

"Let them watch. Even if humans can be killed, they are invincible."

"That's enough, Mr. Prime Minister. From now on, the Tianhuan-Shuangplating anti-imperialist and anti-entropy human coalition is established. Country, regardless of republic or dictatorship, home, regardless of heaven and earth, north and south, people, regardless of age, gender. Down with entropy Lord, defeat the empire and liberate the Blue Star!"

Frost-plated Federation President David Lin said calmly:

"A few years from now, our descendants will meet in space."

"Before that, we will clear all obstacles on the ground for them."

"No one can stop us from moving towards a glorious and great future."

At this time, it was Sunday morning. Every school in Tianhuan had just held their leaving party the day before. The rock band stopped, and the graduates of twelve years of compulsory education will usher in a new day.

The young people of Qiong Anjing went to the Palace of Fantasy Square as usual, and the people of Xiandu came to the banks of the Dnieper River. Liuli County is still in the white night.

At 3:45 in the morning, the artificial sun was swallowed up by the evil sky, and the sky and the earth were dark. All the people were united and quietly waiting for the long night to fall.

At this time, the Red Arrow aircraft was already on its way to raid.

Fifteen minutes later, bombs fell like a torrential rain, and air raid sirens sounded across the entire territory. Frost-plated fighter jets crossed dozens of thousands of kilometers of the outside world and pounced on the Imperial fighter jets, fighting them to the death in the sky.

The mecha troops on the ground came like a tide, and the Red Arrow's mechanical army kept flowing. The tanks began to fire from more than ten kilometers away. Under the cover of dense explosions, the mechas were like charging heavy cavalry, fiercely tearing apart the direction. .

At the same moment, the light spear from outside fell to the ground, tearing open the curtain of evil.

The sky was dewy, countless fireballs came one after another, the landing module fell on the ground, and millions of gamma-level (3) path auras instantly activated the entire planet.


The hatch was kicked open, and Caramel Snail pulled out his sharp blade. The magic armor on his body shone with a shocking brilliance:

"Report to headquarters, we have both feet on the ground."

He looked up and saw flags of various colors belonging to players sweeping across the hilltops.

A war cry, a slogan.

Either for fame and fortune, for home and country, or for redemption of sins.

No matter what, the creatures on the entire planet fell into unprecedented synchronization, and the overwhelming fighting spirit obliterated all fear.

The sleeping ancient race was shocked, evil spirits rolled endlessly, lightning and thunder roared, and the fury from nature turned into heavy rain, frost and snow, roaring towards humans.

But no matter who it is, they must admit one thing: amidst the shouts of killing all over the mountains and plains, the Blue Star ushered in unprecedented brilliant light.

Just for the common people and not for the Lord.

A sacred Patriotic War has begun.

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